Sen. Lindsey Graham coughs up the real reason why U.S. is providing unlimited funding of Russia-Ukraine war: Hint… it has nothing to do with preserving freedom or ‘democracy’

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) has become the first member of the Washington establishment to say the quiet part out loud regarding the U.S. funding of the war between Ukraine and Russia, which is really a war between the U.S./NATO and Russia. Ukraine is just NATO’s proxy.

Speaking in an interview with CBS News Face the Nation on Sunday, Senator Graham said Washington “cannot afford” to allow Russia to achieve victory in its war with Ukraine as this would mean losing direct access to vast mineral wealth.

Graham accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of being a “megalomaniac” who is attempting to “re-create the Russian Empire by force of arms,” starting with Ukraine — this is a favorite talking point of the Washington neocons which has no basis in fact. Graham then claimed that if Moscow wins the war, it will proceed to take over Ukraine’s wealth and share it with China. Graham described that prospect as “ridiculous,” suggesting it would be better if this “gold mine” were claimed by the U.S. and its allies.

“They’re sitting on $10 to $12 trillion of critical minerals in Ukraine. They could be the richest country in all of Europe… If we help Ukraine now, they can become the best business partner we ever dreamed of, that $10 to $12 trillion of critical mineral assets could be used by Ukraine and the West, not given to Putin and China,” Graham stated.

What? Wait a minute. I thought this war was about defending freedom and democracy. You mean it’s really all about money and resources?

Thank you Senator Graham for telling the truth. You just admitted on national television that everything being fed to the American people by the military-industrial complex and its lackeys in Congress, not to mention the corporate media, about why we are sending billions to Ukraine is a flat-out lie. More than two years of fake news were blasted into oblivion by that one-minute segment from Lindsey Graham.

Actually, Graham gave part of the truth but not the whole truth. The U.S./NATO wants to control not only the vast natural resources in Ukraine but in Russia as well. Russia’s natural resources dwarf those of Ukraine. It has huge amounts of natural gas, oil, gold and rare-earth mineral. That’s why they’ve openly called for a regime change in Russia, to replace Putin with a Western puppet more favorable to the financial interests of Western-based transnational corporations.

Lest you think my analysis is of my own imagination, you should know that breaking up Russia into several countries and stealing its resources has long been a topic of discussion among Western elites, and they know this can only be done through war. The US government’s Helsinki Commission held a Congressional briefing on June 23, 2022, plotting ways to break Russia up into several smaller countries, in the name of supposed “decolonization” and “anti-imperialism.”

Apparently, Graham wasn’t paying attention to the news over the weekend. It was the pro-war politicians like himself who were punished in the European elections on Sunday. Western people do not want war with Russia, and they certainly don’t want to send their sons or daughters to die in the Ukrainian meat grinder.

Or, there could be one other, more troubling possibility. What if the establishment pro-war American politicians like Graham have been assured that, unlike their globalist buddies in Europe, they no longer have to fear the election returns? Let’s hope that’s not the case, but the timing of the bird flu fear-porn campaign that’s starting to ramp up does seem a little odd, does it not? is 100 percent reader supported and independent, not beholden to any corporate ads or sponsorships. If you appreciate my news updates and analysis and would like to support my work, you may send a donation of any size c/o Leo Hohmann, P.O. Box 291, Newnan, GA 30264, or via credit card below.

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Independent author, researcher, writer.

16 thoughts on “Sen. Lindsey Graham coughs up the real reason why U.S. is providing unlimited funding of Russia-Ukraine war: Hint… it has nothing to do with preserving freedom or ‘democracy’”

  1. Miss Lindsey Graham (R-chifferobe) needed to have retired decades ago. She was butt buddies with Sen. John McStain, one of the biggest traitors to our country to have ever lived – and that’s saying something considering the HUGE amount of contestants in the traitor category. Ms. Lindsey needs to climb back into her closet/chifferobe and stay there. No one will miss her.

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  2. I still think all of this vast mineral wealth is nothing but a cover story for the enormous amts. of MONEY LAUNDERING and PEDOPHILE BUSINESSES operating via Ukraine, let alone the American Labs. for illegal science gone awry to kill off the population, just like was done in Wuhan. Good luck with trying to change my mind on that, good ol’ boy, Lindsey. I’ve heard and seen you lie before, you know!!


  3. What is necessarily wrong with wanting to curtail Russia’s resurgence? To limit their power? When the Soviet Union fell, it was mainly because we had defeated them economically – but not militarily.

    Their leadership was never held accountable and punished publicly in an international tribunal like that held during the Nuremberg trials. Thus while Stalinist communism was discredited even by the Russian people, communism and Marxism in general was not.

    Since Russia has never been defeated in a war (not including proxy wars propping up puppet governments like in Afghanistan) since the Russia-Japanese War of 1905, they could hold onto their pride as an alternate form of government and culture against Western interests and hope to expand again as a regional power and potentially a world military power as well.

    Russia needs to have their butt kicked. They are useful as a buffer against China, but too risky to be left unchecked as an ally (temporary or permanent) of China. We should have kicked harder when Russia was down, when old yellow livered Yeltsin was the best drunken president that we could buy (or perhaps not even had to buy off). We should have done more to help true Russian republicans form a real constitutional republic. Instead we let them stew in their own post-Bolshevik bowl of borscht politics.

    This sour mess of communist confusion and resentment over their defeat and rejection by their own people, crony capitalism created by and for former commissars reborn as oligarchical monopolistic businessmen and the remnant of Russian pride for their own culture and religion all led to the rise of former KGB Lt.Colonel Vladimir Putin, who eventually became leader and eventual dictator of Russia.

    Our bungling in Ukraine by the Clintons (remember they are a two-fer per their promise), Bush, Obama and now Biden has led to threats and promises (to both Ukraine) mostly broken and unfulfilled while Democrat money laundering utilizing foreign aid and the Biden crime family while using Russian attempts at influencing or manipulating BOTH major U.S. political parties as a tool by the Democrats to bludgeon Republicans (as in the Russia Hoax), has now led to war in Ukraine and the potential for a wider European conflict that is already costing us countless millions of (unaccountable) dollars and the threat of our increased involvement in trying to solve this messy Russian borscht stew of sour Russian and Ukrainian aggression, resentment, expansion and reaction – all rinsed and repeated in a recurring but more volatile and violent cycle.


    1. “Since Russia has never been defeated in a war (not including proxy wars propping up puppet governments like in Afghanistan) since the Russia-Japanese War of 1905, they could hold onto their pride as an alternate form of government and culture against Western interests and hope to expand again as a regional power and potentially a world military power as well.”

      Spoken like a true globalist. We get to decide which people groups are allowed to rise or fall, and even which ones are allowed to choose their own culture, religion or form of government. This is wrong on so many levels but the sheer arrogance and self-righteousness of your comment stinks to high heaven because it assumes that Western values and systems of governance remain pure as the driven snow without any elements of tyranny of “crony capitalism.” I would advise Western globalists such as yourself to read Matthew 7:3-5, “why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye… you hypocrites, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.”

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      1. We have been a world power for well over a century. Since World War II we have been THE dominant leader – whether we liked it or not. Those of us who are now adults and leaders and especially just plain citizens didn’t choose the world that we live in, much less approve of everything that our government has done in the past or even currently.

        However, if we are not the dominant leader in the world, some other nation (or group of nations) will try to take our place. If we just withdraw to our own sphere of interest (which of course will also be likely challenged), our political and eventually economic power will also likely decline. I am not sure exactly how (or how much of) that will happen, but I expect at least some dire results to be possible if not probable.

        Maybe that will be good for us, especially in the long run, as it MAY lead to our populace demanding our politics returns to a more constitutional form of government. But I suspect it will be a painful process with uncertain results if not unintended (and unwanted) consequences.

        Again, I ask what is inherently wrong with trying to influence other countries to become, not necessarily more democratic, but more like some type of constitutional republic (you know, the type of government that we used to have)? Especially when communist groups and governments were trying to influence our government and culture to become more like theirs? THEY played that game much earlier and longer than we ever did with them.

        We allowed ourselves to become distracted with countering colonialism, fighting fascism and completely negating Nazism – a war which the Left is still engaging in, only directed at conservatives who oppose them and are therefore designated by the current regime as “domestic extremists and/or terrorists.”

        I also don’t think it is inherently wrong to try to influence their culture as well. In fact, we very possibly should have tried harder to export a type of capitalism that was based on a rule of federalist law, with a real constitution based on the separation of powers and limited government.

        It would perhaps have been better if we had sent more of our missionaries to Russia, to show them how Christianity can save souls and create a more stable society without the church becoming a puppet or even an arm of the state, like the Russian Orthodox Church has been in the past and appears to still be in a similar form at present.

        However, such a vigorous form of Christianity would probably be accused of “globalism” by populist conservatives while also being maligned as a form of “Christian Nationalism” by those on the Left.

        You accuse me of being a hypocrite even though I mentioned the problem of crony capitalism in post-Soviet Russia. You say I think that the West is as “pure as the driven snow” even though I never made such a statement.

        I also never stated that I necessarily wanted to see Russia broken up into smaller countries (although I am also not necessarily opposed to the idea, since sometimes I think that the United States might be better off if WE broke up our country into smaller countries, or at least have more freedom and autonomy as individual states or regions).

        However, I do think that Ukraine deserves to be an independent country and remain as such. That does not mean I necessarily respect much less like their current president, government or even culture (which from what I have heard from some sources resembles some of the more debased aspects of ours).

        I don’t think that my beliefs on this issue are necessarily globalist. Nor do I think that what is currently described by populists as “globalism” is inherently evil or even wrong from a practical point of view.

        I believe that as a global power we are going to be involved in foreign affairs whether we like it or not. If we withdraw from our global position, it will naturally create a vacuum that could have negative effects on our country, in the long if not the short run.

        I don’t think it is wrong or unchristian to consider all of these points before we completely abandon our position in the world.


    2. I have one more point to make in response to this ill-informed comment. This point of view is so irresponsible because it totally ignores the elephant in the room, which is Russia’s nuclear capability. Even if this country does need to be “publicly punished” as you say for the sins of its past, is it worth risking our own nuclear annihilation to achieve that? To a die-hard globalist warmonger, I guess it is.

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      1. Some of the statements and criticisms made by populist conservatives during the Trump ere remind me of similar statements and critical remarks by liberals and leftists during the 1980s under Reagan and indeed throughout the entire Cold War.

        Anytime any conservative leader or spokesman stood up to the Soviet Union, Red China or any other communist country, and threatened or even just suggested that we threaten such a country in response to THEIR aggression and threats, then inevitably some liberal or leftist would say we were recklessly leading the world into a nuclear war.

        They would also point out all the real or perceived mistakes made by our government throughout the years, as well as all of the supposed faults and weaknesses of our society in relation to those of our communist and anti-American/anti-Western opponents.

        Nowadays, if any statesman or pundit says we should aggressively try to oppose the actions, aggressions and ambitions of say, China, Iran or Russia, they instantly get attacked by populists as “globalist war-mongers” who are inviting nuclear war and craving “endless wars.”

        This despite the fact that such nations have already themselves made such threats and claimed that they were in an endless war with capitalism, the United States, the West and even (especially in the case of Muslim countries) all Christianity (and other non-Muslim religions).

        When Trump was president, how did he (as he has claimed) keep Putin from invading Ukraine, or Xi from China invading Taiwan, or Iran attacking Israel or either they or their proxy terrorist groups from attacking American forces and interests?

        Did he quote scripture? Send love letters to Xi? Tell Putin how much he admired his pecs? Send the Ayatollah a signed copy of the God Bless The USA Bible? (I am not necessarily against the latter). If and when he becomes president again, will he also engage in such efforts?

        Or will he (at least also) make implied (if not so subtle) threats to such nations, up to and including the threat of using nuclear weapons? I suspect that Trump has made such threats and would hopefully do so in the future if necessary.

        I don’t know if that makes Trump or any other leader who would make (or anyone who would just agree with using) such threats a “die-hard globalist war-monger; but if so, I tend to think that at least in some cases it might be useful to have a few such globalist war-mongers around.

        They might not only be useful but necessary. You know, some “evil” things in this mean old world are just that. A NECESSARY evil.


    3. (EYEROLL)

      I just watched an interview in which the guest stated there are upwards of 60,000 narrative control troops working covertly for our US ‘gubmint’ … I guess one of them just parachuted into this site.

      I agree with Leo 100% in his reply to this propaganda malarky… Enjoy your (bleepity) paycheck, because you have not successfully influenced this reader.

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  4. Lindsay’s lying twice. When he says, “If we help Ukraine now, they can become the best business partner we ever dreamed of,” that could be resolved tomorrow. It could, and should, have been settled two years ago, before a half-million Ukraine me were killed. The mineral wealth was as valid then as it is now, but his defense buddies would have missed out.

    Russia is not trying to conquer the entirety of the country and Graham knows it. The talks in 2022 would not have impacted Ukraine’s ability to do business at all; the Russians were concerned about the two eastern provinces that are full of ethnic Russians. That was it. Putin had no designs on Kyiv. There is a megalomaniac in the discussion, all right, but he’s the senior senator from South Carolina.

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    1. Ukraine is ALREADY a great business partner… for the terminally corrupt. Graham and his ilk do not shy away from this anymore – they were openly and proudly touting that printing more $$ for Ukraine would actually be good for “jobs” in the former republic of the US – and no doubt he got a good chunk redirected to his state, who ought to be ashamed of themselves for keeping this scumbag in power.

      So, in essence, someone else’s dead body is my future voter’s paycheck from the MIC. slava america!


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  5. I really think that the CV1984 was a distraction as well. The folks in France and Taiwan were ramping up protests. Folks were beginning to feel real strange about global affairs, so to me, the best way to shut it all down was to shut the world down with a fake plandemic. I hope this time around folks are not as gullible and scared, I hope they see thru the lies and refuse to comply.

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  6. It’s always about more wealth, power and control for the warmongering industrial complex. There’s always some asinine justification for deceiving, murdering, imprisoning, oppressing, persecuting, using people as lab rats, etc. It wouldn’t surprise me if the US is the last days Babylon mentioned in the Book Of Revelation. God’s people will have to trust Him to protect us, and deliver us from the evil that some of our religious, political, business leaders and others who thieves, murderers and destroyers like their father the devil.

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  7. The majority of US-Americans are uneducated when it comes to world politics – he is probably one of them!


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