Biden commits U.S. taxpayers to 10 years of ‘blank check’ funding of war in Ukraine: War’s ‘dark side’ includes organ harvesting and child sex trafficking

Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Zelensky are planning to sign a deal for long-term US military assistance for Ukraine, a country whose government we now know is involved in the trafficking of children for sex and harvesting the organs of its own soldiers for profit.

If that sounds too sensational to be true, read on. The evidence is hiding in plain sight. See post below from X, and I will provide a video later in this article that contains more proof of what’s really going on in Ukraine. It will turn your stomach.

Continue reading Biden commits U.S. taxpayers to 10 years of ‘blank check’ funding of war in Ukraine: War’s ‘dark side’ includes organ harvesting and child sex trafficking

Sen. Lindsey Graham coughs up the real reason why U.S. is providing unlimited funding of Russia-Ukraine war: Hint… it has nothing to do with preserving freedom or ‘democracy’

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) has become the first member of the Washington establishment to say the quiet part out loud regarding the U.S. funding of the war between Ukraine and Russia, which is really a war between the U.S./NATO and Russia. Ukraine is just NATO’s proxy.

Continue reading Sen. Lindsey Graham coughs up the real reason why U.S. is providing unlimited funding of Russia-Ukraine war: Hint… it has nothing to do with preserving freedom or ‘democracy’

VIDEO: Joe Biden uses D-Day speech to brag about killing Russians

Joe Biden traveled to Normandy, France, on Thursday to join world leaders for the anniversary of the D-Day invasion during World War II.

Biden used his D-Day speech to promote NATO’S war of aggression against Russia.

Biden probably doesn’t remember, but Russia was a U.S. ally during World War II. Without Russia, the Nazis would have almost certainly won that war and we would be living under Nazi rule today. Russia sacrificed more men in World War II against the Nazis than any other nation, by far. It basically wiped out a whole generation of Russian men who bravely defended their homeland against a massive ground invasion by Hitler’s troops. Many Russian civilians also died. A staggering 27 million Russian troops and civilians perished under the Nazi invasion.

Continue reading VIDEO: Joe Biden uses D-Day speech to brag about killing Russians

Russian philosopher: Russia defends traditional values that US/NATO ‘seeks to abolish’

Some very prominent conservatives still make their living using unfounded scare tactics to spread Russophobic hate with a fervor that has nearly surpassed that seen during the Cold War, a period when it was very much deserved. Vladimir Putin in their eyes is no different than Breznev or Stalin, and maybe worse. He’s a naked communist wanting to “restore the old Soviet Empire” and take over the world. In short, Putin is a “modern Hitler” who must be stopped at all costs. This is rubbish and I’ll explain why.

Continue reading Russian philosopher: Russia defends traditional values that US/NATO ‘seeks to abolish’

Russia responds to ‘provocative statements and threats’ by Western officials about sending troops into Ukraine with nuclear drills and threats of its own

Retired US Army colonel: ‘They’re not bluffing’; Russian tactical nuke drills are loud warning to US/NATO to stay out of Ukraine

Russian troops are sitting at the doorstep of victory in Ukraine, whose forces look just weeks away from collapsing given the current situation on the ground. Ukraine is losing 500 to 800 men every day and showing signs of cracking.

But Western globalists are talking tougher than ever and threatening Russia with new forms of direct military warfare from the West. Don’t believe for a second that our Western puppet leaders will let go of their anti-Russia, anti-Putin crusade — they’re too far in, have too much invested, and there’s simply too much money to be made by their financial benefactors.

Government officials in the US, UK and France continue to ratchet up the war rhetoric against Russia by threatening the country with Western troops and the possibility of using UK-supplied long-range missiles to strike deep into the heart of Russia.

If Russia succeeds in its war with Ukraine, and it’s not a matter of if but when, U.S. Democratic House leader Hakeem Jeffries announced on CBS News Sunday that the U.S. will intervene directly with troops. Think about what this means.

Continue reading Russia responds to ‘provocative statements and threats’ by Western officials about sending troops into Ukraine with nuclear drills and threats of its own

Martin Armstrong: ‘Will Russia push the button?’

By Martin Armstrong at

Dmitry Konstantinovich Kiselyov (born 1954) is a major TV host, and his latest warning to the West is to issue an ultimatum to the UK and the US. On Russian TV, Kiselyov warned that if a Western power deploys soldiers on the ground in Ukraine to “inflict a strategic defeat on Russia,” it will result in Armageddon.

Continue reading Martin Armstrong: ‘Will Russia push the button?’