MUST WATCH VIDEO: Trump doubles down on death

“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20) 

Donald J. Trump has doubled down on his efforts to promote the injections that his administration unleashed on the world, and that every independent, honest doctor and scientist will tell you is a dangerous experimental gene therapy capable of killing off millions, possibly billions of people.

Dr. Judy Mikovits has estimated that the injections will kill up to 55 million Americans over the next few years.

But Trump echoes the pro-injection cheerleading coming from evil establishment shills like Dr. Tony Fauci, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and every member of the Biden administration and then blames we who resist their propaganda as somehow “playing right into their hands.”

He doesn’t explain his rationale on that one, but I guess he doesn’t have to. He’s Donald Trump and has a cult following.

Trump always makes sure to throw in his disclaimer, that “nobody should be forced to get it” but he fails to offer even the slightest rebuke of those who are right now trying to mandate the injection on every man, woman and child, forcing those who resist into a category of social outcasts banned from stores, jobs, travel and proper healthcare.

As part of his “history tour” with Bill O’Reilly, the former president, speaking in Dallas, Texas, over the weekend, takes full credit for rushing the genocidal serum to market. He even says he got injected with the booster. I would be curious to know how many of my readers actually believe that?

Without providing a shred of evidence, Trump boasts that these poisonous injections of a synthetic, lab-created spike protein [bioweapon] are actually “saving tens of millions of lives.”

You won’t want to miss watching this short video below. Shame on Bill O’Reilly and the those in the audience for playing to Trump’s ego. At least the people in Alabama a few months ago showered Trump with boos when he started his vax bragging routine. Most of these folks cheered, although a “tiny group” called out by Trump did boo him when he bragged about the booster. is a reader-supported website, free of any influence from corporate interests, Big Pharma advertising, or any other outside entity. We answer to our readers and the Word of God. Join me on Telegram, which is the back up for this site should it ever be taken down by Big Tech censors. Donate c/o Leo Hohmann, PO Box 291, Newnan, GA 30264.

Published by


Independent author, researcher, writer.

121 thoughts on “MUST WATCH VIDEO: Trump doubles down on death”

  1. As a Christian intercessor, back in 2016 I believed the LORD was leading me to pray for President Trump and the more I obeyed this leading, the stronger and more assured I became it was a message from Him and I have never regretted it. President Trump was entering a new age with such hatred leveled at him like I have never seen and I am saddened to see this is still true even among those who call themselves Christians. God will judge him and it is not my place to do so as Jesus clearly said. I will go on praying for him to accomplish the purpose for which God called him to, even if he makes mistakes along the way. My Bible is full of saints from cover to cover who did not always get it right.


  2. Health Impact News, a link within links, said Trump & his Dad both belonged to a high up freemasonry order belonging to the kabbala ( freemasonry Jewish arm of the occult)! Before the elections he was seen at a Jesuit dinner by the side of a Knights of Malta Cardinal & on the other side was Hilary Clinton (Hegelian dialectic – Prof Walter Veith ‘Population Reduction & UFO’s). The book of Timothy states ‘evil men & imposters will grow worse & worse deceiving & being deceived! So only our Living Creator knows the truth! He also raises up leaders & brings down leaders (Psalms 2 & 75).


  3. “President Trump’s History With Vaccines and New Theory Confirmed! ”
    Have read the whole article, think it is interesting.
    We continue to report on the #1 story on your mind these days which is: “Why is President Trump pushing the vaccine?”
    I have more to add to the story tonight, starting with President Trump’s history on vaccines.
    Some of you may not know or may not remember all the Tweets he sent out years before he was President warning of the dangers of vaccines.
    While his Twitter account was infamously deleted, an archive still exists.
    Let’s start by taking a look at what he had historically said:


    1. dmpendragon6985, A++. wtf is going on that DTrump must recommend running out into the line of fire. See ‘Youtube: ‘This is Your Life, Francis Farmer’ where the actress as a girl was forced into a lobotomy by her greedy mother and manager because Francis wanted to quit acting and go back to med school. Notice the VERY subtle effect on emotions and thought patterns. perhaps to become a docile stooge for the NYC mob, trump as a youth was doped during a drunken binge and given what ids a quick and relatively neat procedure, a frontal lobotomy. lobotomies by design merely change the subject into a 24/7 passive tolerant entity with no preferences for anything beyond simple physical needs. Mental acuity is not effected but the motivation factor is removed..


  4. DeSantis 2024!!! VP: Cruz! CIA Director Flynn! SecDef: Cotton! HHS: Dr McCullough!
    AG: Judge Pryor of AL! SecState: Navarro! DHS: Holman! FBI: Bongino!


  5. The Truth will prevail – Revisited

    The comments below were posted on various twitter feeds sometime in January 2021. Nevertheless, whoever is the face of the USA, whether its Biden or Trump, the comments are still relevant as the Truth unfolds:

    Given the standoff in the US elections, with Biden acquiring the most votes, albeit, challenged by Trump with much evidence of fraud, and, the hierarchy of courts, from State to the Supreme Court being ambivalent to resolve, the US now stands at a precarious precipice. The ramifications for this indecision are huge. To do nothing and await the Congress tally will not root out the obvious corruptors. Therefore, as the incumbent and responsible president, Trump has no other option than to invoke Military Rule to root out corruption and re-establish rule of law. Whether one waits for Congress or imposes Military Rule, mayhem will follow.

    Coincidently, at the exact moment that the US stands at this precarious precipice, Trump launches the COVID-19 vaccination. A radical new vaccination that should first be properly trialled and tested for several years and not rushed through in record time. The COVID-19 vaccinations flout the Precautionary Principle, which emphasizes caution, stringent monitoring and review, before leaping into new innovations that may prove disastrous and harmful to our environment and socio-economic existence.

    Now then, why rush forward with new largely untested vaccines with unknown side-effects at such scale, with the military and frontline health workers prioritised, especially at this critical moment in history when turmoil is expected whoever wins the US election? Is Trump the biggest wolf in sheep’s clothing who has masterfully orchestrated the impasse in the US Elections knowing that under cover of the ensuing election turmoil, the military will be simple to destroy, as well as the entire economy, in one foul swoop with a new vaccine? In other words, is Trump the cunning pied piper who will lead the US into the abyss, only for China to step in to pick up the pieces and establish itself as the undisputed global force? Trump has arrived at his ultimate moment of truth. Is he really the US messiah to drain the swamp, or has he peaked at the most perfect moment to drown the entire US on behalf of the global cabal? As for all the Q-related insights, this is when we stop “trusting the plan”, otherwise the Trump pied piper will lead us to oblivion. President Trump, we urgently await your truth. Remember, there is no God higher than Truth.

    Is Trump the Cabal’s cunning pied piper who has masterfully orchestrated the impasse in the US Election knowing that under cover of the election turmoil, the military will be destroyed, as well as the entire economy, in one foul swoop with a new vaccine? We need the Truth!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I have often wondered why no one has pointed out the FACT that Trump used warp speed to push through untested experimental vaccines!?!? All his lies about “fighting Big Pharma”. If you noticed he did nothing to drain the swamp either. We the people were spoofed again by another crooked corrupt politician/billionaire, who did just enough good things to get away with the bad things, like the vaccines. Right now GOD is laughing at this country as He gets ready to destroy it.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. AMEN, marcus! White House spiritual seductress, Pastor Paula White, bewitched President Trump, exposing his puppet strings to be under Lucifer’s diabolical control. The Masonic Babylonian Whore (USA) will soon be divinely judged and burned to the ground (Rev. 17:16). Politically minded patriots must homeschool their children, indoctrinating them on the democratic freedom that is found in Freemasonry’s licentious social gospel. And they must pray to the interfaith god of Babylon’s Masonic Temple, wherein America’s founding fathers were inspired to worship Lucifer. Praying for this land to be returned to the Babylonian spirit of its founding fathers. RE: Chuck Wenn says- December 21, 2021 at 2:52 am


      1. Things we’ve lost since the pandemic & our governments’ response to it began:

        Freedom of movement
        Freedom of thought
        Freedom of speech
        Bodily autonomy
        Critical thinking
        & Trump still supports jab/boosters! 😡

        Liked by 1 person

      1. I will not either I liked Trump but after seeing this video I will not vote for him and am going to become an independent

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    2. NO VAX – NO CURFEW. We need to compel those who claim to have taken the VAX to be tested for accuracy. Are they lying, or is fauci, gate’s, telling the truth about getting the same jab? Oh yeah, and all those new slave’s for the new world odor coming across the border who are NOT VAXED, what about them?


    3. Because Deep State Donnie is an New World Order puppet! His presidency was nothing more than an illusion, a setup. There is no other rational explanation.

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  7. Rubber Creepy Joementia has a new pal. BOTH are now eligible for considerable abuse at GITMO. Openly declaring government issued poison for the new American Jonestown Experience as an essential food stuff is too weird for all but the mentally deficient.


  8. Citation from RHK Jr. Fauci book
    I bought this book but the font was too small for me to read it, so I downloaded a Kindle version for $2.99. I am just now on the second chapter. We all knew about the shamdemic, the money etc – but this book lays it out in black and white. Here is just an excerpt of what I read this morning:
    If any FDA-approved drug like hydroxychloroquine (or ivermectin) proved effective against COVID, pharmaceutical companies would no longer be legally allowed to fast-track their billion-dollar vaccines to market under Emergency Use Authorization. Instead, vaccines would have to endure the years-long delays that have always accompanied methodical safety and efficacy testing, and that would mean less profits, more uncertainty, longer runways to market, and a disappointing end to the lucrative COVID-19 vaccine gold rush. Dr. Fauci has invested $6 billion in taxpayer lucre in the Moderna vaccine alone.3 His agency is co-owner4 of the patent and stands to collect a fortune in royalties. At least four of Fauci’s hand-picked deputies are in line to collect royalties of $150,000/year based on Moderna’s success, and that’s on top of the salaries already paid by the American public.5,6

    The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), to publish overtly fraudulent studies from a nonexistent database owned by a previously unknown company. Anthony Fauci and the vaccine cartel celebrated the Lancet and NEJM papers on May 22, 2020 as the final nail in hydroxychloroquine’s coffin.85,86 Both studies in these respected publications relied on data from the Surgisphere Corporation, an obscure Illinois-based “medical education” company that claimed to somehow control an extraordinary global database boasting access to medical information from 96,000 patients in more than 600 hospitals.87 Founded in 2008, this sketchy enterprise had eleven employees, including a middling science fiction writer and a porn star/events hostess. Surgisphere claimed to have analyzed data from six continents and hundreds of hospitals that had treated patients with HCQ or CQ in real time. Someone persuaded the Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine to publish two Surgisphere studies in separate articles on May 1 and 22. Like the other Gates-supported studies, the Lancet article portrayed HCQ as ineffective and dangerous. The Lancet study said that the Surgisphere data proved that HCQ increased cardiac mortality in COVID-19 patients. Based on this study, the FDA withdrew its EUA recommendation on June 15, 2020,88


  9. How do you estimate the number of lives saved because of the vaccine?

    Remember the early projection in March 2020 which said 2.2 million Americans could die? Is that what Trump is referring too? (we know now that was a highly inflated number)
    Maybe it’s the latest report from WHO:European. They say the vaccine saved 469,186 lives in people 60+.

    The authors from WHO/Europe and ECDC estimated the number of deaths among adults aged 60 years and older in the 33 countries in the European Region that would have happened without any vaccines using the actual weekly reported death counts.

    They then calculated the number of lives saved from COVID-19 vaccination as the difference between these estimates and the reported number of deaths from December 2020 to November 2021 for those aged 60 years and over.

    It doesn’t get much shoddier. Were those “reported number of deaths” covid 19 deaths only, with other causes of death not being included like heart attack, stroke, ect?

    Where are the fact checkers that would normally disprove everything Trump said?

    I’ve been following the numbers here in Oregon. Prior to vaccine 5.16% of deaths were attributed to covid and 5.6% of deaths were excess deaths (deaths above a 5 year average) during that period of lockdowns, ect.
    After the vaccine, covid deaths are at 7.0% and excess deaths 11.8%. That 11.8% is very likely unreported vaccine deaths. Combined they total 18.8%, and incredibly high number when the leading cause of death is cardiovascular at 21% and cancer at around 20%. No one is talking about these numbers.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Great job of numbers crunching Scott. Thank you for providing this data. I am reading of similar spikes in all-cause death rates in many other areas, states, nations, etc. in 2021. And the corporate media hopes no one will notice and connect the dots. Great work!


  10. I had my doubts about Trump from the beginning when I found out about his son-in-law Jared Kushner and the power he had over Trump. As expected, Trump proved to be a big disappointment, my first feelings turned out to be the right ones. Now my feelings about Trump are the same as my feelings to every traitorous politician.


  11. Not quite sure what to make of Trump at this point. He has a massive ego so that might be part of it. I was a big supporter both times because I saw him as the last bastion against the steam roller and he did keep the steam roller at bay until Covid. The lockdowns were inexplicable. That set the stage for his demise, especially when it showed fairly early not to be the plague that all the talking heads were portraying Covid to be. Maybe he himself got steamrolled. Who knows. Whatever the case, he needs to back off on the push for the vax. Better if he just stayed agnostic on the subject.


  12. Trump has exposed himself to be a fraud as he promotes the clot shot

    Facts not hype that Trump should know by now:
    • It’s not a vaccine but experimental gene therapy
    • It’s not FDA approved but approved for emergency use only
    • Vaccine manufacturers given full indemnification against any side effects
    • It’s first time mRNA genetically modified treatment used on humans so it has no long-term safety data
    • CDC and European reporting over 60,000 deaths after getting the jab but MSM it’s a coincidence
    • Pfizer and Moderna disclaim that vaccine only reduces severity and does not stop transmission
    • Biden Admin, CDC and WHO do not acknowledge natural immunity provides longer protection than unproven VAX jabs
    It’s a crime against humanity to mandate experimental gene altering drugs without consent

    Don’t be pressured into getting an experimental jab for a virus with a 99.9% survival rate
    • Be Warned / Be Educated / Be Calm


  13. Completely do not understand Trump at this point. He needs to address the concerns of those that have been maimed and killed by the shots, jabs, or punches they took from listening to people like him.


  14. Trump rushed the vaccine roll out which meant that the vaccine wasn’t properly tested before being injected into people’s arms. This allowed the vaccine manufacturers to avoid proper scrutiny of the vaccine.
    I believe, they knew that if the vaccine were to be properly scrutinised then it would have been shown to be a killer jab and not a proper vaccine,

    “Warp speed” was a reckless abandonment of proper safety protocol.

    It’s interesting that the FDA want a seventy five year delay before having to fully disclose the details concerning the Pfizer Covid vaccine. FDA has asked a judge to grant it until at least the year 2096 to fully release Pfizer’s covid19 vaccine data. Initially they asked for a 55 year delay but now they are asking for 75 years.
    This would suggest that there is much about the Pfizer covid jab that they daren’t let the public know. So what are they afraid of ?? What secrets are they hiding.??


  15. Trump’s purpose along with Q was to pacify the patriots and keep us standing down believing the swamp was being drained.. it mimics Operation Trust by the Bolsheviks.. The patriots were the TRUE resistance to their wicked NWO.. it WORKED.. Too late for us now YASHUA will return and DESTROY them get prepared the REAL mark of beast is here where NOBODY will be able to buy or sell we already see the precursor to this with proof of vaccine cards.. ALL to prepare for the REAL which will be in the body


  16. Look to your own heart for the right answer and ask God to guide you….
    All govt agencies are corrupt world wide and we need to flush the toilet and start with love thy neighbour 🙏


  17. If Trump is so concerned about our freedoms, when has he tried to visit and advocate for those still incarcerated from J6 because they believed in him? Me thinks he is a liar and a fraud. “Put not your faith in earthly princes”.

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    1. Yes. That is a very glaring omission on his part for him to say nothing to advocate for the release of the J6 prisoners or to do anything on their behalf. These were his supporters who traveled far and have suffered much to show their support!! And he ignores their plight. WHY!

      His pushing the Nazi rat poison called covid “vaccines” at the very least shows how out of touch he is about their side effects or else he’s a shill for Big Pharma—- which is just another layer of the Swamp he said he would drain but didn’t. No I’m through with him—I hope he doesn’t run in 2024. He would split the conservative vote between the Trump cultists and those who want someone truer and better, allowing the commie Dems or some variety of globalist Swamp creatures to win again. God deliver us.

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  18. There are so many times Trump should be keeping his mouth shut, especially when the subject matter is something he knows nothing about! Just because he was president and did many good things does NOT make him all seeing, all knowing!


  19. I do not care anymore what Q says or 5D chess. We must insist the constitution is followed and people have rights. Trump never talks about that, and his opposition is even worse. FDA wants 75 years to release vax safety studies and Trump yawns.


  20. Trump fooled me and a lot of people in my family, we were very supportive. He turned out to be deep state.
    We were idolizing and once we saw that, we repented and walked away.
    We know that to make it in this world now, it’s literally good verses evil, you have to get right with God. Only look to God, no man is going to fix anything.

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  21. I can’t see America holding together by 2024.. voting is pretty much dead.. they have you under quasi martial law.. your not voting your way out of this

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  22. So I’m thinking he got bamboozled into the vax and went all out because hes ignorant and now he’s stuck with it and the MSM doesnt dare say anything about it because they have been pushing it all along. Thats why He says you have a choice and should have the choice to not get it. He cant very well say it was a mistake because they would devour him


    1. If that were the case, and I don’t believe it is, then why not just remain neutral and leave the rah rah vax part out of his speeches? But no, he includes it every time. And just watch his body language. He says these shots are a miracle and gets very excited when he talks about them. That’s just plain sick.


      1. Yes. He leaves you with two choices: 1) He is such a proud man and fool that he cannot admit a mistake, or 2) He knows what he’s doing. Take your pick. Both lead us to the same bad place.

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  23. I don’t know if Trump believes that spew or if he’s just schizophrenic. I mean that literally. There is no way he can claim ignorance of the deaths and injuries caused by these kill-shots.

    If he wants to parade around on the stage touting these injections, he needs to be first on the stage of Nuremberg 2. And first on the gallows too.


  24. It appeared that Pres. Trump gave a “farewell speech” on March 13, 2020 when he turned the Covid issue over to Fema. Go online and listen to it. This Trump may be a Clone…just as Biden has most times been replaced. When Biden took his “jab” it was the Actor on a fake White House stage… built in a Federal Bldg….you could see the media standing all around the raised stage. ALL IS FAKE. Only Jesus is real…we have been lied to for many many years on everything!

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  25. America is doomed. As soon as Trump said Make America Great Again I knew he was bad news. I believe America is Mystery Babylon mentioned in Revelation 17 and 18 and in Jeremiah 50 and 51. In order for the New World Order to start the US has to be destroyed, then the Antichrist can come on the scene. All this Covid stuff is about depopulation for the global reset. Our only blessed hope is in our Lord Jesus Christ and His soon return. Another note: MAGA is the 5th part of the Church of Satan.

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    1. Knew trump was a satanist but good actor before he was elected. The maga (magician) said, a horrible horrible monster has cast a spell upon the earth, and you knew i was a snake before you took me in. And, o dont need repentance, i just fix it and do good. Said a communion wafer cleanses him. Not the blood of Jesus of course. Just elected after asia pacific in manilla trump promised the mark of the beast, but called it a personal biometric identity number more secure yet with out ones social number- thats the jab. In hanoi trump promised a one world currency. Trump did right to try to make jab easy. Trump did speedy organs for all ex order. How that gonna work? Trump is of hell and told us all along the way but people are blind and only hear pleasing sound bites and ignore the rest. Trump tower decor is 100% satanic.have seen it on good video. Remember that adolph killed no one personally. He just set up others to do it. Evil people are less lothsome than wolves dressed as sheep. Scripture says it will wax worse and worse. Each leader doing greater evil than the former. There is no stopping it. Trump is more evil than biden only in that trump is the father of evil ongoing now. He did the kick off and the game began. Trump around is why americans do nothing to stop the evil. He is baby sitting us to destruction. If trump rule came back then hed be the son of perdition. No, dont know who it is yet. What to do? Prepare spiritually and physically. Hook up with Unjabbed Godly people to attempt survival till Christs soon return. Live or perish live by Gods words.


  26. Trump pretty much ended his chances in 2024. Sadly, there are no other leaders out there worthy of our vote. VP Pence is supposed to announce his candidacy at the end of 2022, and many so called Christians will vote for him. I will not!


  27. Trump was the most pro life president! I love him and the great courageous things he did that were good and right. His ignorance and persistence on the vaccines is inexcusable and very grievous. I pray he acknowledges he made serious errors in who he trusted, not the least of which is the medical/pharma mafia.

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  28. I remember He wrote a book that other people talk about, ‘The Art of the Con’ ?? Could be the modern day ‘Pied Piper’


  29. I was foolish enough to hope against my knowledge of the enemies’ playbook that Trump might actually have been a populist candidate… right up until he became president and said of Hilary Clinton, “Let’s forgive her,” and NOBODY went to jail. That was the moment that it crystallized who he is and who put him there. Trump was a psy-op, of course. He bought the globalists a little more time by making slaves continue to believe that they are free; he made a people who were desperate for hope believe that a hero had come to solve their problems for them; he gave them token “victories” to make the blue pill go down easier.
    We need to stop thinking that we can ever win by continuing to play their game. If you want to be free, just decide who you are and who they are not, for all their power stands only on assumption.

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  30. I was foolish enough to hope against the knowledge I had of the enemies’ playbook, that MAYBE Trump really was a populist candidate… right up until he became president and said of Hilary Clinton, “Let’s forgive her,” and NOBODY went to jail. Then it crystallized who he is and who really put him in that office. Trump was a psy-op, of course. He bought the globalists a little more time because he made slaves continue to believe that they are free; he made people who were desperate for hope think that someone heroic had arrived to solve their problems for them; he gave them token “victories” so the blue pill would go down easier.
    We have to stop thinking that we can ever win by continuing to play their game.

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    1. “We have to stop thinking that we can ever win by continuing to play their game.”
      The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

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  31. Trumps puppet strings are starting to show. The United States needs to be restarted from the ground up. Teach freedom, homeschooling is a must, and pray to the God of our fathers to return this land to the people.

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      1. I loved all of the really awesome things He did..& there were ALOT of them, yet I watched with a wary eye. Sad, but in my opinion there’s NO WAY he couldn’t definitely know what we all know about these “elitist” (puke) plans & using the death shot to get them there. Depop satanic agenda! But as closely & skeptically as I watched him, I must say he played it well, cuz UNTIL the plandemic..couldn’t find much of a hint of a traitor in Him. And I did watch! But the constant beating him down in EVERY way had me close to convinced. Again, sad! Jesus is the ONLY ONE we can truely trust with no reservations! MARANATHA, Christy

        Liked by 1 person

  32. Thanks Leo! For me the ‘Trump Train’ de-railed when Trumpy bear started up his “Warp-Speed” and the day he declared a National Emergency and turned the country over to FEMA. Trump is an actor! Remember “YOURE FIRED” The Apprentice?….They all are great actors actually! Donald Trump talks great and uses fancy repetitive words and captures his followers, apprentices , disciples and fans attention very well. When they can get Every Man Woman and Child shot up with this POISON and Murder off 90% of the human population then they have accomplished their main goal. Promising a Better Future and Make Amer-ric-A better again along the way. Their empty promises is cheap, Besides, those promises are only good for themselves, or so they think! Jesus Christ IS the REAL

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  33. Thanks Leo. Trump us the lesser of two evils imo.

    I don’t think any of them are jabbed. They want live. Even when they do it on TV, it is probably just saline solution.

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    1. If your voting choices boil down to Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Mussolini, or Pol Pot, do you vote for the lesser evil? I think we’re getting to the point where voting for any of them is participating in their evil by giving them legitimacy.

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  34. It’s unnerving how this inoculation has progressed to becoming mandated. I believe Trump was on the right path with US economics, Foreign Trade, and energy independence, but this vaccination development has definitely opened a wary eye on his overall decision making. If it comes down to a vote in 2024 for Biden or Trump, I will have to go with the lesser evil. Trump.

    Thanks Leo for the continued insights.

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  35. I like President Trump, but he made a big mistake on rushing through a vaccine which is not a vaccine. He has been played by the elites and is utterly wrong in supporting this Covid -19 solution which is not helping at all but is making everything worse. This jab has been planned for over a decade to fix a problem the World Economic Forum was planning on unleashing upon the world. This jab has killed more people than any other jab I have ever heard about. The jabs should be stopped and everyone who got them needs to be studied for short term and long term effects if they have not already died. No more shots for 5 years at least. Conduct real trials and studies, but no more shots for anyone!


    1. The scale of deaths is going to be in the 100s millions in the USA alone.. it’s too late most idiots have lined up and took two shots


  36. I have strong doubt that Trump or any of the other ‘public figures’ have taken anything more than a B12 shot, if that. Infuriating that all of these talking heads elicit so much attention while robbing us of viable representation, becoming richer by the syllable.
    I was always in ‘wait & see’ mode with Trump– couldn’t even imagine a Hillary prez– when ‘warp speed’ hit the airwaves, I considered him a traitor to Americans & anyone else who took it as a good idea.


    1. Had Hillary been voted in,we’d already had a nuclear war,Trump has shown his colors, he is black sun,as was JFK, vs black dragon families,Rothschilds, etc.
      It is a power struggle between the 2

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  37. Sadly Trump is one of them, the Covid scenario outed him.
    Check out this organization for further revelations on the list of evil puppeteers.

    British Pilgrim’s Society!!!

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I agree. He is definitely compromised – no longer an un-bought representative of the People, by the People, and FOR the People! Our tragic predicament must be changed – at least we must work toward that!


      2. Leo, I have always enjoyed your materiial and insightfulness but I respectfully ask you to pray regarding your attitude expressd in this latest article and some of your added comments. Maybe a conversation with Dr Ben Carson would be beneficial. Do you think Dr Atlas is s fraud also? I am deeply disappointed as a Christian American at the attitudes expressed by you and some of your followers regarding this latest article and our 45th President.


      3. Patricia, have you not read all of the previous investigative articles I have written showing this is a death shot and a technology that changes the human genome? Knowing these are death shots and knowing all of the duplicity and lies about them being “safe and effective,” are we to excuse those who brought them to us and continue to promote them? This man is actively encouraging people, including children, to get injected with a shot that can kill and potentially sterilize children while proclaiming to be pro life. That MUST be confronted and resisted by any Christian patriotic American. And I will never apologize for holding him accountable.


      1. River Dixon says: Do you honestly think that voting is “doing something?”
        December 21, 2021, at 2:51 am

        The Most High is sovereign Ruler over the kingdoms of men, and giveth it to whomsoever He will, and setteth up over it the basest of men. (Dan 4:17) And all the inhabitants of the earth are regarded as nothing: and He doeth according to His will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can hold back His hand, or say unto Him, What have You done? (Dan 4:35) A man’s steps are determined by the LORD, so how can anyone understand his own way? (Prov 20:24) The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, as rivers of water: He directs it wherever He will. (Prov 21:1)

        The LORD wisely foreordained (elected) Pontius Pilate, Nero, Hitler, Stalin, Obama and Biden-Harris to be elected rulers over His apolitical saints. All like-minded Christians, who faithfully follow the indwelling Spirit of Christ’s theocratic mind leading them, will be in agreement with His wise choice. The Holy Spirit will never lead them to presumptuously enter Humanism’s democratic voting booth and dishonor their elect ruler (i.e. Nero and Obama whom the LORD anointed), by voting against them. Schizophrenia such as this does not occur in the mind of Christ’s Spirit or within His holy Bride/church body.


    1. While I voted, I might leave the President choice blank depending on who runs. Voting for the lesser evil is still voting for evil.

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  38. I have always had a strange feeling about Trump. I couldn’t put my finger on exactly what it was, but some things just didn’t make sense about him. Aside from his personality defects that have many times been cringeworthy, the other seemingly good things he espoused and tried to do seemed to make up for it. Not being privy to the behind the scenes realities, I thought maybe what seemed contradictory could have been due to his inexperience as a politician and lack of knowledge in dealing with the swamp. He seemed to fawn over and made appointments and endorsements of people who wound up in key positions who turned out to be anything but what he made them out to be. He also seemed to listen to ill advice from advisors who insisted that he rid himself of those who may have actually been true assets, and as a result we are now more compromised than ever. Was this part of the elite’s plan that Trump willingly played a part of with all of the seeming missteps to get us to where we are at today? I don’t know. All cannot be placed on one president’s shoulders and the spiritual battle going on throughout his term was very obvious – Trump was pommelled non-stop. I also wondered if it was a matter of him working with the best that he had to work with and not purposely choosing the worst. I don’t know. His continued insistence on the good of these vaccines and making statements like “we are playing into their hands” by refusing these experimental “therapies” just compounds the other negatives that don’t make sense for me. It’s obvious the swamp is deeper and darker than we imagined especially with all of the speculations that have been brought to the fore and that have finally been proven true. The obvious compromise of both parties that is aiding and abetting the evil that has escalated over this past year needs to come to an end. There has to be a point where people say enough and refuse to be bullied and lied to. It’s hard to say when and if that will happen as many, even Christians, seem to be lacking discernment or are too fearful to stand up to a government that is out of control.


    1. Disturbing…given the building evidence of vaccine deficiencies, the serious adverse effects, the 20,000 dead that even the CDC admits. Worse, his failure to fight the Democrat coup of our Republic. I mean really fight with military force as his oath of office required. Instead, he hid behind Pence. Pence, somehow, was required to do what he feared to do. I voted twice for him. No mas.


  39. I think we have to consider the possibility that Trump is the opposite of what most MAGA supporters think he is. He was far too cozy with the Clintons before seeking the presidency. He was a moral train-wreck. He talked a good game most of us could believe in (I voted for him). Yet, many of us really didn’t want him–we wanted someone who wasn’t Hillary and promised to take care of the border, the economy, and drain the swamp. Instead, the swamp is more powerful than ever.

    Isn’t it strange that we have a former president doing all these rallies still? Isn’t it interesting that the phony Jan. 6 commission is keeping the left all worked up? It could very well be that Trump returns to run in 2024, wins, and the D’s throw the country into civil war as if it were scripted out. Who would be more divisive than Trump to accomplish this? Who could get the R’s to accept all kinds of unconstitutional crackdowns on the left to “stop Communism”? (Yes, it needs to be stopped, but if I’m right we’re actually headed into more of a fascist/corporate socialism state than communism)

    We could very well be witnessing an “intelligence community” takedown of the United States for the establishment of a worldwide Fourth Reich. The Plandemic is the tool today, and will be replaced by something else when it’s no longer effective. D’s and R’s seem to both be working toward the same end while appearing to be in battle with each other. Something is very fishy about the whole thing.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Same as WWE smackdown. Unfortunately you are spot on. 1945 phase one OP paperclip. 2001 phase two perpetual war. 2020 phase three full spectrum dominance through medical tyranny. 20?? Few left to see the truth? Breathe, hold, release.



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  40. Donald’s record on 9/11 should’ve warned people. He was in NYC on9/11 and of course was available for an interview. He showed us all how smart he was that day by saying that planes alone could not have brought the towers down. He said that explosives were involved. As Prez, with the world as his audience, he never mentioned it. Hmmm.
    On the election trail, he said that he saw dancing Muslims on 9/11, not dancing Israelis thereby backing up the government version and hiding Israhell’s involvement.
    As Prez he hires Rudy Guilliani as his lawyer. Rudy was a former federal prosecutor and Mayor of NYC on 9/11. So what does Rudy to the crime scene? He got steel beams cut up and hauled away taking any forensic evidence away. Later on, Steve Jones was able to test dust from ground zero and found thermite, an explosive component.
    Donald did his job in 4 years and was no longer needed. The MIGA, [make Isreal great again} crowd will still tell you that regardless of the jab, he is the lesser of two evils.

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    1. I Like what you said!…. From 9-11 and GW (Boy George) Bush n dick Chainsaw – On to this day I ventured down the ‘buggs bunny’ hole. The Word is NOT what we’ve been taught!


  41. How can Trump not know what these vac mandates and lockdowns are doing to us? In 2016 he was the first contender in decades to describe the average person’s complaints about Big Guv. Five years late he’s sounding like a softer WHO promo. There’s something wrong here, and I no longer trust him. Thank you for bringing up this very important issue, big than all the others as it is harming our children and grandchildren.

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  42. Thanks Leo, I always thought Trump was just brainwashed by DR. FAUCHINSTINE at the beginning.Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

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  43. And this very atrocity (rat poison vaccines) may be the reason that the good Lord only allowed Trump to serve one term. I’m not discounting the handful of good things Trump was involved with. But I don’t think any amount of good deeds can atone for any evil deed. Not saying that Trump will inherit the Kingdom Of God. That remains to be seen by those who do. One thing In sure of. I doubt that Jesus will tell Trump well done thou good and faithful servant over his rejoicing over and lying about a biological weapon, where more death and physical destruction is likely to affect thousands, millions or billions of more people. I’ve heard it said that Trump is one of them (a member of the satanic, global elite club). Actions speak louder than words. Truth is what it is whether we want to believe it or not.


    1. MAGA in the Satanic church is the highest degree you can achieve. Trump is MAGA. He is with Satan. He is friends with all the democrats. Pathetic how he is pushing the death jab. Satan and his followers blend in on both sides to play you all. MAGA is 5th degree highest level in satanic church. Just google MAGA SATANIC CHURCH. Trump is flashing it in your face MAGA. MAGA: The Title or Position of the Highest Ranking Priests in The Church of Satan


  44. One would have to be a complete moron to get vaxed after having natural antibodies due to prior infection. But his biggest blunder was to try and divide Israel. But what do expect when his spiritual adviser is Paula White?

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    1. People follow some politicians like hollywood celebs and rappers, pop singersregardless of their morals and values. Pushing covid shots is like pushing dangerous drugs to experiment with.


    2. Antibodies? Covid is a medical term for the common cold and the 19 stands for the year they started the hoax…2019. So what do we need antibodies for? lol
      You’ve all been had.

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      1. Yep, these people are exempt from prosecution. Until it’s too late only then will the delusional masses of slaves realize they have been conned into idiocracy mad max

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    1. Not Donald Trump. Just like the old Hag playing Hillary isn’t the real Hillary. Or like Joseph Biden? Not Biden.
      The development of look-alike actors along with foolproof scripts make switching much easier than it used to be.
      Again, not Trump. Is the real one alive? We do not know, but can definitely state, the isn’t Trump.

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      1. Excuses,excuses, excuses.
        Just accept the fact that Trump is a fraud, he’s just playing the good cop bad cop routine. They’re all actors and many got suckered.


      2. Have u noticed that the recent pics of Putin (RasPUTIN) are not him either. The latest double has a really big head and a fat face.


      3. Whether they are alive or dead doesn’t matter, never trust politicians on the national level, incl congress, they are globalist puppets. Even some are on state and local levels (not all).


      4. I have said the same thing. Wonder what they have done with him…..?
        But then that raises questions with his kids……very Frustrating & Confusing just what they want🙁


      5. I agree 100% on the Biden and Hillary doubles. But I see nothing in his appearance that makes me question whether or not this is Trump. I was a huge Trump guy from the time there was still 16 Republicans vying for the nomination. However, I cannot overlook him pushing the death serums and trying to convince followers to take it. IMO, Trump made 3 big mistakes. #1 underestimated the depth of the swamp. He didn’t think that the alphabet agencies were so corrupt at the top.

        #2 Didn’t pardon Edward Snowden and Julian Assange. I think that he might have wanted to do it but figured he would do it after he won 2020. That didn’t happen due to unbelievable corruption during the election. He couldn’t fathom the courts, state legislators, AG, members of his own party, Kemp, and Pence, stabbing hm in the back. He knew if common sense, objective investigation, pressure from his voters, exposure, and for what the Constitution calls for, he would prevail. This is why he didn’t pardon them. McConnell warned him not to almost daring him to. He needed McConnell’s support fighting to stop the steal. When right prevailed he could pardon in 2nd term without worrying about re-election.

        #3 For whatever reason, trusting Big Pharma. He should have seen the red flags. How can they have “vaccines” ready, they just so happened to have been working on or completed. This is of course unless he was a shill from the start. Create vast division, get conservatives to budge on foundational issues due to their strong support. We’re we all duped?

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      1. In 2016 we had a choice between a literal witch in the Hillary or a carnival barker with Trump. I didn’t vote that year for a President. I was glad we got Trump instead of the witch though. But he is part of the establishment. He used to be a Democrat and donated money to Bills campaign in the 90’s. He is owned by the people who are now poisoning us with their shots.


    2. Me either. I knew something was drastically wrong in 2020 when Governors in 43 states violated the Constitution in the name of virus and Trump did nothing. He should have invoked the Supremacy Clause and advised the Justice Dept to suit these states and enforce the Constitution. Trump is beholden to Big Pharma. He is no longer a viable candidate for 2024. He is bleeding support every day. It’s all crumbling.

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      1. The best part of being bullied is getting back up and thrashing the jackass. Been there. Done that. it really works. Most bullies running for office are cowards who can not stand alone. Even for a few minutes.


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