Liberal state declares war on small farmers and homesteaders: War on food is spreading in U.S. through land-use restrictions, geoengineering and waves of propaganda

Remember, it really is all about depopulation

The World Economic Forum warned us several years ago that its ultimate goal was to destroy the middle class. How else would you explain their slogan: “You will own nothing and learn to like it“?

This mantra is playing out in real time in the state of Oregon, and other states, in various forms which we will get into in this article.

Small farmers are under attack in the Beaver State, which has begun shutting down family farms throughout the state under the guise of water conservation and groundwater protection.

The owner of Yanasa Ama Ranch shared a 20-minute video explaining what is going on in Oregon as bureaucrats erroneously classify small family farms and homesteads as “concentrated animal feeding operations,” or CAFOs, in order to shut them down. Any feeding area that has a concrete, rock or gravel floor falls into this category, which would include most small dairy or egg farms.

If you have two or three milking cows, the rancher explains, you are now targeted by the state for closure.

The rancher further explains in the video:

“The state of Oregon has effectively shut down small farms and market gardens on a large scale, and they’re actually sending out cease-and-desist letters to farms and they’re using satellite technology to find their victims and send them these letters that say you can’t operate.”

The below video is 20 minutes but the most critical information is contained in the first 5 or 6 minutes. Note that he says most of these anti-farming, anti-private property laws start in places like Washington and Oregon but end up spreading to other states over time. That is so true!

Wake up folks. The tyranny is gaining ground. The war on food is heating up and will inevitably cause a major worldwide famine at some point. Remember what I’ve said in previous articles, that depopulation is the ultimate goal of the globalists. There is no other explanation behind their rabid lust for World War III, their relentless pushing of toxic vaccines, harmful chemicals sprayed in the atmosphere and put in our food, their celebration of abortion and all things LGBTQ+, and the list goes on. The more death and sterilizations they can foster, the happier they will be.

There was some good news on the atmospheric spraying this week. The state Senate in Tennessee has passed a bill banning all such spraying within its borders, whether it be for geoengineering or other purposes. (See story here).

The globalists are also waging war against small farms and homesteaders on the propaganda front.

The far-left media group Media Matters, funded by George Soros and other globalists, recently put out a hit-piece article targeting homesteaders as “white nationalist” and “anti-government.” How dare they seek to grow their own food! They must be racists! See video below.

I keep hearing that the CFR-Trilateral-WEF-UN globalists are “running scared.” That may be true, but I wouldn’t bet on it. As long as we see horror stories like this one out of Oregon I am of the opinion that these global predators are only just getting started. If they were at all fearful they would be pulling back on some of their most harmful policies in the war on food. Instead, they continue to pressure farmers to cull their flocks of birds, radically reduce the size of their bovine herds, and now they’re trying to render their farmland useless through nefarious “water protection” policies. Their goal is to put all small farmers and homesteaders out of business and force them into the cities, where people are more easily surveilled and controlled. We cannot allow them to succeed. Find small farmers in your area and support them.

Let me know in the comments below if your state is showing any signs of joining the globalists’ war on food. is 100 percent reader supported, not beholden to any corporate or government ads or sponsorships. That’s why I’m able to remain totally independent in my news and analysis. If you appreciate my work and want to support it, you may send a donation of any size c/o Leo Hohmann, P.O. Box 291, Newnan, GA 30264, or via credit card below.

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Independent author, researcher, writer.

39 thoughts on “Liberal state declares war on small farmers and homesteaders: War on food is spreading in U.S. through land-use restrictions, geoengineering and waves of propaganda”

  1. I have kept up w/ globalism/UN agendas, etc since 1978, and a troll I am not, but have been called worse online (so have others likewise) for posting. Trump really blew it this week, slamming Israel, so then don’t put trust in a person like they are infallible. Reagan did some things I disagreed with and quit voting altogether after his first term. Local politicians (city or county gov. have been arrested in the past for embezzlement and other issues in my area.) Husband quit also, gave up on all of them.  Trump pro Hamas ref: The Daily Caller (I thought he was for Israel, he seems to talk out of both sides of his mouth alot.)


    1. yes someone is using Geo Engineering & lasers to set fires in the Texas Panhandle and in Lahaina Hawaii. It is sickening what they are doing to have their control over the planet, get rid of people & save the planet. So what will they do when there are no people left and there is ONLY the planet with no inhabitants? This whole thing is satanic. But yes, it was done on purpose to get rid of the ranches, the farmers and the beef. So we can starve and they can have their planet all to themselves.

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  2. Technically apostasy has been going on since Paul’s time but the culmination or zenith of the falling away will not be realized until antichrist is revealed and people start getting hungry but can’t buy food without the mark. Esau sold his birthright over food. In John 6:66, certain followers (fraudulent) of Jesus stopped following Him after an exchange that began with Him calling them out because they only sought after Him for free bread.

    The evil servant in Matthew 24:48 expects an early arrival of the Lord (sound familiar?) and when it does not happen, the evil servant begins to do what? Turn on his fellow servants and eat & drink with the drunken. If this is a tribulation time period, how is the evil servant able to eat & drink with the enemy unless they took the mark?Matthew 13:20-21 tells us that the seeds on the rocks produce plants with no root and they wither in tribulation & persecution. They become “offended”. Cross reference this with Matthew 24:9-10…many shall be offended and do what?? Betray each other…just like the evil servant in Matthew 24:48. And just like the people in Daniel 11:30 who forsake the holy covenant and “have intelligence” with the beast.

    The evil servant expects an early arrival of the Lord….that pertains to eschatological wrong doctrine like pre trib & mid trib. Hymenaeus & his friends, the first preterists were also associated with apostasy due to the heresy they supported. Ecclesiastes tells us that there is nothing new under the sun and that the thing that hath been shall be. All 3 of these heresies (pre trib, mid trib, & preterism) will have a large stake in the falling away because these teachings naturally attract false converts into the fold. That’s not to say that all who currently follow these teachings will be exposed as frauds. Some will “see the light” and remain faithful. But many of the fallen away ones will come from these camps because 2 of these errors promise an early escape and the other one promises that all that scary stuff in Revelation already happened by 70 AD. All 3 are sowing seeds on the rocks.

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    1.  In Freemasonry’s Orwellian Digital Age, Uncle Sam’s Masonic nation is become the All-Mighty economic Super-Power that proudly controls the UN Global Village of Babel’s re-United Nations.  In Revelation chapters 17-18, the USA is identified as the great Judeo-Xian Whore of Mystery Babylon (i.e. Masonic Pax Americana—one democratic nation under Socialism’s interfaith god, indivisible, with licentious liberty and Fabian social-justice for all).

      The UN-Marxist Beast mandates all taxable merchandise within its global-e-commerce, including the politically-correct souls of its global citizens, to be digitally marked with Socialism’s identification / insurance number. Mentally engraved within their heart’s consciousness (the forehead’s memory) and embedded within the hand-held credit card is the Marxist Beast’s digital name. No person can legally buy, sell, transact in the cashless global-e-commerce, obtain a drivers license, a bank account, a passport or be hired for employment without being branded for life with the Beast’s SS#. 

      Big Brother’s socialistically-secured global citizenship (i.e. bewitched democratic chattel) foolishly ignore the Biblical warning of the terrifying fate that awaits their digitally-marked (SS#) souls. From cradle to grave they are dependent wards who are happily enslaved within Fabianism’s Social Security System. Not unlike beef cattle that bear their master’s digital name permanently stapled to their ear. Contently chewing their cud, these deluded beasts fatten up in the ‘security’ of the slaughter-house feedlot. Oblivious to the holocaust that awaits their numbered souls, they are like the Third Reich’s Jews who were numbered, showered, and thrown into Auschwitz’s ovens.


  3. Methinks we must vote at every election, municipal, state/provincial, federal….without fail… the Bible at every opportunity…..If we do not vote, we give ground to the enemy!


    1. methinks that eventually we will have to decide if we are ready to do more than vote, if we’d like to stop giving ground to the enemy. the House, despite being half “republican” – just demonstrated exactly what you get even if you DO vote – a uniparty ongoing expansion of spending and taxation without representation.


    2. They don’t care about our voting anymore. That is over. I do think its important that we show up to vote, but do you really think they are going to listen to anything we say or do? They will just get their handy dandy voting machines, AI Bots, computer programs and change our votes to what they want. They do not care about American. They want all genuine born in the USA Americans to eat dirt and die.  

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    3. Voting doesn’t produce any results in our favor. Older generations tryed to get us out of the UN seventy years ago.  America has fallen without a a shot fired and informed patriots are a tiny minority. Both parties have merged into the uniparty and Congress and the cabinets are pro globalist. Keep on reading Leo’s website. A country has fallen when borders are breached ongoing.  We are being replaced with illegals and gov. wants us dead.

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  4. If only Christians could declare themselves “oppressed” …

    It wouldn’t be the first time persecution has unfolded.

    “And on that day a great persecution arose against the church in Jerusalem; and they were all scattered throughout the region of Judea and Samar′ia, except the apostles. But Saul was ravaging the church, and entering house after house, he dragged off men and women and committed them to prison.” Acts 8:1,3.


    1. Peopleneed to family church or get in small groups for study and fellowship, leave the corp. churches (social centers) and stay low key with your group. Best it be off gov. radar all we can. Civic organizations are useless overall. They don’t enhance the community only collect money and fundraising.

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      1. I am sorry but you are not entirely correct. What you are saying is not entirely true.

        I can’t go to Calvary Chapel Chino Hills in person, but I watch and listen every time Pastor Jack is on. Calvary Chapel Chino Hills did not close during the plandemic when all the churches in Californicator were ordered to close.

        Jesus told Pastor Jack
        “Who’s Church Is it ?”
        ” Its your Lord. ”
        So he stayed open.

        And all the people from the closed churches, the Catholics & Baptists, the Lutherans and even some Jews came to CCCH.

        Jack stayed open and the church is so big now, 4 years later that he has to do 3 services every Sunday.

        And this church does a lot. It makes a difference. They vote. They make a lot of noise.
        They get a lot of things stopped that Gavin Nuisance & his liberal leftist cronies are trying to get through.

        They get together as a voting block, they collect ballots and hand carry them to the voting precincts so they ” don’t get lost or changed. “.

        They do massive letter writing, phone calling, showing up in person crowds.

        They make a difference.

        And it is true that Small groups are good, but this church and Pastor Jack make a difference.

        Jack gave the opening prayer at the US Capitol in February & the left is so riled up over what he prayed, the truth, that they wrote a letter about how upset they are and Pastor Jack should never have been allowed to pray in the Capitol building because of the ” Godly things he prayed. ” He told the truth, he called sin what it is: sin. They still have not forgotten him to this moment. When I read how upset these leftists are, and saw who and what is in our Capitol buildings and offices, no wonder America is a mess.


      2. Pastor John MacArthur’s church didn’t close either and local authorities gave him a hard time. He has a church in SunValley,CA The reason now to home church or meet privately w/ friends is the gov. will soon crackdown on churches like they did during COVID, like for ex: martial law with curfews and some “new disease”,etc.  I ‘m in S.E.Ala. and churches were shut down in my area for months. Some did meet anyway, and I knew the gov. couldn’t force churches to close legally. Forming small groups is already happening in my area. Some have left mainline churches and prefer this method knowing later on security will be an issue also large groups are more likely to have gov. infiltrators. This happened during Hitler and Stalin regimes, and dissidents were arrested for speaking out.


  5. I totally agree that the globalists are destroying the farms in every area. I’m in west central Wisconsin and own and operate a 280-acre crop farm. I also run a farm diesel repair shop right on the farm. In my town ship they are going to put in approximately 1000 acres into solar panels. The electrical co-ops sign on to the green grants available for renewable energy and the leaders of these co-ops have no clue that they are being played by the globalists. They don’t even know what a globalist is. Why put solar panels on fertile farm land? It’s a disguise to be “green”. It’s only purpose is to take highly productive farm land out of the food supply. Cause if solar really worked they would put them in the desert lands. Not in a area that has clouds 50 % of the time. I have no problem with people looking for alternative energy or putting panels on roofs. But when perfect land gets covered with panels it only means one thing DESTROY the food supply.

    thanks Leo


    1. Over here in the Netherlands the corrupt regime also takes out fertile farmland to cover it with hideous solar panels. A fake nitrogen ‘crisis’, ‘rewilding’, return of wolves (these wolves are deliberately put near farm lands, creating conflict and pressuring farmers to stop farming. Some people claim these wolves have been bred in Eastern Europe to be released in Western Europe, because many of these wolves seem not scared of human beings).

      All kinds of conflicts and crises are deliberately created to create food shortages and to stop farmers and fishermen from producing food and being independent.

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    2. Husband born in Madison and raised in Elkhorn (near Lake Geneva) . Parents had a dairy farm for over 30 years, then sold and retired in Florida. The gov. is after cattle ranchers also, and people in the community need to support farmers and their rights to farm. I “Q’d” those Texas panhandle fires killing cattle.  Near Darien several years ago, husband’s cousin sold some land near other acreage sold, and land was turned into a solar farm. I wish more would wake up, and glad to know E.V.’s are not selling.


  6. no point in voting for sometime?? Sounds like a liberal talking. Let’s not bother to fight this communist agenda?


    1. The globalist agenda is already here already taken over this country (and others) making voting useless because the candidates are hand picked by the globalists UN agenda 2030 club. America has fallen without a a shot fired. Either you are a troll or totally uninformed. Stay on this site to get informed.


      1. You would like everyone to give up wouldn’t you? You are the one that sounds like a troll. We are well aware that the globalists are calling the shots and installing those they wish into political positions all over the world. However, it isn’t man that determines the course of this world and mankind. It has already been written and determined and even the globalists cannot change it. They may have a little while but ultimately they will be destroyed. I prefer to think that citizens of the world will not make it easy for them.


  7. Oh my, it is amping up on all fronts!

    I live in Southern Oregon, moved here to escape CA but it was the best I could do in the situation. There happen to be a lot of farmers, ranchers, and preppers here, and a lot of conservative folks so this is big and will hurt a lot of people. They have attacked the canal and irrigation system as well and there has been pushback but they let the dams go and it doesn’t matter what they people want or say, the will of the people means nothing to them. It also goes to show that even if you get a fort homestead and have the whole operation going from farming to ranching to whatever, all it takes is the stroke of a pen to make you ‘illegal.’ 

    On another note, some updates. One is that we all heard about the migrant influx, the large amount of them, and the vast array of places they are from. They are put up and housed, fed, given money to spend, given jobs (even Gov. jobs) in some states that are hard for citizens to get and so on. Well now some states are going to be giving them ammo and guns. Yup. It doesn’t take much to connect the dots on that one, and I believe it is by design. Remember back on Nov. 15 when the Chinese president came to see Biden in SF? To sign some paperwork? And our country owes over 33 trillion to China which it will obviously never be able to repay? Now they are crossing our border in droves and getting armed? What do I really think? I think it’s a take over in slow motion and it was signed over that day. They sold the farm and soon the credit score will be arriving. I heard that China has had secret offices in specific US cities and spied on us for some time now. They won’t tell us everything, or anything at all if it is not in their best interest, or at least until it is too late.

    The internet censorship is also intensifying. I watch a lot of things and have noticed channels getting strikes and even banned altogether and the amount of news is declining overall.

    The biggest whopper of all is something that has been simmering in the back of my head for a while and today I saw some big puzzle pieces that landed and the whole picture formulated. The other day I saw a video advertised on youtube warning of a plot for ‘Christian nationalism/fascism’ and other buzzwords. Well I didn’t watch it, I have seen a lot of advertising for false things on the increase lately so I just shrugged it off as yet more. (A lot of folks are falling away from the faith for one thing.) Then today I saw two videos that nailed the final pieces in place. There is hyped up talk in the media about some ‘secret society’ that wants to take over the country made up of rich, white men (who are probably not gay either) who want ‘Christian nationalism’ for the country (and notice they are not in any ‘oppressed’ people group according to woke ideology) and what a big threat this is.

    Then there was the Jack Hibbs prayer at Congress which they are also claiming is a stab at ‘Christian nationalism.’ They are also lumping the J6 activity with all of this, as well as anything they deem as ‘white nationalism’. We can see the pieces coming together in that anyone not labeled as ‘oppressed’ in the woke agenda will become a target. They are using all of this as an umbrella narrative to frame and target Christians. Anyone who is white, possibly male, hetero, owns guns, has a homestead, even the Amish, is conservative, traditional, patriotic, favors Trump, favors a strong border and basic American values, but especially Christians; will be labeled as J6 type domestic terrorists and targeted for persecution. The framework is in place. Remember that eerie red and black background for Biden’s speech in Sept. of 22? It looked like he had inherited it from hitler and all that was missing were the nazi flags. Google any of these things or check youtube for the research. He also mentioned the ‘dangers’ of the J6 types. I recently saw a video of a woman who was arrested in FL and taken to CO all on trumped up charges including involvement in J6 when she was just a conservative political activist but had nothing to do with J6. The hand writing is on the wall all around us. In Canada they are a hair away from passing a law that will criminalize Christianity (posting certain Bible verses, etc.). We are next.

    Running and hiding on a homestead is not an option. We must be prepared. It has come to the point where to be: white, male, conservative, an owner of a farm, homestead, a belief in the Constitution and being ‘right wing,’ all of that is a crime now in their eyes! Unless you think like them and check all the boxes that agree with them and their twisted, deranged, deluded ideology, you are now the enemy. The ‘domestic terrorist,’ the ‘public enemy’ that is now in the cross hairs of their target weapon. With the surveillance, don’t think we can outrun them either or escape their watchful eye. Every day is a marvel in a way as I am typing this now. But expect the script to narrow in and tighten around us as Christians. They will try to frame us in every possible way with every form of false slander. Every group out there is already primed to hate us too. As the year goes on the chaos will unravel regarding politics in this area too. I would only advise to avoid any of these mock protests, I feel that they are all traps to frame and slander conservatives. Many are still suffering and in gulag type conditions as a result, even if totally innocent. All normal functions of our democracy have been suspended in reference to them, no due process, no speedy trial, etc. Don’t think it will fare any better for you. Looking at J6 we need look no further.

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    1. One more thing, I just didn’t want to make the comment too long, is that this whole Jack Hibbs thing smells fishy to me. I have my reasons not to trust all these in the limelight. He is known to associate with General Boykin who is in the club of rome, knights of malta, or something like that and they are either into dominionism or the illusion of it, among other globalist things. The globalists are the ones who want to take over and are in secret societies but make it look like its another group (they have an acronym for it now with the Christian ‘nationalists.’) and that it is bad in that case. One strategy is to set up a prop who does a really bad job and then go after all of their followers, like the J6 thing. Now this prayer is making the rounds as if he is ‘pushing’ the faith on the public and they are accusing him of the Christian nationalist stuff as a result. The prayer may have been just fine but there is something about it that just doesn’t sit right with my gut. So one video I saw discussed the scenario with him and how he had agreed to a list of things for this ‘prayer’ and then he got ‘convicted’ by the Holy Spirit and then changed his mind and did the right thing at the last minute, attracting all the heat. Some of the things on the list he agreed to included not mentioning the terms Father, or Jesus! It’s like… excuse me! Slam the breaks on! Since when does a ‘pastor’ agree to say a prayer and exclude the name of Jesus in it?!?! Oh yeah, right… NEVER! I don’t buy it for one second that he just had a change of heart. To agree to some neutered, interfaith prayer when Jesus said we are to pray in HIS name, is nothing less than a denial of the faith and of Jesus. Nothing less. You do not compromise, water down, placate, or any other pussyfooter thing like that…. ever! You don’t even agree to do it…. ever. The answer is NO. I will NOT leave out the name of Jesus! You can rescind my invitation and that is just fine, but just know that if I am going to pray, it will include the names of Father and Jesus! Not optional and not up for negotiation. Or I won’t go. I don’t need to go. I don’t have to. The only things I HAVE to do is be loyal to my Lord until I die, refuse to disobey or deny Him, and eventually die, of which these things could be the cause and that is fine. That is it. Nor am I foolish enough to believe it can buy me or the country anything. I can pray the same prayer in a public spot or in the closet, God will either hear it and grant it or not and I don’t think it would make one bit of difference, if the people in general don’t repent. Even if he had the plan all along and was not honest, he still is guilty of a denial because he AGREED to leave out the name of Jesus, which a true Christian could never agree to do for one second for any reason. But I smell a plot in all of this. For those who think I’m just being ‘over the top’ and the type of zealot they will be coming for, well those are exactly the folks who have their head in the sand and need to wake up because they are not ready for what is coming. I am not worried about what they think, my concern is honoring the Lord and finding that I was pleasing to Him on the day of judgment before His throne, which we all must stand before, Christian or not, and give an answer for all things said and done, good and yes bad too. It’s in the Bible.

      Being ready includes being that passionate about the Lord and His ways that we are willing to lay our lives down for Him and them, and if we are on their list, we made it to the finalists. See Rev. 12; 11. Being ready does not mean having all your preps, having all your ammo, being politically active, hiding in a bunker if need be, or cowering in fear of what they may do, or being willing to compromise to save your earthly life and prolong your survival. The German citizenry fared pretty well in general when it came to survival. All they had to do was: deny their faith, deny their conscience, their convictions, morality, and go along with evil and murder, and turn a blind eye. It was only a few whose names we can list on one hand (there were others less well known of course) that resisted, put their Lord and faith above their own lives and survival, went to the camps for the Lord, suffered and gave their lives for Him, and graduated with honors and entered the ranks of glorious martyrs. Those were the ones that were ready. I will follow in their wake. How many are with me? What is your definition of survival? Dying with your faith and soul intact, or ‘surviving’ at the expense of your soul and entrance to heaven? Don’t be fooled that you can have it both ways by any twisting of things by the devil. All I can say is it is coming and folks need to resolve and determine how they will react when met with that valley of decision.

      Note: This may be the last pep talk I can give as the days get darker, so yes I pulled out all the stops and went ‘full ammo’ mode on it. That kind of ammo. ; )


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      1. From what I see Mr. Global is willing to poison his staunchest allies.

        But, no doubt there will be perks to bending the knee to Caesar. A free pod, bugs and lab grown tumors to eat versus homelessness, starvation, or execution.


      2. Pastor Jack Hibbs is a fine Pastor and man of God. He refused to go along with the anti Jesus stance of government and gave a prayer from his heart. He defied “the rules” and gave glory to the God of the Bible with out fear. We may have a Godless government in this country now but there are still millions of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ and we choose not to bullied by the Godless. Pastor Hibbs is one.


  8. I guess we get what we ask for.

    Liberal Lib”eral (l[i^]b”[~e]ral), a. [F. lib[‘e]ral, L.
    liberalis, from liber free; perh. akin to libet, lubet, it
    pleases, E. lief. Cf. {Deliver}.]

    1. Free by birth; hence, befitting a freeman or gentleman;

    Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)


  9. The “handwriting on the wall” cannot be erased, cannot be ignored, cannot be changed. However, the Good News [ Jesus Christ and Him Crucified, Risen, Seated at the Right Hand of God ] is also unchangeable. We must make reasonable preparations for what lies ahead. And, we must keep the Faith !!!

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    1. Myself and others are getting house in order (tossing, donating stuff) and making room for preps and essentials. I will go to Wal Mart and get items to top off first aid kit and toiletries to stash. I have unsubscribed to mailing lists and kept only a few for updates, it as much time to waste online when other things are priority now. We may have to fight for our lives than be taken prisoners, etc. Make sure family and friends likeminded are well stocked w/ ammo because in some parts of the county it will be used up faster than other areas. I expect lawlessness and chaos ahead of this election in the fall. Best to run errands early in the day then stay home.

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  10. I live in Oregon. It’s time to recall Governor Kotek. All of her policies are destructive and totalitarian. She is trying to pass legislation to heavily fine anyone that dares to question election results. Many believe that the last governors election was corrupt. Citizens must start recall petitions for liberals from city council level to Mayors to Governors that behave as dictators and ignore the will of the people.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. with all due respect, all of these actions within the confines of an authoritarian regime that no longer has to answer to us, is a waste of time. a recall will not be any more successful than it was in California.

      eventually, the people, such as these ranchers and farmers, will have to stand against this fascism and truly, genuinely WITHDRAW CONSENT TO BE GOVERNED and refuse to comply with illegitimate government. and that involves a lot more than just being mad about policy, sending tweets, and voting fruitlessly.

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  11. Not yet. But if we prepare ahead of time, we may be able to chart the best course of resistance. My neighbors no longer laugh when I tell them what’s going on.

    One key variable in the brutality of lockdown measures if you examine it around the world. The response of those agreeing to the measures. Way more important than the party of the governor in charge.


    1. The Governors are carrying out the agendas of the federal government and the unelected elitists of the WEF against the will of the people. They must be removed quickly through recalls and honest elections. They are the direct threat to the citizens of a state.

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      1. US Congress and the courts also on board w/ leftist agendas. We see no point in voting for sometime.


    2. Exactly. They keep going as far as they know they can get away with it when it comes to the majority of the population’s response. Sadly most conform.

      Funny how all those laughing, dismissive, and even scornful looks have dissolved into looks of concern, staunch seriousness, and brows plagued by worry, no?!

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