With all the talk about Russia, China and Iran, who’s really responsible for destroying the land we love? A Thanksgiving manifesto

Is it time for a Second American Revolution? And if so, what would it look like?

As we celebrate Thanksgiving and near the close of another year, it’s a good time to reassess and also to resolve.

It’s only through individual resolve on the part of enough Americans that we will ever get back on the right path. We must resolve to get ourselves and our families on the right path before we can worry too much about a nation that seems destined for self-destruction and marching headlong into a digital slave state.

Our rights are given to us by God but we allow men to take them away. That’s how once-free nations become dictatorships. Too much tyranny coming from the top followed up with too much compliance from below. That’s a recipe for the annihilation of a free society.

Whether we see ourselves as conservative, liberal or somewhere in between, we are exposed daily to a litany of media voices that would like us to focus our attention on China-Taiwan, Russia-Ukraine, and Israel-Gaza-Iran. This distracts attention away from our own lying, thieving, criminal politicians. We continue to indulge ourselves in the misleading narratives carefully crafted by paid propagandists in the mainstream media.

Consider the following:

  • Did the Chinese take away any of our rights after 9/11? Did they write, introduce and quickly pass the USA Patriot Act, which gave the government never-before obtained access to our private lives, pat us down and lecture us on “safety,” without even having to get a proper search warrant?
  • Did the Chinese create the secret FISA court by which our government can sneak around spying on us?
  • Did Vladimir Putin and the Russians take away any of our rights during the recent man-made pandemic?
  • Did the Iranian mullahs open our borders to allow deadly drugs, human traffickers and Islamic sleeper cells to enter the United States illegally?
  • Did the Iranians pass the Refugee Act of 1980, providing a legal framework for people to enter the United States legally from nations that hate us and hate our Judeo-Christian values, thereby setting the stage for future lawmakers like Rep. Ilhan Omar to become members of city councils, state legislatures, even Congress, where they work to take away more God-given rights?
  • Is it the North Koreans who are now mustering all of their resources, calling in all of their favors, in a monumental attempt to disarm Americans and negate the Second Amendment, even as criminals are being let out of jail and crime is rampant? (The latest attempt involves a proposed ban on bulk ammo sales).
  • Did any of the above foreign entities allow the president of the United States to claim for himself, starting in the late 1960s and growing with each administration, unprecedented new “emergency powers” to suspend habeas corpus, detain “dangerous persons” within the United States, censor news media, and prevent international travel?

The answer to all of these questions is an emphatic, NO.

Our rights were swiped and continue to be taken away by corrupt political prostitutes in Washington and in state Capitols across this great land. If our elections are still legitimate, then we can only assume that these corrupt elected officials are reflective of our own decaying moral principles.

Because we allowed them to take away God-given rights after 9/11 and again during a man-made pandemic, the tyrants have been emboldened. They have very detailed plans to finish the job of taking over not just America but every free country left on earth, then merging them into a global technocratic super-state based on mass surveillance and zero respect for dissenting opinions.

Let’s resolve this Thanksgiving to reject tyranny and return to the freedom given us by our forefathers who set sail on the Mayflower. They took radical action and trusted God heading into a future fraught with unknowns. They didn’t place their hopes in trying to reform what had become an oppressive system back in their homeland. They started anew.

I know many good people who sit around wishing for a “strong leader” to come along and right the ship, returning us to our Constitutional Republic origins, where the people are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, and the government respects those rights.

That’s not going to happen. It’s too late for that. Any political leader who succeeds to rising to the top of the class in today’s toxic, very divided political landscape is likely to be a deceiver. I don’t care if he enters the scene from the right, middle, or left. He will be a supreme deceiver.

Not to mention, we already tried the “give it to Mr. Fix It” approach, in 2016. How did that work out?

The “strong leader” was met with a stronger system. He called that system the “Swamp” (a cute name for a very serious enemy) and said he would drain it. The swamp crushed him.

You see, the evil doers were smart enough to know that, in America, you cannot take over the country with a single tyrant. You must embed the tyranny throughout the federal bureaucratic system and spread it through monetary incentives to the states and localities. It ends up like a web that extends its tentacles into every nook and cranny of an expanding, sprawling administrative state. Even the major corporations are brought on board through public-private partnerships (PPPs). They have systematized the tyranny.

Barack Obama was expert at this. In my book, Stealth Invasion, I documented an event that almost nobody paid attention to at the time. In April 2015, the Obama administration sponsored a conference titled “The New National Integration Plan: Making the Most of a Historic Opportunity.”

They seized on this “opportunity” to transform America and remake it in the image of their godless Marxist leader, Barack Obama.

Obama’s domestic policy adviser, Cecilia Muñoz, who was also co-chair of the White House Task Force on New Americans, said her top priority was to make sure Obama’s policies, which were designed to facilitate a borderless one-world system, get “institutionalized” in a way in which they would continue to germinate and dominate all facets of government, long after Obama was gone from the White House.

They wanted an America populated with “New Americans.” What does that tell you about their view of us, the existing Americans? They want us gone. And if any of us manage to stick around, their goal is to silence us and remove us from all positions of influence. Teachers. Law enforcers. Healthcare providers. Industrial leaders. Media voices. Church leaders. All must be brought into compliance with their U.N. Agenda 2030 globalist roadmap for a one-world dictatorship, or they will be labeled as enemies of the state and treated as such.

Muñoz said Obama hired her for one overarching purpose. It was her job “to make sure we build this really into the DNA across the federal bureaucracy, at a leadership level, but much more importantly to make sure that when political appointees like me are no longer here, this (open-borders policy) is built into what those agencies do and think every day.”

They don’t wish to change us. They know die-hard conservatives aren’t going to wake up one day and embrace their destructive globalist agenda. They wish to replace us. Only in this way will they be able to finish the job of fundamentally transforming America, first into a lawless land of chaos and finally into a full-on dictatorship that fits seamlessly into a global system built on transhumanism and technocratic control over all human activity.

When tyranny reaches the point where its DNA has been embedded into every government agency, it’s too late to reverse it through normal political methods. At this point, it doesn’t matter who is president or governor. Unless they shut down all of those agencies, they will never be able to make lasting change. By that, I mean, you are not going to reverse the tyranny through elections and through introducing bills in Congress. Sorry, it’s too late for that. The only bills that would matter right now are ones that defund the administrative state and deport all illegal aliens. All else is distraction on the path to our demise.

We need a people’s revolution.

Since I don’t see a single politician advocating mass deportations and the defunding of nearly every federal agency, starting with the FBI, CIA, Department of Education, EPA, HHS, ATF and IRS, our hopes cannot rest with them. The change needs to come from the bottom, up. Any politician who wants to get on board with our revolution, we will welcome them, but we don’t need them and we certainly won’t count on them.

Now, for the big question: What would such a revolution look like?

I am not calling for a 1776-type, March on Washington with pitchforks, people’s revolt. Nor do I believe the answer lies in a get-out-in-the-streets peaceful protest. That was tried on January 6, 2021, and how did that work out? Protest rallies won’t work because the globalists expect these to break out in every country and have contingency plans to deal with them. The J6 protests were infiltrated, given the false label of an “insurrection” by the media, and treated accordingly by the corrupt justice system. The system proved it is capable of totally controlling the flow of information in this country. That’s because the same billionaires who own the politicians also own the corporate media and the major social media platforms.

And by the way, they also own the U.S. Army, CIA, FBI and all of the three and four-letter agencies.

So, what am I calling for? What would actually work? I can tell you, it won’t be popular because it involves hard work.

We need a plurality of the population to stand up and take ownership of the problem. We don’t need a majority but we do need a solid 25 percent or so to wake up and realize that this problem is on us. And to reverse course, we need to stop complaining and take action, not holding protest rallies, but by making sacrifices in our daily decisions.

Start with where you spend your money and give your attention and then move on to how you make your money.

Anyone who can’t muster the will to boycott Disney, Target, Starbucks, ESPN or Netflix is probably not going to have the will to quit working for one of these similar globalist corporations that are destroying our nation.

Let me provide just a few examples of cutting off the beast’s money flow at the source.

Every time you turn on CBS or ESPN and watch your favorite college or pro football team, you are supporting their evil agenda. The same goes for most of the smut churned out by most of the major Hollywood studios.

The annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade will this year, for the first time, devote a large portion of the festivities to LGBTQ “diversity” propaganda. That makes it evil.

The pro-traditional family group Liberty Action Channel sent out an email alert Monday warning that this year’s Macy’s Parade will be a non-binary and transgender extravaganza on full display.

The alert states:

“Unless they are forewarned about it, this year’s holiday parade will potentially expose tens of millions of viewers at home to the liberal LGBTQ agenda. Performances showcased in the parade will include music from two Broadway musicals, & Juliet and Shucked, both of which feature transgender and non-binary performers in major roles.”

Justin David Sullivan, who personally identifies as non-binary, will be featured in the & Juliet parade performance. On stage in the musical, Sullivan plays the role of “May,” a non-binary friend of Juliet.

This year, Sullivan declined eligibility for the Tony Awards, saying traditional acting categories need to be reconsidered to become more “inclusive” of gender non-conforming actors.

Alex Newell, a biological male who also identifies as non-binary, won a Tony Award this year for his starring performance in Shucked, playing the female role of Lulu.

Newell, who uses the pronouns he/she/they, dresses as a woman in public appearances.

On Thanksgiving Day, this mind-corrupting, culture-rotting indoctrination will be broadcast live from New York City on NBC, starting at 8:30 a.m. Eastern. As for me and my house, we won’t be tuning in to this once family-friendly holiday tradition. Nor will I ever shop at Macy’s.

The Liberty Action Channel concludes:

“Shame on Macy’s for promoting and sponsoring this type of entertainment. We still cannot trust Macy’s Dept. Store. It is clear that Macy’s does not have our children’s best interests in mind. Macy’s needs to know that trust must be earned, and once trust is lost, it is difficult to get back.”

Here’s another example: Fruit Loops, a cereal owned by the WK Kellogg Co., is now encouraging kids to go online and read their “free digital library” of leftist and globalist brainwashing focused on ED&I, which stands for equity, diversity and inclusion, a nice way of saying, we celebrate everything LGBTQ+.

How insidious can you get? Trying to influence kids to believe all sorts of lies about themselves and their country while overdosing on their favorite sugary cereal. The cereal is bad for their bodies and now they have an equally mind-altering poison to accompany it!

Does that mean football, cereal box promotions or Thanksgiving Day parades are evil? Heavens no! They used to be wholesome, unifying events that brought us together as a country. Not anymore. Their main purpose now seems to be to indoctrinate and divide. They’ve become tools of the evil one and pathways to destruction. Supporting them supports the system and supporting the system strengthens the evil ones trying to trash our country.

So, you mean I have to give up football and Thanksgiving Parades and even read the corporate messaging that comes with my kids’ favorite breakfast food?

Yes, if you’re serious about wanting to change the culture. That’s a hard truth, and one that I know a large majority of Americans could never bring themselves to swallow. I get that. But I believe we have a solid 25 percent of America who do grasp the severity and gravity of the situation, who see how the evil ones have infiltrated all of society, even the formerly good portions of society like churches, parades, and football! At least a quarter of our population does not share the evil values of these infiltrators and, if they could wake up and resolve themselves to take action, we could shut these pathways to evil off and rid them from our households.

And it’s not just the products or services we patronize that need to be examined under a light of who owns them and what are their values?

We work for them. We contract with them. We buy their products. Stop it.

Look at it like this. Each and every time you buy a toy, book or film from Disney or Netflix, or buy a jersey from your favorite NFL team, you’re supporting the system that is destroying your country, condemning your family, your children and your children’s children to a future life of lying tyranny. These companies support all of the woke culture rot and lies that are destroying our country from within. And they may succeed. But don’t let them destroy you and yours.

So taking back America will require sacrifice and it may not even be doable. But we can take back our families. Take your kids out of the public schools. If they’re in a private school, you’ll have to keep a close eye on what they’re being taught. Home schooling is preferable if you’re able. These will all be sacrifices.

But sacrifices alone won’t be enough.

It will also take courage – the courage to stare into the face of evil and say “no.” To every edict, every law, every bureaucratic rule, and every slick Madison Avenue advertisement that is trying to influence our behavior in a way that’s antithetical to a free society, we have one word, NO.

Anytime you refuse to comply with the values of a rotting culture, you will stick out as a dissident. That often makes you a target. In Soviet Russia, these courageous souls were called refusniks. Reading great literature about the refusniks throughout history will help strengthen and sharpen our skills in this area of being courageous.

But even sacrifices and courage won’t be enough.

We also need discipline.

I’m talking primarily about spiritual discipline. I am guilty of violating this last principle as much as any of you. No matter how busy we may get, we must get back to daily Bible reading and prayer and interaction with the real people in our lives, not the ones strutting around online with a fake persona. Tune them out, and tune into your family, neighbors and friends. You will not regret it later when all of the fakery our society is built upon begins to collapse. When only the real and the authentic are left standing, resolve to be counted among that remnant.

This article was not meant to be a how-to manual for saving America. It may actually be too late for that, I don’t know. It was meant simply as a conversation starter to get us into the right frame of mind heading into the new year. So, even if our country continues on the road to a slow collapse, we will not be tied to the system that’s destined to die. We will be outside the gates of the system when the dominoes start to fall. We will be part of the remnant that gets to pick up the pieces and rebuild.

I love you all, and wish you and your families a very Happy Thanksgiving!

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Published by


Independent author, researcher, writer.

69 thoughts on “With all the talk about Russia, China and Iran, who’s really responsible for destroying the land we love? A Thanksgiving manifesto”

    1. Sincerely hoping that once those two beautiful children are returned to their families in Israel that the one forcibly holding them is reduced to atoms by the IDF.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Maybe I read too many Leo Hohmann articles (smile), but the picture of the Hamas terrorist holding a baby and a toddler [ held hostage ] makes me think about the Patriot Act = to “protect us”. Will Israel [ then other countries ? ] come up with a bio- / digital / invisible “tag” to TRACK all children / vulnerable elderly (e.g., dementia) / even soldiers (“dog tags” are outdated) ? ? One of the details that I’m trying to process is that groups / families / kibbutz residents were kept together as hostages === NOT able to know where the others were…… This could mean high-level intel was in the planning….. Any comments ? ?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This may not get sorted out until the hostages are returned and Hamas is destroyed. I can imagine that the terrorists’ leaders have been scheming how best to use the hostages as pawns. The latest I’ve heard is that the ceasefire gives Hamas more time to shuffle them around in those tunnels.


      1. Look to Him, the Author and Finisher of our faith.

        whether I am walking in the bright light of His presence, or abiding under the shadow of the Almighty, I know that He is not only with me, He is in me.”

        Corrie Ten Boom, who survived Ravensbruck, where her father and sister perished

        Liked by 1 person

      2. If we’re about to be under a system that they are under, then we need to share the Gospel with as many as we can, while we can.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Zelda, regarding what I said about the ceasefire giving Hamas the opportunity to shuffle the hostages around, I just read the following:

      “Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus, spokesperson for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), told Newsmax on Monday that Israel believes Hamas is sending some of the more prominent hostages to other terror organizations in an effort to prevent their being discovered.”

      “Not knowledge, and it is not definite. I think we have good assessments of where they [the hostages] are. We understand that Hamas has, in an effort to minimize its exposure and to hedge itself, has also sent some of the more high-profile families away to other organizations. … We think that they’re doing that in order to hedge and not be exposed to, or to be less exposed to, any of our countermeasures…”

      Also read the following on the Jerusalem Post tonight, which concurs with this:

      “Arabic spokesman for the IDF Avichay Adraee said Monday evening that the Bibas family, who were abducted from Israel on October 7, are not in the custody of Hamas. They are instead being held in the Khan Younis area by a different Palestinian group. Jordan and Shiri Bibas were kidnapped along with their two sons, Ariel, 4, and Kfir, ten months old, into Gaza during Hamas’s attack, and none of them have been released.” 

      So this is probably a strategy of the Hamas leaders in Gaza or Qatar.


  2. Great article and good comments.
    Thank you Leo and everyone.

    Like to point out this:
    What is Q Star?

    The Q is a circle with a line passing through it.
    In the occult the circle symbol is called the “ouroboros” which is a serpent biting the end of it’s tail.
    That forms a passage, a portal through which the extra dimensional beings can come through.

    So the Q symbolizes a portal that a “star” is coming through.
    The stars represent angels or more accurately in this case fallen angels.
    So Q Star is the latest advancement in artificial intelligence where evil spirits have less restriction and more access into the human dimension.

    This advancement is led by Mr. Sam Altman.
    Alt Man is code for
    Alternative Man: a new hybridization of humanity.

    Altman was also behind the “Orb” and involved with ChatGPT.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hananiah Azariah Mishael – “…artificial intelligence where evil spirits have less restriction and more access into the human dimension.”

      Interesting. Seeing how eager demon spirits are to inhabit people, I can imagine that they would seize any opportunity. Also, people involved in the occult are really at risk for that.


  3. Thank you, Leo, for this flawlessly written, brilliantly insightful recap of everything you’ve been telling us in 2023.

    Just a few comments on some of your points.

    “Our rights are given to us by God but we allow men to take them away.”

    Benjamin Franklin said “you” to Elizabeth Willing Powel: “A Republic, if you can keep it.” He knew it would be up to “we the people” because politicians sooner or later would do everything they could to undermine this precious new entity.

    “He called that system the “Swamp” (a cute name for a very serious enemy) and said he would drain it.”

    Time to drop “swamp” and call it what it really is: “snake pit.”

    “If our elections are still legitimate…”

    The art of cheating and then covering one’s tracks has become so well embedded in our electoral process that trying to prove or disprove that elections are still legitimate is like trying to grab onto a greased pig.

    “I am not calling for a 1776-type, March on Washington with pitchforks, people’s revolt.”

    The colonists of 1776 still had their muskets, but if this regime kills our 2nd amendment, we’ll only have pitchforks.

    “The system proved it is capable of totally controlling the flow of information in this country.”

    Not only controlling it but shutting it down entirely, since they’ve “warned” about “potential” cyber attacks.

    “Does that mean football, cereal box promotions or Thanksgiving Day parades are evil? Heavens no! They used to be wholesome, unifying events that brought us together as a country. Not anymore…They’ve become tools of the evil one and pathways to destruction.”

    The late 50s and 60s when I grew up seem to me now like an age of innocence compared to this hellish, demonic nightmare that we’re living through.

    “At least a quarter of our population does not share the evil values of these infiltrators and, if they could wake up and resolve themselves to take action, we could shut these pathways to evil off and rid them from our households.”

    This is really sound advice. We still have power to make changes even if only within the arena of our own families and communities. And exercising it will help some of us who feel helpless to get back that sense of empowerment. God has shown us that, with His help, we can do a lot with a little: Matthew 14:13-21.

    “No matter how busy we may get, we must get back to daily Bible reading and prayer and interaction with the real people in our lives, not the ones strutting around online with a fake persona.”

    It’s not an exaggeration to say that this nation has turned its back upon God. Although we’ve allowed people to steal and corrupt it, we can still shine our lights. A lot of us have seen Arnold Friberg’s famous painting of George Washington kneeling in the snow next to his horse, begging God to intercede during the horrible conditions at Valley Forge. The story was told by a Quaker Tory named Isaac Potts. I’m sure that was just one of many, many times when he was crying out to Him. Maybe it will take a similar point of desperation for us to see Him not as our last resort, but as our best one.

    “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you, Leo, for this awesome Heavenly Father-led giving-it-to-us-straight reportage. As someone said to me once of a sonnet I wrote, I say it to you now: This time you spit on it!
    You stay in my Prayers, with my plea being that it is The Will of Father to keep Blessing you and keeping you safe. . . . I Pray also for all of the wonderful commenters here and people the world. I Pray we are safe daily. Happy Thanksgiving, Leo, and all here. Count me as one of the 25%.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Wishing s Happy Thanksgiving to Leo and to everyone here.

    Let us be thankful of our appointed responsibilities to family and community. It’s the job God gave each of us to do—to be faithful in the “little things”, to step up to the plate and do what’s needed. Because when we fulfill our responsibilities to each other and to God, we keep order and civilization going, despite what the parasitical elites, the radically irresponsible or the criminal class try to do to denigrate and derail our role in this world and bring everything to nought. Being faithful in the little things is what God gave us to do to resist the chaos caused by evil. And all of it to be done in the spirit of prayer to God, the Giver of Life, who helps us.

    So let us be thankful for our place in and duties to our families and communities. It’s how God makes us to be salt and light in this world, and we should only fear nothing, trusting God (not man) will bring it all to the final righteous conclusion.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. There will be no going back. There will be no “revolution”. The final kingdom is based from Jerusalem, not America (Daniel 11:45/Revelation 11:7-8). We are done. It’s just a matter of what the official nail in the coffin ends up being. Nuke? EMP? Financial collapse that leads to a Mad Max scenario? Or just enough financial ruin & moral decay to simply make us irrelevant? I still can’t believe people bother voting, especially after the way they rubbed their corruption in our noses like never before in 2020.

    Eternity with Christ is the bright side to all this. And based on the way the Scriptures are written, there does seem to be at least the possibility that the enforcement of the mark based financial system will not be equally draconian across the entire globe. Daniel chapter 2 tells us that the final kingdom is divided & partially strong & partially broken.

    The church of Laodicea has great material wealth. The 7 churches exist spiritually; (not necessarily at their 1st century location) until the end. If Laodicea took the mark to obtain & keep their wealth, then they would not have received a letter at all. They would be seen as automatically damned. And lastly; in Matthew 24 when Jesus talks about “one taken, the other left”, He is drawing a contrast between unbelievers & believers. But the interesting part is, these unbelievers (taken) & believers (left) were working side by side at a mill, in the field and in Luke 17:34’s account, they are sharing a bed. If the mark of the beast is applied equally in all of the world, then how could this scenario exist?

    Wouldn’t the unbeliever have already ratted out the believer and had them killed? But we don’t see that in those verses do we? And on the other hand, we also know that these people are probably not in the nation state of Israel while this is going on because Israel is ground zero during the tribulation. So any believers living there will die for not taking the mark. They won’t be working anywhere side by side with unbelievers and if still alive, they would not be able to sleep in a bed with an unbeliever because they would be living on the run. So ultimately, this proves yet again that the church around the world will still be here and that God will not just be “dealing with Israel the nation” as all these tribe of Dan false prophets of hyper dispensationalism keep assuring us.

    So for these reasons, I think there MIGHT be a decent argument for there being parallel economies in different places around the globe. But please do not mistake this theory for me telling you that it’s gonna be easy because that is not true. And just in case anyone doubts who the “ones taken” are and who the “ones left” are:

    Luke 17:34-37
    King James Version
    34 I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left.

    35 Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

    36 Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

    37 And they answered and said unto him, Where, Lord? And he said unto them, Wheresoever the body is, thither will the eagles be gathered

    Now compare…

    Job 39:27-30
    King James Version
    27 Doth the eagle mount up at thy command, and make her nest on high?

    28 She dwelleth and abideth on the rock, upon the crag of the rock, and the strong place.

    29 From thence she seeketh the prey, and her eyes behold afar off.

    30 Her young ones also suck up blood: and where the slain are, there is she.

    Unfortunately, there’s no shortage of heretics and false teachers who will scream at you and swear that the ones taken are the “pre trib rapture”, but as usual, Scripture with Scripture; line upon line, precept upon precept destroys their childish ear tickling assertions.

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    1. So for these reasons, I think there MIGHT be a decent argument for there being parallel economies in different places around the globe. But please do not mistake this theory for me telling you that it’s gonna be easy because that is not true. “
      I totally agree. If it happens at all it will be brutally difficult. I certainly didn’t mean to imply that it would be anything but brutally difficult for the remnant.

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    2. The Bible says that some Christians will be alive when Christ returns. Meaning survival outside the Beast System is possible. The “good citizens” will stay in cities with technology. The dissidents will have to embrace Luddite lifestyles.
      This explains how the 7 bowls of wrath bypass the Christians. They only hit the techno cities and mansions/headquarters of the globalists.

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    3. Another possibility is that there is a space of time after the technocracy falls before the Second Coming. The survivors have to go back to grinding flour at mills, physically toiling in fields, and waging war on horseback.

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  7. Let me add one more item to this wonderful and sensible plan of action:
    Get out of debt! Giving up football is easy, getting out of debt is hard but it is essential to escaping this tyranny. You are not free to act on your conscience if you are owned by your corrupt employer and the venial banks.

    Liked by 5 people

  8. Let us never forget the words of the Kenyan Prince with three Muslim names:

    “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” ~ October 30, 2008

    For those who require video proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXvuunTIjKY

    Recently Tyler Durden of Zerohedge referenced a phenomenon he called “Social Metaphysics. People with this cognitive defect look to their social group to tell them what is true. There is no independent critical thinking.” Does anyone need further proof beyond the COVID hoax perpetrated upon the world?

    Unfortunately, as Leo’s audience we all have a larger than desired circle of these acquaintances, co-workers and even family members afflicted with this phenomenon. Meaningful change does not start with protests, demonstrations or altercations. Jesus set the example in the Gospels – we can only change one mind and one heart at a time. Our elected officials are a hopeless waste of time. Even the few we believe(d) were honorable and trustworthy are not. They have been bought and paid for. We must focus on our own circles of influence and change one heart, one mind at a time. What if those of us who are like-minded total only 25% of the populace? Can you imagine the change we can make? The Muslim started with far fewer than that, and look at the nearly permanent “change” he inflicted.

    This Thanksgiving I am truly grateful for the great work of journalists like Leo Hohmann who have steadfastly dedicated their careers to the truth, and they do so at a substantial risk to their livelihood. Thank you Leo for your unwavering commitment to the truth.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. GOP is full of RINO’s and these thing must be done now (both parties): Get us out of the UN, reinstate Gold backed currency, No entanglements/meddling or supporting other countrys disputes/ wars with another country, no more no win wars since Korea 1950 because we meddled or outright invaded for no reason (V.Nam,etc) Nationalize the fed. reserve. 80 million adults stopped voting and most of these are fed up. Since no candidate has exposed agenda 2030, none can be trusted. The snake pit was never drained. We will be sitting out elections ongoing unless these things mentioned are corrected and paper ballots used everywhere also: lgbtq is denounced by president and congress as evil, make all illegals go back to homecountry, and borders locked down. Also as a realist I say “we are done” as unlikely these things will be fixed.

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      1. All great ideas but highly unlikely to be implemented until there is a full scale revolution and we literally take the country back under a new form of government. I believe I’ve heard that concept before! For example, how long has the FairTax been before Congress? At least 10 years that I can remember. At the core of the bill is abolishing the IRS and take the taxing power away from the House by implementing a flat national tax. My point is not to argue the merits in this reply, but simply highlight that asking Reps to vote on taking away their power to levy new taxes is insidious. Humorist PJ O’Rourke said it best, “Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.”

        The swamp was never drained because in part, the person claiming he would drain the swamp is actually part of it. That concept may be difficult for many to come to grip with, but sadly it’s true. How can one be such a hard core shill for big pharma without being against the people? Deep State Donnie had me fooled for a bit, but no longer. His handlers gave him leeway to give us a glimmer of hope before they began executing their master plan. Deep State Donnie was and remains a part of that plan. As Col. MacGregor said recently to Tucker Carlson, as long as they (Deep State) have Hammer and Scorecard elections are meaningless. In my county I’ve revoked my voter registration because to me, voting no longer matters. They install whomever they wish. Whether that’s anyone’s conviction or not, I’m not judging anyone else. But it’s my conviction and I trust people will respect it.

        Other than that Mrs. Kennedy, how was the parade?


  9. John 2:15-17. The cord thins the money changers that stole the United States.

    Originally published on Jul 7, 2016 on my whacked in 2019 YouTube channel: https://katherinebrannenartist.com/video/16-usa-pluto-return-new-american-revolution.html

    Published: 26 June 2019: https://katherinebrannenartist.com/blog/406-arise-the-new-american-revolution.html

    Published: 04 July 2019: https://katherinebrannenartist.com/blog/420-the-red-white-and-black-national-anthem.html

    Published: 26 July 2020: https://katherinebrannenartist.com/blog/643-we-hold-these-truths-to-become-more-self-evident.html

    Published: 18 May 2018: https://katherinebrannenartist.com/blog/111-trump-the-rothschild-tool.html

    Published: 06 October 2019: https://katherinebrannenartist.com/blog/556-the-best-feather-to-wear.html

    Published: 31 May 2019: https://katherinebrannenartist.com/blog/365-american-history-capital-vs-labor.html

    The WE wants the world to hear that the WE are the Elohim. And the world where the money is the living standards, that is the world where the individuals must make the effort to defund the federal monstrosity that the WE calls the fascist dictatorship that is the Federal Reserve System told to be the way to returning to the Aaron Russo’s work too: https://youtu.be/uNNeVu8wUak?si=JSYasFBg26KJhMwW

    Wars are to end then. And that will be too the way to sharing the land and permaculture and the world where the kids think that seeds in the ground grow the food using clean water.

    Published: 26 May 2019: https://katherinebrannenartist.com/blog/359-the-land-of-lil-lords-and-ladies.html

    Published: 12 July 2019: https://katherinebrannenartist.com/blog/447-to-disappear-or-not-to-disappear-that-is-the-question.html

    Much love to the beings that too love Leo as I do. Thanks again for all the great information that you write about. You rock Leo!

    Published: 10 February 2019: https://katherinebrannenartist.com/kitty-licks/295-kitty-licks-explains-the-occult-significance-of-the-dollar-sign.html

    Published: 06 November 2018: https://katherinebrannenartist.com/kitty-licks/235-properly-investigate-9-11-and-end-the-wars.html

    Published: 22 February 2019: https://katherinebrannenartist.com/kitty-licks/307-kitty-licks-on-wealth-preservation.html

    Published: 19 May 2018: https://katherinebrannenartist.com/blog/112-all-the-law-and-the-prophets-hang-on-these-two-commandments.html

    Published: 17 February 2021: Based on the exact quote by the man in the post, Russell Means, Presidential candidate 2008, click to find him, hint seek why-people-will-fight-psychic-genealogy: https://katherinebrannenartist.com/blog/675-breaking-news-the-history-of-the-indian-and-the-history-of-the-american-have-now-come-full-circle-and-are-intertwined.html

    Published: 08 June 2019: https://katherinebrannenartist.com/blog/379-the-ghost-dance-the-ancestors-are-here.html

    Love! 1 John 4:16

    Published: 30 June 2018: https://katherinebrannenartist.com/blog/147-united-states-civil-war-revolution.html. Now this is real. I have written about this extensively. And the channeled from the Other Side messages are real big sometimes, meaning many names mentioned together for the reasons that WE want. So be gentle y’all that try.

    I am there to watch that happen, this is the God that says to the world that the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, makes the differences that mean love is hate sometimes to the ways, and that thinks that I am done here. Love to the world that might be offended too!!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. It is important to remember that none of this has happened in a vacuum. After 9/11, it was mostly the right that led an assault on basic liberties in the name of the war on terror. More recently, it’s been the left spearheading the censorship-industrial complex, the idiocy surrounding pronouns, and open attacks on capitalism. The same people who complained about cancel culture ten minutes ago now want to lead the charge against anyone not taking a particular position on the Middle East.

    By the way, the public-private partnerships mentioned in this piece are known by another ism, one that people either do not understand or intentionally misuse in trying to insult political opponents. You cannot reason with people whose argument is based on emotion and parroting whatever their favorite ‘news’ outlet or politician told them to say.

    I’ll admit my one weakness is college football, which means ESPN occasionally comes on here. I have long muted the commercials because they’re just too over the top. When out of ten couples, five are mixed race, four are same sex, and only one fits the norm – and yes, it is the norm – we’re living in clown world. We make up for that by aligning with like-minded people, stocking up on things our wannabe tyrants do not want us to have, and developing a plan that could mean living elsewhere.

    You’re absolutely right about the folly of looking to an election in the hopes that it will deliver a messiah. That’s not happening. Even if DT is elected once more, his best outcome is slowing down the runaway train. I’m not sure it can be stopped and perhaps a crash is necessary since no amount of warnings are breaking through to the majority.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. “They didn’t place their hopes in trying to reform what had become an oppressive system back in their homeland. They started anew.”

    I was just thinking that this is the only way to do it…. set sail out into the blue horizon and look for a new continent! I feel that is the only way to do it. Only there are no continents left.

    When it comes to what you are talking about Leo, let me share what it’s been like on my end. Firstly, I do none of those things. Giving them up would not be a sacrifice, but engaging in them would be the sacrifice. I detest all the things on that list and boycotted all of this long ago. In fact, as soon as I heard that some company had compromised in any way, I cut ties. I did not want to have anything to do with it. The main reason being that I did not want to partake of any polluting influence. On top of that I care nothing for any type of sports. Then I heard about what was going on with the half time shows and the grammy’s, emmy’s etc. Of course I would never want to fund these things either. I was always very cautious and conscientious about guarding my heart and soul and filtering out anything impure. So I just did all of this naturally because I wanted to. Whether I made a dent in their financial ship was another issue. But as I came across other Christians that I met in church and these were more Biblical churches, I found that I was alone in this approach. The rest were perfectly happy to participate in all things worldly. They looked at me as the peculiar one. Which I gladly am. I explained the seriousness of abstaining from such things but it all was met with the usual eye rolls and callous dismissal. And that was the best I could find out there, when I used to live in the huge metro area of San Diego and had searched out every supposedly “Biblical” Christian church in the whole county in search of one that met my standard. So I met a lot of professing Christians along the way and that was all I ever found, and up here in the rural area I escaped to is not much better. That is the norm. So I don’t know where this courageous “25%” are hiding out but I feel that this is a huge over estimate. I didn’t find them then and it certainly is not better out there now. So I would not count on that one. I hate to be the party pooper but it’s the truth. Christians should already be doing all of that because it’s the right thing to do, but the ones I ran and run into are not concerned about such things. It is sad but this is why judgment does come just as it did to Israel when Babylon came in.

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. 25 percent is way over estimate from my observation it is barely two percent. People are unconcerned about most everything except price of groceries and paying bills. Those that attend a corp. church learn nothing of value. Mostly social interaction and little Bible knowledge. Few will stand up and I have cut ties w/ shallow uninformed folks. Best informed people do this now. I expect older adults to be on my level. Everyone has access to computers. But seems people care about socialmedia and who is doing what in their circle.

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      1. I was trying to convey that 25 percent is what it would take to turn this country around but I also expressed my concerns that it may not be achievable. I would not say it’s impossible, but it’s not very likely. All I would add is that ANYTHING is possible with God if we repent and return to Him.

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      2. Yes, and I know Leo was not nailing it down but speculating but still, it’s optimistic for sure. I just look at what I see around me and I know…. we’re done. Not trying to be a pessimist either, but just a realist.

        Oh and there is a youtube channel called The Prepared Homestead and he had a video out today about the state of the police state that you guys might want to check out.

        Where I tried to go to church up here it’s not a lot of Bible knowledge or a lot of fellowship either. Some are aware of some things like the jab but not much beyond that. They are always hijacked by the political fads too. I would say that society in general has just decayed like the Roman Empire with decadence, debauchery, gluttony, over indulgence, pursuit of pleasure, hedonism, every form of addiction and it has caused it to grow lax, weak in every way, and morally bankrupt; and the church folk are no exception albeit a few, a very few. I also have no patience left for those who are not in my camp at this point and have distanced myself from them. I try to inform them but if they want to stay in denial I just move on. Funny, that might be a thing now.


    2. Same experiences here. Very discouraging, but with the Lord’s help I will not compromise.

      I think I came to terms with our future as counter-cultural Jesus followers when I read Safely Home by Randy Alcorn… Too much to list here.

      Another book that hit me hard was Island of the World by Michael D. O’Brien (Needed to filter some of the Catholic scenes / beliefs).

      May God sustain us by His power.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. “Because the individual colonies did not have enough money to purchase weapons, each man was required to maintain a firearm so he could report immediately for duty and form a militia”

    A Well Regulated Militia was our Founders intent and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms made their intention inclusive in the Second Amendment to the Constitution……

    All should be encouraged to study the Constitution and Bill of Rights. A firm understanding of such would presumably educate folks as to just what We the People our losing at a very expeditious speed at the hands of the Traitors and Globalist ghouls!

    Being properly armed and trained, teaching respect and responsibility of use to our youth and promoting good conservation ideals to them are values we need back in society.

    We should be a powerful and peaceful voice in respective communities.
    “Speak softly but carry a stick” so to speak……

    This Thanksgiving remember and celebrate our Heritage and Heroism of the Founders who arrived here seeking freedom from Oppression and Tyranny,
    we would do well to learn from them.
    I’m quite sure they weren’t looking for a fight and they did not start it either!

    Happy Thanksgiving brother Leo and all of your readership 😃

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Militias should be formed on the community, county and/or state levels.. Local sheriff and local officials or retired military would be ones best suited to hold meetings. Otherwise there is no other solution to ongoing oppression leading to total control and CBDC. Everyone have a blessed Thanksgiving.

      Liked by 3 people

  13. I just reviewed the Claims in the Declaration of Independence and conclude that with minor editing it applies to our current situation: e.g. where the British is called out, this is still true today. If one refers to the Constitutional Act of 1871 whereby the US went Bankrupt and converted our Debt to zero by Incorporation of all agencies of our Federal Government (at the time) to British Corporations.
    Hence what is now needed is a convention of the 50 States to update the Declaration of Independence and have it signed by three leaders in each state! Appropriate action needs to follow.
    Funny how history repeats itself!

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    1. Thank you, Michael, for this information. There is an organization called convention of states.com, which might be pursuing this. I haven’t taken a close look at it yet.


  14. Superb comments, all. Happy Thanksgiving to all for we have so much to be thankful for, as the Pilgrims demonstrated, making thanksgiving for God’s blessings an integral part of our lives, to be celebrated every day too, not just once a year, but this official day of gratitude is a wonderful reminder and blessing in itself.

    Thank you so much, Leo, for your pure heart and all the good you do for us and for our country. Yes, it will take resolve, courage, discipline and personal commitment to enact a second American Revolution. Some others are acting with that goal in mind, a bottoms-up people engendered movement, such as the buycott Wayne Allyn Root recommended, and Dr. Shiva with his systems science bottoms-up movement to take back our country. There is the National American Renaissance Movement (NARM), Intercessors for America (IFA), along with other alternative media sources, all calling for We the People to rise up to defend our birthrights and to ensure Jesus Christ that we love Him and want to honor his Creation by defending the gifts He has bestowed upon us.

    Leo, you are a unifying voice encouraging all of us to fear not, but to take action, for faith without action accomplishes nothing. We all can act to preserve our constitutional republic and all that means to humanity-at-large.

    Since you indicate that any person running as a presidential candidate is a deceiver, I would truly welcome your assessment of Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai and his candidacy for president of the USA. He is building a systems science bottoms-up movement to get on the ballot in every state. He claims he is eligible, even though born in India, because he is a naturalized citizen. He claims to have a personal relationship with Christ, per his own words, yet he peppers his comments with less than elegant verbiage with sexual and vulgar undertones, because he is angry that his senatorial campaign was sabotaged through illegitimate voting means, as was the case too for DJT. Mike Lindell has substantial proof of election fraud accomplished via the election voting machines that are proven to be connected to the internet.

    In any event, Dr. Shiva seems to be the only presidential candidate sincerely working for We the People. I would so much appreciate any insights re his candidacy and his sincerity, as we cannot afford another “deceiver” rising to a position of power and control. He has quite a following so far working on the ground to help secure his place on the ballot in every State. He exposes Zionism as the culprit that has usurped power and control through infiltration, noting that many in charge of the alphabet agencies have dual US-Israel citizenship and that Israel PM Netanyahu is a proclaimed member of the World Economic Forum, thus, I infer, a New World Order Pharisee, like Harari et al. He thinks this cabal is running the world show and thus needs to be removed from power positions.

    I love you, too, Leo Hohmann, and all these participants in dialogue with each other, expressing their love of God and country. The idea of a second American Revolution, of a different complexion than that of 1776, but one that will be equally successful, is of paramount significance. This action idea is a necessity and a sacred duty we have to present and future generations. Never before though have attacks on our children been more pervasive or more brutally evil. We know how God reacted to Sodom and Gemorrah where there was not one good person to prevent destruction. By contrast, despite the overwhelming indicators of perversion similar to Sodom and Gemorrah, as Leo says, we have at least 25% of us professing love for God and country, and a desire to stand up for what is right.

    Due to ongoing censorship and surveillance, it could be challenging to unite, but God will show us the way with another Parting of the Red Sea miracle. I understand that 200 Gaza muslem men simultaneously had a dream in which Jesus appeared to them. They all converted to Christianity!!! (story via IFA). So God is working and answering prayers. I add to Leo’s magnificent call to unite and what it will demand of us, the principle of persistence that entails the patience to see goals through to completion and success.

    WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! I am grateful for all of you, especially the courage and virtue in Leo’s leadership and in the hearts of all those following him here on this site. Praise God for He is triumphant and will guide our paths to victory as we step out in Faith and receive His Grace and Mercy. Amen.

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    1. Margaret-Anne – “Dr. Shiva…He claims to have a personal relationship with Christ, per his own words, yet he peppers his comments with less than elegant verbiage with sexual and vulgar undertones, because he is angry that his senatorial campaign was sabotaged through illegitimate voting means, as was the case too for DJT.”

      He also had a fake claim to inventing email.

      Is the GOP scraping the bottom of the candidate barrel these days?


      1. Anna, how is he claiming to have invented email if that is not true? He seems to be uncontested in that claim. He is running as an Independent, not the GOP. It is his choice of inelegant language that causes me to question his viability as a candidate to represent our country. His systems science makes sense though, but I am not so sure he is eligible as he claims since he was born in India. He claims being a naturalized citizens makes him eligible and many seem to concur. If you know solid evidence that he is a “phony” could you please cite where to find that information, please? Thank you so much. We have to do our due diligence and vetting in-depth to avoid any more catastrophic choices and/or cheating in our elections – our future depends on it. Blessings and much gratitude for your conscientious attention and dedication to preserving our values and our country. Our future truly depends upon “We the People” taking appropriate, effective, peaceful action.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Margaret – “We have to do our due diligence and vetting in-depth to avoid any more catastrophic choice…”

      Absolutely. That’s why I googled his name and read this in Wikipedia:

      “In a 2011 article published by Time, Ayyadurai claimed to have invented email, as a teenager; in August 1982, he registered the copyright on an email application he had written. Historians strongly dispute this account because email was already in use in the early 1970s.”

      So I looked up other articles and came across one in The Wire, “Did Shiva Ayyadurai Invent Email? It Isn’t Simple and You’re Probably Missing the Point.” They talk about computer engineer Ray Tomlinson as being the inventor of email. Tomlinson worked at Bolt Beranek and Newman, a military contractor that built ARPANET – the predecessor to the Internet. But they also take a look at Ayyadurai’s claim:

      “Tomlinson has been widely credited as the inventor and primary pioneer of e-mail, and his obituaries and tributes reflected that: everybody from The Guardian to The Verge underscore his contributions in this regard. What Tomlinson did was that he tweaked the SNDMSG software programme (which was developed and used at the University of California, Berkeley, for its internal messaging system) in order to be able to send messages into the mailbox of a user on a different computer and server.”

      “The work that Ayyadurai carried out out in 1978 had very little do with the text messaging standards that Tomlinson created in 1971… What is unclear…is how we can place the user interface of Ayyadurai’s work in the broader history of e-mail development. Put simply, we can’t identify how Ayyadurai’s email system influenced systems that came after his.”

      In summary, they do give credit to him: “While Ayyadurai may not seem to be ‘the inventor of e-mail’, it is clear that his work deserves more recognition that it has received so far.”

      At this point, I’m extremely wary when candidates make claims about this and that – maybe even cynical. My instincts are telling me to put my trust in the Lord, not in man. But someone has to take that spot in the oval office, so I guess it will be a matter of voting for the lesser of two evils.


      1. Thank you so much, Anna, for your research and analysis, always spot-on and thoughtful. You are an inspiration and a blessing to all of us, so many thanks for your insights and contributions, Anna :)!!!

        Wikipedia’s, and Google’s, reputation is not so sterling though, but the truth is somewhere in the history of email. Dr. Shiva has justified anger at a corrupt system that cheated him out of his dream position. I think his use of less than poetic language will not serve him well in his campaign efforts, but he seems reluctant to modify his speech. Some time past I read that all the top alphabet/Big Pharma positions are held by Zionists with dual citizenship. The writer had named them all but unfortunately, I did not make a copy of that expose. Whether it is Klaus Schwab or Noah Harari, or others, there seems to be a connection. Harari wants to control our brains and our thoughts and our emotions, while PM Netanyahu mandated covid-19 jabs for all Israelis. He signed a contract with Pfizer and is listed as a member of the WEF. It seems that the Pharisees of old have risen again with a same intrepid hatred. Whether it is Zionism or Fascism, it has to be rooted out of our country. Harari has stated that our “free will” is over, as he put it on TED. That TED appears to be a nest for bad actors like Harari and Bill Gates. They pontificate and strut their stuff on stage like peacocks, full feathers displayed. Like Lucifer, they are deadly jealous of God’s power and God’s love for humanity – and the honor and praise we humans give to God, to Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, King of Kings. These NWO patrons are lost in wickedness and hatred. They have to be rooted out as they will not relinquish the reins of power but tight-fistedly cling to control at all costs. That is the reason the Bible instructs us to remove them as they will not negotiate.

        Both RFK, Jr. and Dr. Shiva make a claim that they know how to eradicate this evil infiltration once and for all. Both criticize Trump for failing to do so. We have a lot of work to do to sort all this out, to discern the truth. That takes time and patience, and perseverance. Let us pray that the Holy Spirit will guide our paths and reveal truth so we make good decisions, good choices. We may not have the best of choices, so holding Congress accountable is, in my view, most important. The problem there is that we only have the representative from our own area while all the others are not under our supervision or subject to our voting power.

        Working together as We the People is the only way to win this war, with God’s help and divine intervention. The 200 muslims who had simultaneous dreams of Jesus the same night, and converted to Christianity as a result of that experience, is an example of God’s divine intervention. Many more miracles are to come, but again, require Holy Spirit guidance and discernment. As General Flynn points out, prayer is our most potent weapon against evil. We resist, the devil flees. God is in command and our country belongs to HIM. Thanksgiving is every day so God’s hand and blessings on our nation will flourish while evil is dismantled. People need to reinstate God in their lives, in our schools, in our churches, in our every action. We owe it to present children and future generations.

        Praise God and honor His Creation. That is the focus that will preserve us and our God-given rights and values. Amen.


      2. Margaret – “Whether it is Zionism or Fascism, it has to be rooted out of our country.”

        It isn’t either/or. No equivalency.

        Zionism = a political movement that provides the right of the Jewish people to determine their own lives and live freely in their own country.

        Fascism = a political movement that denies the right of people to determine their own lives and live freely in their own country.


      3. Anna, there was no equivalency implied in my comment. I was merely indicating that no matter the root of the evil, no matter what it is called, it has to be dealt with and removed from our country. True Judaism is different, I think, from “Zionism” that is in cahoots with the WEF and its operatives and agenda. The definition of Zionism that you provide pertains to the promises of God to the Jewish people. This form of political or militarized “Zionism” that has pervaded every facet of life, is something very different and very sinister. The two should not be confused or misconstrued. To be clear, I was not suggesting any equivalency but rather was commenting that the name of the source of the evil we are dealing with is not so critical but its eradication is critical to our country and to the world and humanity. It is not its name but its outcomes that alarm and destroy. I hope I cleared up any misconception or misinterpretation of my comment. As Scriptures tell us, you will know them by their fruits.


      4. What part of the definition of Zionism do you not understand?

        Fascism is sheer evil. So are socialism and communism. They are the major political movements/ideologies that have caused the most misery in this world, judging by all the tyrants who have emerged and are continuing to emerge out of them.

        Zionism, with all its flaws, is a political movement that was started not to enslave people, but to help set them free by giving them back their homeland where they could have all the rights and freedoms as citizens of a sovereign nation that the rest of us enjoy in our countries.

        And by your own words, you are dividing a political movement into one part good, one part evil, and therefore assigning an artificial dichotomy:

        “The definition of Zionism that you provide pertains to the promises of God to the Jewish people. This form of political or militarized “Zionism” that has pervaded every facet of life, is something very different and very sinister.”

        Theodor Herzl and other pioneers of this movement were imperfect human beings like all of us, but their efforts enabled the Jewish people to escape two millennia of severe persecution. Moreover, this movement was used by God to fulfill GOOD prophecies – that after dispersion He would bring His people back into their land that HE GAVE TO THEM and that the nation of Israel would be reborn:

        Therefore say, ‘Thus says the Lord God: “I will gather you from the peoples, assemble you from the countries where you have been scattered, and I will give you the land of Israel.” (Ezekiel 11:17) (See also Jeremiah 16:14-15, Ezekiel 36:24, Isaiah 11:11-12 and 43:5-7)

        Who has heard such a thing?
        Who has seen such things?
        Shall the earth be made to give birth in one day?
        Or shall a nation be born at once?
        For as soon as Zion was in labor,
        She gave birth to her children. (Isaiah 66:8)

        But it sounds like you have adopted Ayyadurai’s viewpoint.

        I will tell you this: he’s not being honest, because it sounds like most if not all his targets are Jewish, but he’s using a distorted representation of Zionism to obscure that.

        Why is he not targeting the prevailing tyranny of our time – global fascism? That is what is choking down our Republic and ruthlessly assembling a one-world government and slave digital identity. Many of the policies and tactics of D.C. and Davos reflect those of late 1930s and 1940s Nazi Germany. For instance, look at the Gestapo we now have in our country that used to be the FBI.


      5. No disagreement here, Anna. No need to get trapped by semantics. I have not adopted Dr. Shiva’s viewpoint. In fact, his rhetoric is distasteful, in my opinion. There are different definitions by different factions. As I said, we know them by their fruits. It was Netanyahu who mandated the c19 jabs and Harari who advises WEF Klaus Schwab and who tells us we will no longer have free will when the NWO takes over completely – free will be no more, he says. The Pharisees were Jewish, so is Jesus. There are good guys and then there are bad guys. No need to attack me or be so angry. I have no disagreement with you. I am very much opposed to Nazism, Fascism, Communism, etc. I am a patriot who served her country and continue to do so now and as long as I am alive I will defend our constitution and Bill of Rights. Please save your energy for the real fight we have on our hands and not be lamblasting fellow Christians. Perversion of meaning is rampant these days – witness the fake news and media censorship of truth. I know God promised this land to the Jewish people, His chosen ones. I just do not support the modern Pharisees who distort God’s purpose, just as the Pharisees did two thousand years ago. Remember Judas was also Jewish but he betrayed Jesus. Today there are many Judas figures operating against humanity, not just against Israel and the USA.

        Please pray for unity and refrain from angry attacks as we all need our energy to stand up for truth and to fight the tyranny we are facing that threatens our values and our freedom and our country – and the world. It seems other countries are showing the way whereas it used to be the USA leading the way. Now the USA illegitimate government leads in the wrong direction. Argentina and Holland are showing the world how to fight back, how to take their country back. Please try to refrain from misconstruing my meaning and my comments. I totally agree with your comment, except the part that misinterprets my comments and superimposes meanings I never meant and never stated. I provided clarifications, so distorting those is not fair, in my opinion. C’est vraiment injuste, a mon avis! God bless you.

        Liked by 1 person

      6. Margaret – “It was Netanyahu who mandated the c19 jabs and Harari who advises WEF Klaus Schwab and who tells us we will no longer have free will when the NWO takes over completely – free will be no more, he says. The Pharisees were Jewish, so is Jesus…There are good guys and then there are bad guys…Remember Judas was also Jewish but he betrayed Jesus.”

        You’re labeling as anger what I consider simple exposure of the truth. This is a free ideas forum, and people sometimes debate each other. The tone can also be quite lively at times, but never rowdy like some other websites I’ve visited. Once we put something out there, it’s expected that it will be examined and sometimes challenged. Been that way for over a couple hundred years since we started exercising our first amendment rights.

        Je l’appelle comme je le vois.

        Since you like to remind people who the bad guys are that are Jewish, I’ll add a little balance to the conversation by listing those we hear about the most in the 21st century cabal who are “Christians” (albeit nominal/apostate) and their respective denominations.

        Schwab, Gates, Blair, Biden, Fauci, Kerry, Trudeau, Macron (formerly), Guterres, and of course Pope Francis = all Catholics
        Rockefeller = Baptist
        Tedros = Orthodox Ethiopian Christian
        Merkel = Lutheran
        Late George H.W. Bush = Episcopalian
        George W. Bush and Hilary Clinton = Methodists
        Bill Clinton = Southern Baptist
        Barak Obama = United Church of Christ (but really Muslim)
        King Charles = Church of England (also, Islam and paganism)

        Quite an ecumenical group.

        C’est mon dernier mot à ce sujet.


      7. Wrong again, Anna. I do not, as you claim, like to cite Jewish people for whatever reason to the exclusion of others. Jesus is Jewish and He is my Savior and Lord. Yes, I love citing HIM, but I have no proclivity to speak about any particular ethnicity. As far as I am concerned. there is only one race, the Human Race, and all are children of God.

        As you point out, there are many who claim to be Christian but exhibit the utmost hypocrisy. As I said. as does Holy Scripture, you will know them by their fruits, not their proclamations of religiosity or piety. As some have pointed out, the psychopaths hellbent on destruction speak with forked tongue. Luckily, God knows our hearts and that is what counts. It would be kind and appropriate not to falsely accuse people or assume you know what is in their hearts and minds. Only God has that special ability.

        So I too close the chapter on this discussion as it seems to end up in false allusions with no basis in truth or reality, and no attempt to acknowledge them. I admit I am dismayed by your self-righteousness and false assumptions, but per the 1st Amendment, that is your right. And mine as well. I feel deeply for humankind and abhor the diabolical insanity being enacted and enabled by those perpetrating this NWO as well as those duped by it because that is the path of perdition. We should be uplifting each other, not denigrating others by slight of hand, as that is beneath our dignity and our purpose to uplift others through prayer and gratitude, and a helpful, Holy Spirit inspired attitude.

        I wish you well and all the abundance in God’s wondrous Creation. In God We Trust, Amen.

        Liked by 1 person

    3. Margaret – “He exposes Zionism as the culprit that has usurped power and control through infiltration, noting that many in charge of the alphabet agencies have dual US-Israel citizenship and that Israel PM Netanyahu is a proclaimed member of the World Economic Forum.”

      I’m skeptical too of his claim that Zionism is “the culprit” – the source of all evil. If you look up most definitions of Zionism, you’ll find this, for instance:

      “Zionism – the Jewish nationalist movement that has had as its goal the creation and support of a Jewish national state in Palestine, the ancient homeland of the Jews.” – Britannica.

      As an American, I can really relate to the story of the Jewish people wanting to escape persecution and finally have a place of their own where they could establish self-rule as a sovereign nation, because that’s OUR story too. Only they were returning to their homeland, whereas we were establishing a new one.

      Especially now, on Thanksgiving, when we celebrate our freedom in this country and our escape from tyranny, I think it’s important that we respect the autonomy of other people in other nations and their rights to the same liberty that we enjoy.

      Regarding his other claims – can you point me to evidence that “many in charge of the alphabet agencies have dual US-Israel citizenship” because I can’t seem to find that online. And as far as leaders attending WEF meetings, name one who hasn’t. Not just those in politics but every other sphere including religion. Even Billy Graham’s daughter, Anne Graham Lotz made an appearance there once, but does that mean she is a “proclaimed member?” I think it shows a serious lack of discernment and outright ignorance to be rubbing shoulders with sheer evil, though.

      Finally, I tend to think of global fascism – not Zionism – as “the culprit that has usurped power and control through infiltration.” Klaus Schwab is a Nazi. He is trying to usher in the Fourth Reich and complete the job that his daddy’s buddy wasn’t able to.


  15. Thanks Leo and Happy Thanksgiving!….The truth is we ALL are to blame for allowing this great country to be taken over and turned inside out and demoralized and dangerous!… We once turned to God and tried to follow Him and His word and His Son, and with the Power of Christ we stood up for what was right, and took a stand against what was wrong, now it seems not many know the difference anymore, and some…don’t even care!
    Yes, the globalists, past and present presidents and drug and vaccine company CEO’s and crazy un-elected creeps and the so-called organizations they fund & run. We stood (or sat) back too busy texting one another, looking up daily jokes and cute kitty cats and puppy dogs, daily recipes, and keeping up with the Hollywood Stars, FB and Twitter,Instagram..etc…..The Goldbergs and Mom and whatever else. Ballgames and vacation plans and digital computer games…etc.. God once was our Moral compass or helped us keep in line with knowing good from evil, but we turned our backs towards God and ignored Him and His voice. Yes, we need a Revolution and toss out the bad guys, but we need to be first getting back with God and right with Him!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Happy Thanksgiving, Leo.
    Glad some people in my town don’t think I’m crazy when I discuss this stuff and what we will have to do to not go along.
    Btw, have you de-googled your computer? There are ways to keep things a little less open for now. Use more analog devices. (Eventually we will probably have to go full Luddite. Still better than what the technocrats want.)

    Liked by 2 people

  17. We all are‼️
    💥GOD holds power over our enemies
    💥GOD blesses
    💥GOD curses

    God’s protection is based on the faithfulness & obedience of the people – the Holy Bible contains all.the wisdom we as individuals and as a nation need.

    What happens when pagan gods are allowed?
    god’s that promote war, violence, bloodshed, human sacrifice, sacrifice of children, sexual immorality & perversions
    IF IGNORED, and people refuse to repent and return to his ways, then he allows those gods their destructive course – HE ALLOWS THE ENEMY TO INVADE AND OVERTAKE

    American citizens are guilty of allowing
    to consume and flood across our lands.

    God has been largely abandoned America- HE is not allowed in many homes, schools, within government, businesses, and even some churches!! So in turn GOD has abandoned this pagan nation.

    Rebellious hearts deny TRUTH, and lack true REVERENCE of God‼️🔥⚠️

    Liked by 2 people

  18. Thank you, Leo, for reminding us about “the handwriting on the wall” and the need to resist. About 70 years ago, in rural Massachusetts, my daddy warned us about the “city slickers”. And, about 45 years ago, Jesus Christ became my Savior and Lord. How does that song go : “Because He lives, I can face tomorrow…..” HAPPY THANKSGIVING !

    Liked by 3 people

  19. Thank you so much for articulating the diabolical issues that are being imposed upon us.
    Although a Brit, may I simply mention two points that dominate my thoughts (such as they are!)
    Although our foes are mighty, having conscripted every influential and powerful institution and entity, they are philosophically naïve. They are vulnerable to their own deficiencies and yet – by definition – they are not aware of the reality. They are doomed by their own hands – nothing more tragic because we know their destination.
    Lastly, what may be more depressing than all of the propaganda and psyops that have been deployed against us, is that it has drawn attention away from our birth right. The reality that to be born human is a monumental blessing. We can access joy, love, compassion, insight, equanimity, logic, inspiration, generosity, wisdom and more – a treasury of life-enhancing experiences. The sovereign individual has all of these – whether realised or not. If we can at least carry our blessings in our hearts, then even our foes’ worst perversions can wash off us.
    And, of course, Happy Thanksgiving!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Excellent, very thoughtful comment, thanks for sharing. And this is why the globalists are, with every fiber of their being, trying to destroy that unique ability of humans to experience joy, love, beauty, compassion in any truly meaningful way. They want to take away our God-given rights but also our God-ordained humanity of being male or female, and feeling the joy of true friendship, not online fantasy but true-to-life relationships. They want us to be generless hybrids stripped of all that God intended for us as human beings under His perfect authority and not man’s fake and oppressive authority.
      Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. At “Unlimited Hangouts” the most recent podcast by Whitney Webb is about how the globalists are using SM to turn people into narcissists like themselves.
        Even supposedly dissident sites like Gab have this problem I notice. People lose inhibitions online in dealing with strangers.

        Liked by 2 people

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