NWO Control Grid starts with the Connectivity of Everything: Will you hand over the keys to your life?

‘Every time you use a QR Code you are working for them’

There’s a hidden motive behind the movement to transition Americans, Canadians, Europeans and Australians out of their gas-powered vehicles, out of their gas stoves and gas lawnmowers and into machines powered by electricity.

They tell you it’s to save the environment. I’m here to tell you that’s a lie. I’m all for the environment but this is not about the environment. That’s nothing more than a clever sales pitch. Notice how they never talk about where they’re going to put all those lithium-leaking batteries and toxic solar panels.

So let’s address the real reason you’re being told to go electric.

Things powered by electricity are dependent on the electric grid, which is dependent on a relatively small number of government-dependent utility companies.

And if you read the websites of those utility companies you will see how eager they are to brag about their commitment to “sustainability,” “renewable energy,” “net zero carbon emissions,” etc. This is the language of United Nations Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals to transform the world through a “digital reset” and “Fourth Industrial Revolution.”

Utility companies are playing ball with the black hats who continuously tell us how we need to transition into a new order, “build back better,” with a new system based on 5G and digital everything. What they don’t tell you is that by going digital with the “internet of things,” where everyone and everything is connected 24/7, we are walking into a surveillance society that involves our total dependency on their digitally-connected, AI-powered tracking devices or all of life’s necessities. Accessing food, water, clothing, shelter, travel, healthcare, even the money in your bank account, will all require a digitized QR code, your unique digital identity.

This is not conspiracy theory. It’s all out in the wide open in open-sourced documents at the World Economic Forum, the U.N. and elsewhere. Check out the World Economic Forum’s January 2020 White Paper Reimagining Digital Identity: A Strategic Imperative

As I discussed in a couple of recent articles, this is one of the main reasons why the Western globalist powers led by the United States must bring Russia to heel. Russia, along with their new partners in Saudi Arabia, control way too much cheap oil and gas for the West’s liking.

Unfortunately for the Western globalists, wind and solar are more expensive to produce and less reliable in performance. Hence, Russia must be dealt with through regime change and Balkanization.

The plan is for a vastly smaller global population using things connected to the internet and the electric-power grid where they can be monitored 24/7 and 100 percent controlled, not only in terms of their movement and use of resources, but also in terms of their speech and political expression on the connected devices. If these globalists are successful, you will be tethered to a digital identity that makes it impossible to escape detection online. You make a comment on social media or a blog like this that goes against the prescribed narrative of the state and its corporate partners, then you get downgraded on your social-credit score and eventually lose your “privilege” to log onto the internet. These are the “digital finger prints” that Barack Obama recently talked about in an interview with one of the corporate media shills.

IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR: If this website should ever be taken down by internet censors operating in lock-step with the UN and other globalist bodies seeking to silence conservative voices online, please find me, Leo Hohmann, at my backup venue, LeoHohmann.Substack.com. You can also find me on Rumble at “LeoHohmann”.

As I’ve been repeating over and over for two years or more, the globalists are determined, through whatever means necessary, to achieve two goals in the near term: the assignment of a trackable digital identity/QR Code to every human being, followed by the rollout of a globally recognized digital currency.

Once the QR Code is established on people’s cellphones, the next step, as told to us by World Economic Forum adviser Yuval Harari, is to embed that surveillance code “under the skin.” We don’t yet know exactly what form that will take, but my guess is the code will appear to be very non-invasive. It won’t be like an injectable chip the size of a grain of rice, as is already possible and has been for years with the VeriChip (circa 2007). It will likely be some type of nano dots, only visible by a scanner.

They will do whatever it takes to achieve these two goals of global digital ID for all people and global digital money because without them it will be impossible to achieve their overarching goal of a truly one-world technocratic dictatorship.

Check out the short clip below from a recent panel discussion featuring the highly knowledgeable, former banking insider Catherine Austin Fitts.

So much was said in that 1-minute clip.

Notice what Fitts said about your cars, your bank accounts and access to the internet. These are the keys to the digital control grid. They are key because they determine whether or not you have the right to move about in society, to buy and sell, and to communicate with others. Take that away and you become an outcast to society. Nobody wants to be that, right?

Fitts said:

“If you look at the number of ways that the QR codes, and the data coming in can be misused, it’s scary. It means you either do exactly what you’re told or your car won’t start, it won’t go but a certain distance, you won’t be able to access the internet, your bank account won’t work, unless you do what you’re told. To me the big problem doesn’t start with the QR codes, they just help build the fences. It’s the CBDC and the vaccine passports in combination with the QR codes that lock us in.”

Then Monica Smit, of Australia, reasons, rightly in my opinion, that “every time you use a QR code you are working for them, and not us.”

If we use these QR codes, walking around in stores scanning them with our phones, how are we any different from those in the world who are following the beast system?

Based on the writings and public statements of Henry Kissinger, Bill Gates, Yuval Harari, Dennis Meadows and others, we know that these globalist techno-tyrants are very much aware of the fact that realizing their dreams of a one-world system is not fully achievable with the current status quo. There are simply too many people. How do you convert 7.9 billion humans into transhumans, each with their own trackable QR code? And, as mentioned above, there is still too much access to cheap energy.

That’s why World War III is already in the works. That genie has already been let out of the bottle. That’s why they continuously warn us about a new and more dangerous pandemic.

Of the three basic rights that the globalists are trying to bring under their control — the rights to travel, buy and sell, and communication — let’s just look at one, the right to travel and move about in society. The future of the automobile industry is moving toward all-electric vehicles. The auto industry is not moving in this direction because its customers, the people who buy cars, are demanding it. They are moving toward an all-electric fleet because the oligarchs who control the world financial system are demanding it. So do not be fooled into thinking the changes coming down the pike are in any way being driven by capitalist laws of supply and demand. Technocracy is a top-down system with a small number of “experts” making the decisions for what they believe is the collective good of society.

Not only are electric cars more expensive, meaning that fewer people will be able to afford to drive in the years ahead. But electric cars also mean the end of the gas tax, which is what funds road maintenance and other projects in all 50 states.

Nobody is talking about this, but the new tax plan will mark the end of your freedom of movement, your right to move about anonymously, and the beginning of government tracking of your every move.

Headline USA reports that despite privacy concerns and dysfunctional models, some states are determined to replace the sales taxes on gasoline with a tax for every mile driven, a model that requires tracking devices to monitor the movement of citizens.

“Evan Burroughs has spent eight years touting the virtues of an Oregon pilot program charging motorists by the distance their vehicle travels rather than the gas it guzzles, yet his own mother still hasn’t bought in,” the article states.

But his mother, Margaret Burroughs, 85, said she has no intention of inserting a tracking device on her Nissan Murano to record the miles she drives to get groceries or attend social functions.

The article further states:

“Burroughs’ reluctance exemplifies the myriad hurdles U.S. states face as they experiment with road-usage charging programs aimed at supplementing gas taxes, which are generating less each year, in part due to increased fuel efficiency and the rise of electric cars.”

The federal government is about to pilot its own such program, funded by $125 million from the infrastructure measure Biden signed in November 2021.

The article states that, so far, “only three states — Oregon, Utah and Virginia — are generating revenue from road-usage charges, despite the looming threat of an ever-widening gap between states’ gas-tax proceeds and their transportation budgets. Hawaii will soon become the fourth.”

As long as we’re here on the earth, we must hold the line and resist the beast system, and that means rejecting the lies upon which it is built.

LeoHohmann.com is 100 percent reader supported, which is what allows me to report and use my own critical-thinking skills to analyze the news. If you appreciate these reports and want to support my work, you may send a contribution of any size c/o Leo Hohmann, P.O. Box 291, Newnan, GA 30264, or via credit card below.

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Independent author, researcher, writer.

20 thoughts on “NWO Control Grid starts with the Connectivity of Everything: Will you hand over the keys to your life?”

  1. “Basically you can either see the world as dead matter to be exploited which is essentially the view of the current globalists and tyrants throughout the ages. Or you can see the world as an interconnected whole that requires us to appreciate and nurture those interconnected systems. Certainly the most important interconnected system is the family: which has always been the glue that holds society together.

    You can see the people as “useless eaters” or “useless idiots” to be exploited under collectivist ideologies, which again is the view of the globalists. Or you can see the people as deserving bodily autonomy, inalienable rights, free speech, free markets and human dignity so they may thrive.

    And that is why I am so committed to free speech and opposed to central control through digital currencies (CBDC’s) and the WHO Pandemic Treaty. I will never except a world where human’s are treated as slaves on a Global Plantation and where dissent becomes impossible. I will never except a world where psychotic globalists push their central control ideologies under the guise of fake climate change, indoctrinating our children through Marxist LGBTQ/CRT curriculums and other nonsensical bullshit. And that is why I encourage the people of planet Earth to unite, rise up and support policies that nurture and respect the interconnected reality of this world. It is why I support an agenda that puts people first.” Quote from Bruce W. Cain (June 2023)

    A Call to Action: It is time for the people of every nation to oppose the Globalist Agenda
    Primary demands: No digital currency (CBDC), No WHO Pandemic Agreement and No further censorship of free speech


  2. Ecclesiastes 9:11 – I have seen something further under the sun, that the swift do not always win the race, nor do the mighty win the battle, nor do the wise always have the food, nor do the intelligent always have the riches, nor do those with knowledge always have success, because time and unexpected events overtake them all.

    Every Human creature on this planet, including the so called “elite” are subject to this truth. Things don’t always go as you plan.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Thank you Leo for labouring to warn us of all these diabolical plans.
    However I disagree with Catherine Fitts when she says if you look at the ways QR codes and the data coming in can be misused it’s scary. I don’t think it’s “misuse” of data. I’m pretty sure it was part of the plan all along.
    God bless.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You want me to be a ship following the ram ? Eliminate individuality and transfer everything to one central “Brain” ? NO I will not hand over the keys !


  5. Well so far our options are shaping up to be as follows:
    1. Die for refusing the mark.
    2. Die via persecution before that. (As is happening in other parts of the world.)
    3. Roll over and die for refusing anything that resembles the mark and a lack of freedom at some point where our line is drawn in the sand. I for one will not take anything into my body (under the skin, etc.).
    4. Become an overnight prepper and survive until the rapture at the end, or die trying.

    So either way we are going to die unless we live another ten years or seven at the least should the trib begin tomorrow, and then we leave the planet anyway another way. Being that I’m almost 51 and the years don’t get better, and I will eventually die of old age anyway…. should I die a martyr anytime from tomorrow onward….. yeah, I’m good with it. It’s the young that I pity!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. To Leo and the regulars, why do you think God has allowed us to discover this stuff ahead of time? What would Jesus want us to do with our knowledge?
    I want to help others but can’t even help myself. Some hardy individuals could go full Mad Max and lead others into the wilderness to shoot robodogs and drones and forage to live free. Not me.


    1. That’s a hard question Rachel. The best answer I can give is what Jesus said in the gospels of Matthew and Luke about the last days: Expect persecution, endure till the end, pray that you won’t be deceived by the enemy’s minions in this evil world. When given the opportunity to share the truth, trust that God will give you the proper words that need to be heard.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Rachel – To Leo and the regulars, why do you think God has allowed us to discover this stuff ahead of time? What would Jesus want us to do with our knowledge?

        Leo – When given the opportunity to share the truth, trust that God will give you the proper words that need to be heard.

        Right now, we still have time to try to share the truth with those who’ve been sleeping, if they would only wake up. If they refuse to, then I guess all we can do is let it go and pray that they’ll open their eyes before it becomes too late. At the same time, try to share the Lord because they’ll need Him above all else. For those of us who have family members who aren’t saved and believe the lies of the MSM, it can be daunting, though!

        Even among the Christian community, there are still many who aren’t aware of what these power mongers are doing. When I was talking to a friend who knows some Bible prophecy, and mentioned transhumanism, she asked me what it was. But she had already told me she didn’t want to hear “doom and gloom” and her pastor isn’t talking about any of this, so we wound up talking about something else.

        I know – it’s frustrating when people either don’t know or don’t want to know.

        But there are others who want to hear. What’s happening on this website is so important, because word gets around. These stories get linked to other websites, and the ripple effect gets larger and larger.

        The time is getting so short and they’re really hustling to get their world government locked into place. Leo, I can’ see why you’re cranking out these stories so fast! I can’t keep up!

        Today, every article I saw on a weather website was about the smoke spreading from these “accidental” Canadian wildfires and have been wondering if they’ll use that as an excuse for another shutdown. But if it isn’t that, they’ll use something else to upend things – like World War III or whatever other cards they have up their sleeves.

        It’s so important to redeem the time now.


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