Speaker Mike Johnson shows his hand and where his loyalties lie — squarely in the camp of Washington neocons working to advance U.S. toward World War III

Americans do not want war. But that counts for nothing because neocon warmongers in both parties will always push the agenda of their globalist masters in the military-industrial complex.

It’s important that American patriots learn the difference between a conservative and a neoconservative, a liberal and a neoliberal. I will attempt to shed light on the difference by honing in on one specific example of a neoconservative working in a position of leadership today, that being House Speaker Mike Johnson.

I think we can all agree Johnson is a conservative, but what kind of conservative is he? Does he focus on the needs and interests of Americans or on the interests of those who benefit most from perpetual conflict overseas?

Whenever The New York Times puts out an article praising a Republican for his deft political skills, you know something wicked this way comes. When has the New York Times, in the last 35-40 years, ever stood for anything globally but more war? The Times, along with the Washington Post, serve as the “papers of record” for New York and Washington elites. New York is home base for the financial elites and Washington is the home of the military/intelligence/political elites.

Let me quote the first two paragraphs of a Times story published Wednesday, April 17. And remember, this is supposed to be a news story, not an editorial.

“Speaker Mike Johnson’s elaborate plan for pushing aid to Ukraine through the House over his own party’s objections relies on an unusual strategy: He is counting on House Democrats and their leader, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries of New York, to provide the votes necessary to clear the way for it to come to the floor.

“If Democrats were to provide those crucial votes, it would mark the second time in two years that Republican leaders have had to turn to the minority party to rescue them from their own recalcitrant right-wing colleagues in order to allow major legislation to be debated and voted on.”

The article goes on to say that because of the Republicans’ tiny margin of control, “Johnson will need their (Democrats) support on the aid itself. But before he even gets to that, he will need their votes on a procedural motion, known as a rule, to even bring the legislation to the floor — an unconventional expectation of the minority party.”

What they’re really saying is that we have a Republican Speaker of the House who is essentially acting as a proxy for the Democrats, helping push Democrat and globalist policies through the Congress. It’s also interesting that the Democratic Party used to have a strong element of anti-war sentiment within its ranks, and that element has now been purged. The Democratic Party is now totally controlled by the neo-liberal war mongers, just as the Republican Party is controlled by neo-conservative war mongers.

A clear pattern has come into view. We’ve seen Johnson previously refuse to provide funding for border security (this would be an American interest); then he sided with the Washington establishment last week to renew funding for warrantless spying on Americans through the secretive star-chamber court known as the FISA system (not in the interest of any free Americans). Now he is backing away from his commitments not to fund anymore Ukraine giveaways, a policy that is leading to more war in the world, not just in Ukraine, and will eventually result in American troops on the ground in various theaters of war.

The globalist power-brokers who control politicians like Mike Johnson have failed in their determined effort to bait Vladimir Putin into widening the war in Ukraine. Having failed with Putin, they are now working on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, hoping he will show less restraint than Putin and light the fire that explodes into full-blown World War III.

Again, here’s a direct quote from the NY Times article:

“That puts Democrats once again in a strange but strong position, wielding substantial influence over the (Ukraine/Israel funding) measure, including which proposed changes, if any, are allowed to be voted on and how the foreign aid is structured. After all, Johnson knows that if they are unsatisfied and choose to withhold their votes, the legislation risks imploding before it even comes up.”

God forbid that a bill transferring tens of billions of dollars from U.S. taxpayers to foreign countries should implode. That would be catastrophic in the eyes of the New York Times, even as American military veterans sleep under bridges and many elderly Americans are wondering how they’re going to pay for their food and medicine. Their priorities are clear. They’ve let it be known who they serve, and it isn’t the interests of the American people.

Nobody expresses the legitimate frustration and utter disgust we should all have with Congress better than Dave Kobler, a U.S. Army veteran who operates the popular Southern Prepper 1 channel on YouTube. The video below is 12 minutes of undiluted truth.

At the top of the geopolitical food chain, we are not dealing with mere politicians but with satanic criminals in high places. We have way too many corrupt, detached politicians posing as our “representatives” but the core of the problem is who they answer to. They answer to a cabal of war criminals and perpetrators of crimes against humanity — a group that operates above the highly orchestrated political system we see being acted out in the daily theatrical production known as Washington, D.C.

These globalist elites want war not only because it results in massive transfers of wealth into their bank accounts, but because war always increases their control over the lives of we the people.

Congressman Thomas Massie of Kentucky, one of the few good guys in Washington, said it clearly earlier this week.

“We’re steering toward everything Chuck Schumer wants,” Massie said Tuesday, referring to the Democratic Senate majority leader from New York.

But Schumer only wants war because war is the only option being pursued right now by his masters in the bowls of the military-industrial complex. This includes the military hierarchy, the mega banks and transnational corporations, as well as the Five Eyes intelligence community. Five Eyes includes the intel agencies of the U.S., U.K., Canada, Australia and New Zealand. But there is also Five Eyes Plus which makes up Nine Eyes, incorporating Denmark, France, the Netherlands and Norway. It extends out from there to Nine Eyes Plus, taking in Germany, Belgium, Italy, Spain and Sweden to make up Fourteen Eyes. This is basically what many would call the “free world,” but all of them are currently led by powers that hate their own people, as evidenced by the pushing of toxic injections, a war on food production, and war with nuclear-armed Russia. Their actions expose them as agents of globalist powers seeking to drastically depopulate the earth.

Sadly, this evil entity is having its water carried by phony “conservatives” like Mike Johnson every bit as significantly as the phony “liberals.” We truly are being ruled by a D.C. Uniparty right now and too many Americans still can’t see it.

But they are starting to wake up. More every day are starting to see that “leaders” like Mike Johnson do not advocate the interests of the American people and do not work for us on any level, despite what they might say. The question is what to do about it. Is it too late to save this debt-ridden, morally depraved sinking ship known as the United States of America? If so, what is the future of this land and how should we as Christians be preparing for it? We may have a depraved, oppressive and anti-civilization entity in Washington posing as our “government,” but that doesn’t mean we can’t still foster goodness and civilized community on the local level.

Let me know in the comments below if you have any success stories to share on a local level where you have seen families and communities pulling together to help each other in these troubling times.

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Independent author, researcher, writer.

17 thoughts on “Speaker Mike Johnson shows his hand and where his loyalties lie — squarely in the camp of Washington neocons working to advance U.S. toward World War III”

  1. The Neolite’s party is a danger box because you cant tell who is in it.

    The vote in the house and senate will tell who is and who is not. Leo, Maybe you could get the voting list of who is…


  2. Praying for Speaker Mike Johnson. Please speak to Pastor Jack Hibbs regarding him.

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    1. Speaker Johnson “Gave Democrats everything they wanted” in the current foreign-aid bill. If Pastor Hibbs, or some other preacher you are fond of, told you that he heard directly from God and now something we thought was evil is actually a good thing, abortion up to 15 weeks for instance, and we should no longer resist it, would you believe him?


      1. I agree, Mr. Hohmann…..while I never liked Pence from the beginning (he seemed so arrogant) I was surprised by Johnson the first time. The second time I thought, ‘Here we go…..’. To watch what a person does, means more than what they say. If Johnson did these things with the idea of doing something bad for the greater good, sorry….IMHO that’s no excuse. Words matter. He can no longer be trusted. Integrity also matters. If one claims a biblical world view, then live by it. If he’s a true Christian, he KNOWS that things will not be easy. I personally like Jack Hibbs, but he’s human and we all want to find the good in people we know and care about. But Johnson has a position of great authority, which requires courage, honesty and commitment, and to stand before an entire nation and claim a biblical world view (which implies the intent to walk in that walk regardless of the difficulties) and then back track makes him a liar. Regardless of what his ultimate intent was/is, he has aligned himself with an entire corrupt government that swims in it’s own vile cesspool. MAy God help him….because I don’t think he can dig himself out of this.


      2. Pastor Jack is not an extra biblical teacher in any way. He has always been a solid Bible teacher for years and does not ever claim to hear directly from God. He’s not one of those. He’s a good friend and supporter of Jan Markell and Olive Tree Ministries and has been on her program regularly over the years. He has always been very outspoken in the political arena and on the right side. Whoever his contacts are in DC (he mentioned Tony Perkins), for some reason he is still supporting Mike Johnson and I was quite shocked and just wondered if anyone else has insight into why. Your article explains the situation quite well and the term neocon seems perfect. I pray for Christians everywhere to wake up to reality and have better discernment. The Bible talks about deception and even the elect being deceived. Perhaps that’s what is happening in this case with Pastor Jack Hibbs

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Does anyone here know of a Calvary Chapel Pastor Jack Hibbs who pastors a huge church in California? He came out last night on utube after a phone call with someone in Washington DC asking for support and prayer for his friend Mike Johnson. Jack is of the impression that Mike is under a ton of pressure and that false claims are being made about him. In his statement, Jack did not mention anything about the interest of the United States or protecting our borders. His concern seemed to be only about Israel and support for Mike Johnson. I’ve always been a huge fan of Jack Hibbs and his solid biblical teaching and political stance, but he seems to be very mislead in this situation of support for Mike Johnson. I appreciate this article by Leo and the comments above! Thank you. 

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Regarding Jan Markell, Jack Hibbs, Speaker Johnson, et al…

      First, I do love these brothers and sisters in Christ. I think their intentions are good and hearts sincere.. They want to be ‘biblical’ and I appreciate that. I happen to agree with them on many points of eschatology. And until the last few years I would have agreed with them about ‘Israel.’

      However, I think ‘Big Eva’ has been captured by secular Zionism and has been schnookered into being pawns in a Satanic globalist game. John Hagee must be making some big money about now. And Mr. Johnson is funded bigly by AIPAC, so… there is that. I will give them the benefit of the doubt … that they are extremely naive Christians in a cage match-up with evil. I am sad to see them tossed around like little mice amongst global lions.

      The promise of blessings given to those who bless Abraham and his seed (Jesus Christ) — one must tie Genesis 12:1-3 to Galations 3:16, 29 to understand fully — has been manipulated to get us to support a political nation-state. It is now ”anti-semitic’ to question the machinations of the powerful. Of this we must be very alarmed.

      Harry Truman was a 33rd degree freemason, which means he was connected to freemasons around the world with massive power. He was connected to the Pendergast (sp?) mafia in Kansas CIty.  The symbol of Israel has six sides, six triangles and six points. ”Star of David’? Seems like the sign of man to me.

      One can see the tension between factions of Judaism in 1948 when Truman helped create Israel by reading The Chosen by Chaim Potok.

      Our goal as Christians should be to lead people from all nations to Jesus Christ … no more, no less. 

      The people pulling the levers of nations are happy to divert our money for their own gain using whatever means possible.


  4. Hi Leo & friends. I can’t follow any more of the political intrigues. It’s ONE DAY AT A TIME, sleep/work/eat/repeat– being over 60 years old, NO KIDS or GRANDKIDS, and working a very hard, physical full time job for 14.50/hour means I have NO HOPE except to die in my sleep believing in Christ Jesus!!!!

    These political intrigues are killing me. In 2021 before a good-paying job laid me off, the My Pillow company benefited greatly from my purchases. Where did all THAT money go? Poor Mike’s gone mad. We’re still going to get election fraud in November! Why vote, indeed? If it’s just going to get WORSE I suggest gangs of disgruntled & desperate senior citizens should hit the streets with protest banners and block roads going into the polls, government offices, IRS facilities, etc. WHAT HAVE WE GOT TO LOSE?


    1. Julie,

      Your response pierces me to my soul. In all of this foolish money printing and these political machinations, PEOPLE are entirely overlooked, and the situation is dire for so many. I too am wearied by what is going on — and all of the blather! — and have a similar story of struggle and real losses due to these miscreants.

      I pray we will be sustained by the love of Christ and the knowledge that he will make things right in the end… (I have been understanding the anguish of the minor prophets in Scripture more than ever.)

      I ALSO pray that God will send you caring people — flesh and blood, not just digitally — to share life with.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Thank you for this Leo. I do have difficulty following our government and knowing who to believe. Here in my community my neighbors are farmers. I can honestly say even though one family is democrat everyone has come together to help each other. We trade services and goods with each other we pray for each other and in general if any of us need something we feel free to call upon each other. I suppose the biggest things we have in common are Jesus and Old school ethics. I know I am blessed and thank God for them and where we are. We have only been here ten years but these have been bleyears. Now if you think I mean blessed with money and things that’s not what I mean. We named our little farm Best for Last, because I believe God truly saved the best for last.


  6. I am hearing a lot of stories about the new House Speaker Mike Johnson, and now a move to get him removed.

    No one but Mike & GOD know the true condition of Mike’s heart and where he aligns.

    What I do know … that throughout the American government there is a very dark agenda being pushed – and those who fight back are targeted to either be silenced, removed, or transformed into acceptance.

    Blackmail – threats
    Promises of more power
    Wolves in sheep’s clothing

    Unless a person who gets into politics has a strong UNWAVERING faith in Jesus Christ & is solid in their Biblical knowledge … and they are fully prepared to do battle against the forces of darkness … THEY WILL FALL》》 there is 100% guarantee that attacks will arise. They must be fully prepared, no matter what, to TRUST GOD & defend in righteousness.

    Sadly many well-meaning, but ill-equipped Christians, go in with good intent but are soon beaten down by the forces of darkness. Maybe they don’t understand or fully trust JESUS as they should. Maybe they really don’t know Jesus at all, in which case defeat will come without JESUS going with them.

    Mike Johnson is disappointing many, but this is what happens when one looks to man for direction. 

    Is Speaker Johnson a proxy mouthpiece for the NWO pushing democrats?

    Was his position of influence caused by those he already sold his soul too? Or was he overtaken once his position was gained?

    Only Mike & God know.

    Regardless war seems to be something the ELITES – those serving Satanic forces – are desiring… a means to gain ultimate GLOBAL power, to establish the New World.
    I wrote about it the other day…

    Questionable actions by Mike Johnson show an alignment with those who are intent on destroying America (the powerful presence of the Spirit of the Antichrist- the master of deceptions)….

    🔥 Speaker Johnson appears to be lacking BIBLICAL wisdom & Spiritual discernment! WWIII will eventually happen – and the global elites, Secret Satanic society’s, (the Antichrist himself), and their puppets ALL GUIDED BY FORCES they fail to understand are pushing hard for WAR ~ which GOD is currently restraining, but when His hand lifts…then…👆💥 these fools DO NOT fully comprehend what lies ahead by their disastrous evil agenda; and they don’t really care. They are making sure they have what they need; food,supplies, and safety they deny everyone else. They believe they are safe in their wealth & power…. FOOLS THAT DENY the Power of GOD. HIS WRATH they will experience.There are a few good solid political figures out there who are standing firm in this fight – they need PRAYERS.

    We need to pray and trust GOD & make sure we are living a righteous life seeking the will of JESUS our Savior … ready to defend TRUTH & RIGHTEOUSNESS … continue sharing TRUTH … there are many in need of the Gospel Message and time is running out for them 🙏


  7. While we bog down in the mechanics, the politics, and the palace intrigue, three glaring questions remain unanswered for Ukraine, for Gaza, and for Taiwan: 1) there is no clear mission or sense of purpose, 2) no one knows what ‘victory’ looks like meaning it cannot be recognized if achieved, and 3) there has been no thought give to the aftermath.

    “Americans do not want war.” This is true. The Iranian response to the consulate attack says they don’t want war, either. The Israelis have enough to do with Hamas, and perhaps Hezbollah, that direct confrontation with Iran does not serve them well. And China is not going to invade Taiwan. There is a 100 miles or so of open ocean between the mainland and the island; that’s a logistics hurdle.

    Especially disappointing in this scene is that all of the focus is on American taxpayer money going overseas, with no small amount of it being borrowed, while domestic priorities go ignored. I hear that one of the stand-alone measures speaks to the border, though it’s not likely that enforcement is a big part. In other words, it’s America last, from both sides of the aisle. Keep in mind that 80+ other Repubs also voted for warrantless surveillance.

    Thomas Massie sells a good many of his colleagues short in suggesting that only Schumer is getting what he wants out of this. Plenty of Repubs want to keep funding Ukraine, they’ll vote to send more money to Israel, and they’ll likewise with Asia-Pacific. Of 535 members of Congress, I’d be hard-pressed to name 100 whose genuine priorities lie with this country and its people. There will be some who are programmed to speak ill of Dems just as the opposite is true. Watch the vote counts on this measure; they will reveal who is looking out for you (us) and who is looking out for their donors.


  8. The one world order government of the coming anti christ has formed through the evil WEF installed leaders of these countries and is taking power from the citizens to themselves. They completely ignore the will of the people in their quest to rule and reign as lords over the people that they allow to live following their many depopulation methods such as manmade diseases, equally dangerous “vaccines”, war, abortion, unchecked violence, starvation and the cream of the crop, street drugs. The most evil deranged people on earth, the globalist elitists have finally put themselves in power to serve as god’s over the earth. Their reign of terror will be short lived however for the King of Kings and Lord of Lords has already planned their demise along with their coming evil leader. The end of all evil is at hand and Jesus will reign over all the earth. “Even so, come Lord Jesus”.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. You hit the nail on the head! The only problem we have left is who to vote for in November, if there is an election.


    1. watch the YouTube video of JB Hixon and Wretched Watchman. It gives perspective on voting. I don’t agree with everything they say, but it is definitely food for thought and prayer

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