Globalists open second front in World War III: Attack on Israel activates ‘zero hour’ around the world, and America is not immune

In the realm of geopolitical events, things are almost never as they appear.

The messaging being sent by the media is no longer mere “news.” What we receive from them are carefully crafted narratives meant to advance certain agendas. The same event, in fact, can carry multiple narratives often diametrically opposed to each other because the narratives are tailored to specific audiences and loaded with explosive words and images meant to trigger emotions in those audiences depending on their prior conditioning.

And the devastating attack on Israel Friday night was no exception.

The “what” cannot be debated – over 900 Israeli citizens were slaughtered and more than 2,000 injured in a brazen and brutal attack by Hamas terrorists. More than 100 other Israelis, including an Israeli military general, were captured and are being held as hostages.

But the “why” and the “how” – as in why now and how did they get away with it – will be less understood by the average American who’s more interested in who wins the Packers’ game this Sunday or how long Taylor Swift will retain her latest boyfriend.

While few realize it, what happened in Israel on the night of Friday, October 6, is an earthquake in terms of the impact on global stability, mostly because of the timing. The events of October 6 cannot be analyzed and properly understood separate from all that has been going on over the last 18 months between the US/NATO and their vassal states and Russia/China and their vassal states. The attack on Israel (a vassal state of the US/NATO) by Hamas (a vassal state of Iran which is a vassal state of Russia/China) opens up a second front in the escalating World War III scenario being advanced by the globalists for reasons I’ve provided in previous articles, the most recent of which was posted September 25 as “The Four D’s of Digitization, Dehumanization, Destruction and Depopulation.”

Ukrainian President Zelensky has already come out with a statement in support of Israel while implying that Russia was responsible for the Hamas attack. We don’t know if that’s true but Zelensky said it so that makes it true for the faction of people who believe Ukraine’s war with Russia is completely just and defensive in nature.

The media tells us that Hamas launched a sneak attack on Israel and caught the IDF napping.

Excuse me, but there is simply no way the Israeli Defense Forces – the most technologically modern, most adept, most highly trained security force in the world – did not see this attack coming. For them to be caught off guard is inconceivable.

We’re told they were totally surprised. Even on the 50th anniversary of the last massive attack on Israel, the Yom Kippur War of October 7, 1973, they were not prepared for an attack from their arch enemy? They left their border unmanned and unprotected, and it was breached in 29 different places, including in some areas right next to an international music festival where tourists from other countries were partying literally within yards of a dangerous Gaza border? Please. I’m not buying it.

Nor is former IDF intelligence officer Efrat Fenigson buying into this narrative. Watch what she has to say in a post to the platform X.

Let this be an object lesson for all of us, in America and elsewhere.

In my book, Stealth Invasion, I referred to Muslim Brotherhood documents which prophesied about a “zero-hour event.” Zero hour can be any event that sets off panic and chaos among the masses, and at this point the Islamic terrorists all join hands to attack the infidel, whether that be Jews in Israel or Christians in the West. All the terror cells get activated.

Since around 1990, the United States has imported more than 3 million Muslims to America, mostly through legal channels associated with the Office of Refugee Resettlement and other avenues where Muslims can come here on religious visas, visa lottery programs and countless other visa programs. Refugees are set on a path to full citizenship within five years.

I’m not saying all of them are anti-American. But if even 10 percent of them are, we’ve got a problem very similar to Israel’s.

Sources of mine in Sterling Heights, Michigan, reported seeing fireworks coming from a site on 15 Mile Road where a mega-mosque is under construction. The mosque is not even open for business, yet the property owners used the site to express their celebratory emotions and feelings of giddiness over the news coming out of Israel.

Hundreds of miles away in Tampa, Florida, I was informed of a pro-Hamas rally, also expressing jubilation over Israelis being killed. Muslims also rallied in support of Hamas terrorists in America’s largest cities, New York City, Los Angeles, Boston, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. Muslims are also celebrating in Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran and Turkey (a NATO member), among other places. This single event in Israel has triggered them and they will launch more attacks on Jews and Christians around the world.

So it would be a mistake to view what happened in Israel as something “over there.”

It can and will happen here. In the U.S. and many European countries, the hordes are not standing at the gates, they’re inside the gates, waiting for their zero-hour event. This may be it.

The Israelis were not prepared for what happened Friday night. They’d grown too comfortable, too prosperous, too lazy, and maybe some had just grown too tired and weary of standing on alert all the time with their weapons at the ready. It can be exhausting being on watch 24/7.

Perhaps they got lulled into a false sense of security, placing too much faith in their government to save them from such attacks. When the chips are down, the government will not be there to save us. Not in Israel and not in America, Britain, Germany, Italy or France.

Just when you feel you are dwelling in safety and security, then like a thief, Satan will send his minions to attack you in the most vicious way possible.

Be aware. World War III is bulldozing its way into our reality. What happened in Israel on the night of October 6 widens the war and draws in the Muslim world. They now have a stake in the outcome of the war. Israel has a stake. Many of the evangelical Christians in the West who were against funding Ukraine’s war with Russia will now feel they have a stake in this new front being opened in the Middle East.

We should expect a third front to open soon. Perhaps a Chinese blockade of Taiwan? Serbia attacking Kosovo?

All of this will add up to global war and millions of new combatants being drafted into duty on both sides. Americans, are you prepared to offer up your sons and daughters to the military-industrial complex?

If not, then you’d better wise up and refuse to be played by the script writers in the globalist war games.

The violence is coming soon to a nation, state, city, and/or community near you.

Why? Because, at this point, both sides want it. They’ve been manipulated into mutual hatred and they’re taking the bait.

Will you be caught off guard like those Israelis? is an independent source of news and analysis that relies solely on readers for support and funding. No government grants, no corporate ads or sponsorships will ever influence my reporting. If you appreciate these updates and wish to support my work, you may send a donation of any size c/o Leo Hohmann, P.O. Box 291, Newnan, GA 30264, or via credit card below.

Published by


Independent author, researcher, writer.

57 thoughts on “Globalists open second front in World War III: Attack on Israel activates ‘zero hour’ around the world, and America is not immune”

  1. I believe God will contain this event for the sake of the harvest of souls in the middle East and also because of His many promises to restore Israel and the Church. The restoration is far from complete for either. The Globalists/Muslims are NOT more powerful or in charge than God and His servants. I do agree with you Leo that this event is “strange” however.


  2. I believe God will contain this event for the sake of the harvest of souls in the middle East and also because of His many promises to restore Israel and the Church. The restoration is far from complete for either. The Globalists/Muslims are NOT more powerful or in charge than God and His servants. I do agree with you Leo that this event is “strange” however.


  3. Excellent title to your article. This war is simply the opening of a new front since support for the war in Ukraine is all but gone. The Muslims think they are fighting a holy war, but in the end they are pawns being used by the globalist cabal.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly. The Muslims have allowed themselves, once again, to play the role of patsies for the globalist Luciferians seeking their long-awaited one-world slave state with a vastly smaller population. The gates of hell have now been opened and many role players will have blood on their hands. Lord have mercy on us!


  4. Friends

    Its horrible to see

    But Netanyahu is also in Putin/Schwabs global club :~(

    => Psalm2

    UN/WHO global Gov


  5. Well written and true Leo. ” Fool me once, but fool me twice and
    shame on you”. We know that the OB/B administrations does Not
    like Israel. Israel does not need us to share intel with them yet for
    some reason they say they do. That is a fatal mistake!
    Then Biden sends [sells] 8B in weapons to Israel, after the fact.
    Then our woke military sends a navy [all show and no go] show
    of force. And that makes it all better. Come on Bibi how stupid
    can you be?
    If this was to be a ‘real’ attack Hezbolla would have fired their
    150K rockets too. But Iran still fears the response, thanks to
    Gods angel Michael standing up against that evil force. But the
    day will come. Lets also pay close attention to whom is part of
    any confirmation of peace. Dan 9:27a


  6. Leo—you mentioned in passing that Iran is a “…vassal state of Russia/China”. Is it a vassal state in the same way that it was under the British/US from 1953-1979? Did either Russia or China depose any of its leaders or assassinate them as the British/US did in 1953 and impose their own to rule Iran? I don’t know of any. I think it’s much more correct to say that it is in alliance with Russia and China, especially through BRICS, but to say that it is a vassal state of Russia/China projecting in lockstep the policies of its masters is wrong. To suppose Iran is merely a vassal state of Russia/China would be to ultimately blame Russia/China for the Israel/Hamas attack. If our State Department is taking the same attitude (which it is) and this assessment is accepted by the American public (which most do), then that will only lead to our accepting without question an eventual war with Russia and China that our elites are trying to shove down our throats in any case. So respectfully–I think it’s best to not jump to conclusions about who is a vassal of whom.

    Iran may be supporting Hamas and its attack on Israel for its own reasons, but the only major powers that are NOT feeding an escalation of the current conflict between Israel and the Palestinians are Russia and China, both of whom are advocating diplomacy. The Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman said that after 75 years of conflict there, this problem will never solved by military means, but by diplomacy and negotiation. (And let’s be clear—both Russia and China have good and mutually beneficial relationships with Israel.) Compare that reaction to the Collective West—all of whom are supporting immediate retaliations (stated as “Israel’s right to defend itself”), and the Arab/muslim world which is eager to follow up on its successful attacks.

    Who benefits from this current conflict? It could be Netanyahu, whose regime has been under a lot of division and stress. This attack would unite the country behind him, which he is calling “our Pearl Harbor” and another Israeli minister is calling “our 9/11”. So his regime may intend, justified or not, to use this crisis to his political advantage as Bush Jr did after 9/11. Certainly the Biden Administration will benefit, eager now as they are to find an off ramp from the Project Ukraine debacle before an election year. Already they’ve promised billions in aid to Israel and sent an aircraft carrier to the region (to do what?). They are ready to dispose of the Ukraine as it is losing the war catastrophically. Biden couldn’t get unanimous EU or American public support for Project Ukraine, but Project Israel—now there’s something everyone non-muslim would rally around instantly without question! To which I say it’s all the more reason to thoroughly question this event before we buy into yet another mess, and certainly before we are pushed into another false flag event.


    1. Kayjae, I did not mean to suggest that Iran was set up as a vassal state if those nations but I think it is moving in that direction due to the geopolitical and economic realities moving toward WWIII. So I stand by my statement. Does that mean Russia and/or China approve of everything about the way the mullahs govern their own people? Not at all but right now the enemy of their enemies is their friend. That applies to both sides in the fast-approaching global conflagration.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. OK. But using that reasoning, one can then assume that Brazil, India and South Africa must also be vassal states of Russia and China (BRICS), which they are not. Nor are the many Global South nations seeking to join BRICS. The history of Iran/Persia has never shown them to be vassals of either Czarist/Soviet Russia or imperial/communist China, so how are they now or even trending that way? That a country trades with another country does not make that country its vassal; that it is located close to a larger country does not make it a vassal of the larger country. We share a very long border with Canada and Mexico and engage with them in a large share of our trade, but no one seriously terms them as our vassals, although we dominate the North American economy and geopolitical “realities”. In the case of Israel, we share many “geopolitical and economic realities” with them and gave them huge amounts of assistance and aid over many years, but are they our vassal? (Some would say yes; others would say we are the vassal of Israel, but that’s another debate and I won’t go there.)

        How does a master state deal with a vassal state that fails to stay in line with its terms and objectives? The head of the vassal state is killed or deposed and the country may be reduced to civil war to achieve the master state’s objectives (e.g. Dubchek-Czechoslavakia 1968 by the Soviets, Pres. Diem—South Vietnam 1963 by the US, Mossadeq—Iran 1953 by the British, Saddam Hussein—by the US 2006, and many others since WWII). It’s the usual procedure all through history when dealing with vassal states. It should not be automatically assumed that Russia/China is a party (even covertly) of the war with Israel by reason of their alliance with Iran, especially when both Russia and China are saying openly to the Global South that they do not support war, economic sanctions, and regime-change as a foreign policy strategy, as the West does. They are NOT looking to start WWIII, but our leadership does. As I said before, neither Russia or China have hostile relations with Israel—in fact, their relationships are quite good. If their supposed vassal Iran is jeopardizing that, certainly they would take severe action to stop them or depose their leadership–if Iran were truly a vassal or in any way under their control. So what Iran may be doing now with Hamas is entirely on their own volition and for their own reasons.

        If we’re going to examine geopolitical realities, we need to clear out the assumptions and look at things as they really are, so we can deal with them as they are. Speculations about where certain relationship might go in future are only speculations and would need a lot more evidence to establish the trends.


  7. I {Zelda} was living in Tel Aviv during the Gulf War with Saddam Hussein. America told Israel to “stand down”. Get it ? ?


  8. A section of my blog’s Bio Info notes this ‘God-incidental’ event from mid-1980s:

    As a part-time editor/publisher I was well placed in the mid-1980s for a friend who ran a mail-order book business giving me a new book on geopolitics, ‘The Invisible Hand’ by Victor Dunstan (self-published, Megiddo Press, 1984).

    This gift claimed the Bible held coded and plain-text details of prophecies relating to the British Mandate in Palestine, as well as giving historical details of the Mandate.

    Whilst watching a documentary about the then current Iraq-Iran war I was also casually flicking through the book and noticed many references to the significance of Jerusalem.

    So you can imagine my absolute amazement upon hearing the narrator on TV describing footage being shown of “Elite units from opposing forces are rehearsing an attack upon Jerusalem” – ie. DESPITE being at war with one another they’d united to practise ‘liberating’ Jerusalem!!

    So I looked and watched at what claimed to be a video of such an attack – my jaw dropped! Wouldn’t yours?


  9. Brilliant story, Leo, well-researched, well-written, insightful, and, as always, though-provoking. This attack also reminds me of Stealth Invasion and what I’ve been reading in your book.

    When looking at the total picture here, everyone should ask themselves, who has the most to gain from it? Certainly the Islamic crusaders and their supporters around the world think they’ve achieved a great victory in their blood quest to annihilate Israelis. But in reality, they’re just bringing more destruction upon themselves, although, in their minds that is perfectly aligned with their jihadist-martyr religious beliefs. But this is just the micro.

    The macro is (as you have pointed out) that those in the Western axis – D.C., Davos, NATO have everything to gain by it. Netanyahu, a nationalist, has been a thorn in their side just as much as those of us who are conservatives (and especially Christians), alongside Putin and his Russian Orthodox people. Both the Obama and Biden administrations tried to meddle with Israeli politics and elections when Bibi was the candidate. They much preferred the globalist “government of change” Israel had before November 2022.

    These covert actors, along with a few leftist oligarchs funded and instigated massive protests against judicial reform, aided by their overt Israeli mainstream media, government, and corporate allies. As a result, thousands of IDF reservists vowed to stop showing up for volunteer duty, siding with them. But in opposition, an equally massive number of conservative Israelis rallied in support of the reforms and the current government. The tug of war between right and left there parallels that in our own country. Very handy for the NWO folks.

    This division within the country left it extremely vulnerable to its most lethal enemies – the terrorist proxy fighters of Iran and they have now obviously seized upon an opportunity. Just when negotiations between Saudi Arabia and Israel were looking really promising and probably on the eve of another Abraham Accords type of victory, suddenly, an attack. Hezbollah to the north could also join the fight.

    It has also led to criticism and questioning of Netanyahu’s leadership, which is what the Western elite were hoping for. And instability within any country, whether it’s Israel, Ukraine, or our own, especially to the point of its devastation, helps along their plans to build back better. They are so very good at never wasting a crisis, aren’t they?

    This great harm that has come to Israel should be devastating to all of us who call ourselves followers of Jesus Christ. We need to be praying and interceding for these precious people. Our Lord’s love for them stands forever, and it must be grieving His heart to see them go through this.

    “Can a woman forget her nursing child,
    And not have compassion on the son of her womb?
    Surely they may forget,
    Yet I will not forget you.
    See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands;
    Your walls are continually before Me.” (Isaiah 49:15-16)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Anna, you did like my post! If you hover your mouse over the like, it will give you the name of the person who liked. If it’s you, it will state that you liked it. It was I who liked your post, probably about the same time as you did mine!
      Sorry, but I confess to chuckling when I read your post about how the “F” keys can cause chaos when you press them! So very true. They aren’t for casual, everyday use by people like me and you! I just always leave them alone because I don’t know what they do and have no need of them.

      You’re lucky to have a husband who can help you out of your computer chaos! I have to call a pro. I found a wonderful one who does house calls for confounded people like me. I’ve had a computer for about 20 years now, and I’m embarrassed to admit I still don’t know how to do much more than turn it on and off!

      Be patient with yourself and always remember, you are way smarter than any dumb machine!


      1. Bonnie, it would cost me a fortune if I had to use a computer pro or run to Staples all the time! I recently turned 70. Maybe there are simplified PCs for senior citizens?


    2. I don’t know of a simplified one. I have an HP laptop that is a really easy one to operate. The pro I found charges about $100 an hour. And it usually only takes 45-60 minutes. I’ve had to call on him 3-4 times and he’s never charged more than $100. If you ever need one, call around. Meantime, you have a pro in your home!


      1. All geek squads in my area charge around 95.00, like plumbers and electricians. Some have family members or friends that will help (then take them to lunch and pay).

        Liked by 1 person

  10. This very bloody and unfortunate event is also a consequence of wrong-headed alliances, a very common mistake in world history. Empires or nations raise up a creature of violence to hurl against an enemy–that turns on them after it fulfills its short-term goal, a monster having evolved its own mindset and goals. Israel created Hamas to function as controlled opposition to Yasir Arafat, but it soon became a serious threat to Israel itself. What were they thinking by heedlessly recruiting the enemy that was so like the enemy that they were trying to bring down?? But lest we castigate Israel too much for their short-sightedness, look at our own record: the US created the Afghan mujahadeen to fight the Soviets, which then became the Taliban. We created Al-Qaida, which later became ISIS, and who knows what its surviving members are called now. We totally lost control over these supposed “allies” that we armed and sent against our Cold War and Middle Eastern enemies. (not to mention all the dictators like Saddam Hussein we put in power to punish Iran that we lost control over.) And once those wars and intrigues ended for the West, the momentum we set in motion and then abandoned did not stop for the insurgents who then turned against the powers that created them. Which led to 9/11 and the wars thereafter.

    It is not a case of naivete that a nation’s leaders turn to this tactic of creating counter-opposition forces, but of short-sighted cynicism. For instance, the British armed a communist resistance movement in Malaysia to fight the Japanese, which later turned on the British. It took the British 15 years to suppress their former allies. The US armed Ho Chi Minh during WWII to oppose the Japanese occupation, but when he expected us to support his anti-colonialist cause against the French, we ignored his cause and supported the French. (We later set up opposition to Ho in the person of President Diem of South Vietnam, whom we then had assassinated for his unwillingness to cooperate with what he perceived to be our colonialist aims for Vietnam). See how this works (or rather doesn’t)?

    Kaiser Wilhelm’s Germany during WWI, sent its agents into the Middle East and Turkey specifically to revive a modern day jihad against the British and Russian empires. You can read many online articles about this.

    And again, during WWII, Nazi Germany recruited thousands of Bosnian muslims into the Waffen SS divisions, appealing again to their spirit of jihad. The Muslim Brotherhood came from this influence. That jihad spirit –like all the spirits of insurgency–is like a genie inadvertently released from a bottle, never to be put back again. A spirit which is now overrunning Europe and replacing its former Christian culture with Islam.

    Just like the US/UK/EU is funding and arming Ukrainian Nazis (even lauding their Waffen SS forebears in parliaments as in Canada recently) to do our dirty business for us. And that unrehabilitated survival of the Waffen SS has poisoned our foreign policies and our very reasoning.

    So Israel made the same mistake with Hamas and now pays the price. The lesson: what goes round, comes round.

    Make no mistake. I am NOT unsympathetic to Israel’s plight and danger today. Innocent blood was spilled and this is a terrible crime of terrorism. The retribution will be even worse and it all places the world closer to WWIII. But the Western nations (including Israel, which is mostly Ashkenazie Jews—that is, Europeans), must learn not to make proxy armies out of potential or actual ideological enemies to send them against other enemies. Where is wisdom?? Who among our “elites” have learned the lessons of history?

    We should fight our own battles if we truly believe in our own causes.. There is a saying: the tiger we raise will devour us one day. And for the last 80 years, all we’ve been doing is raising litters of tiger cubs all around the world.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. “And when you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed; this must take place, but the end is not yet.” (Mark: 13:7)

    Liked by 4 people

  12. Leo, praying for the Peace of JerUSAlem (both Israel and USA)–somehow I think the USA will be caught in the crossfire since we are playing footsie with both sides. Praying for the Prince of Peace to return.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. “Praying for the Prince of Peace to return.”

      I’m thinking He’s going to let us swim in our stew for awhile. After all, it was of our own making.


      1. We need to intercede for the American forces on the way to be off the shores of Israel. We need to pray that they are protected from harm. We also need to pray that we are careful and circumspect in regards to Israel’s sovereignty in their own affairs. At this point in time, certainly any mistep could have huge local, regional or international ramifications. Praying that we remain friends of Israel and we are not swayed by international Muslim and leftist Russian/Chinese pressure which is going to surely mount up.


    1. My first thought also. We may have some difficult times just ahead before we are taken home. I’m so thankful to know God is in charge of all, and for Leo and everyone here and a few other God-filled messengers. Along with my Bible, you’re all such a tremendous comfort to my soul.

      17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. 18 Therefore comfort one another with these words. 1 Thessalonians 4:17-18 NKJV


      1. Bonnie – Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.

        Amen, Bonnie!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Bonnie, this is so embarrassing, but I thought I gave you a Like when I replied to your comment, but gave it to myself instead! I’ve tried three times again. Something is not hard wired in my brain for this. 😦 Have a similar problem with F1 through F12 keys on the computer. Inadvertently pressing one or more of them in combination with other keys can do unbelievable things! Hate it when my husband asks me, “What did you do?”

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I recall when they were pushing the jab on their own citizens and many said they felt like prisoners in their own country over in Israel. So many hidden hands at work all at once behind the scenes so it is impossible to truly know it all. I just don’t trust anyone and that is my rule of thumb. I don’t need to know it all to not be beguiled into doing their bidding either. I lay low, I know end times prophecy is being fulfilled, and I follow the Lord as He leads me. That is all I can do, no more and no less anyway.

      Liked by 3 people

  13. Thank you, Leo, for your wise & accurate assessment. Much appreciation to you, & I am in full agreement with you. Blessings & may God help us!

    Liked by 3 people

  14. Elon Musk and PM Netanyahu are close friends. Both are highly committed to technocracy and AI. Do you think that the atrocities of the Hamas attack (including hostages that are now difficult to locate) will make the general population willing to accept a digital tracking system….. part of the database of the W.H.O. {World HELL-th Organization} ?

    Liked by 4 people

      1. Leo : Rubio says: considering Palistinian history of terrorism over decades and Old Testamant issues with them ex: Amos 1:6-8. yes, he’s right. I rem in ’70 when 4 jets were hi jacked from Zurich, Amsterday, FRankfort and London headed to NY were held in the Jordanian desert for a week, one jet was elsewhere then destroyed.


  15. Hi Leo

    You probably already know about this but Albert Pike wrote a letter in 1871 about 3 world wars to be carried out in an attempt to take over the world (see attached info). What is going on in Israel now looks like it could be WW3 as detailed in his letter….??

    Best wishes

    Jane (UK)

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Thank You Leo for sharing your thoughts and the facts with us! So Many Americans are more concerned with ball games, and TV shows and Halloween parties. We are at the door of hell and calamity but not many are awake and stuck in their boxes, choosing not to look out!…The majority of us have been programmed to believe “Nah, It’ll Never happen in America , Not In The Good Ol USA!”…….
    Does anyone really still believe that Joe Biden is in complete control of this Country?
    (He can’t even control his dogs and probably his own bowel movements!)
    Not many want to accept the facts we do have a controlling bunch up above, referred to as Illuminati, Globalists, Ruling Elite and they really are in their final stages of a Global Reset, aka New World Order and it is NOT going to be good for us regular,common people!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Did anyone seriously ever think Biden was in charge? I angered my cousin when he was elected and I said he was senile. She was adamant that she voted for him because Trump was such a despicable person. I don’t consider Trump to be a moral person, but Biden is far worse. He’s a traitor and has nearly destroyed this country in 2 1/2 years.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. At this point in time, this country is unfixable. No politician can be trusted ongoing as the globalists have put pressure on congress also to play thier game. They vote left and have sold out. Both parties are corrupt. All we can do now is prepare and get out of cities that have ongoing violence. Some only vote local or not at all knowing this.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. L.A., I totally agree with you that this country is unfixable. I would go further and say the whole world is unfixable, and it has been since God gave Satan dominion over it. Only God will be able to fix it and renew it to the beauty and goodness He gave it in the beginning. For this reason, it sometimes is frustrating and sad to read or hear people’s comments (not here!) about the future, like talking about fixing the fed school system, or how Trump, when he’s re-elected, is going to fix a lot that is wrong and the world is going to be better in the future. Somehow.

        It’s known as entropy, and is a law of physics, in that all things decay. Everything only gets worse, ages, rots and stops working. All Satan’s doing. It is unavoidable and inevitable. Once we had pristine skies and earth, plentiful food that was good and nourishing. Has everyone forgotten that Japan is dumping millions of gallons of nuclear contaminated water into the ocean? That we’re very quickly running out of fresh drinking water? And so many other life extinction events on the horizon that are not fixable by human hands.

        We’ve known for some time that we are in the last days. It seems now that we may be at the beginning of Daniel’s last 7 years. The “Great Reset” is scheduled to be completely set up by 2030. It’s very possible that the current Israel/Gaza war is the beginning of the Ezekiel 38 prophecy. I don’t know, no one does. But what if it is? Israel will do what God has known she would do from the beginning of time.

        I just want to be ready to meet God. I want my loved ones and friends to be ready. I’m here for fellowship in the Lord with other believers; for uplifting words of praise – and for warnings of readiness. I’m here for learning and growing. I humbly ask for your prayers to be ready to meet God. And I will pray as well for all of you.

        Thank you so very much, Brother Leo, for providing us with this forum to learn from you, and to share our faith. May God bless you and keep you in His hands. And thank you to everyone here for sharing your knowledge and faith with me.


        Liked by 1 person

  17. I agree with you that the Israeli’s being caught flat-footed is farfetched. As far-fetched as people waking up to what lengths our “leaders” will go to waste our money and lives.


    1. Starting a draft is useless, most Americans won’t join the military circus of dysfunction for any reason. Illegals will be pressured to sign up (to be cannon fodder for pay, room and board) then given citizenship. Talk of a draft would bring on civil unrest for sure.


      1. You could very well be right, but the globalists would most welcome a civil war here in the U.S….Might very well use the illegals against us!…….
        (Something else to ponder???…Did Obama ever succeed in forming his Million Man Army???)

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Absolutely. If you haven’t already done so, now is the time to prepare for violent attacks on your household. And I’m not just talking about a small little micro-compact pistol. They will be coming with rifles and knives just like we saw in Israel. Prepare accordingly. And hold a meeting with your most trusted neighbors to come up with a mutual defense plan in case one of you gets attacked.

        Liked by 2 people

  18. Right on ! I have been connecting the dots for a few years, and noticing that the “stage” is getting crowded. The same “patterns” of behavior cannot be ignored. They are repeated. Compare and contrast the Gaza- Hamas attack to Pearl Harbor and 9-11. Reread this article. Now read the prophecies in the Holy Bible….. We cannot / must not / be gullible, naive, or sticking our heads in the sand. the Globalist “agenda” is moving along….. They TELL US what they are going to do : sort of an evil “imitation” of prophecy….. I am looking up : Colossians 3 : 1 – 4.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Zelda – “They TELL US what they are going to do : sort of an evil “imitation” of prophecy…..”

      That is such a great analogy, Zelda, because much of what they do, like their father Satan, is imitation. They don’t have the power of the Creator to do anything original that is good, so they copy in a perverse way.

      God’s command:
      “It shall be as a sign on your hand and as frontlets between your eyes, for by strength of hand the LORD brought us out of Egypt.” (Exodus 13:16)

      Lucifer’s counterfeit:
      “ He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads.” (Revelation 13:16)

      Liked by 3 people

      1. At 76 yrs. old, I only have preschool computer skills. I want to say “Thank you” to Anna19722003 / Oct. 8th 10:35 PM. Thank God for all those who are “….understanding the times, to know what Israel ought to do… ” [ 1 Chronicles 12 : 32 ]

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Zelda – “1 Chronicles 12 : 32”
        That chapter contains some beautiful verses people can be praying for the IDF, as the operation goes from defensive to offensive, that they will continue to be like the Gadites who “were brave warriors, ready for battle and able to handle the shield and spear. Their faces were the faces of lions, and they were as swift as gazelles in the mountains…the least was a match for a hundred, and the greatest for a thousand.”

        I love the words of David, too, in 1 Samuel 17:45.

        Commander-in-chief of the armies of Israel: Adonai Tzva’ot


  19. I cannot believe for one second that this was a “surprise.” Israeli military has tech and ground intelligence there to the nth degree. So the military was told to stand down or evildoers there were involved in orchestrating all of this. Something just does not sit right.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. I’ve always praised Israel’s military forces and intelligence as the world’s elite. This massive breach couldn’t have occurred naturally. It would have taken months to plan, many involved. Will we find out the truth? Maybe not on this side of heaven.

      Liked by 5 people

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