WATCH VIDEO: Prominent Japanese medical professor warns against taking ‘Self Replication Replicon’ jab this fall or winter

The eminent Professor Masayasu Inoue at Osaka City University Medical School in Japan recently warned that the Japanese government became the first in the world to approve a new type of jab called the “self replication replicon vaccine” that is being rushed to market as we speak. The goal is to have it ready by this fall or winter.

In the video below, the professor, who specializes in molecular pathology, condemns the COVID “pandemic” as propagated by the U.N. World Health Organization, for the purpose of driving genetically modifying COVID jabs into the bodies of all peoples worldwide. He also condemned the U.S. “Warp Speed” project under then-President Donald Trump, which rushed mRNA toxic injections to market that were used to cover up problems with the gene-based shots. The false pretext of Warp Speed was “saving time.” The professor then states that the Japanese government’s rush to market of its new injection will be similar and must be avoided at all costs. We are seeing deception magnified in the world today like perhaps never before. Jesus warned this would be the case in Matthew 24 of the New Testament.

It’s not often such a prominent scientist goes public with a warning of this magnitude. Please share this important 8-minute video with all your loved ones. is 100 percent reader supported and takes no advertisements or sponsorships from any corporation or government entity, which means I am totally independent and free of influence from big government or corporate interests. If you appreciate my work and would like to support it, you may send a donation of any size c/o Leo Hohmann, P.O. Box 298, Newnan, GA 30262, or via credit card below.

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Independent author, researcher, writer.

12 thoughts on “WATCH VIDEO: Prominent Japanese medical professor warns against taking ‘Self Replication Replicon’ jab this fall or winter”

  1. Hopefully this new vax will stay in Japan [of course it wont].

    And yes in Mt 24 Yeshua warned us 4 times NOT to be deceived!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I saw this video last week. From what I see and hear. The diseases are being weaponized to keep people fearful, sick and diseased, so that they will continue taking more and more of the sorcerer’s medicines and vaccines. In other words, the diseases have and are being created for the rat poison medicines. Not the other way around. I’ve come to the conclusion that if natural medicines, or if the good Lord couldn’t fix me. It may be time for me to pass on to glory. Nobody can convince me to stay alive on earth just to exist as a GMO human, and a lab rat all in the same day.

    Sent with Proton Mail secure email.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Leo, have you attempted to verify the veracity of this video through separate or independent means? While I am not questioning the general premise, i watched this and saw a lot of highly repetitive motions in the video, his inflections never reach above or below a certain tone, and he used a lot of “americanized” colloquialisms in his speaking and language.

    My gut reaction just struck me that it has the hallmarks of a fake video… no idea, just tossing it out there.


  4. “The eminent Professor Masayasu Inoue at Osaka City University Medical School in Japan…” has (to quote Clarence Greenwood) ‘put himself between a bullet and a target’. His courage & willingness to put this message out there is commendable; however one hopes his efforts & commitment to educate people about what on the horizon will not soon be cut short by those perpetrating these ghastly plans on the world.


  5. No surprise here that Mr. Evil dedicated to the destruction of the USA.

    Soros is funding all these riots, like before.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. This article, plus the video {Thank you, Leo.} is a reminder that the previous pandemic [ “Covid –mRNA “vaccine”–“a needle in every arm” (as Dr. Peter McCullough calls it) ] was / is / connected to what is happening now….. i.e., the media spreads this current “pandemic” of anti-Christian anti-Israel, pro-terrorist violence …. causing chaos. Isn’t that the main tactic / strategy of Marxism : “Order out of chaos” ?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. College students don’t care about current events or politics, they would rather party or be on cell phones, video games or social media, instead they are being paid to protest in shifts (around the clock). Also block roads. Damage has been done at Columbia, windows broken and faculty walking out for their safety. One teacher arrested trying to leave police thinking she was one of the protestors. The signs appear the same in all the U.S. colleges and handed out to protest groups. Definitely being organized and funded. Otherwise why would so many be pro Hamas in all these colleges if it wasn’t for getting paid. Info wars and other you tube videos exposed funding this agenda.


      1. The WE knows that Hamas is funded by the Rothschild’s. And the pandemics are too.

        Fighting for the money changers isn’t the way to being Christ like.

        Jesus was a man that worked to end them.


      2. The video speaks to the karma that is.

        Colonialism and Cherokee removal was the time 250 years ago.

        Today the cycles of time repeat.

        Keep the money changers as the “elite”, and the world will be sent to the hell that was the way to Indian removal.

        This is the heads-up that even if you think that the American Indians deserved to die off, that isn’t the way that the Divine interprets Christ’s ways.

        Jews are real when they are God loving, reading the Torah, and identifying the laws of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

        Now this is the truth, too Israel is the most vaccinated-by-law country on Earth. So recognize that the real Jew haters are the Rothschildren.

        The plandemics will reverse the course that thins the kids. The kids of the animals are real and the experimentation on them isn’t alright to God.

        The WE allows the kids of the Earth to have their pride and their selfishness, but the opposite happens too: that thinks that duality too shows that karma is in fact “you reap what you sow.”

        The WE wants those that want to stop the vaccines to not take them. And to share important videos like this one. And to recognize that the mass die off is underway now.



      3. And yet those caught up in the January 6th trap still sit in jail. Not one thing will happen to any of those spoiled brats who terrorize their school and towns.


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