MUST WATCH VIDEO: The verdict is in — no one can claim to be ‘pro life’ while continuing to support mRNA injections

Dr. Naomi Wolf: ‘We’ve brought the receipts …These are absolute criminals’

It really is unbelievable that we still need to have this discussion in August 2023, and yet, so many Christians and even well-known Christian leaders have refused to repent for their support of the deadly genetic vaccines.

And there are some pretty big names out there who need to repent. Franklin Graham. Robert Jeffress. Pope Francis. They and many others have claimed to be “pro life” while pushing the death shots.

And it’s not just the Covid shots. Many other vaccines, including the RSV shot and some of the flu shots, are now being converted over to the synthetic modified mRNA technology that has been killing people of all ages since being introduced to the public in January 2021.

Among the most vulnerable to these shots are babies in the womb.

“And babies are dying as a result,” journalist Dr. Naomi Wolf said in a recent interview with Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast.

She said doctors who told the truth about the vaccines to women who were pregnant or trying to get pregant were “punished financially.”

Those doctors who propagated the lie that the vaccines were “safe and effective” for pregnant women were financially rewarded.

This is truly a must-watch video (and I don’t slap the title “must watch” on every video like some content producers) with Dr. Wolf, who, by the way, is a staunch liberal feminist who did not wish to come to this conclusion. But she followed the money and followed the facts before putting out these warnings. Please watch the below video and send it to your pastors, your Christian family and friends, and anyone who claims to be “pro life” while continuing to support these horrific injections. This is a holocaust in the making.

“Yes, we’ve brought the receipts,” said Wolf, pointing listeners to the Pfizer report analysis she has shared on her website, including Pfizer Report 69, released in April 2023 by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under court order.

Amy Kelly, program director of Wolf’s DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Project, called the information from this batch of Pfizer clinical documents, which included a “Pregnancy and Lactation Cumulative Review,” “among the most horrifying” to be publicly released.

According to a LifeSite News report, the Pfizer document revealed that in its clinical trials, “adverse events” occurred in over 54 percent of cases of “maternal exposure” to the vaccine (including through intercourse, inhalation, and skin contact); 53 women (21 percent) in its trial suffered spontaneous abortions “following BNT162b2 (Pfizer mRNA) vaccination”; and six premature labor and delivery cases resulted in two newborn deaths.

Wolf assured Bannon that “these are definitely unborn babies” being killed, since they involve the death of second and third trimester children, which even many abortion advocates consider to be “persons.” 

Wolf noted that despite knowledge of these “dire fetal and infant harms, including death,” caused by the mRNA COVID injections, both Pfizer and the FDA “began an aggressive campaign to get women vaccinated anyway.”

She explains in the above video interview that Pfizer sent this report to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on April 10, 2021, meaning the CDC certainly had knowledge that the mRNA jab caused the deaths of unborn babies.

And yet, in what Wolf described as a “shocking” development, three days later then-CDC Director Rochelle Walesnky “gave a press conference from the White House stating that pregnant women should take the mRNA vaccine, that it was safe and effective.”

Walensky said at the time, “No safety concerns were observed for people vaccinated in the third trimester or safety concerns for their babies. As such, CDC recommends that pregnant people receive the COVID-19 vaccine.”

In fact, as Wolf noted, Walensky declared that “there was no bad time to take it,” including before, during, and after a pregnancy.

“So these are absolute criminals who have taken over the treatment, the care, of the most vulnerable population, which is pregnant women. And when you’re pregnant, you trust your OB-GYN, you do what they tell you,” Wolf told Bannon.

By the way, the young healthy athletes continue to drop dead. It was reported just in the last couple of days that 23-year-old Houston basketball standout Reggie Chaney, the 2022-23 AAC’s Sixth Man of the Year for a Cougars team that won a program-best 33 games in 2022-23, has died suddenly and unexpectedly, reports CBS Sports. Two more athletes died suddenly on Sunday at a Triathlete competition in Ireland. is 100 percent reader supported and funded, allowing me to be 100 percent independent in my reporting of the news. If you’d like to support my work, you may send a donation of any size c/o Leo Hohmann, P.O. Box 291, Newnan, GA 30264, or by credit card below:

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Independent author, researcher, writer.

46 thoughts on “MUST WATCH VIDEO: The verdict is in — no one can claim to be ‘pro life’ while continuing to support mRNA injections”

  1. Naomi Wolf is an interesting woman. After falling in love with and marrying a conservative she’s not as much of a feminist. She has returned to Orthodox Judaism and is studying the Geneva Bible. Including the New Testament.
    I’m following the free version of her Substack account. As a former English professor her writing contains a lot of classical allusions.
    Check this out. Interesting title.


    1. That was a stunning interview! Thanks for sharing the link, Rachel.

      Hopefully, more doctors and other medical personnel will have the courage like Dr. Thorpe to become whistleblowers. Also, coroners and morticians to testify about what they are seeing in those who’ve died from the vaccine.

      Dr. Thorpe pointed out the side effect of the shot that is so damaging:

      “So of course, [the inflammation caused by the mRNA vaccines] is going to cause damage: miscarriage and malformations and chromosome malformations. It’s proven: it’s the most inflammatory substance ever used in a human being.”

      That makes a lot of sense, given the many cases of heart inflammation like pericarditis and myocarditis especially in younger people after being vaxxed.

      Dr. Wolfe also mentioned “nanoparticles”:

      “It’s been known for 10 years at least that lipid nanoparticles biodistribute to every organ in the human body, and that they disrupt human reproductive capacity.”

      ALC-0315 and ALC-0159 are two lipid nanoparticles in the Pfizer vaccine.There was an objection to use of these substances that was filed in the European Parliament (P-005690/2021, December 22, 2021), after Pfizer’s Comirnaty vaccine had already been FDA approved for those 16 years and older, which stated:

      “According to the product information supplied by the European Medicines Agency, two of the main components of Pfizer’s Comirnaty vaccine are ALC-0315 and ALC-0159. Echelon, the manufacturer of these nanoparticles, specifies that they are ‘for research only and not for human use’. Administering a vaccine – particularly to children – which contains unauthorised excipients is illegal, dangerous and unethical.”

      The European Commission ruled against the objection in September 2022.

      One investigative nonprofit (Visionblue) discovered in their fact checking that:
      “Echelon initially labelled the product “Not for human use” on its website where the company offers the product! But then suddenly this label was removed. But it is still there in the product PDF.”

      They also discovered a second manufacturer, Cayman Chemical, that has a product Warning label for ALC-0315, “This product is not for human or veterinary use.”

      A third, MedChemExpress, in its safety data sheet for the product ALC-0315 offered by them writes, “The product is for research use only and for experienced personnel.”

      This experiment is a huge cash cow. Myriads of people from so many sectors are willing to sell their souls.

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      1. The results of the investigations of Dr. Wolf, of testimonies by Dr. Thorpe, Dr. Campbell and others from the medical profession, the amount of sudden deaths, and the sheer numbers themselves of adverse reactions in the CDC’s VAERS database are all massive evidence of the lethality of this vaccine and the devastation it has brought to the lives of millions.

        Isn’t that enough to shut it down?

        Aren’t there any conservatives out there who are lawyers or other legal experts, activists who can gather the evidence in lawsuits and present them to judges to stop this vaccine from being administered? And aren’t there any legal measures a judge can take like an injunction?

        Every time you appease a bully, you empower them.

        I know that the combined malevolence of those who are complicit in big pharma, government, the medical establishment, mockingbird media, etc. all coalesce in our minds to form a huge juggernaut that is overwhelming to think about resisting.

        But also think about the young boy with his slingshot who took down the biggest bully of the Philistines.

        Yes, David had amazing faith in the Lord. But it still took raw courage for him to do what he did. That giant could have squashed him like a bug and nobody else would have stepped in to help because they were all terrified.

        If a child could do this, aren’t there any adults out there today who can summon up the boldness to step out against the giants?

        Or are we all so paralyzed by cowardice, or worse yet – cold indifference and callousness?

        Maybe there’s some handwriting on the wall I’m not seeing that says it’s too late. That I need to come to grips with the fact that we’re progressing on God’s timetable of the last days, and that His ways are not our ways.

        But unless and until I find that this cruelty of genocide through a manmade plague and its medical “solution” actually signals that there’s no going back now, that I need to throw up my hands and give up on it, I will still feel that WE HAVE TO DO SO SOMETHING TO STOP THIS!!!

        Isn’t there someone out there who CAN???

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      2. Thank you, Anna, for crying out for sanity and action!!! The example of young David defeating the Giant Philistine bully, Goliath, provides the answer – Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. David stepped out in faith and he protected himself by putting on the Armor of God. Yes, it took “raw courage” but that fearless courage came from faith and confidence in God. With God all things are possible.

        If you check out National American Renaissance Movement (National ARM), you will discover experts who are working to defeat the UN/WEF et al modern day Goliath. There is a group of international lawyers, medical doctors/scientists, and others with varying expertise who are diligently, courageously, and steadfastly committed to bringing these mass murderers and humanity destroyers to justice. The traitors will not get away with their evil plots. God expects us to have unshakeable faith in Him, but at the same time He expects us to act and step out in faith. God works through us to accomplish His Will. The big caveat is that we have to put all our trust in Him. God’s whole suit of armor (Ephesians 6:10) makes the Christian warrior invincible.

        So, the answer to your inspirational plea, Anna, is YES there are lots of people working to defeat the enemy. Let us join with them to form an impenetrable mass line of offense. As Leo Hohmann is role modeling, a peaceful non-compliance NO will turn the tide as no small businesses will be locked down, no child will lose years of schooling, religious assembly will continue to occur, and no one will fall dangerously ill because medicines will be available through the organized patriotic underground medical/health professionals, and no masks will be sold since no one will wear them, thus no profit in that item. And as you state, there is much incriminating evidence in VAERS and elsewhere to put a screeching halt to these venomous depopulation bio-weapon “vaccines.”

        YES. people are stepping up and we need to get behind them in support in any way we can. Your cry for action, Anna, is wonderful and heart piercing. All should hear and respond. Whining and complaining, or defeatism, do not comprise action. Now that this evil is exposed and evidence glaring, the way forward is clear – say No to evil, coalesce in unity to form that unstoppable line of offense. As one wise person said, we only lose when we give up. So never give up and never give in. Winning is the only answer possible.

        No more cowardly or ignorant compliance for that is in and of itself complicity, agreement. Survival demands a NO CAN DO attitude and action for the enemy bullies are nothing more than proverbial paper tigers. Starve them via non-compliance and protest against our tax dollars funding their evil genocidal enterprises. Buycott their businesses, e.g., Target, Budweiser, Bed Bath & Beyond (already bankrupt due to backlash after removing Mike Lindell’s My Pillow from its inventory). Wayne Allen Root provided a list of businesses that enrich the evil doers. Georgia Governor Kemp recently admitted that election voting machines can be hacked.

        Righteous anger empowers righteous action. Intercessors for Prayer (IFA) has a network of prayer warriors in every state so we all can connect with them to pray.

        Step out in FAITH for all things are possible with God, and no enemy can survive that combination: Faith in God plus God’s divine answer to our prayers. GO FOR IT!!! Use all possible peaceful and Godly means to resist and the devil will flee.

        May God bless all our patriotic Christian warriors with victorious grace. May God’s mercy and Divine Intervention save America, and the world. Amen.

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      3. What boggles my mind is the short sightedness. Greedy as people can get they should be able to figure out that destroying the world will impact their lives negatively. But no. That’s why so many “normies” insist this can’t really be happening.

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  2. Non-Governmenal Organizations.

    A NGO is an organization that advocates something, like taking away your freedom and liberty.

    They get funding from the Federal Government.

    Now if you want to stop this have a Conservative Republican, like Majorie Taylor Greene introduce a bill which would cut off all Federal Taxpayer money for these NGO’S.


    1. That would be great if our tax dollars could be protected from misspending and misappropriations but sadly our U.S, Congress is dominated by unpatriotic people who desecrate their oaths of office to protect and defend our constitution against foreign and domestic enemies. Our main enemy is domestic, sitting in the highest offices of the land determined to undermine not support the American people.

      When our veterans are homeless, having to beg in front of local super markets, while illegals brazenly enter our country with abandon and no hindrances, to include enjoying our tax dollars in housing, food, clothing and cash and smart phones, is a total unconscionable travesty. There is a whole city being built for these illegals. Where is the outrage? Why isn’t the VA helping our veterans? Instead the VA makes it next to impossible for veterans to even qualify to buy a home, being charged huge VA funding fees. What have these illegals done to protect and defend our country??? No, they have only broken our laws while our government exploits all of us. If the whole country stopped paying taxes, which is impossible of course, then these treasure squanderers who have no shame and no honor, would have no funds to allocate. This highlights their stupidity, hubris, and greed because without our middle class the politicians have no funds to squander.

      The RINOs and Democrats will never defund these exploiters called NGOs or other similar parasitic organizations. Pray for divine intervention. Satan’s army is defeated, is the big loser. That fact gives us inspiration to stand up strong and tall to defend our constitution, our country. Future generations depend on us to do our duty and to restore honor to our country’s reputation and behavior around the world.

      I pray for God’s mercy and grace and power to direct our paths to victory over the great evil that has infiltrated our country. May all patriotic and God-fearing and loving citizens answer the call to duty. Amen.

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    2. Lenny Ladner – “Now if you want to stop this have a Conservative Republican, like Majorie Taylor Greene introduce a bill which would cut off all Federal Taxpayer money for these NGO’S.”

      I understand how you feel, Lenny, because I’ve also been placing my trust in leaders who are the only political alternative to a legion of Machiavellian ideologues.

      MTG is probably the closest to what the party of Lincoln used to be but still should be. That’s why she’s been ostracized not just by the left but also by the RINOs in her own party. There are a few others with some spine, but they often run against the brick wall of their swamp creature colleagues.

      When the Republicans had complete power – presidency, House and Senate from 2017 to 2020 – in spite of all the evidence of the criminality of powerful people trying to remove a duly elected leader, all their investigations and protests of foul play never resulted in concrete actions that brought those rogues to justice.

      In a couple of Leo’s past stories, I’ve referenced a great article written after the November 2020 elections by Martin Sherman on the JNS website, “The GOP: Still Bringing a Knife to a Gunfight,” because as someone looking in from the outside he really hits the nail on the head of the malaise afflicting this party. One excerpt from the article that characterizes the Achilles Heel of the Republicans:

      “However, not all the blame for the results of the presidential election can be attributed to the external animus of the political adversaries and their comrades-in-arms. To the contrary, considerable fault must be found with the inherent lethargy and sluggishness that seems to plague the GOP in any political “dust-up” with its Democratic adversaries. Indeed, they seem to lack the “fire in the belly” to seize on their opponents’ weaknesses and transgressions, however glaring, and to turn them to their political advantage.”

      It’s hard not to shake your head when you see people who should have their eyes wide open after rubbing shoulders with those engaged in schemes to take down a Republic, still not grasping reality. One GOP senator from a big red state was recently featured in a photo op of the opening of a new ATF office there, positively beaming, as though unaware of the consequences of bringing second amendment destroying bureaucrats into his state. Another occasion for “celebration” was the opening of a direct route for flights between that state and D.C.

      Many of us have been and will continue to contact our Republican representatives, trying to reason with them and shake them awake, hoping and praying that God, who has been in the miracle making business, will put some fire in their bellies. Time will tell.


    3. Biden is asking congress for another billion+ for the new round of vaccine. We are paying for this genocide.


  3. The Doctor, and rightfully so, is concerned about prosecution because anyone who tries will be persecuted in some way. But an attempt has to be made whether you end up in jail or not, this is too evil not to.
    Its interesting too that the FDA and CDC is now confirming this stating their trial findings……….well daaa those trials were live trials since the vax’s were first administered. People were the lab rats. Because no one can sue them [thanks to Trumps Exec order] they act like they did nothing wrong.

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    1. If I am not mistaken, the first ones to support BIG PHARMA IMMUNITY was President Ronald Reagan’s executive order and the U.S. Congress having also granted immunity. No boundaries or legal restrainsts, thus the mass poisoning of people on a global scale. The tool used was the threat to refuse to develop any disease stopping drugs unless this immunity were granted. Don’t people realize that the poisoning has been going on for decades – to our soils and our food crops sprayed with heinous pesticides/herbicides that enter the human body but cannot be synthesized because they are foreign substances humans cannot digest or use. BIG PHARMA and BIG AG have produced chronic diseases never heard of before. Why? So they could solve the health issues with more drugs. Why do our so-called representatives fall for this trickery? Money, money and more money. No honor, no conscience, no critical thinking, no common sense, no heart. People must stop their apathy and recognize that We the People are responsible for allowing this evil to flourish and destroy. Stop looking the other way and start being responsible. With one caveat to this conundrum: the evil is so terribly evil that it is so unfathomable that people just cannot imagine anything so so so evil. No genuinely good person thinks that way, and cannot wrap their minds around anything so ugly and terrifying. Yet, on the other side of the coin are the evil doers worshipping Satan for worldly prosperity no matter the consequences. These mind controlled and soul damaged individuals worship money. Like Midas, they will choke on their gold nuggets and end up in the fiery furnace of eternal hell, with no escape forever. We pray for their enlightenment and change of direction in favor of good.

      Only a religious people with moral principles will be able to sustain a constitutional republic, so advised Founding Father Benjamin Franklin. The current climate of depravity to the utmost degree will kill our country and our constitution UNLESS good people stand up tall. When good people do nothing, evil flourishes. We have many good people, so unite we must and we will. May God bless America and save our country. Amen.

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  4. I’m a hospital lab tech with years of experience, and so far I’ve been able to avoid the Covid shot by claiming a religious exemption.
    RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) is a viral respiratory infection in babies and small children, occurring primarily in winter months. We do lots of RSV testing during those times. For some little ones, it can be serious enough to require hospitalization. When I started hearing about an RSV vaccine, I thought, “That might be a good thing,” until I saw this article:
    FDA approves vaccine for pregnant individuals to prevent RSV in infants | Medical Laboratory Observer (
    –which encourages the RSV vaccine to be given not only during pregnancy, but to those over age 60. I have seen this “over 60” plan in other places, as well. That is new. Never before has there ever been any information or commentary about anyone other than small children getting RSV. Up until last winter, we wouldn’t even run the RSV test on anyone over the age of 18. I don’t know if the RSV vaccine is “mRNA,” but it’s something to research.
    The article here also says that some flu shots are now mRNA. Everyone in healthcare is required to get a flu shot every October, and I have always gotten it. This year, I am going to ask to see the full information about the flu vaccine before I get it. If it’s mRNA, I will have to make some tough decisions.

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    1. That is a really hard decision, Carol. The video I posted by investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson interviewing doctors and other former medical staff at Houston Methodist Hospital is a testimony to the sacrifices people in your profession have had to make. It’s also true for our military members and any corporations with a vaccine mandate for their employees. In a constitutional Republic, this sort of thing should never be happening.

      Now I’m wondering if it’s possible for them to put the contents of the COVID mRNA vaccine directly into the bloodstream via an IV during surgery or other procedures that require either sedation or general anesthesia. I’ve heard that these contents may soon be available in pill form, plus there are rumors of them sneaking it into our food sources, e.g., fluids like milk.

      It’s really awful to constantly feel the need to try to second guess what they are up to.

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      1. Norma – “It looks like all of them will have a form of mRNA in them.”

        So cancer patients who trust their doctors who trust “the science” will be sent to their deathbeds.

        Not surprising. With the word getting out about the lethality of mRNA and enough people now avoiding the shots, I guess it makes sense that they would start putting it into as many other vaccines as possible.

        But this is what they’re announcing. Is it possible that they or others are doing “research” they’re not announcing and what’s being revealed is just the tip of the iceberg?

        Can this technology be adapted to work in other combinations like in meds that are injected by IV? So having surgery or even a routine procedure like a colonoscopy could endanger our life. Same with blood transfusions. I wouldn’t put anything past them.

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      2. I have had to get steroid injections in my lower back on occasion as the pain was so bad I could barely walk. I decided after the C-19 nonsense I will NEVER get another injection of ANY kind. I do not trust them! It would not surprise me at all if I found out they are putting this demon juice in “vaccines” for pets!


      3. Some diabetics have gotten it through insulin. But this just makes me more certain it’s not the MOB. Taking a mark of loyalty is different than having lying scumbags poison you on the sly. And just getting poisoned won’t allow you into their system when it happens.
        I suspect I’ve been transfected. But what can I do? Shun everyone who had the shot or might have had it by never leaving my room? Quit my B12 shots and suffer horrible nerve and heart damage? Quit eating or drinking anything because it MIGHT BE poisoned?
        Had enough of the paranoid hysteria from Covid. I take Nattokinese to minimize the spikes. I refuse to take any vaccines in the future and try to eat clean. My guess is they’re putting most of the mRNA in foods they fully control. AKA junk food and “impossible meats.” That’s the best I can do. I expect to die pretty soon anyhow no matter what I do.

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    1. Just now I emailed a copy of this to my respected Attorney General of Missouri, Andrew Bailey, who is working diligently, daily to drain the swamp and put us back on constitutional standards.

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  5. I’m 66 and my mother told me how she was told Thalidomide was safe and effective for problem pregnancies. I am certainly happy she said no.

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  6. Thank you so much, Leo, and Naomi Wolf for doing such a deep dive for the truth. This work validates the research of others too like Dr. Thorpe and Dr. McColaugh (not sure of the correct spelling), and the many others exposing truth and providing solutions.

    Per my understanding, Dr. Robert Malone, who boasts that he is the developer/inventor of this mRNA technology, had early on stated that this genetic therapy does not work and during a tri=party video interview admitted that the shot content travels to the ovaries, and does not stay at the injection site. If he had been sincere, it seems that he would have destroyed this invention to preclude it doing any future harm. Instead, he worked with the Department of Defense to develop this tcchnology as a bioweapon and profited handsomely from the patents. Now, he plays innocent and poor, pretending to criticize this same technology. Additionally, he has sued Dr. Peter Breggin, his wife, Ginger, Dr. Ruby and others for $25 million simply for expressing their science based observations. Dr. Breggin is of the highest quality and integrity and never defameed Dr. Malone. In any event, Dr. Malone has never apologized for the harm done. Instead, not only did he make a fortune, he goes around the globe for more fame and fortune all the while all these wonderful unborns have perished.

    The others mentioned herein may have been deceived and/or succombed to the fear mongering, or the large sums of money being handed out to those complicit in the lies, but Malone could have destroyed this evil invention at the start, but he, like the many doctors and NGO’s, took the wide road to Hell. If anyone should be included in list of those to be held accountable for these crimes, it seems that he should be number one on the list, along with all those in our government and private organizations responsible for creating this treacherous bioweapon. That is my understanding based on the information I have read, seen, and heard.

    If only these people would repent and offer restitution, if only in verbal admission and an expression of sorrow. I pray that our country will turn to God for wisdom, forgiveness, and mercy. A dark cloud hangs over us all not only due to this tragedy but also due to all the other tragic activity in the promulgation of pornography, child sex and labor trafficking, drug smuggling, poisoning our food supply chain with toxic chemicals, etc. The evil permeates and contaminates every level it touches.

    May God bless those working so diligently to expose these evils and bring healing and repentance to our country. We can overcome these evils with the help of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the guidance of His Holy Spirit. May God bless and heal our land, bring comfort to these crime victims, and a renewal of the minds of those deluded and deceived that they may acknowledge truth. Amen.

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    1. margaretanne, Thank you for the wisdom you impart re Malone. I too Pray he repents for “his evil invention” that he thinks on Earth he is above being held responsible for, sues ones who call him out. But Heavenly Father sees–and the wings of Our Father cover us all who Believe. Thank you, Leo, Dr. Wolf, for this worthwhile report. Let us also remember other “Davids” among us right now: Dr David Martin, Dr. Mikovits, and Brian Shilhavey.

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  7. This shouldn’t surprise me. A lot of Christians claim to be against mind altering drugs while touting “mental health” too. It’s impossible to change their minds since they won’t hear any arguments or rethink their positions. Even if those positions kind of conflict with the Bible. Because “God gave us medicine for a reason. Be grateful and take it.”
    My view of reality changed when I strove to taper off psych drugs after reading William Glasser and Peter Breggin. It seemed God would want me drug free since The LORD didn’t want me drunk on wine but full of His Spirit. (As though drugs make that impossible.)
    Sad how willfully ignorant so many remain. But they see it on TV and hear their doctors tout it, so they refuse to consider any possibilities. They’ll deny their own senses instead.

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    1. Rachel, you may want to tell your Christian friends that “sorceries” translates to “pharmakia”. Surely they can figure it out from there.

      Revelation 18:23 “And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.”

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      1. They have ways of twisting the Greek around. “See! It isn’t referring to medicine manufacturers at all. Christians should quit stirring up trouble acting like paranoid crazy conspiracy theorists. Shame on you! You make the rest of us look bad.”
        Asking questions or allowing nuance or flexibility of thought is not allowed. “Medicine is not magic so shut up.”
        I’ve quit following Christian YouTubers for acting this way.

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  8. May God truly bless both of you. May the Blood of Jesus Christ continue to cover you. May His strong hand be upon you. Last year I did a short video describing what I truly believe and that’s this gene therapy is not the Mark of the Beast. Run to the Father and repent now for trusting in man instead of Jesus Christ alone. He has the power and authority if you’re a believer in what Jesus did for you on the Cross, to make His Word come alive in you, that “No weapon formed against you shall prosper!” Only God can cancel whatever was in that shot and remove it from your body! Franklin Graham and so many others had better repent for pushing a gene therapy shot instead of the Blood of Jesus Christ! All those that have perished because of taking it, the blood is on their hands. Much love, blessings and peace.

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    1. Leo – “And there are some pretty big names out there who need to repent. Franklin Graham. Robert Jeffress. Pope Francis.”

      John Field – “May God truly bless both of you…Franklin Graham and so many others had better repent for pushing a gene therapy shot instead of the Blood of Jesus Christ!”

      Leo, I echo John’s thankfulness to you and Naomi Wolf for shining a brilliant light and exposing this darkness! In your previous story, some of us were commenting about the strong delusion and deceit that has overtaken the world. This current story really illustrates that too.

      I believe Franklin Graham is a man of God – he and his father have brought the Gospel around the world. But he was deceived just like the millions who got the shots – including my own sisters and their husbands, probably their kids and who knows, grandkids too. Every one of us saw the slick campaigns being run by virtually all institutions to promote this. Only now the evidence of their lies and deceit is surfacing as shown in this video of Dr. Wolf and past stories by you.

      I think Franklin has suffered from his decision because it wasn’t long after he got jabbed that he had to have surgery in November 2021 for constrictive pericarditis, which had developed in the immediate months before the surgery. From what I understand about the vaccine’s effects, the heart is often targeted in addition to other organs and women’s reproductive systems.

      The tragedy here is that the psy op techniques being used, whether to convince people to get onboard with the digital ID or the vax are so effective that people will still believe the lie.

      Especially because Franklin is such a huge influence upon so many, we need to pray that he and others will come to see the truth – that this is a bioweapon.

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  9. It was already a contradiction because they used matter from an aborted baby to produce the vaccines.

    This whole thing is a genocide and we need to speak out against it just like those did during the Holocaust who bravely stood up for those human beings being sacrificed. This whole thing is like that era gone global, another comparison is the 15 minute cities or smart cities and the Warsaw ghetto, there is probably an equivalent for each item.

    I never trust anyone as far as what they say to do, they have simply been wrong too many times.

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  10. If Franklin Graham and others continue to support the kill shots, they’re just too proud to admit they were wrong.
    Pope Francis is another matter entirely. He’s a thorough globalist just like King Charles. The two have this in common. Both are figureheads with wealth and fame but little power under the current system. By betraying their kingdom and church to the NWO they stand to gain a great deal more of the last.

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      1. People need to quit these churches that are pushing masking, lockdowns, and/or vaccines of any type incl flu and RSV. Just because a pastor has a degree from a seminary doesn”t make him a true convert. Majority are not. Being a pastor is a job like any other way to make a living ex: teacher in the school system, businessperson, or a tradesman. The left has had control of mainline denominations since the early 1950s when they chose to become a state church by registering for a 501c3 status. Hierarchies/national associations/gen. assemblies set guidelines for things clergy are encouraged to speak on. One man I know was teaching an adult Bible class in a SBC for years, then was asked to resign for speaking out on a subject that was not in the lesson book. Someone snitched. He left the church. It is best overall to form a fellowship group with likeminded or family church or go online to indep. church service if too far to travel to. I have recently noted that athletes have died mentioned on news sites.

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    1. Sadly several members of Franklin Graham’s family including himself had heart problems after the shots. It was CBN that infuriated me as almost daily they pushed these shots as safe and encouraging people to take them and poo pooing people that wouldn’t take them. They have reported on the adverse reports recently but of course don’t say anything about being wrong for pushing them.

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      1. S.Z. – “It was CBN that infuriated me as almost daily they pushed these shots as safe and encouraging people to take them…”

        CBN like so many others got innocently sucked into this thing. It was a huge con job and continues to be. Many of my family members have been vaxed and boosted, and they will probably keep doing it. One of them was in the medical field and couldn’t say enough good things about Fauci. “He’s true north!”

        I almost got the vaccine too, but cancelled appointments twice to get the first Pfizer jab, mostly because of the influence of my smart husband who was absolutely opposed to them. He’d been reading enough stuff online to be suspicious. But I totally trusted the medical establishment and thought Operation Warp Speed was a gift from God. Now I thank God that He gifted me with a wonderful man who is wiser than me and our doctor who was advising that we get it.

        Not all doctors and medical people are duped or complicit, though. While I was searching online for more information about the vaccine, I found a video produced by Sharyl Attkisson interviewing doctors at Houston Methodist Hospital, who were gutsy enough to come forward and share their stories about being fired for refusing the vaccine.

        Hopefully, it will be encouraging to you, S.Z. and others as well.

        “Sharyl Attkisson: COVID Vaccine Hospital Mandates”

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      2. I never took the clot shot. But I was bamboozled for many years by the med cartel. They ruined my life. Permanent damage to my health.
        I learned during the beginning of my long convalescence just how corrupt the medical system is. How Big Pharma is more like the mafia than anything else. How they own everyone in Washington. Elephants and donkeys alike. About the incestuous relationship between Big Pharma and “health” agencies like the FDA and CDC.
        Because they have become integral to the American economy no one likes the idea that they sell drugs that ruin bodies, minds and souls. Poisons that cripple and kill. Too many Americans want to believe they’re run by good, decent people because of all the money they get from them. Self-deception.

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      3. Rachel – “Pharma is more like the mafia than anything else. How they own everyone in Washington. Elephants and donkeys alike. About the incestuous relationship between Big Pharma and “health” agencies like the FDA and CDC.”

        “Mafia” is a perfect description of them, Rachel. You can add the NIH to that list of their cronies. There’s a September 2020 article on the Institute for New Economic Thinking website (“US Tax Dollars Funded Every New Pharmaceutical In the Last Decade”) that illustrates the private sector demanding money from the public sector and how our hard-earned money goes to this federal agency which in turn funds pharmaceutical research.

        I didn’t read the whole article because I find anything about economics gnarly and mind-boggling, but just skimming it for its highlights, these really stood out for me:

        “We identified 244 thousand publications directly related to these drugs, of which 16% acknowledged NIH funding totaling $36 billion. In contrast, we identified 2 million publications related to the biological targets for these drugs, of which 21% acknowledged NIH funding totaling $195 billion.”

        “In another study, we recently showed that from 2000 to 2018, 35 large pharmaceutical companies had cumulative revenue of $11.5 trillion and net income (earnings) of $1.9 trillion.”

        The authors admit that their study didn’t address the question of whether the NIH met its stated goal for funding this research to “enhance health, lengthen life, and reduce illness and disability.”

        It’s sickening and disheartening and really horrifying to think that all of us in this country are paying the mafia of big pharma to maim and kill people.

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