Whistleblower VIDEO: Migrant crisis creating ‘powder keg’ ready to explode in American cities (which will then be used as pretext for new gun-grabbing laws)

The images we see in the mass media whenever they talk about the migrant crisis are usually people sleeping or sitting on the street, looking exhausted, scared and hungry.

Something like this:

Or this:

Our hearts go out to them, especially the children.

But an independent reporter has posted a video that presents another side of the story. She shows the festering migrant crisis in New York City, where she reports that 50 percent of the city’s hotels are now filled with illegal immigrants.

Savanah Hernandez, creator of the YouTube channel Sav Says, interviewed a whistleblower from one of these hotels, the Row New York City. This is one of the largest hotels in the Big Apple and it now houses 5,000 migrants in rooms that used to go for $500 a night. In total, the city is housing more than 65,000 migrants in hotels.

This whistleblower gives a shocking inside look at what life is like inside the Row Hotel.

As reported by Brian Gilvany at Health Impact News, these migrants are afforded more rights and privileges than the average American citizen.

All of their medical needs are cared for, free of charge, at local hospitals, as is their transportation. The whistleblower said at least 2 to 3 babies a week are being born in that one hotel, and they are offered free car seats and cribs.

On top of the three meals a day they get at the hotels, many are also getting signed up for food stamps. The hotel rooms are flowing with alcohol, drugs and illicit sex. Children of all ages are often left to fend for themselves for hours or even days at a time. Guns are routinely seen in the rooms.

Also pay attention to what the whistleblower says about vaccines.

Gilvany predicts that these conditions are setting the stage for America’s cities to become powder kegs, which will at some point boil over in riots and raging violence.

Then when the violence erupts in these cities to the point where no one feels safe, we will be told it’s the fault of the guns, not the people using them or the government’s open-borders policies which created the conditions for this horrific violence in the first place.

Now, how do we prepare for the increase in violence that is coming?

  • No matter what you hear from the politicians and their partners in the lying corporate media, don’t ever give up your firearms. If you have a firearm you recently purchased, do not let it sit gathering rust in a drawer or a safe without ever learning how to use it. Get some training, preferably from a professional instructor, but if you can’t afford a professional then ask a friend who has more experience in shooting to take you to a range and help you understand how your firearm works. I have done this for several friends and am always happy to oblige, so I know there are others out there who also are eager to share this knowledge.
  • Depending on how close you live to a city, you may need firearms knowledge to protect your family from roving bands of thugs and thieves. Just think what would happen if the city of New York ran out of funds and the mayor decided to release the 65,000 migrants, most of them being males of military age, into the streets without provisions to last more than a few days. It would not take long before they turn to violence.
  • If you live in or near a city of more than 100,000 population, I would definitely advise getting out. When I say “near,” I’m talking about within 30 miles from even the outskirts of major cities. These areas are ticking time bombs ready to go off, and when they do, the farther away you can get the better.
  • Heck, if you live in a city of even 30,000, I would consider getting out. If that’s not possible, and I know for many folks it’s not, then see if you can line up a place with a like-minded friend or family member that’s farther out in the country, yes beyond even the suburbs if possible, where you can bug out in the case of an “event.” After you make arrangements for a bug-out location, see if your friend or family member will allow you to help supply the location with enough food and water to last at least three months.
  • For those who already live at least 30 miles outside of a city, now is the time to be honing your skills in gardening, foraging and learning what wild edibles you have on your property that are safe to eat (there are many good books on this), fishing if you live near a stream, river or lake, and hunting. Develop relationships with your neighbors and, most importantly, work on your relationship with Almighty God and His Son, Jesus Christ.

LeoHohmann.com is 100 percent reader supported and not beholden to any corporate ads or sponsorships, meaning I can report what’s really going on independently of the mass formation psy ops that the government is running 24/7 in collusion with its corporate media partners. If you appreciate this site and want to support it, you may send a donation of any size c/o Leo Hohmann, P.O. Box 291, Newnan, GA 30264, or via credit card below.

Published by


Independent author, researcher, writer.

38 thoughts on “Whistleblower VIDEO: Migrant crisis creating ‘powder keg’ ready to explode in American cities (which will then be used as pretext for new gun-grabbing laws)”

  1. For some reason the flood of immigrants being handed everything sounded familiar….

    “…and with a loud voice he called to all the birds that fly directly overhead, “Come, gather for the great supper of God,”


  2. Leo – No matter what you hear from the politicians and their partners in the lying corporate media, don’t ever give up your firearms… Get some training…If you live in or near a city of more than 100,000 population, I would definitely advise getting out…a city of even 30,000, I would consider getting out…now is the time to be honing your skills…Develop relationships with your neighbors…”

    Thank you, Leo! Excellent information that I only heard about here – nowhere else! Great advice, especially, “most importantly, work on your relationship with Almighty God and His Son, Jesus Christ.”

    Considering how many cards they have up their sleeves that they can play besides this migrant powder keg – poking the bear into a first strike, total banking collapse, power grid “failures,” food plant “accidents,” supply chain disruptions, terror attacks – your recommendations fit all situations.

    These are all the means to an end of bringing this country to its knees and into submission to the New World Order, as you emphasized in your book, Stealth Invasion:

    “The goal of these elites is global governance with the ultimate endgame being a borderless world controlled by unelected technocrats at the helm of a centrally planned global economy. But before they can implement their utopian vision of a unified socialist system under the control of a few, they must tear down what is left of the old world order – an order based on Judeo-Christian values.” Preface, page xix

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Wow. The effort to destroy Europe and America goes way back and deep. I would say I’m puzzled why people spend all this time on such dastardly plans but I know why. We all can be glad we understand their goal and therefore do our best to thwart their plan.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I see that the NYC mayor is advocating that private homes take in the “migrants”. How long before this is imposed by law? How many more millions of “migrants” will be allowed to invade the country to the point where every home will be required to take in a family or several families? And if these “migrants” stay in those private homes for an extended period of time, the owner could lose his home to squatters (depending on the squatter laws in each state. My state is quite favorable to squatters).

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Kayjae, I decided a few years ago that if I’m ever forced to let complete strangers move into my house. Either the government or the free-loaders will be paying the taxes, all the bills and the upkeep of the property. We don’t always know the spiritual or the mental condition of people. There are plenty of unoccupied homes for sale in my area and elsewhere the US government can buy to house all of the illegals that they allow to break laws to get here. With the amount of money that NYC is spending to house illegals in hotels. They can buy $300K or $400K homes to move people into.

      As far as I’m concerned. Politicians can fix the messes they make. I do care about people and take no pleasure in people suffering or doing without food, shelter, clothing and housing. However, able-bodied adults are responsible to get up off their butts, work a job (s) and support their own life-styles. I can’t speak for everybody. But I don’t have enough resources, financial or otherwise to support everybody that can’t or won’t support themselves.

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  5. And I don’t think this is a communist plot to bring all these “migrants” here. This is an aggressive population and labor replacement policy. They constitute very cheap labor once they are “organized” and shipped to where they’re needed. Besides the Democratic party, who else benefits from this invasion? Corporations. This year 400k American tech workers were laid off and replaced by cheap foreign workers. Supposedly there is a labor shortage in all kinds of industries and some of these are going out of business because of lack of workers. (As both Trump and Biden paid people to stay home from work.) Why hire an American who expects high salaries and bennies when you can get sweat shop labor coming over the border. This is Fascism at work because corporations and our government appear to be colluding on this invasion, each for their own benefit.

    Of course, there is a huge potential that the military aged men will be “organized” and used as an army against Americans. Another job opportunity…


  6. Is it my imagination or do those people in the two photos all have new shoes? Those shoes don’t look like they’ve been slogging through hundreds of miles of jungle and desert to get to our border. Just wondering who is supply them and where those supply depots are….

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Most if not all are over 70 and many have died. the rest are using rollators, pacemakers, taking meds, etc and/.or spend time fishingand playing golf.


      2. L.A. McDonough

        At least they’re honing their fishing skills…I suppose a 9 iron might be able to be used as a weapon 🙂

        Seriously though yeah most older Americans are way out of shape and overly confident and prideful.

        We need to be about The Masters business for our lives. For this is not our home. Our citizenship is in heaven. We can do what we can to fight for America but I believe we are past the point of no return. Having said that it’s my contention that the constitution – specifically the first and second amendment supersede any kind of laws and rules that they the government are trying to foist on us in the republic.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I believe there are some in rural communities. They communicate with each other the old fashioned way, face to face. As far as in cities idk what to think. Mind you I’m speculating but if they did exist they probably meet up and have a bbg and discuss what each could offer their community if needed.

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      4. Some probably offer gun safety, healthcare, plumbing, canning, childcare. I imagine they aren’t online if they exist. You’d be surprised how physically fit people are who did labor type work for 30 or 40 years of course I’m not saying I’ve actually seen any people like that. 😉


  7. This is so ridiculous! I have a hardworking waitress friend who has a young son. She is a widow who has no family to help her. She is currently paying to live in a hotel, while trying to better herself. Recently her car died, meaning she has to pay for transportation to get her job. Why can’t the government help her? Should she travel to Mexico and come back across the border so that she might get help? If she was put up in a hotel free of charge and given all the benefits these illegal immigrants receive, she could quickly make some progress and get herself and her son into a better situation. I just don’t understand why we have to provide housing and benefits to people who come here illegally.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. People need to try to move out of larger cities, even smaller cities (under 200,000) can be iffy if riots break out and crime from migrants incl homeless U.S. citizens. Many people are older close to retirement/in retirement and won’t move, have various ties incl family, long term friends and activities and tired of moving over the years incl me. We will stay and do what we can. Never give up any means of self defense, that would be foolish. Keep cars and doors locked at all times as car and house burglary increasing all over incl subdivisions. Florida is bad with robberies and has been for decades incl farm equipment. Armed robberies on interstates/rest stops making some gas stations and stores close after 10pm. We no longer go down there. The cities now housing migrants will be chaos soon. Anyone have update on Atlanta housing any migrants? B’ham will be housing some (Ukrainians/Afghans)


  9. Thanks for sharing that video. Whether citizens are near a city or in the country I suggest forming something like a neighborhood watch. Knowing your borders with sentinels. It’s obviously up to us to protect our families and property. Knowing where your sheriff stands on protecting his district is a must. I invision something like the wild west or early pioneers circling the wagons or protecting their fort. Of course their are millions who have no iota what you or I am talking about.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Zelda: yes, in these mega cities the police and guard can’t control that many people during chaos. That Times Square 100 yrs old hotel is a tinder box, others in the area real old (built in the ’20’s) full of mold and needing fixing w/ various issues. Migrants wandering the streets in daytime, possibly stealing from stores, etc NYC and Chicago is bad enough without the influx of more ppl.


    2. Many of the so call immigrants are military aged young men, who could be trained to be part of that blue helmet task force. But not against the migrants
      rather against those who are Americans trying to defend themselves.

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  10. Remember when migrants waved little American flags and came here to be working members and better their lives? Now they come with the flags of the country they left and want welfare or live through crime. They aren’t çomming because they want to be Americans. They don’t want to integrate and assimilate. What truly wicked leadership we have in America and also worldwide. “Great reset” indeed. Communism 101.

    Liked by 3 people

  11. What a mess! And this event as many others did not have to happen. It’s as plain as day that some if not most of the political mis-leaders in the US want this country destroyed in order to gain more power for themselves. Hopefully at least some of the illegal immigrants will give their lives to Jesus. The US southern border should have been closed years ago. One has to ask what’s worst. Being locked in a country, or being overrun with hoodlums who contribute nothing but chaos and instability after they migrate to the US?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Nothing can be fixed at this point: we have traitors in gov. getting orders from the UN/WEF/WHO here and the E.U. hq. so no matter who gets elected for president, nothing will change. NADA The economy is forever ruined (people will have to work beyond 65 and are now into their 70’s, ones I know.) It’s already too late to fix the economy and the borders. Americans are being replaced by those who could care less how this country was built, A book publ. in early ’90’s by Dr John Coleman phd economics,wrote Committee of 300https://www.amazon.com/Conspirators-Hierarchy-Committee-John-Coleman/dp/0922356572 Covid hype rruined jobs and businesses now inflation is ruining retirement investments for many.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. When government actions are so absurd that they seem to be beyond logic, that they are so extreme that it can’t be explained by incompetence or ignorance, there is no other conclusion than that it is intentional.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Now accelerating over time speeding up in recent years now it’s full throttle. Started w/ W. Wilson and W. Harding.

        Liked by 3 people

    1. I just completed reading the piece at the link you shared. Truly this is the information age and information is the key to freedom or slavery. John8:32and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” 

      Liked by 1 person

  12. I believe we are entering a overt phase of leftism in America where people realize it for what it is and decide to do something or just go back to sleep. I am looking forward to seeing Biden being called upon by radicals in the Squad being forced to allow immigrants to move into the white house and US Capital….I mean this is only fair. We are witnessing the fruits of raw communism entering into the glare of real time.

    Liked by 5 people

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