By compromising on the issue of LIFE, Donald Trump and Kari Lake have now sealed the GOP’s doom as a viable conservative party; it may never recover

After the Arizona Supreme Court ruled Tuesday in support of a state law requiring the near total ban on abortions, both former President and 2024 GOP frontrunner Donald Trump and senatorial candidate Kari Lake came out with strong comments in opposition to the court’s ruling.

This has stunned and confused many Republicans who are pro life.

Here is what Trump said in opposition to the court ruling.

State’s rights? I thought that was what we’ve seen in action was a state exercising its right to make laws, right?

Trump’s confusing comment came yesterday, April 10. Many of us are left wondering what happened to “let the states decide” and “federalism?” — a view of the abortion issue that Trump laid out in a policy statement just last week.

Today, April 11, Trump stated that if elected he would definitely NOT sign a federal abortion ban under any circumstances. So he’s on the side of federalism when it supports his policy decisions but against it when a state Supreme Court upholds a state law he doesn’t like.

Kari Lake, who ran for Arizona governor in 2022 and is now running for the U.S. Senate, came out equally strong against Arizona’s abortion law.

Lake said she “oppose[s]” the Arizona Supreme Court’s ruling in favor of the state’s pro-life law, which she slammed as ‘out of step with Arizonans,’ and vowed not to support abortion bans if elected to the US Senate, as reported by LifeSite News.

This is an issue on which you cannot compromise. Once you do, the pendulum will continuously swing further to the left. This is exactly what happened to the Democratic Party. It started out in support of abortion just in the first trimester of pregnancy, and look where they are today. They are the full throttle party of death. They support the right to kill one’s baby right up to the moment of birth throughout all nine months of pregnancy, and are moving toward the right to kill the baby outside of the womb (some have already gone there).

So the GOP has placed itself on the same slippery slope.

What Trump and Lake and all of their supporters are really saying is this: A little baby killing is OK just don’t get too “extreme.”

Sorry, but that is a compromise of the worst kind. The GOP died today as a legitimate conservative option to the Democrats. It will not recover from this.

I know some of you will say that it died long ago, and you may be right. But this is a big step, a leap, toward clarifying what they really stand for. They are lurching toward the same evil position of their opponents, which means there is no longer any battle between good and evil in any election in which a Republican takes the position of Trump or Lake. Abortion is cool, just make sure it’s not of the “extreme” variety.

At first, if you recall, the Democrats said babies in the womb were not actually living things, just tissue. They said abortion should be “safe, legal and rare.” Now they celebrate their abortions and stumble over themselves trying to transport young women across state lines and into blue states where they can abort their babies before anyone can even ask them if that’s what they really want to do.

Mark it down right now. Within a decade, if America is still around, the GOP will be on board with abortion up to birth. That’s the track they’ve placed themselves on. They honestly believe that it’s impossible to win elections now if you are not at least partially pro-abortion (whatever that means) and pro-LGBTQ. Both Trump and Lake also support the LGBTQ agenda, perhaps again not as radically as the Democrats, but they support it. Trump’s wife, Melania, addressed the Log Cabin Republicans just this week, sending a signal that her husband has moderated on that position too. Lake has make similar pilgrimages and outreaches to the gay community.

Maybe they’re right. Maybe it has become impossible to win elections if you’re not pro-abortion and pro-LGBTQ. But if that’s the case, it only illustrates how far down the cultural rat hole America has gone, and when you get to a certain point, it’s beyond saving.

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Published by


Independent author, researcher, writer.

69 thoughts on “By compromising on the issue of LIFE, Donald Trump and Kari Lake have now sealed the GOP’s doom as a viable conservative party; it may never recover”

  1. You mean you only just noticed the Republican Party was just using pro-lifers? I left the party years ago because politics never fixed anything. But when I found out how badly we are being defrauded by our election system, I realized the American people are probably WAY more pro-life than the media led us to believe. (How many real-life people do you know who actively want more abortion?)

    We will never know just how guilty America is until we have a transparent election (can anyone but the fraudsters actually argue against clean voter rolls, no mail-in ballots, voter ID checked, same-day election, paper ballots hand counted at the local level?) Notice Trump is irrelevant to the real issue here.

    I rejoined the Republican Party to get elections back (only because it was more reachable than the Democrat Party) and just in the last year we have actually made huge progress in my “blue” (so they say) county. If we can get elections back, I believe our “deep blue” state will actually vote overwhelmingly to get rid of abortion, because it is NOT what Americans want.

    I am praying for real elections, so we may know what we actually voted for, so that God may distinguish between the righteous and the unrighteous and not destroy our country for the sin of unrighteous people who stole their way into positions of power.


    1. I’m personally against abortion. But I’m also against coercion, and I support personal freedom.

      Abortion is a complex issue because it involves an adult woman’s body and her personal choice.

      The Right & GOP have ignored that at their peril.

      Individual sovereignty & personal choice also matter – and alienating those you should be collaborating with helps no one.


      1. Infanticide is a complex issue because it involves an adult woman’s body (breast milk) and her personal choice….

        If if seriously needs to be said, let me say it: the personal choice of an adult woman is less important than the right to life of another human whether adult, child, or baby.


      2. MnCori – “Abortion is a complex issue because it involves an adult woman’s body and her personal choice.”

        This is all about treating a child like he or she is just an internal extension of a woman’s body, so therefore it’s her sovereign right to get rid of this appendage.

        Did she conceive this baby all by herself? If once you admit there’s another person involved (the father) then you have to concede there’s this third person, too, who is a member of the human race like them, same ancestors, same family, even inherited their DNA. A PERSON, not a mass of living cells from a different species.

        All three have inalienable rights according to our nation’s founders. The Declaration – “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” and here’s the Fifth Amendment: “no person shall be…deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” A PERSON.

        But our twisted, perverted “justice” system and “health” system have melded together to create a Satanic death cult that redefines “all persons are created equal” to brutalize the most vulnerable ones and deny them the rights all the rest of us enjoy.   

        It’s not about “women’s health.” It’s about an inconvenience.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Thank you Leo for being such a gutsy truth teller and providing a forum where we can speak what is on our minds and hearts! I am so grateful for this website and others that allow us to do that.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Politicians must compromise. Those that refuse are not elected or reelected. Abortion is a power of the people, not the Fed or the States. A moral people can make the wise decision in that regard. Unfortunately, America is neither moral or wise.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, I agree. But I think there also comes a point in time where voters become so corrupt and so evil that elections no longer matter. God simply gives a nation the leadership it deserves and elections are stolen by the corruption that was previously voted for.

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  3. what isnt laid out as given to the federal govt in the constitution is left to the states. hope gop is dead anyway.



  4. Thanks Leo

    I think I “might” MIGHT KNOW, know why President Trump is taking this present stance on Abortion.  He knows four more years of what we have now will be the last four. If we lose this one, there might not be another chance. We will never get everything we want, but we “might” get some of the things we need to survive, and {hopefully go back and deal with the other later.} I am not pro-Abortion or Pro LGBTQ.

    BUT IF, we lose this Election, it’s over! Abortion after Birth will become the norm, with Euthanasia right on its heels, Free Speech soon to be a thing of the past, no Borders, Forced Vaccinations, plus all of the other insanity x 1000 the left can dump on us, with no legal right to say anything about it !

    Maybe if we can build some momentum, turn this country around a little here, a little there, Educate, maybe get Trump re-elected, maybe get some Conservatives elected when he leaves office, Maybe not! But if we just give up? Then your only option is Civil War and no one wants to go there!

    I’ll bet President Trump, and Kari Lake aren’t showing their entire hand to everyone at this point, but it has to be better than what we have now. God can still change hearts and minds, He changed yours and mine. Let’s pray for them in faith.

    Does anyone have better alternatives? Please name them so we can all prayerfully consider them.

    I absolutely hate this! Abortion is not right, and God will judge this nation for it, but if we throw this election away because we can’t get everything we want right now, we might just throw all of the babies out with the bath water, and have Abortion made the permanent Law of the land, let alone, the current Imbecile and chief could very well draw us into a Nuclear War, and then nothing matters anymore.

    I would rather have a little bit of something that I can go back and work on later, than a whole lot of nothing that I can never do anything about!

    Trump 2024, then working on Abortion and the rest of this mess, 2024 till the end.

    I hate Abortion!

    Love you all in CHRIST, Bro. C.

    PS If we don’t do something about this so-called Pandemic Health Treaty = End Run around the Constitution, and Bill of Rights in May, none of this will matter anyway!

    January 17, 2024 – The final treaty will be presented and signed at the 77th World Health Assembly meeting in May 2024. Many so-called fact checkers say this is not an end around National Sovereignty, Read the fine print. {Look deep into this.} It absolutely is! It’s a major step into World Government!

    Call all of your Elected Representatives, and get them all over this before it’s too late, it can and will become binding if left alone.


    Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2024 at 2:51 PM


      1. Totally agree, Leo. There is no voting ourselves out of this anymore. Not saying we stand by and not speak out against unrighteousness, but our government is completely corrupt and has been for some time. I’m just waiting on the real King to come and take over. We will have Truth and righteousness then. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hi qbert, Nothing is ever over untill GOD says it's over ! All things are possible with GOD.

        Love you all in Christ, Bro. c.


        Sent: Friday, April 12, 2024 at 8:46 AM


      3. Hi Leo,


        I love your site, and I love you in Christ, but I have to disagree with "sorry but it's already over".

        That is not our call, or our job . Nothing is ever over untill GOD says it's over !

        Many times in the Bible everything looked impossible, over, insurmountable, and it's no different today.

        Satan is right in our faces shouting it's over, it's impossible, it's done, you can't, GOD can't!  He always did do that !

        It's our job to stand in Faith and declare, With GOD, all things are possible, it's not over, GOD can!

        Sure it's dark, and the Worlds going crazy, it's a Giant Insane Asylum being run by the patients,exactly the way GOD said it would be in the time of the end.

        But it's a time to stand in faith , believing that GOD is able in all things! To just declare it's already over, maybe it's just my lack of understanding ,but I can't help but wonder ,where does faith play in all of this?

        My Faith is in Christ, not Trump,or Lake, or any other human, but to just say it's over, when it's not? That's like unplugging a lamp and complaining about the lack of light.

        Choose GODS message , GOD is able, Don't waver, do all to stand ,and then stand, Edify the Church, GOD is able!

        It will be over when GOD says it's over, and not a second sooner. Over ? That's not our paygrade to make that call.

        We have the choice, believe GOD, or believe satan, and we make that choice every day, all day!

        GOD is Able !

        Love you in CHRIST Brother, Bro. c. 


        Sent: Friday, April 12, 2024 at 8:14 AM


      4. It’s over indeed so several weeks ago, I have dropped several online subscriptions and only kept a small number of the top ones I think are best to stay informed with.  Maybe we will end up in war with Iran if our bases are attacked. False flags likely before elections. 

        Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank You MnCori

         Nothings ever over untill GOD says it's over, and He might just use this moment in time to Glorify His Name !

         Let us keep looking to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our Faith.

        Love you all in Christ, Bro. c.



        Sent: Friday, April 12, 2024 at 5:50 PM


    1. Chrisam, regarding what Leo said, it depends on what you mean by “over.” God is not over. Our lives are not over because we’re here. Christ’s church is not over.

      But I believe America is over. Nowhere has God promised to make it last. Read Jeremiah. Things were similar to how they are today. The people of Judah didn’t like it when the prophet told them “It’s over.”

      Christians who want to avert judgment should be calling upon people to repent. Instead, I see admonitions to vote for the lesser of two slimeballs as God’s perfect will. Instead of humbling ourselves and praying to God I see lots of boasting and bragging about how “We’re gon’na win!”

      We have sinned far worse than the people of Judah. They had the Law of Moses and the Prophets. We had the Son and the gift of the Holy Spirit and have rejected both as a collective nation.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Crisam7 and y’all:   America is indeed over, I have been listening to Victor Davis Hanson videos and interviews, he knows it’s over and very precise. I have been informed since ’78 and informed people are doing what they have to do to get things done and prepared. We have been taken down without a shot fired. This could be a last ditch solution, but I feel that ship has sailed: County sheriffs to organize patriots in their counties nationally. See: stateofthe

        Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m sorry, but once the sperm meets the egg the DNA sequencing begins and that means it’s a hueman being already. 

    You can’t say the same thing with car parts on an assembly line. At that time they are just car parts but this concept cannot be applied to the unborn.

    As I said, the sequencing has occurred and THAT is how you should look at it. The Bible says the same thing.


  6. A short play about the political landscape.

    Joe Christian: I think I want to run for a political office. I want to make the country a better place morally and otherwise.

    Friend: But how will you rise in politics if it is a world run by the devil and he gives those positions to whomever he will? (See Luke 4 and Matthew 4, 1 John 5; 19)

    Devil: You might just have to compromise a little bit. I can arrange a deal for you.

    Joe Christian: Once I get in, I can change all the laws so that they uphold Biblical morality. (Smiling enthusiastically)

    Devil: So, what’s a little compromise… in order to get ahead? You know, it will be for a ‘good cause’ after all, right?

    Friend: So how do you plan on rising in this spiritual dynamic?

    Joe Christian: Well, I’m a pretty slick dude. I’ll be sly about it. I’ll play my cards just right. One step backward, but two steps forward. Tap dance with words a little…. you know, work my way to the top…. and then…. WHAMO! I’ll do what I want!

    Devil: Okay then, so let’s get started. I have a slot that’s just right for you…. as president.

    Joe Christian: President!?! That fast?

    Devil: Yup. Now once you’re in power you can do all the things you want to do… ahem… within reason of course. So first you will need to sign this form here….

    Joe Christian: Oh? What kind of form?

    Devil: Well it’s just to get you in the door. It just has a few pretenses. Sort of like a, um, prenup. Here, you agree that you won’t go too far with moral issues. You’ll leave all these things in place over here… and over there…. and you can do something right there… so long as you don’t get too…. you know…. ‘extreme’ with it. So sign right there on the dotted line and I’ll slip you right in!

    At first Joe Christian hesitates but the devil keeps convincing him with his tactics and they go around and round on this for a while. At each step Joe Christian becomes more discouraged and his heart sinks one more level but the devil convinces him that it will all be okay in the end and work out for the good he wants eventually. It is the only way to get in the door and get there. So Joe Christian relentingly agrees to move ahead with the plan.

    Joe Christian: Well…. alright. Just think of all the good I can do. Wait, what’s all this fine print over here at the bottom?

    Devil: Oh, don’t worry about that. That’s just some extraneous legal stuff.

    Joe Christian: Oh, uh huh, okay.

    Devil: Here’s the pen.

    Joe Christian: Signs paper.

    Later on…..

    Joe Christian becomes the next president. He discovers that he can’t cancel abortion, marriage that is unbiblical, theft, illegal immigration, and a whole list of other things. He compromised his standard lower and lower just to get in. But then once he was in, what was the point of being in if he can’t make things any better and if anything only worse? He has now become part of the problem, a cog in the wheel of a corrupt system. His friend reminds him of these realities but it is now too late. He might at least have power and wealth, but at what price? Is it worth it to gain the whole world and lose your soul? 

    Liked by 4 people

    1. The devil always says, “boy, have I got a deal for you! Just compromise standards a bit, don’t be a Bible thumper and shade the truth a little here and there and then you da man.” It’s a set up for tragic and embarrassing public failure every time.
      May I add that God does not call the qualified. He qualifies the called. Obey God first and He will put you where He wants you to serve. Anyone who asks you to compromise on the Truth for the acceptance of the majority is speaking for the devil and the majority is usually wrong.

      Love your dialogue above 1blandina.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. The shedding of innocent blood is one of the seven things God hates, Proverbs 6:16-19. That certainly is self explanatory. There is no room for debate.

    Liked by 4 people

  8. murder is a state issue abortion is murder states can decide we must go back to paper hand counted at the precinct level NOW. 70% of ppl do NOT want abortion on demand. Kansas was stolen years ago. Ohio was stolen last year. Many states will have votes this election season to enshrine abortion on demand as a constitutional right in their state. The left are demonic and sneaky. They know they will lose one branch of government, so they are returning to focusing on their agenda in the other parts of government and society. they are here for the long march. an inch gained is moving them where they want to go. they were winning, but now their movements have been noticed. WeThePeople are remembering our beginnings. God is on the move!


  9. Thanks Leo for bringing us the latest Trump disappointment. I am convinced that we are way beyond “free and fair” elections. Elections are just an illusion to keep the dumbed down masses hopeful that their voices are being heard and so they don’t storm their respective governments in violent revolutions. The New World Order – aka the Jesuits & the Vatican – are systematically and patiently dismantling the foundations of America. Freedom is long gone – after years of prosperity we have forgotten the God of Scripture and have let our minds and hearts become ungrateful, forgetful and lazy. The only reason our nation hasn’t fallen to 3rd world status is because the NWO is using our prosperity to fund the military might that we still have. We are the bullies in the NWO playground. If the puppet leaders in all the nations (corporations) of the world, don’t fall in line with the NWO be sure there will be blood spilt – just like the old days of the dark ages when the Popes ruled the world.

    As far as Trump and Kari Lake – they are both actors, along with the rest of the politicians – doing the bidding of their handlers. You trust them at your own peril. The end time scenario proclaimed in God’s Word is coming together just as it says.

    Maranatha – COME LORD JESUS!


  10. well the cream always rises to the top……in this case sour cream.

    trump has compromised several times to try and stay ‘woke’

    enough to be elected.

    Lake was an attendee at his Florida Mansion a couple years ago

    for that gay pride party too. She would be the perfect VP with him.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Glad you mentioned this, also Melania Trump is pro LGBTQ and did nude modeling in the E.U. years ago.  This country is finished anyway and Trump never entends to drain the swamp in the president’s cabinets. Some for these cabinets need to be abolished: state dept full of Marxists/globalists, DOJ, Dept Educ and others. Congress is left, majority of GOP are rino’s.


  11. America is looking more like China every day. Was that the goal all along ? The “on stage” political leaders may have been “weapons of mass distraction”. // Are we not in “the Days of Noah” and “the Days of Lot” ? ?

    Liked by 3 people

  12. It(murder) is a state issue, covered by state laws. The federal govt is not authorized to make it a federal crime unless certain circumstances like rebellion, etc.

    It is immaterial whether they are “for it” or “against it”. They can’t do anything about it. It is all grandstanding for certain vote demographics.

    Of course, all you Trump/Lake haters can feel free to vote Democrat for the candidate you favor.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Approving abortion in any way is wrong in the eyes of the One who matters the most God almighty. Doesnt matter how you vote. When it comes down to whats right and wrong there can be No compromises. That is what is wrong in the churches today they have compromised and sold their souls just to bring in more people who want the ears itched and then fill the collection plates.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. ”States rights” are used alternately like a giant see-saw by both parties to justify one (anti-) human rights issue or another. Just plug in “slavery” for ‘abortion’ …


      The rest of this ”reply’ is really just a general comment / post:

      I for one see the ”reversal’ of Roe v. Wade as a stomach-turning train-wreck of a ‘victory’ There is more abortion and now human trafficking to boot… What a mess. A friend working at a pro-life women’s clinic related that some abortions are becoming late term because of the logistics of state-by-state laws, travel, wait times. Not that any are good, but late term are especially horrid.

      Well, Trump 2024 sounds like I thought he would sound in 2016. So I guess I was more surprised in 2016 than I am now.

      Leo, I think you are right. GOP is just a few years behind DNC. Two heads feed the same belly. The prince of the power of the air deals in the currency of power and money… It is irresistible to most humans. To earn a respectable income in 2024 without feeding the beast system in some way is becoming more and more difficult in my opinion.

      Also, the earlier comment about Jesuits etc is too narrow. They are under the umbrella of freemasonry, which includes people of every stripe, color, religion, etc. If you do a deep dive, one will soon realize the truth of 1 John 5:19, that ‘the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.’

      (But for those born of God, Jesus keeps us — and reminds us to ‘guard yourselves from idols.’)

      Bless you, Leo.

      Liked by 4 people

    3. There will be a number of people fed up knowing nothing will be fixed and simply ignore the voting frenzy like they did during the primaries in their state. Me included. Besides I gave up decades ago, knowing we were inslaved by the UN membership for 80 years, and this country and others are controlled by the UN and politicians are mere puppets. Older generations did little to get us out in the late ’50’s onward. Certain groups failed also.


  13. If this is the party’s no true Scotsman moment, then it will be a perpetual minority, which I am starting to think many establishment GOPers would welcome. That way, they can enjoy the perks of office, fundraise on the left’s excesses, but never had to do the heavy lifting of policy and decision-making.

    The Repubs can’t even agree that govt should not be spying on its citizens. They’ve done nothing on the border. What purpose do they actually serve other than to parrot some ideas they have no intention of implementing? This may be the party’s lost opportunity to win. The border is non-existent and even blue cities know it; minorities are flocking to Trump; crime is out of control, the economy is a mess, and all the party cares about its Ukraine while its true believers are fixated on abortion.

    Maybe it’s me who is the outlier, but I don’t think so. People obviously have strong views on this issues but it is not in the top three concerns at any non-affluent family’s kitchen table and I’m not entirely sure how much stock the wealthier people put in it. I don’t think a ban has nationwide majority support any more than the Dems’ approach of at any time for any reason does. But, again, I could be wrong.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Trump is not morally fit for office. Melania just sponsored another homosexual event at Maralago and one of Trumps closest supporters just married his boyfriend at Maralago as well. The American bought the Trump lie, hook, line and stinker. He locked America down, wrecked the economy and tried to kill the population while destroying the economy. He claims to have had sex with the top women of the world and during his campaign he said that he was so popular that he could kill somebody in public and still be elected. And now Trump shows his true colors on abortion. He is a bigger fraud than even Obama. At least Obama didn’t try to hide the fact that he was serving the devil.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Republican Party would sink the entire country over abortion, in which case many more vulnerable will be hurt or even killed, if we do not wrest power from the left and the globalists. Kari Lake and Donald Trump are endeavoring to be diplomatic, and Arizona certainly came out quickly with their response, too quickly if you ask me. I have no sympathy with those who support late term abortion, unless it is to save the mothers life, but I also have little sympathy for those who would force a woman or young girl to have an abortion after rape or incest. Each individual is different and has different circumstances. So this one size fits all is too reductive and there will be a back lash in the form of alienating a huge part of the electorate. We already have mass mail in a voting and fraud to deal with, we do not need to alienate almost half of the population.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You don’t fight the devil by giving in to his policies in order to keep from alienating half of the voters. The Truth is not determined by how many people believe it. Right is right, even if nobody is doing it. And wrong is wrong, even if everybody is doing it. Your Opinion doesn’t matter when God says something is wrong. If half of the voters are evil enough to kill a child, then they deserve to die anyway and God will see to it that the whole nation is destroyed just like Sodom. You being a woman are even more gullible to Satans lies and on a more casual and direct level and you have just spoken foolishly concerning tolerance for evil.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Some people writing here prefer to live out their faith according to the rights we have (or HAD) in the Constitution, so too bad you accuse us of extremism– we already KNOW we’re going to be persecuted and taken to court over it by evildoers and hypocrites. [Mark 13:9] So you’ve exposed yourself

      Either support murder and sexual perversion or don’t. You’re a deceiver when you push your position to “unify” and get votes.

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  15. I just think you’re wrong on this:

    1. First of all, Trump didn’t say he supports abortion, he said he supports each state’s right to choose. He said that laws at the state level need to reflect the will of the people. Instead of big federal government controlling.

    2. Liberals in America are a HUGE force and large group – legitimate liberals – our friends & neighbors. They don’t support the outrageous radical Left that is controlling our country, but they have legitimate values & beliefs that can’t be disregarded – they are also part of America.

    3. The GOP could TAKE OVER America quickly if they would get off their high horse and unite America under our common values, instead of polarizing! It’s long overdue for the GOP to moderate their EXTREME anti-abortion & anti Gay policies. It is this very extremism which is the reason so many moderate liberals cannot join our side, even though they may agree on everything else. They cannot overcome the HYPOCRISY of we want individual freedom, as long as it doesn’t include abortion or gay rights. Abortion & gay rights are ALSO individual freedoms that cannot be controlled or mandated by government. All the screaming to try to enforce OUR values on the rest of the country is the HUBRIS of conservative thinking.

    4. It’s not government’s role to mandate religious morality – to bully, coerce, etc. This applies to values we hold in addition to values others hold that we disagree with. We need to stop the hypocrisy. If we do, we will DOUBLE the size of our voting power, and election fraud cannot overcome it. We cannot keep saying government has to stay out of our personal lives, while at the same time mandating it on the issues of abortion & gay rights.

    5. On the issues of abortion & gay rights – We. need. to. address. those. issues. via. education!! Government is not the place. And government does is not the educator of moral values. All this misguided energy into the political arena, NEEDS to be redirected to teaching people WHY we have the values we do, what is the rationale behind them, and bringing people over to our way of thinking via this method. Think of what could be accomplished done properly, instead of bashing people over the heads trying to coerce them with our values, and thus causing alienation & division. I do not believe Jesus would support coercion or bullying. Moral values are a choice.

    6. To be more explicit – laws preventing homosexuality or abortion simply alienate half the county and accomplish nothing – it changes no hearts & minds of sovereign individuals whatever their political leaning!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. SSSSspoken like a true servant of the devil. “Come down off your high horse, tolerate perversion, don’t be so hard nosed and righteous.”

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    2. Laws banning abortion aren’t about “legislating religious morality.” They’re about protecting the weak and defenseless, preventing the killing of innocent human beings. You don’t have to be religious to support the right to life of every innocent human. Since it’s a scientific fact that preborn children are fully human, why should it be legal to murder them at any stage? What about that do you not understand?


      1. Super true! This is the actual truth. If Kari is positioned as stated then…piss on her.

        If not, then I retract. I searched and found ONLY MSM articles which are of zero trust.


    3. Laws banning abortion aren’t about “legislating religious morality.” They’re about protecting the weak and defenseless, preventing the killing of innocent human beings. You don’t have to be religious to support the right to life of every innocent human. Since it’s a scientific fact that preborn children are fully human, why should it be legal to murder them at any stage? What about that do you not understand?

      Liked by 2 people

    4. If Trump were just saying the states should decide instead of the federal government that would be one thing. (Centralized federal control of abortion would keep it legal in all states.) But he is ridiculing a state for being “too” pro-life. Speaking out of the overflow of his heart.

      Liked by 1 person

    5. You are correct that laws do not change hearts or minds. So why vote at all? Why make voting for Trump an article of the Christian faith? Why tell Christians that they must vote for Trump to please Jesus?

      There is a great deal of venerating and adoration for that unholy man I see coming from religious people. Why do they look up to him?

      He’s a celebrity billionaire who claims to be on “our” side. We need Trump to “win” and show the world what winners we are. People are desperate and see him as our only hope.

      MAGA is Trump. A one man show. Everyone looks to that one guy to be a savior. You don’t agree? Then why can’t someone else run under the MAGA/populist ticket? Only DJT is allowed to run. Anyone who challenged him in the primaries–and people always have competed in primaries–was greeted with seething hatred and called a traitor.

      Anyone who criticizes him, even mildly, is attacked by his devotees. Many accuse the critic of being against God for bringing up matters of moral character. Who cares about that stuff? God gave us the Donald. DJT is a celebrity billionaire winner. We need a winner to help us WIN. By any means necessary. (Never ask what prize the winners will get.)

      That’s a big problem. People want a king. These are allegedly conservatives. They don’t want a republic, they don’t want self-governance, they don’t want to rely on God. They want a lot of power concentrated in an OP federal government. As long as its “our” benevolent sovereign running the show, everything will be great.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes. Much of the modern religious world would prefer Donald J. Trump on the ballot over Jesus Christ Himself. Remember, it was the elite religious crowd (Pharisees) that put Jesus on the cross. Organized religion still mocks Jesus Christ to this day. And no, it wasn’t just Jewish religious leaders that did it. All of the super elite religious organizations, Jew and Gentile persecute Jesus to this day. With their mouth they praise him, but in works they deny Him.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. You wrote, “You are correct that laws do not change hearts or minds.”

        This is actually debatable as some people (incorrectly) equate legality with morality. Some people who are on the fence about abortion would come around to the pro-life side if the laws were overwhelmingly pro-life.

        Also, it doesn’t really matter if law changes hearts or minds. Outlawing abortion may not change an abortionist’s heart but it will stop him from (legally) murdering children.

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      3. Yes. Assuming the politicians are willing to change the laws. I’d be fine with outlawing abortion. But those with influence don’t care. They are lawless.


  16. OK, if a baby in a womb is not a living thing, how many counts of vehicular homicide/manslaughter will be charged if I run down a pregnant woman?


  17. Trump has always been a left-wing New York Democrat. He’s always been supportive of gay rights and abortion. That’s why I scratched my head when he ran on the Republican ticket in 2015 and courted conservative evangelicals.

    I kept asking, “Why is he doing this?” even when I voted for him instead of Hilary. “What made Trump change?” I saw no reason for this alleged change of heart. No stirring testimony of conversion or renewed faith. Just a video of Trump saying he didn’t need forgiveness for sins.

    Almost all my fellow conservatives insisted he was a “baby Christian.” One of us. Everyone on the left cursed him for being a far right, fundamentalist theocrat.

    ??? Since when? Tired of the lies and gas lighting. Sick of how stupid and credulous the populace on both sides of the voting aisle have become.

    The left believes everything their talking heads from the MSM tell them. The right believes everything they hear Trump or one of his fan boys say.


    1. Yes, Trump is a traitor to our country. He does not uphold Biblical values in any way shape or form. He supports abortion, homosexuality and the use of feminism to destroy families and traditional values. He knows just what to say to deceive the gullible and he does it all while claiming to uphold the constitution. He doesn’t anymore believe in the constitutional right of a baby to live than he believes that homosexuality and adultery are sin. He doesn’t even believe that he is a sinner. At least Biden, Obama and Clinton don’t try to hide the fact that they are serving the devil.

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