Woke military invokes Satan in PowerPoint presentation meant to convince soldiers to take injections

By Christopher Wright

The U.S. Army recently used a PowerPoint slide listing the seven tenets of Satanism to justify Joe Biden’s injection mandate for the U.S. military. 

The Army confirmed the slide was real but said it wasn’t approved by Army leadership. The explanation is as bizarre as the slide itself. 

Satanism? Wow, the Pentagon has truly lost its way. 

The tenets sound really sweet – “act with compassion and empathy toward all” – but the Tibetans have a proverb: Beware of honey offered on a sharp knife.

A lieutenant colonel recently resigned from the Army in part over the injection mandate but also to protest what he calls “an ideologically Marxist takeover of the military and United States government at their upper echelons.” 

He said he is joining “those who have served before me in pledging my Life, my Fortune, and my Sacred Honor to continue resisting the eternal and ever-mutable forms of oppression and tyranny.”  He forfeited his pension. Talk about pledging your fortune, and putting your money where your mouth is.

He follows in the footsteps of former Space Force commander Matthew Lohmeier who was stripped of his command, kicked out of the military, and denied his pension for writing a book exposing the Pentagon’s wokeness. The book documents what is in the military’s new indoctrination program: 

  • “that the country was founded by racists, that the country has always been racist,
  • “that the Constitution’s ratification codified white supremacy as the law of the land,
  • “that whites are inherently racists (whether they realize it or not), and that the country must transform and become something altogether different than what it was and is.”

As others have pointed out, who in their right mind would swear an oath to defend the constitution of such a horrible rotten country that cannot be allowed to continue to exist? 

One point not to be missed is that Lohmeier got his information from mandatory indoctrination sessions for the troops, not a theoretical course on Marxism for students in a West Point classroom.

That’s the defense that Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, gave Congress, but his explanation was completely bogus. 

Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley defended critical race theory at a House Armed Services Committee hearing last month and now he wants to force injection refusniks out of the military. He also warned China that if former President Trump launched an attack on them he would have their back. Exactly who does Mr. Milley work for, anyway?

Speaking of the service academies, the Biden administration has moved to purge and reconstitute their congressionally chartered advisory boards along ideological lines.  Those overseeing the education of our future military officers must agree with Xi Jinping, oops, Joe Biden Thought.  All of this is a prelude to the complete politicization of the military, which was once respected for its nonpartisan professionalism. 

Back to Milley for a moment.  Everybody’s heard of the traitor Benedict Arnold.  But do you remember what he did?  He entered into secret negotiations with the British and agreed to turn over the U.S. post at West Point in return for money and a command in the British army. 

That sounds a lot like Milley’s secret phone calls to the Chinese assuring them he would give them advance notice if the supposedly crazy Donald Trump ordered an attack on them.  Lots of people have called Milley’s calls an act of treason, but what else would you expect from the leader of a Pentagon that has gone woke and believes that the America it is charged with defending is a horrible, rotten place that needs to be completely ripped apart and fundamentally transformed. 

Milley presided over the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, a complete disaster leaving Americans behind, which many have called no accident.  Somebody should be undertaking an in-depth examination of Milley and his strange beliefs before they get us into more trouble. Get thee behind me, Mark Milley.

Christopher Wright is a retired attorney, an activist and occasional contributor to LeoHohmann.com. He resides in Virginia and publishes regularly at The Daily Skirmish.

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7 thoughts on “Woke military invokes Satan in PowerPoint presentation meant to convince soldiers to take injections”

  1. I may have talked a neighbor out of the jab. She’s a Christian. I mentioned how it was often associated with Satanic imagery in promotions for it. I spoke as calmly and unsensationally as possible.
    God has mercy on the ignorant. But, knowing what I do, taking this would be worse than a poor medical choice. It would be a grave sin against Him.


  2. Bizarre to watch the devil at work in plain sight without an outrageous uproar!! Oh, I forgot, evil is good, good is evil (Isaiah 5:20).

    I recall a certain pop “superstar” who is said to have given credit to satan for her fame & fortune. It was a “try it, you’ll like it” kind of interview.
    I can only attribute success like Milley’s to be of the kind satan promised Lord Jesus during the ‘Temptation of Christ’ described in Matthew 4 & Luke 4. Not worth it. Bizarre.


    1. Have you read the verses which follow on from Isaiah 5:20 – Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight. Woe to those who are heroes in drinking wine and valiant men in mixing strong drink. Who justify the wicked for a bribe and take away the rights of the ones who are in the right.” and so it goes on throughout the whole chapter. Very telling.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Julia, Yes, I have read the lessons and warnings throughout the Holy Bible. I love God’s Word and am in awe how much is becoming more & more clear. Isaiah 3 is quite telling, as well, in understanding ‘children’ as the “immature, inexperienced” and ‘women’ as “emotional, soft”; we need strong leaders but when they come forth, they become prey (Isaiah 59), making good ones hesitate and/or become as corrupt as those they set out to eliminate. Frenetic madness.


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