Globalist war on food ramping up: Idaho SHUTS DOWN FARMERS’ access to water; ‘We’re all going to fail’

The situation in Idaho is truly remarkable, and we will see more water deprivation in the months and years ahead. Why? Because the globalists have long sought to control water resources. It’s part of the U.N. Agenda 2030 strategy, which is really a strategy for the culling of humanity and much tighter control over those who are left.

Please watch and share the video below from an Idaho potato farmer.

Notice, the farmer in the above video states that the reservoirs, streams, creeks and rivers are all full in Idaho and the mountains have plenty of melting snow draining into the valleys. Yet, we see poor water-management practices (whether intentional or due to incompetance) limiting critical water supplies to farmers, rendering their land worthless. If a farmer can’t get access to water, he’s done. It’s all part of the globalist plan to depopulate the earth, through endless wars, poison in the food and water, toxic vaccines, and engineered famine.

And it’s not just farms that are going to be affected.

Business Insider reports that Mexico City is on the brink of a water catastrophe. Experts predict that the city of 8.8 million people could run out of drinking water later this month.

Mexico City is not the first city with a water crisis and it won’t be the last. Of course they’re blaming climate change.

But Aditi Mukherji, director of the Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Impact Action Platform, told Business Insider the biggest factor that makes a city vulnerable isn’t climate change, it’s poor water management.

She said:

“It’s not so much about the absolute quantity of the water per se, but it’s about how the available water is distributed. Water scarcity at the end of the day boils down to issues of policies and governance.”

According to the World Resources Institute, there are 11 other cities at high risk of running out of water. Many are located in the 25 most water-stressed countries – housing one-quarter of the world’s population. These countries regularly use up almost their entire available water supply. At least 50% of the world’s population — around 4 billion people — live under highly water-stressed conditions for at least one month of the year, including India, Mexico, Egypt and Turkey.

Liz Saccoccia, a water scarcity associate with WRI, told Business Insider via email:

“Even a short-term drought puts these places in danger of running out of water and sometimes prompts governments to shut off the taps.”

Are you prepared in the event that your state or local water authorities “shut off the taps?” is 100 percent independent, not beholden to any corporate ads or sponsorships. If you appreciate my work and would like to support it, you may send a donation c/o Leo Hohmann, P.O. Box 291, Newnan, GA 30264, or via credit card below.

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Independent author, researcher, writer.

12 thoughts on “Globalist war on food ramping up: Idaho SHUTS DOWN FARMERS’ access to water; ‘We’re all going to fail’”

  1. Saints. The Apostle Peter told us in one of his epistles to “Remember the patience of Job.” The Lord has constantly reminded me of that verse these past 4 years. Lucky for me. My employer didn’t mandate me to take a covid jab thus far. I had decided that I was going to hopefully sell my home and have a yard sale if it came to that. It’s always a good idea to remember that some of us had God in our lives long before we obtained our financial and material blessings. It’s also a good idea to remember that the earth, and the works therein will all go up in flames according to the Apostle Peter. Let us all remember that God is still sitting on His throne. We were forewarned about the times we are living in. In spite of circumstances and appearances. Rejoice for our redemption draweth nigh. Temporal and eternal.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. In the end, the people will lie at the feet of the rulers and say:

    “Make us your slaves, but feed us”

    The slaves will love their servitude.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Why haven’t the citizens of Idaho organized to refuse compliance and confront anyone who stands in their way?


    How many red lines to we allow crossed every day, at this point?


  4. The Globalist 2030 Agenda = depopulation. Besides pandemics and wars, it is a known strategy to cut off the water supply. Water = LIFE. The Satanic End Time Plan = DEATH. // The video presents the plight of the potato farmers being either mismanagement or political…. Well, as usual, “the devil is in the details”.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Klamath Falls, Oregon
    Is also falling victim to the globalists attack on water resources … as well as many other places with America.

    Oregon has also started an attack against small farms.

    Globalists want to be the ones commanding what enters into your body – and MIND!!!


    1. You must be in my neck of the woods then!

      Yes, that stuff about water irrigation systems and this whole battle about the one fish, like they really even care about that. Now they are coming for the independent farmers. It is obvious that as a whole they don’t want anyone to be self sustainable but rather dependent on the system instead. It starts in small pockets and then spreads everywhere so no one will be safe anywhere eventually.

      Liked by 1 person


    Europe has numerous uprisings occurring as people are struggling to survive – and the livelihoods of farmers and many others are under attack by political leaders.

    All across Europe a fearful, angry disquiet has taken hold.

    🩸 In O’Biden’s America where crime goes unpunished … [UNLESS YOU ARE A PATRIOT LOVING VETERAN or AMERICAN PATRIOT, PRO-LIFE supporter, speaker & fighter of TRUTH, or an opposing PRESIDENT]
    … it has become difficult:

    • for any retailers to be profitable, and that is especially true in our major cities
    • And for hard working, taxpayers to thrive and feel secure in their cities and neighborhoods

    Increasing Cost of living
    Unsecured Borders
    Rising cost of goods & services
    Increasing homelessness
    Increasing violence
    Constant threat of war

    Hey Joe & democrats…
    If the U.S. economy is heading in the right direction, why are many of the largest retail chains in the U.S. shutting down stores❓

    Why have unemployment claims rose❓

    Why do utilities (like electricity) feel a need to increase rates by 17%❓

    Why has average price of gas increased from $2.50 (President Trump) to $4.40 today❓

    Why are there now more people receiving government assistance 🤔 ❓
    (And yes, some of these folks are just plain lazy and like the free money)
    Sooner or later, especially with overran borders – the money tree will dry up – and then comes further unrest and violence.

    Why are banks still closing down❓
    ■ US banks closed 79 branches in just six weeks – as the industry increasingly offers services online.
    ■ figures suggest the axing of costly bricks-and-mortar locations will continue, with total closures so far for 2024 above 400.
    ■ California is worst affected by the recent closures with 20 registered shutterings between April 20 and June 1.
    💥When banks get into trouble, they get really tight with their money, they fire workers, and they close branches.

    In some states needed healthcare & assistance is now DELAYED for the elderly, veterans, disabled.

    The cost of everything has gone up.

    Think on this …
    If business closures were to continue at the same rate for the rest of the year they would total 7,800 in 2024 – almost 40 percent more than the total in 2023.

    🩸Economic conditions are horrible, theft is absolutely rampant, and the violence in our streets is rapidly approaching levels only seen in the most dangerous areas of the planet.
    ■ A woman identified as ‘Nina’ says she was walking down the street when she got surrounded by teens who assaulted her.
    Her crime? Walking down the wrong street.
    “We own the street, we own the street. You can’t just walk around prancing in your little dress,” the gang of about 10 said.
    They then held her husband back as they beat her, ripped out her hair, pepper sprayed her face and kicked her in the stomach.
    “First someone approached him and hit his head, punched him in the head, and he looked back and he looked at me and told me ‘run’.”
    “Another lady came to me and dragged me with my hair on the ground.”
    “I started screaming she started pepper-spraying me right in the face, in the eyes.”
    “Another person starts stomping all over me, and my husband ran towards me to save me and over 10 people held him.”
    She lost her baby hours later.
    💥 And Joe Biden and democrats want to disarm American citizens while allowing the rise of Islamic terrorists/radicals within our country!!!
    💥 This is what has destroyed EUROPE and elsewhere!!
    …. …. ….
    🙄 but just trust Joe Biden, who struggles forming sentences.

    Just continue trusting the corrupted lying MSM.
    For all is good in their make believe world.

    We do have a battle – a dark spiritual battle against varying forces of darkness. Many individuals have been consumed by these dark forces and they are guided into anger, violence, murder … the church has been silent for too long … GOD’S people need to stop being silent and take a stand for righteousness if we are to win.

    Global elites, servants of the Antichrist, are working hard to gain control, to earn their title of gods ~ DESTRUCTION FOLLOWS ALL THEY PUT THEIR HANDS ON
    …. Necessities for “sustainable living” ….
    Water resources

    Trump can’t save America

    ONLY GOD working thru His people can!!

    Pray for America

    Pray for opportunities to share the Gospel

    Pray for Godly Discernment


    1. Hi. I just checked and the video is there for me. Did you click “read more” in your email alert? If so, you should see the video.


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