Technocracy expert Patrick Wood bids farewell to Herr Kissinger: ‘Oh Henry, we will not miss you’

The globalist insider who helped mentor Klaus Schwab and many others has passed on at age 100 and shares the thoughts of Technocracy guru Patrick Wood, who has followed Kissinger’s career for more than 50 years.

By Patrick Wood at Technocracy.News

The last of the “three amigos” has left the building. Henry (nee Heintz) Kissinger has been reunited with David Rockefeller (1915-2017)  and Zbigniew Brzezinski (1928-2017), all founding members of the Trilateral Commission. Whatever fate awaits them is God’s business, but if they end up in Hades together, I expect they will be conspiring to demote the Devil and take over his legions of demons.

Rockefeller, Kissinger and Brzezinski were the undisputed original architects of modern globalization, changing the world forever. They recreated China in the 1970s in the image of Technocracy, rebranded Technocracy as Sustainable Development, Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 through the United Nations. All of this served to enslave mankind while taking over the resources of the world.

Oh, Henry. You single-handedly turned the Middle East upside down when you turned Iran over to crazed Islamists in 1979 when you stabbed the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlav, in the back and deported him to the United States. Kissinger himself answered his critics in a 1979 editorial in The Washington Post:

“Since then I have read and heard myself described by high White House officials as acting deviously and dishonorably; as advising the shah — strangely enough — to seek the advice of our government about whether to stay or leave this country; and as having exerted pressure to get him here in the first place.”

Oh, Henry. After you died, Huffpost weighed in for the left to call you “America’s Most Notorious War Criminal,” saying “The titan of American foreign policy was complicit in millions of deaths — and never showed remorse for his decisions.” That stings, but Huffpost accurately continues,

“During his time in charge of the American foreign policy machine, Kissinger also directed illegal arms sales to Pakistan as it carried out a brutal crackdown on its Bengali population in 1971He supported the 1973 military coup that overthrew a democratically elected socialist government in Chile, gave the go-ahead to Indonesia’s 1975 invasion of East Timor, and backed Argentina’s repressive military dictatorship as it launched its ‘dirty war’ against dissenters and leftists in 1976. His policies during the Ford administration also fueled civil wars in Africa, most notably in Angola.

“Even the most generous calculations suggest that the murderous regimes Kissinger supported and the conflicts they waged were responsible for millions of deaths and millions of other human rights abuses, during and after the eight years he served in the American government.”

Oh, Henry. The Wall Street Journal sort of came to your aid by falsely suggesting that it is really the left who hates you.  Actually, almost everybody on the right and the left hated you, except your globalist cronies, like Klaus Schwab who you mentored to start the World Economic Form.

When at Harvard as a young professor, it was recorded in Medium that Kissinger, “was leading a 22-man panel of advisors to help shape ‘European Policy’ and Klaus Schwab caught his eye early. It was later revealed that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) had been funding Kissinger’s Seminars to the tune of $135,000.”

Medium filled in the details:

The year 1973 was described by Richard Nixon as being the “Year of Europe.” It was a willing ally in the project of European Economic Community (EEC), formed in 1957, which has now evolved into European Union (EU).

Kissinger, left, with his devoted student, Klaus Schwab at the World Economic Forum.

Kissinger was quick to grasp the essence of “Year of Europe” and revived the dying North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), working on the war-fears of the Europeans.

Klaus Schwab was chosen to be the vehicle for such a goal. In 1970, Klaus wrote to the European Commission about setting up a “non-commercial think tank for European business leaders.” Galbraith was to fly over to Europe, along with Kahn, to help Schwab convince the European elites to back the project. The European Commission came aboard to sponsor this so-called “European Management Symposium” which within a year was to transform itself into the World Economic Forum.

On the face of it, the World Economic Forum was a European project — in reality, it was the handiwork of the U.S. establishment, for the CIA after all had been funding Kissinger for the same.

Oh, Henry. Klaus Schwab’s prediction that “By 2030, you will own nothing and be happy” came early for you. You now own nothing. You are likely not happy.

Oh, Henry. Were you also a founding member of the Club Of Rome in 1968 when it was created at David Rockefeller’s villa in Rome? Did you green-light the Club’s seminal book, The First Global Revolution, in 1991, just in time for the UN’s 1992 summit that hatched Agenda 21? Was it you, David and Zbig who developed this strategy:

“In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill…all these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself.

Oh, Henry. Did you pass your evil baton in 2021 to Eric “Don’t be evil” Schmidt when you co-authored the book with him, The Age of AI? We saw your and Schmidt’s interview with Time Magazine where you said,

We live in a world which, in effect, has no philosophy; there is no dominant philosophical view. So the technologists can run wild. They can develop world-changing things, but there’s nobody there to say, ‘We’ve got to integrate this into something.’

I see your problem: “technologists running wild” and not under your control. We trust that Schmidt will solve this little problem in your absence.

Lastly, Oh Henry, at least we see China heaping praise on you: “History will remember what the centenarian had contributed to China-U.S. relations, and he will always remain alive in the hearts of the Chinese people as a most valued old friend.” It’s good to get some accolades when you die.

Well, Henry, we are not sad that you left us. But, on the other hand, the devil who we knew was probably better that the devil(s) who we didn’t know. Many will try to fill your shoes in the future, but you will always get credit as the “founding father” of master of deceit and perpetrator of evil.

Oh, give our regards to David and Zbig. is 100 percent reader supported, not beholden to any government or corporate interests. If you appreciate this site and would like to support it, you may send a donation of any size c/o Leo Hohmann, P.O. Box 291, Newnan, GA 30264, or via GiveSendGo below. Thank you.

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Independent author, researcher, writer.

18 thoughts on “Technocracy expert Patrick Wood bids farewell to Herr Kissinger: ‘Oh Henry, we will not miss you’”

  1. The 4th member of the unholy alliance is the old Rothchild patriarch.
    all were devious in planning the “new world order” into what it is today.
    They are all in a very dark wormy place right now being poked by demons.


  2. There is no one on earth in the Position of Schwab right now
    => Dan8:23-25

    Not Macron
    Not Charles
    Not Biden
    Not Putin

    Can you agree on that ?

    Only an Oeconom would make the Destroyer /perdition..


  3. For the past 20+ years Kissinger had attended every single Bilderberg meeting and Bohemian Grove outing. I say this because every year as I would check the invitation list for both groups, I would always see Henry’s name included.


  4. Schwab took over March2020
    makes Sept20 UN 2023 right ?

    wer are into the Great Tribulation right ?

    Out of great Tribulation
    => Revelation7:14

    Jesus, please correct me If I’m wrong


  5. We are into it

    Final 42 months have begun

    Schwab is the Antichrist
    Kissinger handed over to him
    He controls all Govs + Orgs


  6. Hello ?

    Klaus Schwab is the Antichrist
    The 1 world beast Gov is acting since March 2020

    wer are now into the final thingy

    why don’t you get it ?

    whats wrong with you ?

    they process his narrative 1 by 1

    => Dan8:12
    => Psalm2
    => Dan8:23-25


  7. Leo, please call me if you get a moment.



    Sent from my iPhoneBob Andrews, Smyrna, 404.242.7315


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    blockquote type=”cite”>


  8. The Holy Spirit informs us that “we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against… spiritual wickedness…”.
    Leo & Patrick are outstanding reporters, researchers and communicators.
    Thank you Leo & Patrick for educating us.

    Now let us comprehend who is truly to be blamed. If those 3 wicked men had never existed then other men would have been used. While unimaginably intelligent and malevolent beings are enacting the evils of our day (and throughout history), the truth is that none of it is allowed outside of the Creator’s approval. Our Holy Father is bringing judgment on humanity.

    The very people that are convinced that they are the good guys are sadly oblivious of YaHoVaH’s evaluation of them. To get a feel for this, consider what the author of the classic “Tortured for Christ” said. Richard Wurmbrand the great Romanian evangelist that was tortured for 14 years by the communists decried “I have suffered more among the western churches than I suffered among the communists.”

    In other words, his evaluation of the churches on the “free side” of the iron curtain was that they were carnal, hypocritical and pathetic. They knew nothing of Messiah’s commandment to “deny yourself, take up the cross, and FOLLOW him”. If we wish to point the finger at those culpable of God’s allowing horrors upon the world, perhaps we need to stand in front of a mirror. Our Father did not exile our original parents from the Garden for being righteous and obedient.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hananiah, as always, really great insights from you.

      “…the truth is that none of it is allowed outside of the Creator’s approval. Our Holy Father is bringing judgment on humanity.”

      A hard truth, when you’re struggling with anger or fear over the evil you see unfolding unceasingly. And yet, at the same time reassuring to be reminded that He is on the throne and everything He said will happen will be fulfilled in its time, including the imminent reign of His Son on this earth. Psalm 2.

      “If we wish to point the finger at those culpable of God’s allowing horrors upon the world, perhaps we need to stand in front of a mirror.”

      That mirror is our own heart. I can’t say we’re the most acquainted with it, because it can be deceitful. But the Lord surely is, and thankfully, He’s made provision for us.
      1 John 1:9. No longer under the penalty of sin, but under grace!


  9. What people don’t seem to get is that the ones that have been dying off over the last few years are the ones we could positively identify. Their replacements are hidden and unknown, but you can bet they have been in training for a while and the Satan School Of Evil And Lies.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. …& considering all the new techniques for cloning and gene editing, I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if Klaus had those disgusting old warthogs’ DNA copied and duplicated– unholy trinity indeed! Their 16-year-old clones could be in hiding in Davos or the Vatican where they are being groomed to take over…


  10. Looks like AC Schwab is now solo in place

    He must make it now 😉

    Come on He is it
    He Manages the WEF Guys alone
    And they Like His Reset-Narrative


  11. Thanks Leo! (Maybe with a little luck George Soros will be next?)….
    … Perhaps one can feel a sense of relief and maybe even gladness, but there’s plenty of these dirty demon rats slithering around and following in the footsteps of Henry’s! Let’s hope more of these devils join mister Henry soon but also ALL of their evil plans (past & present) be exposed!
    Maybe God above is about to pull their house (pyramid) of cards down soon?
    The stench of evil has reached to heaven, may we turn to The Heavenly Father and pray He keeps shining His light and bring down the evildoers!

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Israel had a war in 1973. Seems like every 50 years… Henry Kissinger hit a “double-header”. Is it true that Blinken is a member of the Trilateral Commission ? Whatever the case, Evil continues….held on a leash. As the song says, ” Our God reigns…. “

    Liked by 4 people

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