VIDEO: Joe Biden uses D-Day speech to brag about killing Russians

Joe Biden traveled to Normandy, France, on Thursday to join world leaders for the anniversary of the D-Day invasion during World War II.

Biden used his D-Day speech to promote NATO’S war of aggression against Russia.

Biden probably doesn’t remember, but Russia was a U.S. ally during World War II. Without Russia, the Nazis would have almost certainly won that war and we would be living under Nazi rule today. Russia sacrificed more men in World War II against the Nazis than any other nation, by far. It basically wiped out a whole generation of Russian men who bravely defended their homeland against a massive ground invasion by Hitler’s troops. Many Russian civilians also died. A staggering 27 million Russian troops and civilians perished under the Nazi invasion.

But Biden used the commemoration of D-Day to brag about his own ability to kill Russians. This dishonors every one of the few remaining World War II veterans, most of them in their late 90s and early 100s and living out their final days, only to hear weasel politicians like Biden rewriting history.

Biden stood at the podium in Normandy Thursday with a smirk on his face and stated: “They’ve inflicted on the Russian aggression. They’ve suffered tremendous losses in Russia. The numbers are staggering. Three hundred and Fifty Thousand Russian Troops dead or wounded.”

That is beyond insensitive. It’s disgusting. There’s no other word for it. And perhaps the sickest display was the sound of applause in the midst of Biden’s war-mongering remarks, made at the most inappropriate time and setting.

Is it any wonder that the Ukrainian Army is the one the West is using to beat up on the Russians? One of Ukraine’s most fierce fighting units is the Azov Brigade, a unit populated by neo-Nazis, picking right up where their ancestors left off during World War II, fighting Russians.

How does it feel, America and Great Britain and France, to be aligned with the Nazis in what is shaping up to be World War III? is 100 percent independent, not beholden to any corporate ads or sponsorships. If you appreciate my work and would like to support it, you may send a donation c/o Leo Hohmann, P.O. Box 291, Newnan, GA 30264, or via credit card below.

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Independent author, researcher, writer.

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Joe Biden uses D-Day speech to brag about killing Russians”

  1. Did Messiah warn us about a nuclear holocaust? I thought that His major warning was to “Not be Deceived”. There seems to be an ongoing nuclear holocaust of deception from my perception. I am thankful for excellent researcher/ communicators like Leo H. that keep us informed since Messiah called us to: WATCH ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. -Luke 21:36

    If Americans had any discernment they would do everything possible to resist being sent to overseas wars outside of our borders. They would also have long ago guarded our own borders from those peoples that would degrade our society. If the US ceases to be the engine of sending the Word of God to the world, then the world has no hope. Well, maybe that is what the problem is after all.

    Dietrich Bonhoeffer claimed that what went wrong in Germany was the fault of Germany embracing cheap grace. The US is demonstrably on the same path and we don’t even have a Dietrich Bonhoeffer to lead us. Where are the prayer meetings of informed US Christians that actually understand the message of scripture and know where intercession really ought to be targeted towards?

    Is the reason that we have two King Ahabs to pick from all because we insist on human leaders rather than ourselves being led of the Spirit? Romans 8: 4-14


    1. Hananiah Azariah Mishael says: June 18, 2024 at 1:35 am

      RE: If Americans had any discernment they would do everything possible to resist being sent to overseas wars outside of our borders. They would also have long ago guarded our own borders from those peoples that would degrade our society. If the US ceases to be the (Angel of Light’s Masonic) engine of sending the (Social justice gospel’s revised) Word of God to the world, then the world has no hope.

      If Harlot Neo-Babylon’s idolatrous flag-waving American patriots had any of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego’s spiritual discernment, they would repent of foolishly pledging their heart’s democratic allegiance to Uncle Sam’s / Nebuchadnezzar’s sacred Masonic images (i.e. Old Glory). Resisting democracy’s political-correct Masonic indoctrination, Shadrach’s holy brethren courageously refuse to put down their daily martyrs cross in order to violently take up the bloody ‘sword’ of Neb’s military. Christ’s Holy Spirit forbids them to vainly lay down their lives in defense of Babylon’s sacred Masonic Constitution or in guarding its sacred borders from Alexander the Great’s degrading invasion. 

      Messiah warned us “Not be Deceived” about the Sodom-like nuclear holocaust that will suddenly destroy the Great Neo-Babylonian Whore—America. Revelation 18:8


  2. You would be amazed, or perhaps not, at the intentional cluelessness among more people than I care to count. Whether it’s complete buy-in on “Putin’s unprovoked war” or the belief that Biden’s presidency has benefitted the average person, there is a disconnect from reality like never before. I understand being partisan. I understand wanting “your guy” to do right by the country. I even understand people for whom Trump is not a favorite. I do not, however, understand anyone who thinks four more years of what we’re experiencing is the right answer.

    Increasingly, I find it difficult to not smile when people are confronted by the results of the policies they support, whether it’s crime run amok, the impact of illegals on their towns, or the mental assaults on their children by one extreme faction of the alphabet community. It’s usually impolite to draw pleasure from another’s misfortune, but some folks make it difficult. At best, there is the hope that they might learn something from the consequences of their actions smacking them in the face. But they don’t. They never do.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. among many reasons, ’tis certainly a result of more than a generation of faulty, poor education in the former republic of the US. even my own children, who i would regard as above average in this regard, sometimes struggle to connect cause and effect dots that are pretty basic, at times.

      reflexively, and mostly EMOTIONALLY, people seem to endlessly connect the wrong ones together and have little capacity to unravel them and analyze for accuracy. they FELT it, so it MUST BE.

      this is the way the oligarchs who want easy-to-control chattel, would want it to be.


      1. Buratta says: June 7, 2024 at 10:18 am

        RE: They FELT it, so it MUST BE. This is the way the oligarchs who want easy-to-control chattel, would want it to be.

        Fabian oligarchs easily control the deluded, digitally-marked (SS#) chattel that are happily held-captive and enslaved, from cradle to grave, within the inescapable Socialistic Security System of the Marxist Beast’s UN Global Village (WHO’s eugenic Welfare State). 

        The coming of the lawless one (Allah’s Marxist Mahdi) will be accompanied by the working of Satan, with every kind of “fundamental transforming” power, sign, and false wonder, and with every wicked deception directed against those (Socialistically-Secured chattel) who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them. For this reason God will send them a powerful delusion (Democracy’s Orwellian Social Justice Gospel) so that they believe the lie, in order that judgment may come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness. 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12


  3. “This dishonors every one of the few remaining World War II veterans, most of them in their late 90s and early 100s and living out their final days,”

    i heard a lot of applause. and not only that, but the strong majority of the current crop of GIT SUM mil i know are easily manipulated and all about the russia hatred. they will march on behalf of a great evil when they should realize that they break their oaths to the Constitution by doing so. “i am just following orders” is not a legitimate excuse.

    our best remaining hope is that the people of this former republic turn decisively and unapologetically against this Leviathan and refuse to serve it in any way as they crack down and try to force us to do their will.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Well I’m ready to move in with the Amish!

    This is ludicrous! Tactless and disgraceful.

    How anyone can lack being ashamed of him I have not a clue.

    I just pray that innocent civilians do not get harmed, on all sides of the lines. I know the end is here, and it’s going to be ugly. I don’t want to see anyone harmed anywhere. It’s ironic but me and my ancestors have so many nationalities mixed in and speak or spoke many different languages that it is impossible not to be affected in some way regardless of what happens in a bad way.

    Love and peace in Christ,

    Saint Blandina


  5. The dementia is accelerating and his original stupidity comes out very frequently.

    An embarrassment to the country to have a Demented Ignorant Fool like this as POTUS, especially from a stolen election which is now largely forgotten.

    If you do not understand that see the Desouza movie “2000 mules’ documentary on the ballot box stuffing.


    1. In den USA regiert ein Seniorenheim…

      Capitol Hill ist eine betreute Wohneinrichtung für Psychopathen.


  6. Appears to me that the US leadership is and was on the side of the Nazis all along. And your right Leo. If it hadn’t been for the Russians during WW2 and now. We would all probably be living under world-wide satanic Nazi rule since the 1940’s. Plan as these evil doers may. Some of us have already decided the terms of our temporal and eternal existence based upon the word of God. As stated in the Book Of Romans. There is nothing, things present or things to come that will separate us from the love of God through Christ Jesus our Lord. And that is why no amount of fear-mongering, evil, threats or unjust actions will drive or distract people from the promises and the blessings of God. We know Him whom we have believed and are pursuaded that He is able to keep that we have committed to Him against that day.

    Sent with Proton Mail secure email.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. It is absolutely amazing that they let this guy represent the US. How in on God’s green earth, can a President of the US be so ignorant on the history of the US. Why do they peddle him out there to speak in a way that can be patently fact checked almost immediately after he opens his mouth. It simply amazes me that the USA has allowed themselves to be at the brunt of such an embarrassing travesty of high governmental leadership. He ain’t your local mayor or city councilman, he is supposed to be the so-called Leader of the Free World (🤣). He is a royal mockery of anything the USA ever stood for, and that’s saying a lot.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. “It is absolutely amazing that they let this guy represent the US.”

      you mean WE. WE let this guy represent us. our passivity remains our consent.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I really am not of the mind that the populous elects any president. It is set up in such a way that the popular vote rarely counts. Beside, in my view, it’s a selection not an election. The folks they put before us for a vote are all primed and ready before they hit the campaign trail and certainly before they are selected.


      2. i tend to agree with you nana, and especially lately. i have begun questioning when was the last time i believe there was a fully legitimate national election in this former republic….

        But “consent” is not about who we elect. it is about the people deciding that they will abide by society’s rules and obey their government, because what they stand to gain from it outweighs what they might gain by putting their person and property and freedom at risk to remove that government. the persecution and brutality of that government certainly weighs on the people – but it is still a choice to be made.

        Even now, it appears to me that pretty much everyone still believes that what we have lost is still not enough to put what we have left in hock to try and retrieve it.

        so we keep consenting to be governed – and losing ground.


    2. I think it’s because he’s the perfect tool – someone who is so compromised that he will do whatever he’s told to do.

      As for speeches like this, who knows? Evidently his handlers are as demented as he is. (I presume it’s their speech that he was reading.)


  8. The stage is being set for world war three. The world leaders are being choregraphed for a dance to the devil.

    Biden’s remarks were despicable and seem designed to stoke up tensions between East and West.

    Biden is now allowing American weapons to be used to attack Russia directly. This is taking the war from being a proxy war into a much more dangerous escalation.

    I think that WW3 is inevitable. Arguably, it has already begun.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Im 2. WK sind hunderte Millionen Menschen ums Leben gekommen, der 3. WK wird Europa vernichten und für die nächsten 100 Jahre nicht mehr bewohnbar sein.


      1. Hundreds of millions of people lost their lives in WW2, including many Americans. WW3 will destroy Europe and make it uninhabitable for the next 100 years.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. @ Karl Heinz. I think it was more like 70-80 million. Of that figure, up to 27 million were Soviets.

        Europe will suffer human casualties but I don’t think that there will be an all out nuclear war. The ‘globalists’ will want a world that they can live in, with a greatly reduced population.

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Die Weltmacht USA hat keine Kriege gewonnen aber Millionen US-Soldaten in den

    Tot geschickt. Eine Gesellschaft, die sich systematisch weigert, zu erkennen, dass ihr

    physisches Überleben unmittelbar in Frage steht, und die keinen Schritt zu

    ihrer Rettung unternimmt, kann nicht als psychisch gesund bezeichnet werden.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The world power USA has not won any wars, but has sent millions of US soldiers to their deaths. A society that systematically refuses to recognize that its physical survival is in imminent danger and that takes no steps to save itself cannot be described as mentally healthy.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. America has won wars in the past but in recent times I believe that the aim of the American leaders is not to actually win certain wars but instead, they want to destabilise countries/societies in order to keep those countries weak. This is most notable in the Middle East.

        Liked by 1 person

  10. It is about time to say these basic truths….which I have been saying since President Putin began this Special Military operation now abou 3 years ago. Russia has been fighting these very same Fascist Nazis, that my Father in the US Army, along with many other Americans and Europeans fought against as well as the Russians. Only the Russians with a few exceptions, including Hungary and other Eastern European countries seem to know this any more. However, real Americans remember and know the Truth, just as I . Biden is evil incarnate as well as an idiotka.

    Liked by 3 people

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