WATCH VIDEO: Star of ‘Sound of Freedom’, the most powerful whistleblower movie released in decades, says U.S. ‘3-letter agencies’ involved in child-sex trafficking

I spent part of my Fourth of July holiday inside a movie theater, something I haven’t done in many years, and I did it not because I wanted to be entertained but because I wanted to be informed.

The film Sound of Freedom, a true story based on the life and work of ex-Homeland Security agent Tim Ballard and his “Operation Underground,” was way more than I expected. I ended up being informed, enraged, moved to tears, inspired. I strongly encourage everyone to see it.

Everything makes more sense now as to why the Biden regime has opened up the U.S.-Mexico border and invited the world to come to it. He is cooperating with the human trafficking cartels who are making more money than ever, and they’ve been at this a long time.

The United States is the biggest producer of child porn and the biggest consumer in the child sex-slave industry. This is both shameful and damning. Sound of Freedom was completed five years ago but the producers had to overcome countless hurdles, including being blackballed by those who finance films, distribute films and promote films. At least one major studio agreed to finance the film and then backed out. But they finally got this masterpiece to market and it’s in theaters now. If enough people see it, I see the potential for major change in America. Let us pray it is so.

Jim Caviezel, who plays the role of Ballard, calls the child sex trade “the biggest evil known to mankind,” and it’s “going on right now.”

And the U.S. government is covering up for this industry, as is the corrupt mainstream media and its hired “fact checkers.”

If you were a politician, or someone with influence over a politician, I would think all other issues pale in comparison to this one. Yet, they are silent.

The neocons cannot stop scheming and posturing for war with Russia, but they don’t want to talk about this dark stain on America’s moral standing in the world.

Why are they silent? Because selling children for profit is big business in America and the wealth gets spread around to many other nations as well.

This is a $152 billion a year business, Caviezel said. It has surpassed the illegal arms trade and is second only to illegal drug trafficking.

The cartels can sell a kilo of cocaine one time. But they can sell a child five to 10 times per night.

Below is an interview Caviezel did last week with War Room podcaster Steve Bannon.

Caviezel also talks about the connection between the child sex trade and the U.S. biolabs in Ukraine and other countries.

The U.S. government’s “three letter agencies” are involved, he said, adding: “It’s my opinion that this is something that they don’t want to solve.”

This must stop. As the film states at the end, “God’s children are not for sale.”

Revelation 18:11-13 talks about this type of demonic activity going on in the last days. It says a revived Babylonian system will be mercilessly destroyed when a coalition of nations turn on it and burn it to the ground. “The merchants of the earth will weep and mourn” over Babylon’s destruction, “for no one buys their merchandise anymore.” It then lists a number of items that were bought and sold by the end-times Babylonian system, which includes, among other things, “cinnamon and incense, fragrant oil and frankincense, wine and oil, fine flour and wheat, cattle and sheep, horses and chariots, and the bodies and souls of men.”

Mel Gibson is also reportedly working on a film about the sex-slave business and says his life has been threatened.

The first step in eradicating this problem is awareness, Gibson said, adding “Go see Sound of Freedom.”

If you’ve seen it, let me know your thoughts in the comments below. is 100 percent reader supported, which allows Leo to report the facts independently and not be beholden to any corporate ads or sponsorships. If you’d like to support my work, you may send a contribution of any size c/o Leo Hohmann, P.O. Box 291, Newnan, GA 30264, or via credit card below.

Published by


Independent author, researcher, writer.

70 thoughts on “WATCH VIDEO: Star of ‘Sound of Freedom’, the most powerful whistleblower movie released in decades, says U.S. ‘3-letter agencies’ involved in child-sex trafficking”

  1. Re: Susan Jones
    “since it is “too late” we just sit on the sidelines and continue to look the other way?!”

    Try as I might, I couldn’t get people to watch “The Kinsey Syndrome”. Will you watch it now? It has been and still is easily accessible. Why did you respond negatively, insinuating a false message? Did you read it all?

    Bringing truth to the “church” is like rowing a rowboat to an enormous warship and tapping the hull with your oar while calling the captain to change course. It becomes a fool’s errand.

    Bottom line: let’s all repent for this happened on our watch. There is an elephant in the room folks! Israel never suffered defeat apart from their own culpability. Enemies have no power against true saints walking in holiness. Yes they killed multitudes of the early saints, yet the church expanded.

    The church of the last century is declining at an increasing rate. The question is why? Why are we in such a state? Are we missing something? Laodicea?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Both hands as usual:
    On the one hand the movie is very well done. Great acting, writing, scenes, etc etc
    The movie is necessary and I support it.

    On the other hand, this is so too late and impotent. Whistle blowers have already tried warning with outstanding efforts and little results. The Kinsey Syndrome by Chris Pinto & Joe Schimmel, Eaters of Children by Johnny Cirucci, among other works far more comprehensive, documented and informative than this current movie.

    The priests of Baal are in total domination in every power center. Yet the prophet Elijah is coming again!! This time fire will be coming out of his mouth and he will have a partner.

    But Elijah is not coming on account of the “church” because that thing is part of the problem. The Lord hasn’t been any better served by the “church” than by ancient Israel.

    For those brave and faithful servants that stepped to the plate but received pathetic support, what must they be thinking now as they look at a house in conflagration and now people are taking notice?

    It will be such irony to see the soon coming reparations payments to a group that was never slaves, but rather were pimping the children of those paying the reparations.

    I saw the movie twice and do applaud it but the response is like coming to the funeral.
    By the way: those that have been actually trafficked do not joyfully celebrate when rescued. They are more like holocaust survivors: ruined skeletons, tormented souls.

    Truth is like an ice bath and falsehood is like a hot tub. As a great Bible scholar said:
    Preachers proclaim a savior from Hell, not a savior from sin. Multitudes wish to escape the lake of fire but not leave their carnality and worldliness.

    So… who are the sociopaths?
    Who are the hypocrites?


    1. I am afraid that we “so called Christians”
      are hypocrites by not standing up to the godless politicians and especially the Supreme Court.


    2. It isn’t “impotent.” If we save one child or lock up a pedophile, then it was worth it. So since it is “too late” we just sit on the sidelines and continue to look the other way?!

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  3. I did see the movie on Friday. Heartbreaking. Yet I’m seeing lots of chatter online about how the movie was basically funded by an oligarch in Mexico who is tied to the Clintons. Mr. Ballard himself stated this (the name of the “donor”) in a TV interview he did with Jim Cavezel. Sadly just makes you wonder who is really behind this.


    1. The only potential negative of this movie would be if the globalists try to use it as an excuse to have all babies chipped at birth before they leave the hospital. We must not let that ever happen, but that one concern aside this movie can only trigger positive change, in my humble opinion.

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      1. As evil as we know this is. Could this movie and it’s attention be another distraction? Why now? What are they trying to tell the world?

        I’ve heard some of the people directly involved in the movie are Freemasons. If true then what is the motive. I question all. Thanks for all your work.


    2. Please don’t buy into the propaganda as fact without doing your own research. If anything the last 6 years (at least) have shown us, is to not believe something just because someone said it is truth. Check it out independently for yourself.

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  4. We saw this film on July 4, 2023, the theater was PACKED and I think after the Passion of the Christ film, this one hits the mark. We all “know” that this atrocity has been going on for decades, but now, we are turning a corner with the Lord shedding light on this horrific sin.

    Hollywood has long bragged about child trafficking, they try to hide it while they brag about it. They are evil, these “elite” actors, and God is showing us that He has had enough!

    I do not know the day or hour, but I DO know the season of the Lord’s return. We are IN that season. Call upon the Lord while He is near. Place your trust in Him. Time as we know it, is running out.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Let’s organize like the Truckers did. Let’s make signs and and stand in front of our mainline churches that are supporting this. Good people think they are helping immigrants when their leaders are making money. We must fellowship and inform.


    1. Mainline churches and their hierarches are 501c3 apostates and globalist gatekeepers and cannot be trusted. Churches have for decades evolved into social centers and money pits with shallow social justice type sermons. I left decades ago and we now both home church or meet with likeminded for fellowship.

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    1. Tim Shey – “Sound of Freedom is now in 2952 theaters with a total gross of $40,207,249 as of July 9th.”

      I just read a story in American Thinker about some theatres possibly sabotaging the air conditioning to try to interfere with the box office returns:

      but with these numbers you’ve listed, the sex trafficking cabal can’t fight it – the dam has broken!

      Thank you, Jesus!!!

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      1. With all the media hacks, theater owners and Hollywood types attacking the film Sound of Freedom, now we know who the pedophile and pedophile enablers are. The Lord REALLY knows how to expose the wicked. Praise the Lord!

        And all of the negative publicity is making even more people go see the film.

        Liked by 2 people

  6. I did see the movie…..Horrid!!!…I know what God says about hurting one of these little ones….These evil people will pay for eternity….I also know how many children go missing every year in the U.S., which has been going on for years…A lot of “child protection agencies”, are involved!
    I am curious, I know Jim Cievizel is Catholic; I saw him recently listening to the Pope speaking, he was in the front row….Does he not know of the scandals the Roman Catholic church has been linked to involving children?….It’s been since I can remember, and it’s always covered up.

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    1. The “ church” is man made & will always have corruption to some level. God is perfect, and Jesus was the only person to walk this earth without sin. Of course, the Catholic Church is corrupt. They all are to some degree just like every human has sinned and continues to sin. Only the Grace of God can carry us through life & show us how to follow Him. Keep your eyes on Him & don’t point your finger at corrupt groups that’ll will never be perfect. They were never expected to be. That’s free will & it’s beautiful to come to the Lord without reservation, by choice, & see a door swing wide open with love. We don’t deserve it, it’s a gift.


      1. If we stay silent about ANY corrupt organization (be it a denomination or a government agency) we WILL be held accountable!!!!! Th Catholic Church is more than corrupt….as is the Southern Baptist that has gone “WOKE” also! You are doubtlessly a catholic, I DID consider myself a Southern Baptist (past tense)…I left all association with the SB because of their stand with WOKE, and I know it’s even much worse that (just) that! And that goes for the “catholic” church too! We will be held accountable with them if we don’t expose these “organizations”! THINK about that for yourself! Put your Faith and Trust in Jesus Christ Alone! (as you said)…..”Follow Him”…..JESUS CHRIST…..NOT ANY “Organization”! “The Church” are Christ followers who are known to gather under a roof somewhere once a week….and NOT a “denomination” of any sort. It is “THE CHURCH” that will be RAPTURED…..sometime…..SOON.

        If we are silent we are as guilty as they! EXPOSE EVI!. SAVE SOULS FOR CHRIST! It is a small thing to suffer the persecution with the Followers of Christ Jesus, and unimaginable to face the wrath of God for winking at the damning sin/wicked/evil of these last hours of the world.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Thanks for the comment. You are a new commenter so you aren’t aware but we don’t say things like “you are doubtlessly a Catholic” on this site. Why? Because it incites arguments and debates that have nothing to do with the content I’ve posted and can get personal and escalate into nasty. It’s happened before and so I don’t allow personal attacks against fellow commenters. That doesn’t mean we have to agree on everything, just that we keep it civil and on topic. Thank you for respecting my wishes. God bless.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Psalm 11:6
    Upon the wicked He will rain snares;
    Fire and brimstone and burning wind will be the portion of their cup.

    It is difficult, almost impossible to comprehend this evil and it’s magnitude. Seems like we have surpassed Sodom and Gomorrah in our depravity. America must surely be under God’s judgement as we implode on a daily b
    asis. I so appreciate the brave truth tellers and pray to have discernment daily as even the churches are now filled with wolves.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Psalm 11:6
    Upon the wicked He will rain snares;
    Fire and brimstone and burning wind will be the portion of their cup.

    It is difficult, almost impossible to comprehend this evil and it’s magnitude. Seems like we have surpassed Sodom and Gomorrah in our depravity. America must surely be under God’s judgement as we implode on a daily basis. I so appreciate the brave truth tellers and pray to have discernment daily as even the churches are now filled with wolves.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Saw the movie on the 4th. Shocked at the size of this ultimate evil. Shocked at the silence of our government. It’s like an air raid siren for our imminent rapture. Excited and hoping to find a way to let people know……JESUS is going to punish this world severely. Read and agree with you Mr Leo. LORD’s blessings on you and yours, your bro Scott

    Liked by 2 people

  10. I’m reminded of how people used to sacrifice their own children to the detestable Moloch. The child would be put into the fire whilst still alive.

    I’ve read that the child would appear to be grinning as it’s face became distorted as it was melted by the heat of the fire.

    Humans are capable of unimaginable evil and cruelty.

    Consider what horrors await when the man of sin is revealed.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Abortion is used to sacrifice unborn babies to Lucifer. Evil has been triumphant over winning the souls of so many. I can’t understand how people can distort Evil for Good and Good for Evil.

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      1. Their hearts are evil and selfish. For them ‘good’ is something that is self serving and in their own interests.
        Not knowing God, leaves them short sighted so that they focus on immediate gain with scant regard for the long term consequences which await them when Christ will come with judgement and retribution..

        Liked by 2 people

  11. Thank you Leo, for sharing about The Sound of Freedom. I saw it on Monday evening July 3rd…before it officially opened, and even then the theater was 2/3 filled! My friend went in the middle of the afternoon on Tuesday, the 4th of July and the theater was almost full! Praise the Lord…He is hearing our prayers and honoring those who are working hard to bring about the truth of this worldwide evil and those in the trenches risking their lives to go undercover to rescue these children. Sadly, today, sex trafficking is not the only horrible abuse done to God’s children~sometimes their organs are being transplanted into another human or are being ingested in the superstitious belief that it will bring long life to the person who eats the organs. When I first heard this a few years back I thought it just couldn’t be true and must be a conspiracy theory. Then, last year my pastor and his wife were headed to Sudan and Uganda to speak at a conference with chaplains of Far Reaching Ministries when everything “went dark” with their contact person for a few days just before they were to leave. They found out when they arrived that their contact person along with a team of others had gone to an area in Central America to shut down makeshift surgical settings that had been set up in a cave to do organ harvesting of children in one of the rural villages. It is hard to comprehend this much evil, but once we recover from our initial gut level reactions and emotions, hopefully we will be motivated and propel ourselves to action.
    It is important to note that in many cases, once rescued, these young children and teens have no home to return to, no loving parents waiting, no safe place to go. This is where we can help. The two sisters I sponsor from Latin America were rescued from traffickers who found them on the streets after they ran away from their drug addicted mother after she sold their littlest sister to the cartel for drug money. Ghost Operations from Far Reaching Ministries is just one non-profit Organization that not only rescues these precious children but also provides them with a home where they can live, heal and thrive as well as be educated and receive Godly Spiritual care.
    I am sure there are other organizations/groups in this battle so can I please encourage those of you who can, to find one to support? God is calling us to prayer and to push back in any way possible. Thank you and I pray everyone can get to this movie!

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    1. Debra Foy – Ghost Operations from Far Reaching Ministries is just one non-profit Organization that not only rescues these precious children but also provides them with a home where they can live, heal and thrive as well as be educated and receive Godly Spiritual care.

      Thank you, Debra, for providing us with this information. I’ll be checking it out myself.

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    2. Thank you for your information. It’s so difficult to think about all the ghastly, satanic evil being done to God’s precious children. Surely our God is going to step into human history again soon. Marantha


  12. This just keeps getting worse and worse because no one is doing a damn thing about it at a higher level. Hopefully this movie will begin to exploit it so it cant
    be ignored anymore.
    All I know is that there will be a lot of people wearing millstones around their necks in the lake of fire!
    Maranatha, for the childrens sake.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Marcus – This just keeps getting worse and worse because no one is doing a damn thing about it at a higher level.

      And the reason why no one at a higher level isn’t doing anything about this is because it doesn’t affect THEM! These are not their children who are being preyed upon and destroyed.

      It’s time we held our elected officials accountable. Gone are the days when we could send them to D.C. and trust that they would have our backs. We need to HOUND them and make them do their jobs. Flood them with emails and phone calls. Tell them we will work to oust them at primary time if they don’t DO something

      I have already been in touch with my representatives about the WHO power grab and other issues and you’d better believe I will be contacting them about this trafficking. I hope the rest of you do the same.

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  13. Everyone should have read The Franklin Cover-up by now. This is nothing new. It’s not just the 3-letter agencies that are involved, it’s everyone. No one will prosecute because those elites are involved. No one will write legislation because they are involved.
    Read the book for all the context and backstories. It’s the same players on the Epstein list, only a couple decades earlier.

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    1. Everyone needs to read Cathy O’Brian’s book “TRANCEformation of America”! She was an MK Ultra sex slave in the WH. She was sold as a child to them. She names names and a lot of them!

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    2. The U.S. being the biggest in child porn and trafficking, proves no hope for this country ever, my former pastor and friends see likewise. No matter who gets voted in nothing will change. Churches continue to remain silent and more focused on orders from their hierarchies/ nat. assoc., social justice and the lgbtq agendas causing church splits, that will bring in more money than old time sermons from years gone by. Europe is already reprobated incl the U.S headed down, w/ other evil/ pagan nations.

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      1. The churches all faiths) need to step up and bring awareness of these demonic acts and evil people. To stay silent is to be part of the problem- perpetuating. This silence, or cover-up, seems eerily parallel to the ongoing dangers/suffering from C-19 Jabs. Trust no one except God…

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  14. I was already angry before I saw this latest story because I’d read an article on Newsmax about the CDC backing “chest feeding” by pedophile men who take hormones to grow breasts when those hormones get into the milk and poison the babies.

    But now after reading this and seeing the interview with Steve Bannon and Jim Caviezel, I’m sitting here grieved and furious and horrified.

    This putrid rotten filth that is ruling our country, that is sitting in the white house and halls of congress and the FBI and DOJ and all the other ABCs from the pit of hell – this Nazi regime of tyranny – and all their whores in Hollywood and the mainstream media and everyone who is part of this cabal of demons – I will NOT pray for these cruel monsters except that they be damned to the lake of fire for eternity.

    At this point I don’t care if I am disobeying God’s commandment to love your enemies or when Paul says to pray for kings and all who are in authority.” I will NOT pray for them except that they receive the full measure of wrath upon their heads for all the sin and evil and twisted perversion and misery and destruction that they inflict upon the innocent.


    Like David, I will cry out instead,

    O LORD God, to whom vengeance belongs—
    O God, to whom vengeance belongs, shine forth!
    Rise up, O Judge of the earth;
    Render punishment to the proud.
    LORD, how long will the wicked,
    How long will the wicked triumph?

    They utter speech, and speak insolent things;
    All the workers of iniquity boast in themselves.
    They break in pieces Your people, O LORD,
    And afflict Your heritage.
    They slay the widow and the stranger,
    And murder the fatherless.

    Who will rise up for me against the evildoers?
    Who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?

    Shall the throne of iniquity, which devises evil by law,
    Have fellowship with You?
    They gather together against the life of the righteous,
    And condemn innocent blood.
    But the LORD has been my defense,
    And my God the rock of my refuge.
    He has brought on them their own iniquity,
    And shall cut them off in their own wickedness;
    The LORD our God shall cut them off.

    It’s time to FIGHT – use every LEGAL weapon we have. We have to stop this!!!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. The wicked are truly winning, very few speak out, but if American parents cared about their kids being in perverted public schools, the schools would be emptied and boarded up already, and teachers would be looking for other work.

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      1. You nailed it, L.A. People have to ACT. If they don’t, then the tide of evil will have nothing in its path to oppose it.

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  15. I have not yet seen this movie, but want to see it as soon as it comes to my area. It reveals what we have suspected for a very long time.

    Years ago when I was returning from a military assignment, I was seated on the plane next to a former FBI agent. He told me that the local teenage girl who was missing would not be found due to the time lapse of three days. He further explained that most of the missing persons were kidnapped for the massive underground black market in snuff films. I asked what he meant by snuff films. He then told me that people were taken, sexually abused, tortured, and killed on live camera, and that these films were sold on the huge underground secret black market. It was too large and pervasive for the FBI to stop it. Now, apparently, the FBI and other 3-letter agencies have been involved in this activity here and abroad for a very long time. It is sickening. I felt sick to my stomach when this former FBI agent educated me about snuff films, as I had never heard of them before.

    What a rotten under belly we have in our country. There is no doubt that we have to confront and depose this operation, but how is the question. Our constitution provides the authority to remove a government that is not serving We the People. That is the drastic step we have to take, one that we are facing in this do or die scenario. Our country cannot survive this volcanic eruption from the pits of hell. No, we must stand and fight or die on this hill, or have no country left, at least not one we want to live in.

    We will have to rally around the candidate who pledges to do something about this situation, one who has the integrity to stand by his or her word, and not recapitulate once in office. This, I think, is of primoridial importance.

    Thank you Leo, for your heart and for sharing this earth shattering news. Now there is proof in techni-color exposing the filth we suspected exists beneath the surface but could not articulate the origins. Now we know. Now we act. May God bless America and smite this evil.

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      1. Thank you for this link, L.A. McDonough. It seems our Founding Fathers et al and the values they bequeathed us have been abused like the worm infested apple. Perhaps the only one who can rid us of this evil rot could be RFK, Jr. as he seems to have the courage and integrity to support our children and stop this evil in its tracks. BUT, can he survive? Look what they did to his father and his uncle. We are in big trouble. I wonder if you have other insights or information on how to bring down the American cartels. Their viciousness if unfathomable!!!

        The UN and our government are paying NGOs and religious charities to be part of this black underworld. There must be a way for us taxpayers to put a stop to the government misappropriating our tax dollars, using them for abortions, sex trafficking and drug smuggling. Don’t these Mafiosi know their whole enterprise will boomerang on them in the final analysis? No, because they look no further than their noses and gold=lined wallets. They have no conscious. Knowledge is power, but then how to we coalesce to counter them? Clean house, but how? We have to defend our constitution and our families. Too many compromised people and politicians and government workers raking in big bucks at taxpayer expense. Perhaps every citizen should just stop paying taxes, but that too is cornered because taxes are automatically deducted from paychecks, plus the IRS is now well armed against the people, unless they are part of the Biden family. I wish all of us could figure out how to stop this since the link you provided reveals that even the border patrol is involved, not even allowing our citizens to pick up trash or help the children. WOW, what a blooming disaster.

        Thank you for sharing this link so more people can learn the truth first hand. As the ole’ wives tale tells us, a stitch in time saves nine. It seems that we have to figure out how to stop this before it reaches that final tipping point of no return. Any insights?

        It took only 3% of the colonists to defeat the huge Redcoat British Army. One little boy stopped mass flooding and death with one little finger that he inserted into the hole in the dike in the Netherlands. Fear is the emotional trap the bad guys use to control people, to corral people, to keep them from taking any counter action. Our nation belongs to God – He admonishes us to fear not. President Abraham Lincoln prayed and had no fear. Same for General George Washington. May God bless you for caring and for sharing your knowledge. You are a blessing. Together we march to God’s tune, His Word, and we fear not. A path forward will materialize, as long as we have Faith.


  16. Really great and thoughtful interview. We need to stop this evil asap by any and all mean. We need to go total war on them until none who traffic children are left alive.

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    1. Whiskey1Bravo – “We need to stop this evil asap by any and all mean. We need to go total war on them until none who traffic children are left alive. WWG1WGA.”

      I don’t think you’ll find too many QAnon followers among the readers here (myself included).

      Thanks but no thanks.

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    2. Whiskey1bravo: Problem is : it’s too late, few informed today less than three percent adults while majority are nihilists and self absorbed addicted to social media, texting, computer games, and celebrity gossip in their spare time, men mostly into TV sports.


  17. I’m not surprised at all that people in high places are involved in every evil under the sun. Chick publications released a book in the 1980’s titled “He came To Set The Captives Free, authored by Dr. Rebecca Brown. She made mention of the rich and famous, and people in positions of authority being deeply involved in the occult and all manners of child abuse and trafficking. I think most folks realize that the fox is definitely guarding the hen house.

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  18. I too saw the film on July 4th. I have been following the work of Tim Ballad for several years and was thrilled when I heard that Jim Caviezel would portray him in this film. The government is absolutely complicit in what is going on with these little ones. In my opinion, they are a part of it, otherwise this atrocity would be at the top of their list of concerns. Putin was right, when years ago he disallowed people from the US to adopt Russian babies/children. He said we are a depraved country. Truer words were never said.

    Liked by 3 people

  19. Went and saw it and cried my eyes out. The depths of wickedness in the human heart is hard to fathom. Truly, “the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9).

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  20. We went also and were deeply saddened by our country’s participation in such evil. Better a millstone around their necks as the Bible says…
    I pray this movie is a box office blockbuster to the surprise of every filmmaker out there!

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  21. a very powerful and truth full movie. May God protect all those fighting this terrible evil.Thankful they made it. I am telling others about it.


  22. Yes, pedo island is just the tip of the iceberg. I have heard about this from so many sources that I can’t even list them all, but all are credible. It is real and it is a deep and wide web of evil.

    Now this gets into the spiritual realm. I will try to make it short. The devil wants sacrifices and then he grants the wishes. At the temptation of Jesus in Matthew and Luke 4, he said all the kingdoms of the world are his and temporarily; they are. He gives them to who he wills. But not just that easily. Now God is in ultimate control and allows things for His purposes and that is a book in itself. But the devil doesn’t just hand it over. He wants blood in exchange for the requests to be granted. Those in the occult; witchcraft, satanists, etc. worship the devil. One of the ways in which they do this is by offering sacrifices. There are satanic ritual abuse sacrifices that involve every evil you can imagine. In exchange for this the worshippers get power; occult power. They are also granted power, high positions, fame, money, and fleshly gratifications. It is the devil who offers these. So that is part of it all. Many have sold their soul to the devil for Hollywood fame. All of these things are documented and a little research will uncover them. One just has to put the puzzle picture together. The Bible says the devil is ‘the god of this world.’ It’s not a joke. That is why ‘they’ are in charge all over and don’t want stuff like this exposed. It is also why victory is not possible until Jesus comes back and crushes the kingdom of the devil. Also, every time a child is sexually abused, it is a sacrifice to the devil. They are usually murdered later to hide the evidence. Whether or not the ‘users’ realize it, it is a satanic sacrifice. Whenever a woman goes and gets an abortion, it is a satanic sacrifice. Innocent blood is spilled and she is ’empowered’ according to the feminist ideology. She may not be planning on it, but that is still what she is doing. The list goes on.

    You see, it all boils down to this. In the end, there are only two thrones, there are only two altars. God’s is stronger of course and that is another volume to write about. But there is no middle ground. Either we are serving one, or we are serving the other. Either we are loyal to one or the other. We make sacrifices in our lives for one or for the other. On one side we have the Lord, on the other side we have the devil, self, the world. It is good versus evil. When we sin, it is selfish. It is against someone else and for the self. Stealing is a simple example. The opposite is true. When we give, say charity to the poor, we are making a sacrifice. A self sacrifice that helps someone else. It goes in the opposite direction. When we read the Bible, we see that all of God’s laws are focused on selfless acts of goodness and charity. Jesus is the ultimate example. He is the highest sacrifice that trumps all others, and He is our sacrifice on God’s altar. We are instructed not to do things that trespass against others, and to do things that help others. In return we do get something from God. I will give an example. When I got saved just over 35 years ago I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit (the outpouring of God’s love is the main evidence, one of many gifts may show up then or later on). But one time when I went on a trip to an orphanage across the border (when I lived closer to it) to help there, after I got back home I had another similar experience of God’s love and power. He is real and so is His love and power, etc. You just have to follow and seek Him and He rewards those who diligently seek Him. I didn’t expect anything either time and the first time I did not even know that this existed. But… that is another volume of a book I won’t get into here.

    Those who follow the devil do things the other way around; it is things for the benefit of self and the expense of others. Rape is one example. As a Christian, we need to live our lives in complete sacrifice to God. As Jesus said, we are to deny ourselves and pick up our cross. There simply is no other way to follow Him. Sometimes we are martyred for our following of Jesus. We must put our whole lives on the altar of God, surrender fully to Him, to be used of Him, submit to His will, and hold nothing back. This actors life is a good example in the sense that he is risking his life to protect innocent children from harm, expose evil, and has had a hard time getting the truth out and now has threats against his life for it all. But…. he is willing to do it all ANYWAY. That…. is the kind of devotion I am talking about. It is demonstrated in a wide variety of ways, whatever God has called you to do. But in this evil world, with the time and strength we have been given, by all means; do something. Do not simply do nothing. Oh, great. I’m saved. Now I’ll jump into the hammock and take a nap until the rapture. All those hard cross carrying sayings, losing the world and gaining our soul or the other way around, one day we will all be called upon to give an answer for what we have done in our lives. Yes, even Christians. We should already be motivated to honor the Lord and bring glory to Him. Instead of trying to go for the gold and as that book title reads; “The Utmost for His Highest,” why do so many Christians want to hug the bottom of the barrel and just barely get in the door? Don’t assume. Recall the guy in Corinth who had sinned and Paul had to pray for his soul. Paul never said ‘Oh now! He was never saved in the first place! That’s why he did this!’ Nope. So dear reader friend, is your life fully on the altar of God in fully surrendered sacrifice?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Margaret-Anne: “What a rotten under belly we have in our country.”

      1blandina: “But in this evil world, with the time and strength we have been given, by all means; do something. Do not simply do nothing.”

      As degenerate as Roman and Greek cultures became in biblical times, I can’t believe they were as bad as what we have today in the West and specifically America. And it’s hard for me to imagine Sodom and Gomorrah, as corrupt and begging for God’s judgment as they were, being able to approach this depth of evil.

      At this point, we can still do everything in our power to try to forestall the deluge of this tsunami of rottenness and corruption. Speaking out like we do here or on social media, contacting our representatives, and whatever other legal, practical measures we have available, praying, crying out to God.

      Maybe what we need most of all is a united move of repentance on the part of the Church. It would have to start with the house of God. Unlike ancient Israel, which repented as a nation in turning back to Him, that will never happen in this country because it’s been overtaken by a juggernaut of wickedness in every single sector of this society.

      We’ve heard over and over again the need for “revival” and there have been some instances like that where the Holy Spirit was on the move in a major way. Probably the most famous one was Azusa Street. The Jesus Revolution in the 70s was truly monumental and birthed some important ministries that continue today. Most recently, a smaller one was occurring at Asbury University in Kentucky this last spring.

      But given the absolute rottenness and corruption of this culture, I don’t see how any revival can have any impact upon it unless it’s first empowered by a huge wave of God’s people in unison crying out to Him in brokenness over our own sins, first, and then those of our nation.

      So far, I don’t hear any church leaders anywhere calling upon the flock to do this. So maybe we have to start it ourselves. I’m preaching to myself here, and know that it has to begin with me. I can ask Him to lead me into that. Maybe if enough people do the same, He will hear from Heaven and heal our land.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Anna: the churches won’t speak out because they are into social justice agendas, and controlled by their 501c3 hierarchies/nat. assoc. People must leave these organized social centers and get with likeminded in small groups or home church w/family. People need to come out from among these apostate churches and “be ye separate” stop supporting them.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. L.A. McDonough – People need to come out from among these apostate churches and “be ye separate” stop supporting them.

        I agree, L.A. If someone’s church is compromising then they need to get out. But there are still some here and there that haven’t sold out to the world. And there are a few pastors gutsy enough to speak out. Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel, Chino Hills, California is one. I posted a link to his Youtube on Leo’s story, “Churches taking up interfaith ‘Pride’ mantel with Jews, Muslims, Hindus — all striving to virtue signal to the advancing one-world beast system.”


      3. Pastor Carter Conlon, is at Times Square Church New York, NY.

        You may have come across the famous expression, “It’s now or never.” Today, I want to share the incredible opportunity we have in the battle for our present-day culture, our beloved families, our precious children, and the courageous preachers of the gospel. It’s a moment that calls for us to speak with a remarkable anointing and authority given to us directly from God. We mustn’t underestimate the consequences of not embracing this fresh fire from God – they could be devastating for our world as we know it.
        Now is the time for every preacher of the gospel to rediscover that deep inner passion, just as Jeremiah once spoke about. Even if it wasn’t our initial preference, we cannot withhold the powerful word entrusted to us any longer. The cry of my heart resonates with this truth, and I sincerely hope it resonates with yours too, because the lives of countless individuals depend on it.
        That’s why I extend a heartfelt invitation to you: join us in August for a transformative event called “Fire in Our Bones.” It is in this gathering that I truly believe God will ignite and revive that passion within many of our lives. Let’s embark on this journey together and witness the remarkable impact we can have when we embrace the anointing and authority given to us by God.


      4. Frank M: “That’s why I extend a heartfelt invitation to you: join us in August for a transformative event called “Fire in Our Bones.”

        Thank you, Frank, for letting everyone know about this event. If it results in pastors and the Body of Christ shedding the apathy, materialism, cowardice, apostasy, and besetting sins and return to their first love of Him so they can be the salt and light they were meant to be to a dying world and run their race to the finish, then that would be a wonderful thing.


      5. @Anna , So far, I don’t hear any church leaders anywhere calling upon the flock to do this. So maybe we have to start it ourselves. I’m preaching to myself here, and know that it has to begin with me. I can ask Him to lead me into that. Maybe if enough people do the same, He will hear from Heaven and heal our land.

        We need to be careful in the words we choose , there is still a lot of good going on. Many churches are awake and praying for their communities and a move of God . I don’t think we will see revival as we did in the past great awakenings , but God is always on the move . I volunteer for an organization specializing in Disaster relief and its amazing how God is opening up doors for people to hear the Gospel. As believers we need to be proactive and willfully choose to be salt and light , just as Tim Ballard decided to do. God will always put the opportunities in front of us if we ask Him .

        Blessings to you sister and keep standing up for what is right and truthful. And the people said to Joshua , The Lord our God we will serve , and His voice we will obey ! Joshua 24:24

        Liked by 1 person

      6. Frank M: “We need to be careful in the words we choose , there is still a lot of good going on…Many churches are awake and praying for their communities and a move of God … I volunteer for an organization specializing in Disaster relief and its amazing how God is opening up doors for people to hear the Gospel. As believers we need to be proactive and willfully choose to be salt and light , just as Tim Ballard decided to do. God will always put the opportunities in front of us if we ask Him .”

        Thank you, Frank, your words are so encouraging to hear. I’ve been looking at things from just my side of the world and can’t see the big picture of what God is doing in the rest of it.

        I have to be honest, though, and admit that I’m alarmed by all the false doctrines and influences of our culture that have crept into the bride of Christ. The apostle Paul jealously guarded the early Christian communities like a mother hen and if he were alive today, he would not only be grieved by the state of the church, but would definitely do something about. There are times that I wish we had another Paul, but we don’t. And polls show that there’s only a remnant now in the body of Christ that believes the basic truths like the inerrancy of the Bible and John 3:3. I know, however, that God can still do a lot with just a few. He almost seems to prefer using a remnant.

        But I will definitely be more mindful of what I say in regard to the Church.

        God bless you, too, Frank, for your work in disaster relief to help others who desperately need to know that God loves them.

        Liked by 1 person

  23. The film left me more disgusted than ever with the evil in our government. Heart wrenching. Such wickedness is incomprehensible.

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  24. My husband and I also saw it on July 4 and were greatly affected by it. Adding to its devastating message for me, was that I learned just before going to the theater that one of my cousins was a child abuser for 40+ years. He was a charming, well-respected man in his community, while, in reality, being a monster. When his deeds were about to be exposed, he killed himself. This brought home to me the fact that sex abuse leaves many people and whole families destroyed in its wake. My cousin’s son stated that he was glad his dad killed himself. There are a lot of sick, depraved people in this world and we need to do everything we can to protect children from them.

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  25. We saw it and felt we had to act, so we demanded that our congressman explore legislation to address this demonic industry. The film takes down principalities and powers.

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  26. I watched the movie on July 4th also. It was excellent! I learned more from this interview of Tim Ballard and Jim Caviesal by Dr Jordan Peterson:

    Liked by 2 people

  27. We went and saw it. It was powerful, sad, scary, and totally eye opening. Praise God, it is, right now, #1 in the box office!!!! Yes, everyone needs to see it and know!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. This is a very true assessment. Thank you for your loving heart. However, Jesus did remark about the wickedness in men’s hearts. As some have pointed out, those now “in charge”, albeit illegitimately, are in a suicide cult. Due to their own blindness to the truth that God is Good, they fail to realize that their actions and power grabs will take them down as well, just as it is killing off millions in their depopulation scams. The problem is their selfishness is causing them to harm all of us and to bring our planet to extinction, e.g. their geoengineering schemes under the guise of saving the planet and climate change. Poisoning the atmosphere and killing unborn babies to sacrifice to Lucifer is part of their insane, psychopath-sociopath persona.

      Intercessors for America (IFA) has established prayer networks in every state so every week people are praying for our country and to stop this child sex trafficking cabal. Reprobate hearts are solidified in evil. BUT God did say he would save Sodom and Gemorah if there would be just a small number of good people. Let’s pray that the good people we have in America and elsewhere in the world can save us through prayer and positive active actions against the conglomerates of evil on all fronts that we are facing. May God bless and save America.


      1. Margaret-Anne: “…Intercessors for America (IFA)…”

        Thanks, Margaret-Anne for letting us know about this excellent website!


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