In a stunning admission, Henry Kissinger just endorsed the premise of my book, ‘Stealth Invasion’

In a shocking admission, the longtime CIA operative and globalist insider has a massive ‘oops we shouldn’t have done that’ moment. This mea Culpa comes 40 years too late

At the age of 100, globalist Henry Kissinger seems to have had a sudden burst of conscience not typically found in globalists of his stature.

During an interview with Politico this week, the former U.S. Secretary of State and adviser to eight presidents admitted it was a bad idea for Western nations to have brought in so many migrants from nations that hate us.

Kissinger told Axel Springer CEO Mathias Döpfner:

“It was a grave mistake to let in so many people of totally different culture and religion and concepts because it creates a pressure group inside each country…”

In one brief moment, Kissinger endorsed the premise of my book, Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest through Immigration and Resettlement Jihad, which warned that elected officials in the United States, Canada and Europe were selling out their own people by funding the creation of parallel societies — nations within nations — that would, at the right moment, rise up and try to take over.

I warned that we Americans and Europeans would experience a comeuppance, a day of reckoning, after decades of importing hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees from places like Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bosnia, Iraq, Sudan, Syria, Somalia, Uzbekistan, Turkey and Yemen. More than 3 million have come to the U.S. from these and other hostile, jihadist-harboring, terror-infested nations over the past 40 years. They have come here under the Refugee Act of 1980, which created the legal framework for them to be brought here, given all manner of government giveaways, and placed on a fast track to full citizenship, often within a five-year period. Not all are bad people. But most of them have no intention of assimilating into Western culture. This is the program that gave us Ilhan Omar, a radical Islamic revolutionary, who has served multiple terms in the U.S. Congress representing the Cedar Riverside area of Minneapolis, Minnesota, which has absorbed tens of thousands of refugees from Somalia since 1990.

In my book, I document where these refugees have been placed in cities and towns across America, the problems they have caused, and warned that they were being brought here by traitorous members of Congress along with every president since George Herbert Walker Bush. President Trump slowed the flow of refugees, but he did not get Congress to repeal the Refugee Act of 1980, so as soon as he left office the Biden administration just made up for lost time and jumpstarted the refugee resettlements.

Now we are nearing the day of reckoning, when these Muslim refugees rise up and turn on us. If it doesn’t happen tomorrow, on the prescribed “day of rage,” it will happen further down the road. But it will happen. The dramatic influx of refugees from the Islamic world has led to a construction boom in mosques across the U.S. Every state has at least a few mosques and some have dozens and even hundreds. Even the least populated state in America, Wyoming, has at least three mosques that I am aware of.

For those unaware of what I’m talking about with regard to the “day of rage,” one of the co-founders of Hamas, Khalid Marshal, has called for a global uprising of Muslims and “day of rage” after Muslims emerge from their Friday prayers tomorrow, October 13, at mosques around the world. This is the first Friday since the Hamas massacre of more than 1,200 Israelis last weekend. Israel has responded with a carpet bombing campaign that is leveling Gaza. Both sides have referred to the other as “animals” and each side’s supporters are itching to see the other exterminated. Some of the rhetoric I’ve seen come out of the mouths of so-called Christians has shocked me. I understand a Muslim thirsting for blood because their scriptures endorse the path of war, whereas violence in the New Testament of the Bible seems to be relegated to defensive situations. We should be praying for peace, not cheering for the march toward World War III.

I pray that the Muslims are able to express their “rage” tomorrow, venting their anger at public protests while remaining peaceful. I pray Khalid Marshal’s words are not taken as a call to jihad, although some are reporting that’s exactly what it is, and that’s what it sounds like to me as well. Take a look below:

Hamas is a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. It doesn’t help that, as I reported in Stealth Invasion, an estimated 70 percent or more of the mosques in America are controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood. And 80 percent of the imams who lead these mosques are foreign-born radicals trained in both types of jihad, the mostly peaceful civilizational jihad and the violent call to holy war. Based on the word of their spiritual leader, an imam, a mosque’s members can be switched from peaceful to violent jihad. But either way, their goal is the same: domination.

Stealth Invasion was out there for six years, attracting almost no attention from the major market movers in the conservative movement. I wondered why, out of the blue in January of 2023, the book was suddenly banned by Amazon. Now it is clear. Someone, likely someone very powerful in the U.S. government, knew something big was about to happen and notified Amazon that this particular book needed to be banned. After several years of cooling down, the global jihad movement was about to heat up. They did not want Americans knowing how all these Muslims got here. They want you to believe they all came here over the last two or three years through Joe Biden’s porous U.S. border. The truth is, your tax dollars have been supporting a resettlement program that dates back to 1980 and that many of our “conservative” GOP leaders who have walked the halls of Congress and sat behind the desk in the Oval Office have supported the program that brought these people here from their jihadist nests overseas.

No, I do not buy that it was a “mistake,” as Henry Kissinger now tells us, to have brought these people here from hostile lands holding fast to anti-Western cultures and religious beliefs. It was part of a well-designed plan to deconstruct America and take down its freedom-loving middle class. And no matter how much our politicians and media talk now about the dangers and how we once again need to fear the “terrorist,” rest assured that both Democrats and Republicans participated in the plan to bring them here. It’s all documented in my book.

They tell us this is “Israel’s 9/11.” Never forget what happened after the first 9/11. We lost many of our individual freedoms during a period of great fear and confusion. This one will be no different. There will be attacks on American soil and instead of dealing with the core of the problem and shipping the Muslims back to their homelands, you will see politicians on both sides of the aisle calling for more changes in our system. They will say we need a digital ID system and a better way to track the bad guys.

Jihad scares people and our government knows it. Scared people are compliant people. Scared people will beg their governments to protect them. That protection comes with a cost. Never forget that.

Rather than begging for government protection, I suggest we protect ourselves. Get armed. Get trained. Don’t be like those Israelis who lived in the midst of their enemies with no weapons, fully dependent on a corrupt government to save them. When they needed their police and military the most, they didn’t show up.

Guns are great. But guns alone will not save us.

I encourage all Christians around the world to fast and pray, even if it just means skipping one meal and spending a little extra time with God asking for peace, asking for cooler heads to prevail. I sense emotions have risen to a very dangerous level in recent days as we all have seen images and videos that make us sick to our stomachs. War is hell. It always has been. But only in the digital age have we been able to witness it this up close and personal.

Lord have mercy on us all. is 100 percent reader supported and not beholden to any government or corporate sponsors. If you appreciate my independent reporting and would like to support it, please consider making a donation of any size, which you may send c/o Leo Hohmann, P.O. Box 291, Newnan, GA 30264, or via credit card below.

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Independent author, researcher, writer.

97 thoughts on “In a stunning admission, Henry Kissinger just endorsed the premise of my book, ‘Stealth Invasion’”

  1. unibokk (a/k/a “Anthony”) The suffering of the Jewish people and those in Gaza is being caused by Zionism…”

    One thing that has come out of this horrific attack in Israel in an extremely visceral way for me, is how much it echoes what I’ve heard about Nazi atrocities. Others online have expressed the same thing.

    So I wondered if there was a connection between Nazism and the terrorist arm of pro-Palestinian nationalism. There is. Through Haj Amin al-Husseini, founder of the Palestinian national movement. These are a few excerpts from a story about him in The Times of Israel, “The Nazi Roots of Palestinian Nationalism” (Devin Sper, 3/20/18) that connect the dots:

    “His name is never mentioned, and is perhaps no longer well known, even among the Palestinian Arabs, whose national movement he founded. His alliance with the Nazis and participation in the Holocaust undermine the Palestinian portrayal of themselves as innocent victims of the Jews and so they suppress the history of Husseini and the Nazi roots of Palestinian Nationalism.”

    “On August 24th 1929 Husseni engineered the end of the 3,200-year-old continuous Jewish habitation of Hebron. Under his direction Palestinian Arab mobs screaming “itbach el-Yahud” (slaughter the Jews), attacked the Jews of Hebron and without provocation murdered or expelled all of them and stole their property.”

    “The Hebron Massacre was the beginning of a plan for genocide against the Jews in the Land of Israel organized by Haj Amin al-Husseini Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and founder of the Palestinian National movement.”

    “Husseini preached that Arab Muslims had exclusive rights to the Land of Israel and schemed genocide against its ancient Jewish community. Finding a kindred spirit, and common cause, with Adolf Hitler, Husseini urged Arab support for the Nazi cause. Following their seizure of power in Germany, Husseini sought to coordinate his genocidal war against the Jews with that of the Nazis. To bring this about, Gestapo chief Reinhard Heydrich sent two emissaries in 1937 to Palestine to meet with Husseni, one of whom was Adolf Eichmann the future chief administrator of the Holocaust.”

    For his pro-Nazi activities Husseini was sentenced by the British to 10 years in prison on the outbreak of WWII. Husseini fled the country, and made his way to Iraq where he was instrumental in a pro-Nazi coup and the prime mover in the “Farhud” a two-day orgy of violence that decimated the ancient Jewish community of Iraq. When the British regained control of Iraq, Husseni fled to Nazi Germany, where he offered his services to Hitler and served as his adjunct on the final solution.”

    “Eventually, Husseini was sent by Himmler to the Balkans were he established the pro-Nazi “Handzar SS division made up of Bosnian Muslims who committed atrocities in Hungary and Serbia. After the war Husseini fled yet again, this time to Egypt where he was given asylum and again escaped justice. He was never tried or punished for his massacre of Jews in Hebron or war crimes in the Balkans.”

    “Both Husseini and the Palestinian national movement he founded faded into obscurity. However, two decades later Husseini’s genocidal war against the Jews was revived by his relative and protégé Mohammed al-Husseni. Born in Cairo Egypt Mohammed al-Husseni sought to hide his family’s connection to the Nazis and changed his name to Yasser Arafat. Symbolically, Arafat gave August 24th 1929 as his birthday, the day of the Hebron massacre.”

    “In 2006, the Iranian government sponsored a world conference of Holocaust deniers and its leaders have openly called for genocide against the Jews of Israel. Similar calls for genocide against the Jews are found in the Hamas charter and routinely issued by Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah among others.”

    “Like its former Nazi allies the Palestinian movement does not seek to live with the Jews but to annihilate them. In this light, the continuous, mass murder of Jews by Palestinian terrorists takes on an even more sinister character. Palestinian terrorism must be understood in this context and seen for what it is: Attempts to repeat the Hebron massacre throughout the Land of Israel and ultimately to recreate the Holocaust against 6 million Jews of Israel. That is why neither Hamas nor the Palestinian Authority have done anything to improve the lives of those under their rule, but instead pour all their efforts into seeking to delegitimize and destroy Israel.”

    These words especially in that last paragraph, “attempts to repeat the Hebron massacre,” eerily echo what just happened last weekend and are reverberating in my mind.


  2. Quotes from Unibokk (a/k/a “Anthony William”) – “Israel today continues to bring shame on themselves. If we look at the moral decadence which exists in Israel.”

    If it were me, I would not be pointing the finger at Israel now for societal moral conditions when that whole nation is traumatized and still reeling from shock and grief. But that’s my opinion, and everyone is different.

    Besides, the LGBTQ/perversion agenda has been exported to ALL Western nations as well as to Israel by the United States. Even though it has advanced in my own country – against my will – I still would not take kindly to remarks like the ones above, followed by a dissection and analysis of negative cultural influences by someone from another country, if my fellow citizens here had been similarly butchered, especially just one short week after it happened.


    1. @anna19722003 October 15, 2023 at 11:57 pm

      The readers on this site are predominantly Christian and my comment is aimed at those Christians who are supporting the annihilation of Gaza.
      I’m trying to make them see that Zionism is evil and is not beneficial to the Jewish people in Israel and world wide. The true Zion is in heaven.
      As a result of the actions in Gaza Jewish people are being persecuted world wide and I believe that this will get worse as this conflict continues.

      I’m showing Christian Zionists the error in their belief that the current state of Israel is the restoration of Israel mentioned in Ezekiel 39.

      The current state of Israel is not the work of God which Christian Zionists have been fooled into believing and who are consequently supporting this evil regime with donations and political persuasion, especially in America.

      Of course I condemn the actions of Hamas unreservedly. In my earlier comments I have pointed out that both Zionist Israel and Hamas are organisations set up by the ‘globalists’

      Innocent people from the Jewish and Moslem communities are suffering from this conflict.

      But my comment is aimed at the Christians who justify Israel’s actions on the false notion that Israel is the restored Israel promised by God in Ezekiel 39.

      The suffering of the Jewish people and those in Gaza is being caused by Zionism and the response of those who have been displaced by the Zionist Israeli government and have become refugees in the land in which they were born.

      But there is a Christian cohort of Zionists who relish in what’s happening in Gaza despite the terrible suffering of innocent refugees living there.

      As Leo quite rightly said :

      “I’m not referring to the actual terrorists who did the killing. I’m referring to the more than 2 million civilians living in Gaza, which includes a sizable number of Arab Christians. I’ve heard Christians refer to them all as animals and call for Israel to do a wholesale slaughter.”

      Christ taught us to love our enemies. Whereas these so called Christians are calling for a wholesale slaughter of INNOCENT refugees in Gaza. In their hyped arrogance they are applauding what Israel is doing.

      In my comment I am showing that Zionism is evil and that Christians who are buying into it have been fooled and many are being filled with hatred. They are actually supporting the devil’s plans for the revealing of the ‘man of sin’

      In order to show that the current State of Israel is not the restored Israel promised in Ezekiel 39, it is necessary to show a true picture of the immorality which exists in Israel and to compare it with Ezekiel 39.

      This comparison shows clearly that the current State of Israel is not the restored Israel which we read about in Ezekiel 39. I’m sure that many in the Jewish community who have read Ezekiel, would agree with this analysis.

      So, I hope that you will read Ezekiel and acknowledge this fact.


  3. Kkayjae – “Not many Jews repented, and Jesus often said he did NOT find much faith in Israel, only a certain racial arrogance and isolationism.”

    I have yet to see a comparative analysis from anyone here of the “racial arrogance” of the Islamic world that has demonstrated in full panoramic color and surround-sound, adherence to their beliefs that Jews and Christians are dogs who must be put done unless they bow to Allah.

    Not only that, its leaders are not hesitant to put their own people into the meat grinder if it serves their purposes. Iran did not want the peace agreement to happen between Saudi Arabia and Israel, but they saw it coming after the Abraham Accords, so this massacre was one to two years in the planning, which, in turn was guaranteed to elicit a response.

    Sad to say, in spite of the atrocities inflicted upon the Jewish people of Israel, some Christians are also quick to judge them in their attempts to remove the threat of annihilation, and they forget about all the times in the Bible where God commanded them to actively pursue their enemies. In those battles between opposing armies, it was spears, swords, and arrows – not guns and bombs – so few civilians were in harm’s way.

    But people can be quick to forget these historical events recorded in the scriptures, and they certainly want to forget 1 Samuel 15:3 where God is telling His people to completely eliminate another group of people because they would continue to be an existential threat – the only time He commanded them to take such drastic measures:

    “Now go and attack Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and do not spare them. But kill both man and woman, infant and nursing child, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.”

    So given the fact that Jews had been under the threat of annihilation from their enemies (and have continued to be from pogroms, inquisitions, the Holocaust, and now radical Islam), that might have had a tad bit of influence upon them to be wary and practice some form of “isolationism” i.e., self-defense.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Today’s Israel is NOT the restored Israel mentioned in Ezekiel 39.

    Ezekiel 39 says that they will dwell securely in their land with none to make them afraid.

    This is hardly the case with the current Zionist state of Israel which has been constantly attacked from within and without.

    Ezekiel 39 also says that they shall forget their shame and all the treachery they have practiced against God.

    Israel today continues to bring shame on themselves. If we look at the moral decadence which exists in Israel.
    “Tel Aviv is known internationally as one of the most gay-friendly cities in the world, welcoming gay tourists with open arms”

    One singer song writer Yoni Leviatan has said that ISRAEL IS THE GAYEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD.

    There’s a video on YouTube where Benjamin Netanyahu speaks in support of the GAY pride parade in JERUSALEM !!

    Here’s a description of Tel Aviv I got from AI

    “Tel Aviv is widely regarded as one of the most LGBTQ-friendly cities in the world and is often referred to as the gay capital of the Middle East 12. The city has a vibrant and inclusive LGBTQ community, and it hosts one of the world’s largest pride parades every year 1. Tel Aviv’s pride parade is also one of the first in the world to celebrate bisexuality awareness, reflecting the city’s incredibly open-minded nature 1. Over the past few decades, hundreds of businesses have opened up that are specifically targeted towards the gay community”

    So, is this the restored Israel promised by God in Ezekiel 39??
    NO! IT IS NOT.

    This is a state set up by Zionists who have hijacked Judaism in order to push the devil’s agenda and to create a state for the man of sin to be revealed in a temple which shall be built by Zionists who reject Jesus Christ as their Messiah.

    The greatest abomination that I can think of is to see the most vile man in history (man of sin) sitting in a temple in Judea declaring himself to be God.
    But this is being made possible by Zionists both Christian and Jew. Christian Zionists are providing financial and political support for the building of a temple and the restoration of old testament sacrifices thus insulting the finished work of Jesus Christ in whom they claim to believe.

    The current state of Israel was never set up by God. It was set up by dark sinister forces with the help of Rothchild and the British crown and of course the good old USA who was the first to recognise Zionist Israel as a legitimate Jewish state.

    “U.S. President Harry Truman was the first world leader to officially recognize Israel as a legitimate Jewish state on May 14, 1948, only eleven minutes after its creation.
    I’ve read that the number 11 has special significance to Freemasons.

    The average Jewish person just wants to live in peace and safety and is perhaps not aware of the true dark side of the Zionist movement.
    Zionism hasn’t delivered peace and safety. Only God can deliver peace and safety but Zionism rejects Jesus Christ who is God and Messiah and are busy working towards setting up their own god, i.e., the man of sin.

    Meanwhile in Gaza, Zionism is contributing to chaos in keeping with the ‘Globalist’ agenda of bringing a New World Order out of chaos whilst many innocent lives are lost and while hatred for the Jewish people is escalating world wide due to their actions in Gaza.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Let me just clarify that I do NOT support violent attacks on Gay people.

      In my previous comment I am simply pointing out that Israel is a decadent country.

      So, decadent that it’s prime minister endorses a gay pride march in Jerusalem.

      This is not the behaviour of the restored Israel described in Ezekiel 39.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. A story from The Times of Israel (“Hamas leader prays for annihilation of Jews, Americans” August 2012) describes the true intent behind the jihadist movement.

    “The deputy speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council, top Hamas official Sheik Ahmad Bahr, has called for the annihilation of Jews and Americans alike in a sermon broadcast on Hamas’s Al-Aqsa TV.

    According to a translation provided by MEMRI (the Middle East Media Research Institute), during the August 10 sermon, Bahr told his disciples that “if the enemy sets foot on a single square inch of Islamic land, Jihad becomes an individual duty incumbent upon every Muslim, male or female.”

    A woman doesn’t need permission from her husband, nor a “servant his master’s permission,” in order to engage in jihad, Bahr told his flock. This, he says, is “in order to annihilate those Jews.”

    In a second clip Bahr is seen praying, “Oh, Allah, destroy the Jews and their supporters,” and “the Americans and their supporters.” In an apparent call to ensure that all of Hamas’s perceived enemies are annihilated, he prays, “Oh, Allah, count them one by one, and kill them all, without leaving a single one.””

    Ahmad Bahr’s justified condition for jihad, that it’s necessary “if the enemy sets foot on a single square inch of Islamic land” obscures the fact that they consider Israel Islamic land. It also obscures the wider view that the whole earth is Islamic land that must be conquered in submission to Allah.

    And take note of the fact that he is urging on women as well as men. Terrorist attacks in Israel have included jihadist women involved in stabbings of innocent Israelis.


    1. Thank you, Anna, for sharing this archival pronouncement proving Allah is the harbinger of death while our God, Lord and Savior, is the King of Creation and Life.

      The contrast is glaring. There are many anti-christs out there. The jihadists are just as bad, and worse, than the Nazis, but both are cut out of the same cloth. These are the ones with the reprobate wicked hearts Jesus talked about. Satan is roaming and destroying but the evil will boomerang to Satan’s eternal damnation, to experience the incalculable suffering this insatiable Satan has inflicted on humanity. That is justice. In the meantime we continue to pray and fast and worship Jesus Christ, the epitome of Love and Justice, our Lord and Savior. Praise and Gratitude to and for the God of Abraham and His covenant to the Jews His chosen people. Hate loses, Love wins.



    Anyone who says this “conflict” is a tit-for-tat from its instigation to attempts to resolve it needs to do further research.

    1) Jews in Israel do not murder, rape, kidnap, torture.

    2) Arabs who call themselves “Palestinians,” and who have a right to the land of Israel are neither Palestinians nor historical residents of that land. Nor do they have a title deed from the Creator of the universe. If you don’t believe that, then you are not reading your Bible.

    3) If anyone longs for peace, it’s the Israeli people who have suffered brutal attacks for decades. But jihadists do not want peace negotiations, they want eradication of all Jews through bloodshed.

    A “religion of peace?” When it calls for no more Jews OR CHRISTIANS but only those who bow the knee to Allah?

    Looking at comments of readers on another web site in reaction to this massacre, one in particular perfectly characterizes a “faith” that has long been included in that short list of the three major religions of the world:

    “Islam is a death cult. It is not a religion. It is a pseudo-religious socio-economic-political ideology, whose goal is the subjugation (which is what “Islam” means) of the entire world.”

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Did Netanhyau show his intentions in September address to the United Nations?

    “Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu angered Palestinians and their defenders Friday after presenting a map of “The New Middle East” without Palestine during his speech to the United Nations General Assembly in New York.
    Speaking to a largely empty chamber, Netanyahu—whose far-right government is widely considered the most extreme in Israeli history—showed a series of maps, including one that did not show the West Bank, East Jerusalem, or Gaza.”

    This looks to me like a typical ‘globalist’ show of hand, where I believe Netanyahu is showing a map of his aims for the ‘Zionist’ state of Israel.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Palestinians routinely show maps of “Palestine” that show no existence of Israel and I believe the Hamas charter calls for a one-state solution for the area meaning NO ISRAEL. I’m no fan of Netanyahu but if what you say is true it should not be shocking given the two sides’ inability to live together in peace.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. We need to have clarified who the “sides” not wanting peace really are. It seems to me that those Jews and the Palestinians/Arabs wanting peace soon find their peace negotiations sabotaged or the terms of it ignored. Then the turmoil results in both peoples getting used as political footballs by other groups (often outsiders) pulling strings, aggravating the situation further. Every so often atrocities suddenly appear to make sure the populations stay in line with someone’s war agenda. This whole conflict since 1919 was caused in the first place by the machinations of outsiders imposing their will on both Jews and Palestinians.


      2. Leo – “The Palestinians routinely show maps of “Palestine” that show no existence of Israel and I believe the Hamas charter calls for a one-state solution for the area meaning NO ISRAEL”

        That’s exactly right, Leo.

        And “from the river to the sea” is what pro-Palestinian supporters were chanting HERE IN THE U.S. during their Day of Murder yesterday – not Day of Anger – because a terrorist in France killed a defenseless teacher and another one in China started hacking away on an innocent man. That phrase literally means chasing all Jews into the sea so none are left in Israel.

        Now everyone needs to ask themselves, how do they intend to do that? Politely request Israelis to leave? Cut off food and supplies coming into the country so they are forced to leave? If anyone believes that terrorists would be willing to exercise restraint, any humanity, then they need to reread all the stories that have come out, and look again at photos of blood-stained empty cribs. Infants were not only decapitated, they were burned alive.

        The only reason why they couldn’t fully engorge themselves in their bloodlust yesterday is because governments were on the alert.




  9. Ya, i suppose Europe, then us.
    Blinken made sort of an interesting comment too
    when he talked to Israel, he said “as long as we ‘ EXIST’
    we will stand with you”.


    1. Or maybe us then Europe? Or both at the same time?

      I am getting very concerned for this country. Read an article tonight, “Lebanese Nationals Apprehended at Texas Border” (Newsmax 10/13/23)

      “Customs and Border Protection apprehended two Lebanese nationals at the southern border Thursday, the latest in a spree of Middle Eastern “special interest aliens” trying to cross this week alone.”

      “The apprehension of 19 Iranians and 17 Syrians — in addition to the Lebanese men — this week in one border sector alone comes amid fears over the possibility of a terrorist attack in the United States linked to last weekend’s massacre in Israel carried out by the terrorist group Hamas.”

      “They are 2 of 164 Lebanese nationals encountered by CBP from October 2021 through this point in October, according to the Fox News report. Further, CBP encountered 6,386 nationals from Afghanistan, 3,153 from Egypt, 659 from Iran and 538 from Syria, according to the report.”

      “A Department of Homeland Security threat assessment last month warned that “terrorists and criminal actors may exploit the elevated flow and increasingly complex security environment to enter the United States.”

      “Former CBP acting Commissioner Mark Morgan told Newsmax on Monday that the chaos of the surging number of illegal migrants flooding the United States southern border could hide incoming terrorist cells like the Hamas cells activated in last weekend’s attacks in Israel.”

      “In the past 32 months, we’ve had 1.6 million ‘got-aways’ [at the southern border],” Morgan said. “[That is] 1.6 million got-aways that we know nothing about. The truth is, we could have a terrorist planning cell in the United States right now planning the next terrorist attack; we would have no idea.”

      Think of that – 1.6 million escaped that they “know nothing about.” Imagine what that amount could do.

      I’m wondering if they’re being sent here to train males in these Muslim communities Leo is talking about. Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has often trained Hamas and other groups. Also wondering if there are some significant Islamic anniversaries coming up.


      1. Yuup, Muslim men are trained in mosques and there are plenty of them in the U.S. now. Some think the illegals will be used as UN troops and/or cannon fodder for no win wars. I keep up with Jijad watch (Robert Spencer’s site), anyone concerned about this issue needs to check the site.


      2. L.A. McDonough – “Yuup, Muslim men are trained in mosques and there are plenty of them in the U.S. now.”

        I had forgotten about terror attacks in Israel involving knife-wielding jihadist women, so I wrote more comments above referencing that 2012 story from The Times of Israel about Hamas Sheik Ahmad Bahr calling for their women to engage.

        Now that I’m writing this, I neglected to mention that in Gaza, the PLA supplied children with textbooks telling them how to kill Jews. I saw a video once of a little 6-year-old girl enacting that to “kiddy” music as she as chanting death threats.



  10. Can anyone enlighten me as to why we still call these people Palestinians when there is no such thing as a Palestinian? And I was married to one once and it was not a pleasant experience so I have some knowledge. Why do we keep giving them this legitimacy when they do not deserve it and never were from a place called Palestine? They are Arabs from Jordan, Syria, etc. and they have absolutely no claim to the land God gave the Jews at all. Yet I see so many comments here referencing that name and continuing to use it as if it really means something. I do not get it. How about we just call them what they are…Arabs in the Jewish homeland that have no right to be there at all unless Jewish goodwill allows it.

    From the article at the link above: “It is now clear that a concept of Palestinian identity and nationalism has emerged and become a political factor. Whether it first emerged from literary societies and missionary groups a century ago, from the impact of the Arab Revolt of 1916-1918 in the Hijazi desert in Arabia, or as imitation of the actions of the Young Turks who in 1908 seized power in the Ottoman Empire is irrelevant. The new concept became important as a claim to self-determination by Arabs in the period after World War I in reaction to the increasing importance of Zionism and the assertion of self-determination by the Jewish people. The single most important factor leading to the idea and development of a Palestinian national identity was the creation of Israel and the Arab defeat by Israel in 1948-49. One might say it was even an imitation of the Zionist movement. Palestinian national identity was formally asserted only with the formation of the PLO in 1964.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Great information, jodyel, thank you!

      Some more from the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs:

      What is the source of the name “Palestine?” It is not Arab; it is derived from the name “Palestina,” by which the Roman Emperor Hadrian chose to call the land after the defeat of the Bar Kokhba Revolt in 135 CE. His aim was to erase “Judea.”

      According to Palestinian historian Muhammad Y. Muslih, during the entire 400 year period of Ottoman rule (1517-1918), before the British set up the 30-year-long Palestine Mandate, “There was no political unit known as Palestine.” In Arabic, the area was known as al-Ard al-Muqadassa (the holy land), or Surya al-Janubiyya (southern Syria), but not Palestine.

      Not a single Palestinian tribe identifies its roots in Canaan; instead, they all see themselves as proud Arabs descended from the most notable Arab tribes of the Hejaz, today’s Iraq, or Yemen. Even the Kanaan family of Nablus locates its origins in Syria. Some Palestinian clans are Kurdish or Egyptian in origin, and in Mount Hebron, there are traditions of Jewish origins.

      The first generation of the Palestinian Muslim leadership took part in the Great Arab Revolt of the Hashemites in 1916. Palestinian leaders were members of the Hashemite administration in Syria, and it was only after King Faisal’s reign collapsed that they came to Palestine.


      1. thats true, also “Philistines” which are not Arab.
        but as we all know people will never recognize
        that God created a nation for Himself. Israel!
        Up until 1919 -1948 the Arabs were the main
        peoples in that region named “Palestine”.
        Didnt like being called displaced Arabs from
        the area of Trans Jordan they took the name
        Palestinians. They are really unwanted Jordanians.


      2. Great information, Marcus – thank you! You’re right – “people will never recognize
        that God created a nation for Himself” – until His Son comes back to rule the earth from there!



      3. To clarify: That “nation” God created for himself is called the Church, made of believers from all nations (Jew and Gentile).

        The Promise land is not the current state of Israel. The Promise Land is not of this earth, for New Jerusalem will come down from Heaven, not arise from this earth. “Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. (John 4:21) Abraham looked for a city whose maker was God, (Heb 11-10–not by a bunch of secular politicians ands nationalists).


      4. If there is to be an earthly component to New Jerusalem, it will not be built by human hands. That’s how it’s described in Revelation. It’s coming down to earth from heaven—entirely created by God, therefore eternal. Just like the Garden of Eden (that the New Jerusalem somewhat resembles) was entirely created by God and served as a temple for Adam, who was its high priest. That’s the difference. Not a human construct, which cannot be other than finite. Meanwhile, the Church is the threshold to the heavenly realm in the Last Days, just as the Jewish temple was the threshold until it served its purpose until Christ’s first coming.

        Liked by 2 people

      5. Keep in mind before the Church was Israel, and always will be.
        The Church, which yes includes all believers in Gods Son was
        grafted into the promise of God to His people through his SON.
        Do NOT ever think the Church has replaced Israel. That is a lie
        from hell!

        Liked by 1 person

      6. Marcus – “Do NOT ever think the Church has replaced Israel. That is a lie
        from hell!”

        Well spoken, Marcus! It IS from hell, and called, in its modern version, “Replacement Theology.”

        But it is not a new heretical doctrine like some being birthed today. It has its roots in early Christian fellowships, when Gentile numbers were being added to the body of Jewish believers through Paul’s missionary journeys.

        Basically, Gentile followers of Jesus were becoming too big for their britches, so Paul had to exercise a little tough love:

        “And if some of the branches were broken off, and you, being a wild olive tree, were grafted in among them, and with them became a partaker of the root and fatness of the olive tree, do not boast against the branches. But if you do boast, remember that you do not support the root, but the root supports you.” (Romans 11:17-18)

        Paul may have temporarily put the lid on it in these local congregations, but unfortunately the spirit (because it’s demonic) continued to manifest through the early church “fathers” until it culminated in Martin Luther’s rabid writings against Jews that Hitler seized upon to systematically massacre six million Jews.

        And precisely because it IS from the pit of hell, a spirit, and satanic, Christian anti-Semitism is still alive and well today not only in some individuals but in some pastors who’ve embraced it within their denominations.


      7. And, Marcus, that may explain one of the reasons why there are so many Messianic Jewish congregations and fellowships that have been springing up not only in Israel but here in America and elsewhere around the world.

        Although they may have initially joined Gentile churches, after becoming born-again believers in Jesus Christ, some might have caught a whiff of that familiar Christian anti-Semitism.

        So they form their own fellowships where they can not only enjoy worshiping our Lord with one another within the freedom of the traditions and beliefs that are uniquely theirs and which they’ve held for millennia, but at the same time escape painful reminders of a spirit that almost led to the extermination of their people.


      8. And Marcus, I think this is also worth noting when considering exactly WHY some Christians latch onto Replacement Theology.

        Although they might not want to admit it to themselves, they may have a little problem with the fact that Jesus/Yeshua IS JEWISH.

        So maybe they’d be more content with some Babylonian, Assyrian, Greek or Roman gods or idols, but those are all pretty damn boring.

        “They have mouths, but they do not speak;
        Eyes they have, but they do not see;
        They have ears, but they do not hear;
        Noses they have, but they do not smell;
        They have hands, but they do not handle;
        Feet they have, but they do not walk;
        Nor do they mutter through their throat.
        Those who make them are like them;
        So is everyone who trusts in them.”

        (Psalm 115:5-8)

        So are those who prefer them to the One True God.


      9. Marcus, some last comments here in this conversation we’ve started.

        Because things are ramping up and becoming more dangerous, I’ve come to the conclusion that all of us who have made the decision, with sincerity, to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, born-again, blood-bought believers in Him, need to stop living in the bubble that everyone who calls himself or herself a “Christian” really is one of His sheep and therefore our brother or sister. Because in these last days, that could put those of us who are in the sheepfold of the Shepherd at risk.

        Jesus gave the following warnings:

        “Now brother will deliver up brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and cause them to be put to death.” (Matthew 10:21)

        “Do you suppose that I came to give peace on earth? I tell you, not at all, but rather division. For from now on five in one house will be divided: three against two, and two against three. Father will be divided against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.” Luke 12:51

        I believe His words apply not just to those of us who have physical family members who aren’t saved, but to any of us rubbing shoulders with people in the house of God, so Christian nominalism could become as deadly to us as Christian anti-Semitism has been to the Jews.

        It’s pretty obvious that Biden, Obama, Schwab, Gates, Trudeau and many other globalists who hold or previously held membership in Christian denominations have never made the decision to come to the cross, because that is evidenced in their overt actions. By their fruits, you will know them.

        But as the heat is turned up, especially here in the U.S., by our own government for citizens to rat out their fellow Americans (which happened in Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, Communist China and other countries under totalitarian rule), we need to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves, because that fear and pressure to betray may filter down even into the religious sector of our culture.

        Several nights ago I had a nightmare that police showed up at my house to search for and confiscate what they said was “religious materials and literature.” In the dream I was outraged, not fearful, and I expressed that to them, saying, “But this is not for crime, for murder or theft or anything like that.” They were nice people and agreed that they felt the same way, but that they were just following orders, so they kept on searching my home. And then the dream ended.

        I’m not trying to instill paranoia, just expressing my conviction that you and I and other believers need to be wary, because I recently read a story about a once ardent pro-life activist who was arrested and has now turned into a government witness against her fellow pro-lifers. As long as she cooperates and keeps supplying information to them, they’ve said they will not press full charges against her, so there’s that caveat of their agreement being conditional which is meant to intimidate her.

        There are many good and decent people who aren’t born again but who go to church and are patriotic toward their country, but unless they have the added strength of the Holy Spirit who comes to indwell a person when they accept the Lord, they may, when the time comes, succumb to threats made by a tryannical regime to turn us in.


      10. “But when he (John the Baptist) saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance: And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham. And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. (Matt 3: 7:10)

        Not many Jews repented, and Jesus often said he did NOT find much faith in Israel, only a certain racial arrogance and isolationism. Jesus wept for Jerusalem because those unrepentant Jews would met a terrible fate a generation later and would be thrown into centuries of exile. The Jews who had repented and converted to Christ left before the Roman invasion, generously spreading Christianity throughout the ancient world, bring the news of salvation to the natives of Palestine, among Nabatean Arabs, Egyptians, Ethiopians, Persians and other peoples. And lest you have forgotten, there is no way to the Father except through His Son (John 14:6). Not through a race or ethnicity, not through a nationalist ideology or a 3rd temple culture.

        Jesus had come to the Jews to offer salvation first, but how did they ultimately receive him? “He (Pilate) saith unto the Jews, Behold your King! But they cried out, Away with him, away with him, crucify him. Pilate saith unto them, Shall I crucify your King? The chief priests answered, We have no king but Caesar.” (John 19:14-15)

        That’s still the prevailing Jewish sentiment today, unfortunately. And that’s how modern Israel operates–”we have no king but Caesar”. And whether that king is Rome, or the UK, or the US or some other earthly, even Zionist kingpin makes no difference–some “Caesar” is who they bow to. That attitude will end as badly for them, as it did in 70 AD (especially if they build that 3rd temple). Their true salvation is in Christ just like any other people, and they probably need it now more than ever.


    2. You say Palestinian identity is merely a 20th century political construct and appellation. With that reasoning, you can say exactly the same thing about the Brazilians, the Argentinians, the Chileans, the Iraqis, the Canadians, Australians, etc and certainly the Americans—all of whom are unrelated conglomeration of immigrants who settled these lands relatively late in history, displaced whoever was there first, and now bear names given them by modern statehood fiat or mandate. Whereas the people called Palestinians today (descendants of mixed groups of Phoenicians/Philistines, Syrians, Canaanites, Arabs and Hebrews (who had become either Christian or muslim converts) have lived in the region of Palestine for many, many centuries, long after the Roman invasion. They are entitled to be called Palestinian every bit as much as we are called Americans, in fact, more so. Palestine was called Palestine since the 5th century BC by the Greek historian Herodotus and known as Palashtu by the Assyrians. In any case, it’s the region these people live in and identify with.

      Moreover, in your view, these people are a non-people having no legitimate identity whatsoever. And for that reason, probably should not exist at all?? Is that where your thinking is going–mostly a result of a bad marriage that you’re still smarting over?? Is that fair?? It sounds very much like what was once said about the Jews—that they had no legitimate identity, therefore no humanity, no place in this world at all. So someone concluded they had no right to exist as a people, either.


      1. Wow, really??!! That’s what you took away from what I posted??!!

        The whole point of my post is that the land belongs to the Jews from Old Testament times and that those called Palestinians are anything but. Jordanian Arabs, Syrian Arabs, etc. So let’s call them that instead of a misnomer that is not valid.

        Jews have always had a legitimate identity and a land given to them by God. For good reason, He told them to eliminate the Canaanites (every living thing). They did not and we are still seeing the repercussions of that today.

        Smarting over my bad marriage to one? Ha! What an asinine comment! Which only serves to show you know nothing about anyone else’s life. I came to know Christ when that marriage ended and for that I will be eternally grateful. Everything God has said about this people group was evident in spades in that one man and I am so thankful He opened my eyes about it.

        Pull your head out of the sand and see exactly the type of people you are defending. If even God instructed some people groups to be wiped out, then who are you to say differently. These people will never stop raising their hand to Israel and I will never support them. I have seen up close what they are capable of


  11. God bless you, Leo! I just ordered your book and can’t wait to read it. Everything that we are seeing in our world today, as Christians, must be seen through the Cross and the will of the Lord/God’s Word. There are no ‘sides’ but His….Truth. Let us keep fasting and praying because the hour is indeed late.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. We should remember, too, that Kissinger (along with the rest of the globalists) had unleashed many devastating, unless wars and supported terrorist movements (like ISIS) upon the globe which has resulted in wave after wave of refugees fleeing the war zones, migrating into the EU, Canada, Australia and the US. It’s not just muslims who are hostile at us, but many other groups forced to leave their homelands and culture and transplant themselves here in what is to them an alien, nontraditional and incomprehensible culture. So if the muslims suddenly turn on us within our own borders, it is likely that other groups may join them. For instance, I hear there have been numerous converts to Islam in Latin America, too, and at least one was caught in terrorist activity here. Our leaders have not served America well by their forever wars.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Bankers and defense contractors profit from wars, they sell arms and bandaids to all the players. Globalist corporations control politicians, therefore making voting useless. The UN is running this country anyway. Hezbollah said they would join in with Hamas. Enough Muslims in the E.U. and U.S from years of migrations to start a jihad with little effort. Iran is backing Hamas.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Forgive me, Father, through the redemptive power of Your Son Jesus’ holy sacrifice, for I daily sin much and deserve nothing but punishment. But by Your Grace and the power of The Holy Spirit, I have become One with You, in Faith and Hope and Love. Thank you Jesus and our Comforter for continuing prayers of intercession for every need of Your Children. Bear me up on wings like an eagle in these days, so that I stay strong in faith, fearless and ready to fly to whatever action You want me to take.


  14. Hi Leo

    Lots of mosques over here in UK too.

    I recently moved to a different suburb in my city – one Friday afternoon, I was driving along a road a few streets away from me when I saw scores of Muslims (lots dressed in their traditional clothing but some not) pouring out of a wide lane on the road and walking away in all directions. There were also cars coming out of the lane and there was even an official white guy stood at the entrance to the lane directing the traffic! I suddenly realised they must have just finished Friday prayers but I had no idea that there was a mosque tucked away down this lane. The area is very predominantly a poorer white working class area in my city (though there is a bit of diversity mixed in as in most places nowadays) so it did really stand out to see all these Muslims pouring down the street in all directions.

    Just thought I’d let you know as you mentioned about all the mosques in USA at the moment.

    Best wishes


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Jane Crewe – “…but I had no idea that there was a mosque tucked away down this lane.”

      Not just mosques (or “masjids”), but islamic “centers,” “societies,” “education centers” and “associations.”

      Since I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep tonight, I started looking online for statistics on our own red Midwestern state and found 6 masjids/mosques, 10 centers, 3 societies, 1 education center, and 1 association spread out over 15 different cities, with the 2 biggest cities having multiple numbers of these.

      If anyone is curious about their own state, you can find the information at:

      – The Hartford Institute for Religious Research, “Database of Masjids, Mosques and Islamic Centers in the U.S.” (

      Every state in the country has them.

      Some excerpts from a Washington Examiner story, “Illegal immigrants from Middle East arrested at US border over past 10 days: Steve Daines” (10/13/23):

      “Since the first of October, Border Patrol agents have apprehended individuals from Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya. Malaysia, Morocco, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Yemen…This is just in the last 10 days.”

      “Since the start of fiscal 2023 last October through August, Border Patrol agents on the U.S.-Mexico boundary have caught 151 non-U.S. citizens who, after being processed, were determined to be on the FBI’s terror watch list for being a terrorist or affiliated with someone who was.”

      “The 151 figure…is the highest annual number in the Border Patrol’s 99-year history, surpassing the previous record of 98 people in 2022 and 15 people in 2021, according to Customs and Border Protection data.”

      “More than 10,000 illegal immigrants from special interest countries Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran, and Syria had been arrested at the border between October 2021 and October 2023…”

      I’m guessing that the ones who aren’t caught blend into Muslim communities across the U.S.


      1. A lady asked me the other day what I thought about the candidates, and I said we have been invaded big time, it won’t matter now who wins what, it is unfixable. People are so shallow to what’s going on, tiny few informed.


      2. L. A. McDonough – “People are so shallow to what’s going on, tiny few informed.”

        And that’s exactly what the elites are counting on.

        They have dumbed down education as well so kids don’t develop critical thinking skills.

        The last thing they want are masses awakened and angry.


  15. And the word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly; and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith.
    -Acts 6:7
    The Jews all rejected Messiah?
    I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. 2 God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew.
    Romans 11:1,2
    God rejected the Jews?
    You also, as living stones, are built up a spiritual temple, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. -1 Peter 2:5
    There’s no more temple, priests, or sacrifices?

    Who are the priests that ought to be interceding for this world?
    What should be their guidance?
    Is that guidance not the Holy Scriptures that were written, copied and preserved by the people of Israel?
    If you are a gentile saint, are you not in debt to Paul, who identified himself as a Hebrew of Hebrews?

    Many websites in their comment sections include many vitriolic words of condemnation of Jews. The moslems are only the flagship of Satan’s antipathy against the children of Israel. The moslems are not alone in their wish for destruction of the Jews.

    If the “day of reckoning” from this stealth invasion comes, those deceived Americans will be aiding the moslems to bring Hamas (means violence) upon us that stand for righteousness and truth.
    Oh Lord we pray for TRUTH!

    By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil. -Proverbs 16:6
    The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether. -Psalms 19:9

    Is “the Fear of the LORD” a well taught doctrine in America?
    Is “the fear of MAN” prevalent in America?

    Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. -Revelation 2:10

    Liked by 2 people

    1. “The moslems are only the flagship of Satan’s antipathy against the children of Israel. The moslems are not alone in their wish for destruction of the Jews.”

      That’s it, Hananiah. The author of all evil has been persecuting the Jews since he found out which people group the Messiah would come from. I think that’s why this whole, horrific massacre has sent out such a magnitude of shock waves – because it’s so demonic and twisted. We keep asking ourselves, how can anyone do these things to another human being? It has to come from the pit of hell – there’s no other explanation.

      Come quickly, Lord Jesus!

      Liked by 3 people

    2. Hananiah – “If you are a gentile saint, are you not in debt to Paul, who identified himself as a Hebrew of Hebrews?”

      Yes. And Paul gave a really good word:

      And if some of the branches were broken off, and you, being a wild olive tree, were grafted in among them, and with them became a partaker of the root and fatness of the olive tree, do not boast against the branches. But if you do boast, remember that you do not support the root, but the root supports you. (Romans 11:17-18)

      Jesus, also:

      You worship what you do not know; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews. (John 4:22)

      Liked by 2 people

  16. Leo, this indeed is a “down in the dumps” scenario, not up lifting at all. I remember wondering why the military jets were not scrambled during 9-11 as it was so obvious where the planes were heading. Pres. Bush failed to scramble the jets to deter those planes from their trajectory, to divert them or shoot them down. In my opinion. Bush was part of it just he was part of the surveillance state he ordered right after that tragedy. And to hit the Pentagon with a missile??? I know people who were killed in that hit, and some who were kicked out of the hospital in their open back gowns and had to find rides in that exposed condition as they needed the hospital rooms for the attack victims. Was there a slip up in intelligence, just as that being claimed in Israel after the surprise Hamas attack?

    The traitors in Congress and the White House have to go, but how do we arrest them or ensure they do not get re-elected? Is there evidence to convict them, or just surmising? I have seen the viciousness of the communists and the radicals, both here and abroad. They act as though they are inflicted with rabies. I concur that we need to pray and fast even more, but can we find a way to coalesce around Sheriff Mack? Or are all the sheriffs also traitors, except the one in New Mexico?

    The governor of California and the state legislature recently ruled that the voting machines will be used while not enforcing paper ballots. Same for abortion laws. When we have men and women without a moral compass elected to power positions, then we are in a very bad position, probably due to the voting machines selecting them and discarding the true valid votes. Evil is rampant and it is nauseating, making one’s hair literally stand on end. One can spend a fortune on defense equipment but if over run by a hoard, what good will that preparation serve?

    We need, as Leo wisely affirms, to pray and to put on the armor of God. We need to deport these evil monsters and kick them our of Congress. No more swearing in on the Quoran. If people are so mind numbed or mind controlled that they want to give our country away, then those people will be the death of our nation and of future generations. Now is the time for all good men to stand tall and fearlessly. We have to find a way to coalesce into a voice and group of active protest. I do not like to say this, but it is now or never, or forever hold your peace (as dead you shall be) because silence is compliance, silence is agreement. We cannot fight this fight according to our own values, but we have to study the enemy and respond in a way that the enemy understands, and that is strength. Kissinger is a very bad man, like Gates. These guys have made a Faustian pact with the devil, one that they are foisting upon all of us. We have to fight back because it is better to stand for truth and die, than to be murdered in pathetic silent acquiescence. Offense is better than defense and more effective.

    We need another General Clay or another Abraham Lincoln. Can’t we rise to the occasion? Sorry for the long winded spiel. I am really tired of all the rhetoric with no viable action. I keep praying. With God nothing is impossible, so never underestimate His power to intervene when we ask in faith and prayer. Please join us in prayer as that surely we can manage to do immediately. God bless you with courage and right action. Amen.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Traitors in the white house and congress and later state dept and DOD since W.Wilson took office.


  17. Leo – “Both sides have referred to the other as “animals” and each side’s supporters are itching to see the other exterminated. Some of the rhetoric I’ve seen come out of the mouths of so-called Christians has shocked me.”

    As a Christian who calls Hamas “animals” because I am horrified and angry, could someone tell me please, where is there any shred of humanity left in men who murder, rape, kidnap, torture, while laughing, whistling, and cheering each other on?

    And I am puzzled why some people want to define the violence in the Middle East in terms of an equation that attributes equal responsibility to radical Islamists and their leaders and to the Israeli military and their leaders. This perspective totally ignores intent and the beliefs or ideology that influence actions.

    The Quaran commands its followers to behead and cut off the fingers of the infidels, but the sadism of radical Islamic terrorists exceeds even that. And even though God told Israel in 1 Samuel 15:3 to “Go and attack Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and do not spare them…kill both man and woman, infant and nursing child, ox and sheep, camel and donkey,” the IDF has never wantonly destroyed innocent civilians like Hamas has. Israel has always been in a fight for its survival and it will until Jesus comes back.

    It also seems to be difficult for some to understand why the IDF is now determined to wage an aggressive war against butchers, after so many years of ceasefires in previous conflicts, concessions, compromises and acceptance of “peace” plans imposed by other nations that, frankly, had no business getting involved and who prevented them from finally eliminating a truly malevolent, lethal threat.

    Maybe it’s because we’ve all become so comfortable in the security of our own homes in this country, and are not surrounded by segments within populations at each border whose burning desire is to do every conceivable harm in the most cruel way, with the ultimate goal of wiping us all out. Or maybe it’s because our sensitivity has become dulled by too many scenes of violence on the news or in movies or because it’s harder to fully empathize with someone “over there” because they’re not “over here” as in our own 9/11.

    I know what it’s like to feel totally helpless and at the mercy of another, because when I was 20 years old, I had to physically fight for my life against a would-be rapist who was also threatening to kill me. Unbelievably, just several months later I found myself on the other side of a gun held by someone robbing the store where I was working by myself on the night shift. But the terror I felt then and the trauma was nothing compared to what these people in Israel have suffered. My heart has been broken over and over when I see and hear what they have gone through, and the only thing that keeps me from re-experiencing the feeling of helplessness is my anger now.

    So maybe anger is one thing that is helping the people of Israel not be destroyed by their grief and shock, so they call Hamas “animals” too.


    1. I’m not referring to the actual terrorists who did the killing. I’m referring to the more than 2 million civilians living in Gaza, which includes a sizable number of Arab Christians. I’ve heard Christians refer to them all as animals and call for Israel to do a wholesale slaughter.


    2. You said: “As a Christian who calls Hamas “animals” because I am horrified and angry…” Hamas are indeed inhuman by their crimes and deserve their violent ends when judgment comes for them, BUT the Palestinian people that are being indiscriminately bombed by Israel are NOT Hamas. Should they be exterminated because of their non-Jewish ethnicity, many of whom are Christians??

      Hamas will not let them flee from the northern parts of Gaza because they want the maximum body count for propaganda purposes. Egypt won’t let them escape into their country and Israel is bombing that escape route anyway. They are trapped and death awaits them from all sides. Keep in mind that the average age in Gaza is 17, so nearly half of the population are children. Many are being buried under the rubble, never to be found and so body count is very likely much higher than the terrible massacre in Israel by Hamas, but no one will bother to search for them or count them for we consider them all the enemy, regardless of whether they are innocent or not. The bombing of Gaza is shaping up to being a war crime on Israel’s part—should we ignore this because we’re being told to hate Palestinians?? (Make no mistake—I do not side with those who cheer the massacre in Israel. That’s disgusting and very wrong, but neither should American Christians cheer the incriminate deaths of Palestinians.)

      I’ve seen on this blogsite commentors say that the Palestinians are the Canaanites that God once ordered the ancient Israelites to exterminate. Has God told Netanyahu to exterminate the supposed Canaanites of the present? Christians should remember this story from the New Testament (Matt 15: 21-28) when Christ himself had mercy upon a Canaanite woman and healed her daughter, praising her for her faith.

      This whole incident seems to be designed to excite the maximum amount of fear and hate and overreaction on all sides and to propel the world into WWIII. Netanyahu said this was Israel’s 9/11, but don’t we all (or should) have questions surrounding our own 9/11 and why it occurred and what we lost as a result of being stampeded into wars? We should be questioning everything right now, not being driven like cattle to slaughter by a narrative being shoved at us.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Kkayjae – “BUT the Palestinian people that are being indiscriminately bombed by Israel are NOT Hamas.”

        A tale of two wars. The innocent Ukranian men, women, and children who are being bombed by Russia are NOT Nazis. But the big difference here is that Russia is intentionally targeting them, whereas the Palestinians are caught in fire that’s intended solely for Hamas.

        War is ugly and horrible, and the innocent always suffer. But the consequences of not ending the kind of evil we’ve all just witnessed would not just be unbearable but never ending, because these demons are relentless.

        Think about what the world would be like if the Allies had pulled back from air raids and invasions as they fought to destroy a monster. Thank the Lord that Roosevelt and Churchill were not pacifists.


      2. False. The Russians have not intentionally targeted Ukrainian civilians. If they had gone in and indiscriminately started bombing everything that war would have been long over by now.

        Liked by 2 people

      3. There’s no avoiding it, given the extremely dense population there. And evacuating 1 million civilians in 24 hours is impossible.


      4. So true, Anna. American soldiers liberated people, not slaughter them. If I am not mistaken, I think the Gaza civilians were warned to evacuate prior to the attacks on buildings, etc. This unimaginable horror and monstrous brutality makes one cringe in disbelief that any human could stoop so low, and cause one to think civilization has regressed to barbarism amid the most advanced technological innovations ever produced. Yet these innovations smack of even worse horrors already perpetrated on the world, with even more atrocious ones planned. It appears to me that barbarism comes in many different forms, some more easily recognized and others, underhanded and wickedly conceived, target us to as though intelligence clearly is failing. Witness covid-19’s stealth bio-weapons that innocent people are still being subjected to. All this sickens and frustrates the heart that feels hopeless to stop it.

        The human mind and soul can reach lofty heights, so descending into this mindlessness and heartlessness surely is from the pits of hell. To wipe out this cancer a justified self-defense is required. I just hope the innocents were able to evacuate. Innocent Americans were also caught in the crossfire. I pray the innocent, if killed, like the thief hanging on the cross next to Jesus, prayed and went to heaven, a so much better place. It is hard to understand this unbridled tenacity for land that God clearly gave to Israel who has the inherent right to self-defense against this senseless slaughter. If people are occupying a land that is not theirs, they are not innocent but part of the problem.

        This lack of intelligence seems uncannily similar to our 9-11 when military jets were not scrambled even though they knew those attack planes were headed for the Towers, then that foul act was followed up with the Patriot Act to conduct surveillance on the terrorists and then the American people. The infestations over there and here must be eradicated or the evil deeds will not stop – ever, but worsen.

        I pray for God’s intervention. Not all Jews are innocent just as not all our leaders are innocent. There is always a Judas lurking in the shadows. You will know them by their fruits. We may be surpassing the horrors of the days of Noah. Please follow Leo’s wisdom to pray and fast. Those are the ways we can help. Thank you, Anna, for your always insightful posts and generous offering of knowledge.


      5. Margaret Anne – “There is always a Judas lurking in the shadows.”

        Yes, much like a Benedict Arnold or Brutus.

        The way this whole thing unfolded…I’ve heard one explanation. Something to the effect that an initial onslaught of drones from Gaza took out a perimeter of early warning systems so the IDF was never alerted and therefore wasn’t aware of the attacks. That could be.

        But it also seemed to me like such a coincidence that it happened just days after the U.S. had its emergency alert system test (which of course prompted Putin to conduct one also). Which in turn reminded me of Event 201 held just several months before the Covid outbreak. Almost as if they want us to connect certain dots: 1) we’re here to help in case of a crisis – trust us, and 2) oh look – here’s the crisis. So we’ll always connect them in the future for similar events. Like Pavlov and his dog.

        The global cartel certainly had a lot to gain from this massacre, because now they’ve got Netanyahu where they want him – sandwiched into an emergency unity government with globalist Gantz and out of favor with the people. Israelis’ dissatisfaction with the previous, leftist “government of change” is what swept Bibi’s nationalist ultra-right government into power. But the lords of the manor in Davos don’t like patriotic nationalists.

        It’s suspected by some that the U.S. administration meddled again in Israeli politics to produce a perfect storm of division – a massive wave of protesters on the left against judicial reforms by the right, which was also joined by thousands of IDF reservists. Did they realize this would make Israel look weak to enemies? Did they care? Netanyahu will be out – so maybe that was the whole idea, and now they have the added benefit of a war which could expand if Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria get involved. A war/crisis is something they never waste, as we’ve seen with Ukraine.

        But Iran benefited too, because it sabotaged the progress being made in a possible agreement between Saudi Arabia and Israel.

        So if there were players, who knows who they were, but one thing is certain – both Obama and Biden have put massive amounts of money into the pockets of Iran and the Palestinian Authority/Hamas. That certainly pays the bills for all the training, weaponry, and maintenance needed for these attacks, doesn’t it?

        Liked by 1 person

      6. Like stated we have a combo of Brutus and Benedict Arnold (and probably many Judas and Iago characters lurking in the White House and the ABC agencies) with Biden the puppet and the puppet master Obama. Time for the Exterminator? May God bless America and restore to us our constitution and Bill of Rights. The taxpayers are not to be expected to foot the bills for all the nefarious actions and decisions our Congress and other government officials foolishly enact. It seemed odd that Netanyahu signed a contract with Pfzizer that would obligate every Israeli to take the covid-19 jabs. Israel paid big bucks so the shots had to be delivered. Why would he do that to his people? Did BIG PHARMA pay him for that service? Why did the intelligence system not detect the incoming drones? Too many unanswered questions and too many Benedict Arnolds and Henry Kissingers/Gates in high positions where they can inflict serious damage.

        I wish we had a gigantic vacuum cleaner to clean out the traitorous, treacherous government and evil gluttonous corporations. Certainly the enemy provided the evidence of what they planned to do, so why didn’t authorities act to stop it before it happened??? They had the evidential proof in writing by the perpetrators!!! It was premeditated murder of millions of people globally. The whole plan (Schwab and Gates TED talks) was published for all to read, no research required. Why isn’t the Nurenburg Code kicking in? The judicial system et al are captured by addictive greed and bribery and extortion and black mail. No one eats an apple that is rotten to the core. No, the apple is thrown in the garbage. The “rotten apples” are like termites that erode until the house falls apart from infestation.

        I pray God will intervene to help us know what to do and how to do it to save not only our own country, but those other countries suffering similar fate from the globalist tyrannical butchers.

        Thank you, Anna, for sharing your thoughts and information. We need more patriots and respecters of Truth and love of God like you, Leo, and other posters here, to help us stand tall against these entrenched enemies. Let’s pray for the National American Renaissance Movement and Mike Lindell that their efforts will be blessed and productive for they are sacrificing all to save America, and by so doing, save the world.


      7. Margaret Anne – “It seemed odd that Netanyahu signed a contract with Pfizer that would obligate every Israeli to take the covid-19 jabs.”

        Probably because like me and so much of the world, he was convinced that a deadly pandemic required this miracle shot. If my husband hadn’t voiced his opposition to me getting the jab (and I was still going to do it anyway, but cancelled out twice), I might not be alive today. But my sisters and their husbands bought into the lies, probably due to the influence of one who was in the medical profession. The full extent of the deceit has still not been fully revealed and so people are continuing to be duped.

        Most people have had an almost religious faith in the medical and pharmaceutical establishments. I used to be one of them.


      8. “American soldiers liberated people, not slaughter them.”

        False. American military has a long history of massacres and/or atrocities, but let’s just take the more recent ones. These are:  No Gun Ri, Korea—1950, My Lai, Vietnam—1968, Abu Ghraib, Iraq—2004, Haditha, Iraq—2005, Azizabad airstrike, Afghanistan—2008. That’s the ones we know of.

        Our so-called wars of “liberation” have all failed to liberate and resulted in the collapse of numerous countries into chaos or fall to communism. We liberated no one.

        It’s time we stop the myth making and face ourselves and what’s we’ve done. We’re no angels, and a lot of the violence around the world has been our fault. We need to repent.

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      9. Leo – “Based on the word of their spiritual leader, an imam, a mosque’s members can be switched from peaceful to violent jihad.”

        Kkayjae, the stealth invasion has been taking place for years and the troops are all in place here and in Europe. At some point, if those imams give the signal, as Leo pointed out, a new front will open up in this country and/or in Europe. Israel is already fighting on one front. And since that country has been a faithful ally, I think we owe it to them to stand strong and support them, because pretty soon we’ll all be comrades in arms.


      10. Civilian deaths from World War II are an estimated 38 million. Should our governments have paused midway through because there were too many being incurred and sent the troops home? Do you even dare to think what life would be like then and now if they’d done that?

        We are in a war that we never chose. And because the instigator is relentless and merciless, so are those under his command. Appeasement never deters a bully, it just makes him stronger, as Israel has tragically discovered. Now they’re trying to make up for lost time. We’ve lost time as well in this country because the giant has been asleep. So are those cells, but with one eye open. They will hear the call to arms. I’m not sure if our fellow Americans will.


      11. @anna19722003 October 13, 2023 at 1:38 pm
        “And neither are Israelis intentionally targeting Gaza civilians.”

        If the Israelis weren’t intentionally targeting Gaza civilians.”

        then why did they bomb Gaza indiscriminately for almost a full week before allowing the evacuation of innocent civilians.

        The Israelis dropped 6000 bombs on a tiny very densely populated strip of land. It was inevitable that there would be civilians killed and seriously wounded.

        Why did they give over a million civilians only 24 hours to leave northern Gaza and Gaza city. They then extended the time to 2pm which has now passed.

        I believe that the only reason that Israel has now allowed the evacuation of civilians is to make their land assault easier.

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      12. Exactly. Impossible to evacuate a million people in 24 hours. It’s unreasonable. This will be a bloodbath and accomplish nothing but make things infinitely worse. Shameful that Christians support this draconian tactic.


  18. Congratulations Leo. I hope it becomes a best seller.

    PS I read a post today that the person making the post has a Marine friend that’s on the ground in Israel.

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  19. It doesn’t get any more asymmetric than “one side” praying for your death while the “other side” prays for peace. There is the hunter and there is the prey. Prayers won’t prevent becoming prey.


  20. Kissinger is involved with the Committee of 300, club of Rome…I don’t believe he gives a damn about Europe being overrun….they know what they are doing.

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  21. Love ya Leo but don’t let Kissinger’s parallel thoughts impress. Many of us with working brain cells knew that every European country that welcomed Muslims would someday regret it. Muslims don’t assimilate. The chaos, murders and terror is coming here to0 so pray, prep and persevere in that order.


    1. After Islam takes over Europe (people there are nihilists, apathetic and passive to most anything) it will come here. Globalists will use this illegal migration to take this country down also. Train stations and bus stops are common in the E.U. for stabbings. France has had a number of Catholic churches burned and other churches. France has largest Jewish population in Europe.


      1. It’s already here L.A. I documented it in my book Stealth Invasion, which I researched and wrote in 2016 and had published in January 2017. And 99 percent of the Muslims imported here by our so-called “leaders” were brought in LEGALLY under the Refugee Act of 1980. It boggles my mind that so many Americans still believe most American Muslim migrants are “illegal.” To me, it’s even more criminal that our government passed laws to bring them here legally!


  22. There is also a man by the name of Robert Spencer of the website Jihad Watch .com that covers this sort of info. We know they have been cooking up something for a long time now. Thanks for the info. and good advice.

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    1. Robert Spencer is a great American. He is listed on the back jacket of my book (hardcover edition) as endorsing it. I was greatly honored by his endorsement, along with that of former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann and Pamela Geller.

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  23. Can we say that Stealth Invasion the “green version” and that Fabian Socialism is the “red version” ? For sure, the deconstruction of America has been going on for at least 4 decades…. some would say much longer, “triggered” in 1962 when JFK was assassinated. Looking ahead, I wonder if there is any way to avoid a Digital ID. Meanwhile, don’t be a “Gullible Gedaliah” — Jeremiah chapter 41.


    1. As a United States citizen born here in 1961 and having lived here all my life and never having left the country, it took me 4 months to get my federal REAL ID here in Texas. I had to produce my birth certificate, my Social Security card, my Medicare card, my marriage license, my divorce decree, my credit card statements, and my banking statements. And I am a citizen. Yet these bastards can come to this country and get everything handed to them on a platter within days if not hours. I have never been so infuriated about something in a very long time. This world is going straight to hell and I will be happy to go home to be with the Lord and let them have it.

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  24. Has anyone else noticed that with a worldwide call for Islamic terrorism on Friday that NOT ONE Governor of any state has called for the National Guard to be on standby in any city??? What does that tell us?

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    1. With the huge influx of Muslims into our country what do you suppose will happen in light of the current events in Israel and what the globalists want? I think we know. When this war calms down and unwinds there will likely be a massive call and demand for the Big 3 religions to peacefully coexist.This will lead us into a dangerous new kind of religious propaganda that will be spawned from the pit of hell.

      Being a Christian and knowing that Jesus Christ is the Only Way of salvation I can never go for this. Saying that Jesus is the only way will be ostracized like never before and persecution will be on the rise big time. This basic first amendment protected gospel message preached will likely be banned in favor of “peaceful coexistence”.

      On a side note the city I live in has already got something called the Tri Faith Initiative. All 3 religions have built…. a church, synagogue, and a mosque all on the same property in close proximity to each other. This is a model the globalists will want to go with in the not so distant future.

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      1. Yes you’re right Leo. I’m in Omaha!!

        Not sure if you mentioned in the book that there is ironically a creek that runs through the property called Hell Creek. The property used to be a golf course that I had golfed on before.

        I’ll have to get your book!

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      2. You make a great point. Very soon speaking of Jesus Christ as the only way of salvation and exclusively will be verboten. So that is why it is important to look back at our work on earth from time to time and ask ourselves if we are satisfied with the Gospel message we have spread so far. If our work ended tomorrow and we could no longer speak of Jesus Christ and witness as God commanded us to spend our lives doing, would we feel like we have done our job and completed our assignment here on earth, or would we be ashamed that we didn’t tell anybody and just lived of ourselves. Well, it’s about over, I hope everyone is happy with the work they have done because the night comes when no man can work.

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      1. Oh,thank you so much for your very vivid assessment of today’s “Global day of anger”. Bless you, Leo Hohmann for your honesty and love of God.

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