Biden regime expanding intrusive facial recognition scans to all 430 ‘federalized’ airports

Joe Biden’s Transportation Security Administration is moving forward with plans to expand facial-recognition technology at 430 U.S. airports despite the fact that a bill has been introduced with bipartisan support calling for the government to end the invasive policy of stealing the biometric data of millions of airport passengers.

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Move afoot in Congress to ban U.S. airports from secretly scanning passengers’ faces and indefinitely storing their personal biometric data

16 U.S. airports have been working with the federal government to scan people’s faces since at least May 2023 and probably before: TSA program is ‘precursor to full-blown national surveillance state’

There’s a bipartisan move in Congress to end the unauthorized scanning of people’s faces at U.S. airports with the use of facial-recognition technology.

The government’s biometric data-collection program, which has not been widely reported on in the corporate media, has been going on at 16 airports for seven months — at least that’s how long the government admits to it. And most Americans who frequent these airports are completely unaware that they are having their face scans harvested and stored in databanks freely accessed by the U.S. government.

Two senators, one a Republican and the other a Democrat, have stood up and said, enough. This needs to stop.

Continue reading Move afoot in Congress to ban U.S. airports from secretly scanning passengers’ faces and indefinitely storing their personal biometric data

Is the government secretly acquiring and storing the blood of newborn babies in its quest to build a DNA ‘registry’?

The state of Texas was caught selling babies’ blood samples to the Pentagon while several other states have also been caught stealing and selling the DNA of newborn babies to third parties

There’s something not quite right about that little “heel-prick” test that hospitals routinely do on newborns. They say it’s to detect disease but, if that’s the case, why do some states try to keep the DNA samples taken during these procedures and store them for decades without ever telling the parents? After doing a bit of research and reading over a recently filed lawsuit, I have some information to share that presents a clearer picture as to why it’s almost impossible to get a newborn baby out of a hospital without having its little heel jabbed.

Continue reading Is the government secretly acquiring and storing the blood of newborn babies in its quest to build a DNA ‘registry’?

Nearly a fourth of states introducing biometric digital IDs — and more than half are Republican ‘red’ states

If there is one indisputable fact when it comes to the epic changes now enveloping the world as everything, even money and humans themselves, become digitized, it’s this: The race to install a global totalitarian control grid is taking place outside of the normal left-right paradigm.

Everything you see being argued within a left-right dynamic is a smoke-screen meant to distract and deceive.

Conservative Republican states like Iowa, Mississippi, Georgia, Utah and Ohio are just as eager to advance the digital ID/digital currency recipe for globalist control as liberal Democrat states like California, Michigan, Maryland and Hawaii. Read on as we break down the latest developments on the topic nobody wants to discuss in public.

Continue reading Nearly a fourth of states introducing biometric digital IDs — and more than half are Republican ‘red’ states

Atlanta Airport goes full dystopian, using digital facial recognition IDs, fulfilling Klaus Schwab’s prophecy that humans will be digitized and many nations will adopt China’s ‘very attractive model’ for 24/7 surveillance

World Economic Forum founder and executive director Klaus Schwab heaped praise on the Chinese Communist Party this week for adopting “new COVID control measures” while boosting “social dynamism” at the WEF’s Annual Meeting of the New Champions.

We will break down in this article what Schwab means by “social dynamism.” This is important, why? Because Schwab, a globalist, a futurist and a transhumanist, holds immense sway over many of our Western politicians in Canada, the U.S., Australia, etc., at both the state and federal levels.

Continue reading Atlanta Airport goes full dystopian, using digital facial recognition IDs, fulfilling Klaus Schwab’s prophecy that humans will be digitized and many nations will adopt China’s ‘very attractive model’ for 24/7 surveillance

The one-world beast system is roaring into reality, but is anyone listening?

JP Morgan becomes the latest to roll out invasive point-of-sale biometric payment plan, following Visa, MasterCard and Amazon

While Americans get increasingly hypnotized by 2024 election coverage, where all they’re hearing about is the theatrics surrounding Donald Trump, the globalists and technocrats are moving rapidly to install a new global economic order that will outmaneuver the political system and enslave humanity.

Continue reading The one-world beast system is roaring into reality, but is anyone listening?

Miss your car payment? Ford Motor Co. working on technology that would allow vehicles to repossess themselves

Americans love shiny and new technology. Some of us worship it almost like a god.

But we should have learned by now that when the glamor of the gadget wears off, it can turn on you in an instant. Suddenly you realize, you are a slave.

Continue reading Miss your car payment? Ford Motor Co. working on technology that would allow vehicles to repossess themselves

Pandering to the New World Order: American politicians sell us out to an international criminal syndicate with blood on its hands

U.S. politicians who receive invitations to the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, always seem to say stupid things, or stay silent when they could speak up for American values.

We have several creepy crawlers over there this week who exude what’s wrong with America – Seth Moulton, Joe Manchin and Brian Kemp. There are many others but, for brevity’s sake, let’s focus on these three as examples of why no U.S. politician worth their salt should attend these meetings.

Continue reading Pandering to the New World Order: American politicians sell us out to an international criminal syndicate with blood on its hands

WEF globalists meeting in Davos next week warn of war, economic collapse, ‘new virus’: Are the Four Horsemen ready to ride?

What happens when the peasants can’t afford bread, and the circuses aren’t all that entertaining?

Continue reading WEF globalists meeting in Davos next week warn of war, economic collapse, ‘new virus’: Are the Four Horsemen ready to ride?

Why is Georgia GOP Governor Brian Kemp heading to Davos?

Will Kemp follow the lead of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and sell out his state to globalist WEF interests?

When the World Economic Forum released the guest list for its 2023 meeting in Davos, Switzerland, many were surprised to find that it included Georgia’s Republican Governor Brian Kemp. 

Kemp, who recently won re-election over far-left Democrat Stacey Abrams, will be in Davos along with the likes of Democrat governors Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan and J.B. Pritzker of Illinois. They’ll be able to hobnob with Klaus Schwab and his merry band of globalists, including Bill Gates, the Soros clan, Larry Fink of BlackRock, Michael Bloomberg, United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres, and many others with wealth and power.

Continue reading Why is Georgia GOP Governor Brian Kemp heading to Davos?