Churches taking up interfaith ‘Pride’ mantel with Jews, Muslims, Hindus — all striving to virtue signal to the advancing one-world beast system

The war in the spirit realm is heating up.

In 2023 we have seen growing pushback against the “pride” movement. Whether it be Bud Light, Target, Disney, the L.A. Dodgers, Hasbro, or Chick-fil-A, people are making them pay for shoving unwanted messages down their throats.

But there’s little evidence that this backlash has emanated from churches or been particularly religious focused. It’s regular folks, momma bears and poppa bears for the most part, who are saying, not only no, but hell no. They aren’t offering their kids up to the groomers and pedophiles.

Contrary to this awakening on the part of many young parents, there has been a noticeable uptick in alleged religious groups showing public support for things that their holy books characterize as sin, that being homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, so-called transgenderism, and other aspects of the sweeping cultural Marxist agenda.

Eric Lendrum, writing for American Greatness, cites a report by NPR tracing the increase in religious groups’ support for LGBTQ “pride” to a nationwide initiative called Faith for Pride, run by the far-left group Interfaith Alliance. The group consists of multiple religions and denominations, including Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, etc. Basically the same cast of characters who will come together in a one-world religion built around climate change, racist critical race theory, liberation theology, LGBTQ+ fanaticism, transhumanism and other globalist causes loosely assembled under the banner of ESG scores and, eventually, a digitized social-credit scoring system for all people on the planet.

This obsession with forcing people to bow down and offer incense to the LGBTQs is occurring simultaneously with the globalist push for digital IDs and central bank digital currencies. These are the tools the globalists are setting up to be used as the enforcement mechanisms to demand allegiance to the coming government mandates associated with the above-noted wedge issues.

They try to make it all about love and hate. If you don’t bow down and acknowledge that gay sex is normal and good, you will be cast as a hater. Even if you hold a “live and let live” attitude and don’t care one way or another what consenting adults do behind closed doors, that won’t be good enough. You’re not allowed to be neutral on this. That’s why they are pushing drag shows for children and sex-change drugs/surgeries for minors, explicit pornography in school books, the gamut. They know that by applying their rabid LGBTQ ideology to the kids, this will drive mothers and fathers crazy with anger when they see these perverts and groomers going after the children. But if you object and voice your objection publicly, you are now cast into the group of haters to be vilified by the political-religious-media establishment. It’s all a trap, of course, designed to divide and conquer. Classic gaslighting.

On its website, the Interfaith Alliance states:

“The majority of faith groups and congregations across the country are inspired by their traditions to celebrate the inherent dignity and worth of all people, including the many beloved LGBTQ+ members of their communities. But an extremist minority is working to distort the meaning of religious freedom to discriminate against those who identify or believe differently than they do. As people of faith, it’s vital that we fight back against these heinous efforts and voice our support for our LGBTQ+ siblings’ right to live with full dignity and safety. Join us in celebrating Faith for Pride.

Baptist minister Paul Raushenbush, president of the Interfaith Alliance, said: “We are not going to let this happen to our LGBTQ siblings. Not on our watch. We need to organize.”

And organize they will.

Raushenbush calls for left-wing Christians to unite with other progressive religions to “fight back against” legislation being passed in states across the country that are meant to stop hospitals and doctors from offering “gender affirming care,” which is a euphemism for pumping children full of dangerous drugs and amputating healthy body tissue. This demented, psychopathic ideology is now running rampant in the public schools, even in conservative school districts.

It’s worth noting that Paul Raushenbush is the great-grandson of Walter Rauschenbusch, who is known as the father of the social gospel. Here is Paul announcing the kickoff of “Faith for Pride 2023.” I don’t detect anything of God in the man. Is it just me?

They’re coming for your kinds. And Raushenbush is horrified that any parents would want to protect their child from these monsters.

“And we need to rally religious communities and a religious voice to say ‘no,’” he says. “Don’t feel like you have this choice between your sexuality or your gender and your religious tradition. There are people out there who love you, who respect you, who will welcome you and will help you thrive.” ... And who will encourage you to take chemical puberty blockers and cut off your breasts if you’re a girl, or take synthetic hormones to grow breasts if you’re a boy.

Lendrum reports that one example of the Interfaith Alliance’s public displays of support for “pride” was at “Pride Fest” in Santa Monica, California, where six different houses of worship had booths set up, including Episcopalians, Lutherans, and Jews. The booths handed out various rainbow-themed merchandise, including temporary rainbow tattoos, clothing depicting Jesus with a rainbow Crown of Thorns, and a rainbow-colored Star of David.

“I think it’s really important,” said Rabbi Jillian Cameron at one of the booths, “for us to be just as visible so that people know out in the world that loud voices saying horrible things to our community are not the only religious voices out there.”

The Interfaith Alliance says it’s “protecting faith and freedom” but it’s not doing either.

Let’s be honest. This is all about virtue signaling to the rapidly forming one-world system, a system where evil is cast as good and good as evil. These virtue signalers are the lukewarm church Jesus talked about in Revelation that would dominate Christianity in the end times. It’s apostate Christianity. Fake Christianity. Ever willing to compromise with the world. And he said he would spew them out of his mouth like a rotten tomato.

What they call “love” is not authentic, either. It’s fake. True love always tells people the truth, even when it may be difficult for them to accept. And when it comes to children, it’s our duty to protect them from these perverted groomers and their allies in the apostate church. If I met a pastor, priest or cleric who espoused this disgusting ideology I would run the other way, and I sure wouldn’t let him or her within 100 yards of any child. is 100 percent reader supported. If you want to support my work, donations of any size may be send c/o Leo Hohmann, P.O. Box 291, Newnan, GA 30264, or via credit card below.

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Independent author, researcher, writer.

72 thoughts on “Churches taking up interfaith ‘Pride’ mantel with Jews, Muslims, Hindus — all striving to virtue signal to the advancing one-world beast system”

  1. Jesus warned His disciples to beware of the leaven of the pharisees. It’s best to stay away from the synagogues of satan too. If necessary believers can hold prayer, praise and bible meetings at undisclosed locations outside of church buildings. Financial offerings could be used to help the poor and family members within the local body of believers, instead of being used for leftist funding and other evils without our consent or permission.

    I say to forget about the modern-day “FAKE” christians and their “opinions” about God and their twisted biblical doctrines. I personally look to the gospels, the Book Of Acts, the epistles of the apostles and the wisdom from the Old Testament for my spiritual guidance. I have never been led astray when I listen for the voice of God when reading the scriptures, or listening to people who seek the wisdom and the counsel of God in their own lives.

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  2. There is one pastor who is bucking these peddlers of a perverted gospel, and who is fighting against the kidnapping, brainwashing and mutilation of children to be prey for pedophiles.

    Pastor Jack Hibbs from Calvary Chapel, Chino Hills, California has an important message for all parents in the following short video, “Urgent Call to Action.” It concerns California Assembly Bill AB 1314 Parental Rights and how to apply its language to fight for these rights at every local level. His ministry is working with legal experts to get this movement going.

    Some of you may have seen Pastor Jack on Jan Markell’s website, Olive Tree or in conferences with her.

    He is also an abortion survivor and strong pro-life advocate, who is not afraid to speak out, even though he’s been castigated by the mainstream media.

    Just a couple of the important things he pointed out:

    – The democrats are always “screaming” about democracy but this is a constitutional republic, not a democracy.

    – This is a spiritual battle: “behind this are demonic, satanic powers.”


      1. Rachel Nichols – “They don’t want a republic or a democracy but an oligarchy. That’s why it’s an irrelevant quibble.”

        True. And Satan will try to fake a theocracy when he puts his man in charge. Most, unless redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, will worship him.


      1. Hibbs is from Calvary Chapel, which was started by Pastor Chuck Smith at his Costa Mesa congregation in 1965. Although, I don’t know if they call their fellowships a denomination or movement.

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  3. Pardon my typo. It’s Rochelle Walensky, not Rachel. I recently read another article about assistant Secretary of Health, Rachel Levine, and confused the names. Rachel is the other jew committing mayhem on Americans.


      1. My post was NOT published!

        Above is nothing more than a short correction involving a name. My post would have given a third of you convulsions!

        My post was not published. Think censorship. Leo’s digital property. His choice and right. Thanks a bunch, Leo.


    1. Matthew/Boston:

      After commenting on two of Leo’s stories, it should have become obvious to you that no one is interested in what you have to say. The readers here come to be informed and to offer comments that often provide insight or encouragement. They are realistically grappling with the present and preparing for the future.

      You are obviously stuck in the past – mired in past campaigns of hatred against a whole group of people. The last one was fought on the battlefield and your side lost.

      Anything you say is irrelevant now. You are like a dinosaur whose age has come and gone.


  4. Thank you Leo!
    Thank you also to all the people with insightful words and Biblical words of truth.
    It is getting more difficult to find a church holding fast to Bible teaching and preaching of the Word without compromise. I praise God every day for my church and am grateful to Covid for helping sift the wheat from the chaff during that time. Who did not forsake the assembling of God’s people and opened their doors without masks and with singing and praising God? I know some churches still not fully functioning 2 years later! Some are barely recognizable for the lies they bought into and are now themselves selling on Sunday mornings. Knowing this is prophesied does not make it less sad. All this gender craziness has been so disturbing~especially as it pertains to our children. I cried out to God the other night~”Lord, why are you letting this happen to your children!” I felt an immediate response from Him~”Why are YOU?”
    I am struggling as to how to “push back” against this particular evil. Most of my friends and people who are around my age in my small world are enmeshed in their grandchildren who are in private Christian schools or being home schooled and say what so many say…”Get your children out of public school!” That is certainly the ideal solution but not possible for everyone! I just do not want to throw these precious families under the bus because they do not have the time, treasure, or talent for either private or home schooling. I personally know people who pulled their children out of public school but are definitely not prepared or equipped to teach their children and these poor kids are not getting more than worksheets or computer/technology learning and no hands on science or learning from anyone! Do we maybe need to work toward making public schools more accountable to getting back to educating and away from indoctrinating? Maybe it is too late…I don’t know. I appreciate any help/ideas and suggestions on practical ways to fight against this evil. I believe 10-15 years from now (maybe less) these kids (young adults) are going to look at us and cry out–“Where were you? Why didn’t you stop this? Why didn’t you help me?”


    1. Small church schools staffed by volunteers or funded by contributions/charging sliding scales for those who can’t homeschool for whatever reason but wish they could? In states like mine church schools don’t require certification.
      Start homeschooling hubs and organizations or co-ops for the moms? Run for the public schoolboard to limit the evil locally?


    2. Someone on the local school bd in my state said parents have different priorities than their kids education like new cars, travelling, getting a motorhome, and other ways to spend money vs a Christian school.


  5. Kayjae: People do good works as led, churches don’t have to org. them either. People can go out on their own or with friends I know who have Bible study at a nursing home. Family church is best for children if no church nearby they like. I know of one group who split from a church after pastor ran off resulting in divorce, so they eventually built a church (independent) and that was over thirty yrs ago. Still operating. Most people work, have responsibilities at home, yard work, and little time for anything else. Some churches have many activities to keep people going. Not criticizing works, but many rely only on works as a social outlet maybe, and try to dictate to others in the church/think they own the building. (Matt: 7: 20-23 applies to false professors) Helping children’s group homes or visiting sick friends is not something people need to be told to do by pastors or anyone else. The internet has access to sermons to listen to in all denominations for some who like to be a home more than running the roads.


    1. Staying home alone listening to sermons on internet, TV or radio is not the Church or being “churched”. It’s excusable if you’re a genuine shut-in, but not so if you’re just wanting to go fishing or otherwise goof off at home and think you can subsist as the lone wolf Christian. Lone wolf Christianity is simply living as if you’re disconnected. You said people have little time to go to church (implying that church is little use), surely they have little time to pray, fast or doing anything Christian-wise on their own. Ultimately lone wolfness is spiritually ineffectual in the culture at large. That’s a lot of our problem now—everyone goes his own way according to his own whim and defines Christianity to suit them. So when Christians stay away from their churches because of their “inconvenience”, these churches get invaded by those determined to change Christianity to suit Satan. Which is what’s happening now.

      The Church is not a social welfare organization, although many view it that way these days and make it function like an state agency. Rather it is the Bride of Christ. Unfortunately most don’t know how profound that is and what’s expected of that, and so treat it like it’s some ugly old woman to be cast aside as useless, or a whore to entertain and affirm the unrepentant. Both attitudes represent the wrong attitude to have toward the Church.

      (And how come that group split off from that church after the pastor ran off? It would seem like the problem (him) was solved. He left. Why didn’t they hire someone else rather than split off and form another church? That’s a messy way of doing things, leaving a lot of hard feelings. But so typical.)

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      1. Kayjae: I wasn’t in that split, knew some who left. If churches didn’t split we wouldn’t have more churches incl. the reformation in the 1500’s in Europe, new churches formed, like Martin Luther split from Catholics,etc. Sometimes it is infighting among deacons over church business. Some left over covid (pastors pushed shots, etc). People will have to stand accountable for what they do, how they raise children and however they do church. Not my problem what others do or why. Some may listen to sermons online because family disfunction is common today. and want to avoid hearing gossip. Others have family responsibilities (work weekends, have a parent needing looking after, work overtime or second job.) I was in a church that split over money issues in ’81, (for and against taking on debt) this is common so,me and others never joined and “just “visited churches” for years. Church scandals drove several friends to permanently quit going (pastors having affairs). I now avoid 501c3’s since informed.


  6. “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”
    Revelation 21:8


  7. This is all a fulfillment of Romans 1. The chapter talks about homosexuality and other debased thinking. Then the closing verse (32) says, “Though they knew God’s righteous decree…they not only do them, but give hearty approval to those who practice them.”


    1. Not so much prophecy as a description of cultural decline. This has happened a number of times throughout history at the end of a civilization. Such as ancient Rome. The fact that the globalists are ramming this evil through makes me think they want to end human civilization forever and they know this will do it.


  8. Dear sister Barbara and all of CHRIST’S (true) SIBLINGS [Mark 3:33-35] out there, especially Leo, courageous brother, uncowed by the immoral minority– those sulfurous minions of satan: WE ARE heirs WITH CHRIST. WE GAIN HOPE & STRENGTH, when reminded of our AUTHORITY (dunamis) under Christ to wage spiritual warfare, cast out demons. I beg you, Family to learn this now! AND don’t forget Matthew 7:6, Jesus tells us not to waste our time casting our valued “pearls” before these dogs/swine, for they will surely turn on and attempt to gore us.

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    1. I am amazed that so many parents are pro lgbtq and trans, because so many parents let their kids stay in public schools pushing lgbtq agendas.
      The ones speaking out about perversions being taught at school board meetings are an enigma. Some parents were even arrested. Why don’t they quietly pull their kids out of gov. schools and home school or find a Christian school teaching academic subjects? After the covid lockdown hype fizzled, lgbtq hype has escalated (parades, TV shows, stores selling gay clothing) even now Cracker Barrel is supporting it.

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  9. PS…”Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” Isaiah 5:20 KJV

    Barbara Hayden

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  10. My Bible says in Psalm 12:8 NIV “The wicked freely strut about when what is vile is honored among men.”

    Also, Proverbs 8:13 NLT “All who fear the Lord will hate evil; therefore, I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech.”

    Is that too difficult to interpret rightly?

    May the Fear of the Lord fall upon every Pride parade just as the wildfires smoke is covering much of Canada and America.

    Barbara Hayden

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  11. They will seem to triumph for a short while. In the end, without repentance, their destination is a place where there will be no equity, pride or liberation. Don’t hate them. Feel sympathy instead and try to reach them with God’s truth. After all He will be their final judge.

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  12. Corporate churches have put away the law of Yahweh. Those with eyes that see recognize the judgement of their blindness. The man-gods in the D.C. swamp and their hirelings in the religious world worship the Beast-System! Come out from among them and be ye seperate.

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    1. Amen, I have been warning some I know casually since I learned about corp. churches but “they have friends, family going, they like lots activities, potlucks, discount cruise or bus trips on and on. They don’t want to hear “come out from, etc” I moved on.


  13. These rainbow people are insane. I don’t even like the word gay, cuz it’s NOT gay, it’s SAD and I’m sure that the medical procedures being performed on some of these people is not part of God’s plan. I was housemates for 2 years in college with a homosexual. He was part of a group of maybe a dozen of us, all straight except him, who were friends. He never bothered me and I sure as H didn’t bother him. Ah, those were the days!

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  14. To the best of my knowledge, there haven’t been drag queen story hours at any old folks’ home. That should tell us something.

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    1. These perv’s are after the kids incl teachers, school boards and libraries. Few parents really care. Otherwise schools would be emptied out of students.

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      1. L. A. McDounough… I work in a public school. It is all being pushed and supported from our Central Office. I don’t believe that most parents DO NOT care. I think they are either uninformed, or deceived. I know for a fact that things are being kept from parents. A child can come to school and say they want their name and gender changed in our student information system. Without ANY official documentation (a court ordered name and/or gender change used to be required) we, as staff, HAVE to make the changes. The School Board passed a Regulation that we are expected to abide by regarding this. If the student doesn’t want their parents to know that they are seeking these changes, as well as changes to their physical bodies, we have been told that we CANNOT inform the parents.
        A student cannot make a class change without one of their parents signing off on it, but they can change their sex and we are NOT to inform their parent(s) let alone get their permission. Just EVIL.


      2. setfreein93 – “The School Board passed a Regulation that we are expected to abide by regarding this. If the student doesn’t want their parents to know that they are seeking these changes, as well as changes to their physical bodies, we have been told that we CANNOT inform the parents.”

        Unfortunately, the school board you work for is being protected by the interpretation of law in this evil. That is true in so many cases. Some parents in Wyoming are suing their school district for secretly transitioning their daughter. The following article has thorough coverage of what they have been dealing with:

        You would think that a requirement for creating a law would be the use of simple, direct, clear language that would allow no variance in its meaning and application, but that’s not the case. A law can be broadly interpreted by a judge so the original meaning is unrecognizable – almost like a new law – which really is “legislating from the bench.” Federal judges are appointed by U.S. presidents, so they reflect their ideology.

        These excerpts from the article show what a thorny legal issue this can be.

        “The district’s attorney Kari Moneyhun noted at the school board meeting that Wyoming’s parental authority law doesn’t list education control as a parent’s right.”

        “The Willeys accuse the district of implementing the “psychosocial treatment” of transitioning kids’ genders without “knowledge or consent of their parents,” in violation of Wyoming law.”

        “Wyoming law gives parents the right to the care, custody and control of their children. It also forbids children generally from procuring their own health care and mental care, or entering into contracts.”

        “The district at its meeting said it’s relying on judicial case law in the matter.”

        “Case law on transgender issues is varied. President Joe Biden’s administration interprets Title IX as forbidding school employees from using natal pronouns on transgender students or having them use the bathroom of their biological sex.”

        “A federal judge is blocking that interpretation from being enforced in 20 states not including Wyoming.”

        “Different federal circuits disagree on the issue. The Eleventh Circuit of the U.S. Court of Appeals determined in late December that school districts aren’t violating federal law or the U.S. Constitution when they deny cross-sex bathroom access to transgender students.”

        “The Fourth Circuit in G.G. vs. Gloucester County made an opposite ruling in 2020.”

        How and when did judges ever get this much power in our country???

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      3. Just to add to my original post… I tell my co-workers on a daily basis. There are hills to die on. This will be one of my hills. I will not participate in any way, in this wicked agenda. Even if it means I lose my job.

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      4. Leo… fair question! I have prayed about this for a while. I have wanted to run from this place for about two years now but I believe the Lord has shown me that He has placed me in my position at the school for such a time as this. I am not one that would make the changes that I have mentioned, but my coworkers are. I was confronted by one of our students last week for referring to her as “she” because she identifies as “a guy” (her words to me). He gives me grace and boldness to proclaim the Truth of His Word to my coworkers almost daily. When, and if, the Lord gives me the all clear to remove myself from this place, you can bet I’ll be out faster than they can give me papers. Unless I get fired first! 😉 I almost got the boot (for real) because I refused to get the vaccine or test weekly to work. After my second strike, the mandate was dropped. So the Lord kept me here. For now.

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      5. setfreein93: Kids apparently do not interact w/ parents anymore, we came home told mother everything for that school day/activities/field trips thru 1st- high school even about friends activities and chaparoned dating.. If lgbtq was going on then every parent would know circa mid 20th century. Parents if they have any decency/morals would quietly remove their kids. No excuse. Same w/ these “woke” churches condoning everything immoral, they would leave and never return. I don’t even trust civic org. anymore we quit them in the ’90’s shallow members.


      6. Setfreein93, we all need to figure out where to “get off.” This train is bound for destruction and it’s only now become apparent. My uncle has decided to drop their tax free status and divide his church into several house churches that still all meet together once a month or so. I hope he remembers to rid the homes of smart devices before.


  15. Man this is so sad to see these masses deceived onto the wide road to the gates of hell, and taking their ‘church’ followers with them.
    The Silent majority which should know better has been silent way too long now and cant wake up, and or they are cowards. Either way they will answer for that if they even make it to the Bema seat judgement.

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  16. Paul warned the Ephesian church of how wolves will enter in when he departs:
    Acts 20:[29] I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock;
    [30] and from among your own selves will arise men speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after them.
    [31] Therefore be alert…

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  17. “But an extremist minority is working to distort the meaning of religious freedom to discriminate against those who identify or believe differently than they do.” The hallmark of the wicked is to twist the truth and turn it on its head to mean accuse the righteous…just as Jesus said “Satan comes to steal, to kill and to destroy…He is the father of lies”. They are doing what the father the devil has inspired. It seems likely that believers in the USA may soon regularly experience the persecution of a small vocal minority that is given over to lies and delusions.

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    1. Well stated Arnold. These so-called men of the cloth are acting in the role of the “accusers of the brethren.” I’d hate to be them on judgment day. Thank you for this insightful comment.

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      1. Leo : “What they call “love” is not authentic, either. It’s fake…And when it comes to children, it’s our duty to protect them from these perverted groomers and their allies in the apostate church.”

        Satan hates innocence. That’s why he is targeting our children. Abortion, pedophiles, drag queen story hours, physical mutilation, sex trafficking, child pornography. Only he could come up with something as twisted and evil as these.

        God has some bad news for Baptist minister Raushenbush and those like him, specifically their future:

        Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.
        (1 Corinthians 6:9-11)

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  18. Yes, we must choose between our faith and our sin, we cannot have both. And this just is ludicrous:
    “But an extremist minority is working to distort the meaning of religious freedom to discriminate against those who identify or believe differently than they do. As people of faith, it’s vital that we fight back against these heinous efforts and voice our support for our LGBTQ+ siblings’ right to live with full dignity and safety.”
    No, an ‘extremist minority’ is NOT working to distort the meaning of religious liberty! We are exercising our religious liberty, and that liberty includes not having this perversion shoved down our throats and defending innocent children. And no, we are not ‘using religious freedom to discriminate,’ we are using religious freedom to resist against the forces of sin! We do, however, discriminate against sin, just as we are intolerant against evil, and we have every right and duty to do so. We are not harming anyone, and it is all just the opposite from what this quote claims. The alphabet community is distorting the meaning of civil liberty to discriminate against those who believe differently than they do, i.e., Christians with conservative beliefs are the victims of their target! The alphabet soup group is not a people of faith but we are, and it is vital that WE fight back against their heinous efforts and voice our support for Christian’s right to live with full safety and dignity!!!

    We, after all, are the ones the trans terrorists are coming after, shooting innocent children in a Christian school and things like that, not vice versa! These trans extremists are not happy until everyone is trans and otherwise labels everyone as a bigot. Well I will not comply!

    Almost a decade ago I had a Word from the Lord about persecution and it was as follows: “Under this banner, they will persecute you.” This banner was the rainbow flag, which has now been updated with even more wokeness, and you meant the true Christian church. Believe me or don’t, but either way it’s here.

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      1. 1blandina, several years ago my husband said that the homosexual agenda would drive the church underground. We couldn’t fathom at that time how very evil this agenda would get.

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      2. It seems a minority of truly evil people run the world and pull the rest of our strings. They have been ramming this stuff down our throats from the beginning.
        Worst of all, according to the Bible they win.


    1. Noah and his family were a minority (8 people) of extremists (they behaved in a way vastly different than the culture around them.) God liked this extremist minority enough to save them when He flooded the earth to kill everyone else.
      Remember THAT next time you see a rainbow.


  19. This is heartbreaking. I have family and friends who are professing Christians. They are fine with the alphabet agenda. To them, it’s “all about Love.” They are unaware of or dismissive of what the Word of God says. I wonder how far down the abyss of perversion they are willing to go and be okay with it?

    Rabbi Schneider of “Discovering the Jewishness of Jesus” has begun a movement called Taking the Rainbow Back. It’s a bold plan for Believers to actually Do Something to resist the adversary whose only plan is to steal, kill and destroy many innocent and ignorant people. The Rainbow should be displayed to reveal the Glory of God, the Goodness of God, and the Character of God. May His Perfect Love cast out fear and bring Light to overcome the darkness.

    Thank you Leo for bringing this and other vital issues to our attention. May the Lord expand your territory so more people can hear and be educated so they can prepare for these last days.

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    1. The majority of people will do whatever their TVs or pop culture idols tell them to. No question or hesitation. As if they don’t want to bother to think or pray or exercise free will.


    2. Barbara: I don’t communicate w/ several cousins, they are liberal and in these
      type churches” mentioned previously, that accept lgbtq, they are on the other coast and two in the mid west are in a cult, haven’t seen in decades, now in their 80’s. Best to cut ties. We don’t need to be unequally yoked to friends or relatives on the “opposite side” of our values now since the country is off the rails.


  20. Like other good folks in Georgia my wife and I flocked to Chick-fil-A right after owner Dan Cathey stood up against sodomite & pro-death pressure. When Chick-fil-A swerved to the left and became woke last year we boycotted them. Now, as we pass their restaurants in north Georgia we see they are still crowded. I’ll bet that most of the patrons style themselves as Christians supporting a business that is no longer pre-life or believe in heterosexuality. Most so-called Christians are ignorant sheep easily led to slaughter. The definition of the term “discern” seems to escape them as they stumble through life That’s why my antenna shoots up when someone tells me they are a “Christian”. I prefer to call myself a “believer in my heavenly Father and Jesus Christ”.

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    1. If they were true sheep, they would know their Shepherd’s voice. Not follow after a pack of baying wolves. The “Christians” you describe are not just stupid but unfaithful and unloving.

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  21. Wow that video was hard to watch……
    They truly are debased and deceived…..
    Rev. 22:11
    A reckoning is approaching for these!

    Thx Leo

    Liked by 2 people

  22. All of these perverted fake churches are servants of satan and they’re so deceived that on judgment day they will ALL be casted into hell for all eternity. what is it that these fools don’t understand about what God states about these types of sins, its an abomination unto him and the transgender freaks of nature these fake and evil church leaders need to read Deuteronomy 22: verse 5

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    1. DLim: Some evils do read the Bible even from the original language. They just do not accept what is written there, or find some way, some place to publish other ideas with the passage they called interpretation(by their own twisted rules Liberal academic or not). Having professorship or some Degrees do not sustain view as proper.
      The righteousness/justice of God is based only on God Almighty and nothing else. God is the first reason and the last. God is Alpha and Omega. “period”.


  23. Back in 2010, I attended a conference of a well-known Christian legal society where they were talking about their legal battles with the homosexual agendas being forced upon Christian workers and businesses. At one meeting, I asked the question “WHY is there this homosexual movement pushing its agenda in the first place? It came out of nowhere after being underground for so long. Their appearance on the political scene isn’t just a random thing. It seems like there’s a big political agenda behind this. While you all are doing a great work fighting homosexual agendas in court, it seems to me that we need to know what’s really behind this homosexual movement that came upon us suddenly. Because it’s that thing we really have to fight. Do you know what’s behind this?”

    But there was no answer and apparently no interest in anything but discussing the current legal battles. Maybe I hadn’t worded it well enough. But I came away thinking that the Christian approach to these assaults on our religion and freedom has been only a rear-guard action covering the retreat from a battlefield. We’re not fighting the enemy at its core, just at the fringes, and not with expectation of anything like victory.

    Now as Leo points out here, we have Christians openly collaborating with homosexualists and other lifestyles condemned in the Bible. This is disheartening—it’s more than retreating from the battlefield; it’s going over to the enemy. I think this began when Christians were being taught that they should learn to be tolerant and most of all—to be accepting and NICE to everyone. It was also the way “to convert the culture to Christ”. But we were being gaslighted by all the “niceness” doctrine—Jesus loves you just as you are (not what he meant you to be). Infiltration by homosexualism into the churches has been going on a long time. I remember back in the late 80s-early 90s, one church of a conservative Protestant denomination where the pastor (a closet homosexual) allowed active and unconverted homosexuals to take communion. This caused a controversy where half the congregation happily accepted the active homosexuals taking communion; the rest of the church were either clueless of what was going on or quietly resisting behind the scenes. The pastor once openly castigated the congregation at a quarterly meeting for bein intolerant; “Don’t you realize these people would never darken the door of a church before they were welcomed here? How dare you judge them!”

    The problem eventually resolved itself when some years later the pastor committed suicide (after getting beat up by a lover), which left that church at a devastating crossroads. They were given an ultimatum by the denomination: your homosexual members must renounce that lifestyle or leave. If your church continues to accept them in their unconverted condition, then your church must leave the denomination. After much infighting, that church heeded the message and did straighten itself up and the homosexuals (and most of their straight supporters) all left, but that church has never recovered from that episode of compromise. That conservative denomination itself since then has traveled down the road of compromise and tolerance of all kinds of things once unthinkable. I remember back in the early 90s some professors and pastors from the local denominational seminary discussing among themselves their concern that by the next 20 years or so the denomination would inevitably go down the “liberal” road and there was nothing they could do to stop it. The culture would convert them and it did.

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    1. As a teenage girl I remember guys would try to get us to compromise ourselves by playing the “Why aren’t you NICE?” card. The nice and loving thing to do (supposedly) was always give a sleazy guy what he wanted on a date. This manipulation and exploitation of kindness and good nature reminds me of that scenario.


    2. DLim: I have named them “NICE CULT” since the 80s. Being nice is a sin; and being lovingly or advocating love is a sin, when you have no fear of God, personal good walking with God, not seeing Jesus with you, even claiming God cannot be in touch physically with you.
      The death trap is laid with Cessationism. Another death trap came with Liberalism to live by love. And Evangelicalism, even Charismatics caught on with this lying doctrine about living by love.
      By their fruits ye shalt know them.

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    3. kayjae: many profess Christianity because they rely on works: church membership, baptism, the eucharist, donating to charities, participating in choir/playing piano/organ,etc., and music concertsorganizing potlucks, rummage sales for charity, visiting sick in rehab centers, etc. Many professing condone most anything, this is why we now do home church. Even more fundamental groups have members that have family dysfunction, divorce,e tc. Just like the article shows that some will go along with anything incl mixing with cults and gay agendas.


      1. I don’t think much of “home churches”, such as we see nowadays. These are so very often fly-by-night operations. No lasting power and just makes for more divisiveness. They are not, as they fancy themselves, imitating the “early church”. I’ve been through a number of home churches. They weren’t church, just a bunch of isolated Christians formed into a club. None of them I attended exist anymore.

        And let’s not denigrate the various “works” of the Church, like charity, visiting the sick, etc. Baptism, the Eucharist (from the Greek meaning thanksgiving) are not “works”. These are commandments for the Church to do—baptize new believers and offer communion (the body and blood of Christ) to the people. These works have great value whether or not the person doing them is a full saintly Christian or a half-converted rather sinful one. God will judge the contribution of each.

        The problem isn’t “works” or with what spirit these are performed. The problem is lack of obedience to God’s laws which are clearly spelled out in the Bible, which includes the commandment to exclude those who blatantly refuse to obey God’s laws. Instead, both pastor and congregations today ask “Yea hast God said…?” parroting the doubt that Satan put in Eve’s mind over what God really said or meant by his commandments. So an undiscerning or careless church can have the problem of a closet homosexual, pedophile or closet adulterer as a pastor who then welcomes in others like him and justify their unrepentant place in the Church with all their sins received intact. Obedience is the beginning of true faith—without it there is no faith. Obedience means you trust a holy God—therefore you listen to and obey Him. But no obedience, no faith is what we have today in most of western Christianity. People do not take God at his Word and do not obey but are guided by their own sinfulness, twisting God’s word to suit themselves. Such a church cannot reflect God’s holiness or the glory that comes of His holiness in that atmosphere.

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  24. We have some lgbtq churches in my area: Methodist (UMC), Lutheran (ELCA) with a lesbian pastor, Episcopal church near me recently married two women, one Presbyterian church (USA),all members of the leftist nat. council of churches, also 501c3’s. Split some methodists from the UMC recently to become unaffialiated. One ended up in a lawsuit over church property judgement in favor of the one that broke off. Others in surrounding area affiliated w/ these apostate churches. Members will go along with anything these pastors say incl.more vaccines or FEMA detention centers. Several of these churches are full with members (parking lots full) Others are iffy, yet not KJV only so they are wavering (middle of the road type). I have cousins in these and don’t communicate in decades.

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  25. What they call “love” for the Rainbow Mafia is the same kind of thing they displayed toward others during the alleged pandemic. I bet churches that shut down for months on end and shunned the unvaccinated will be on board with this too.
    Emperor Worship 2.0

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    1. you are so right; these fake satanic churches are all of the synagogue of Satan. as written in the book of Revelation and the warnings to the seven churches. they know what they are doing, and God will hold them all accountable on judgement day. Woe to these people along with their blind leaders.

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