U.S. Supreme Court says it’s OK for federal government to outsource online censorship to Big Tech, curtailing free speech of all Americans

Today is a dark day for freedom in America.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 6-3 Wednesday in Murthy v. Missouri that challengers alleging the Biden regime colluded with social-media companies to remove content the government viewed as unfavorable did not have the legal right to sue. Therefore, the court did not rule on the merits of the case.

The High Court determined neither the Louisiana and Missouri attorneys general nor the five private individuals who brought the lawsuit had standing to seek an injunction against any of the government defendants.

The challengers attributed the restrictions they experienced on social media to the U.S. Surgeon General, the White House Press Secretary and dozens of other Biden administration officials from the White House, FBI, and CDC. They alleged a “coordinated campaign” between the officials and Big Tech companies, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google, to censor content dealing with opposition to government narratives about COVID-19, the validity of the 2020 election, the Hunter Biden laptop story, abortion, gender discussions, and more.

The Supreme Court noted that while the social media platforms had their own “independent incentives to moderate content,” the government was indeed influential in those choices but rejected the assertion that there was a “concrete link” between the free speech injuries and the government.

Here’s my bottom line takeaway from this case: This was a cowardly move by the Supreme Court. Six of the nine justices lack the will to decide on a major question of how speech gets regulated and censored in America. It’s done not directly but every bit as convincingly as any dictatorship. The U.S. government, because it is constrained by the Constitution’s First Amendment from limiting the speech of free Americans, that same federal government has outsourced the censorship to private social-media platforms, threatening them with the financial handouts that make running a major social media company very profitable, and then hiding behind a façade of innocence, claiming it’s not at all involved in the censorship because it extorted a third party to do its dirty work of shutting down free speech.

This amounts to a major defeat for free speech. As a result, I lament, it amounts to another nail in the coffin of our constitutional republic. I say that because the government has found an end-run around the Constitution that enables it to shut down the free flow of information in this country, and without vital information flowing to the public, enabling it to make educated electoral decisions, there is no democracy nor is there any constitutionalism. And any government that succeeds in such a devious route toward the trampling of its own Constitution, the very document meant to keep it in check, cannot be called either a democracy or a republic. We now live under a dictatorship. Full stop.

We actually saw how this devious method of government censorship already has affected at least one presidential election. In 2020, when a factual article about candidate Joe Biden’s son having incriminating evidence of crimes committed on his laptop — a story that was deliberately supressed by both social media and legacy media. Opinion polls later indicated that many Americans would not have voted for Biden had they known about this story, which was reported factually by the New York Post, a newspaper that to this day stands behind the story and has never been ruled by any court to have defamed or libeled the Biden crime family.

To rule on standing and refuse to even hear the merits of the case brought by the states of Missouri and Louisiana, shows in living color that the U.S. Supreme Court is a captured institution. The majority of its members are either too intellectually weak or they are lacking in courage to take on the biggest issue of the day right now in a country under distress — the people’s and the press’s freedom to speak out critically of their government. Without the freedom of speech and press, there is no freedom at all, because the government controls the narrative and is able to quash dissent and make a mockery of the truth. The deep state must have these six justices very afraid. And that’s not how free countries roll.

Again, it was the Trump appointees to the Supreme Court who let us down. Two of the three, Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh, voted with the liberals.

Justice Barrett authored the majority court opinion stating it was a “tall order” to associate government actions with the injuries or even with “a substantial risk of future injuries.”

“To establish standing, the plaintiffs must demonstrate a substantial risk that, in the near future, they will suffer an injury that is traceable to a Government defendant and redressable by the injunction they seek. Because no plaintiff has carried that burden, none has standing to seek a preliminary injunction,” wrote Justice Barrett.

“The plaintiffs treat the defendants as a monolith, claiming broadly that ‘“the government’” continues to communicate with the platforms about ‘“content-moderation issues,”’ continued Justice Barrett. “But we must confirm that each Government defendant continues to engage in the challenged conduct, which is ‘coercion’ and ‘significant encouragement,’ not mere “communication’… “The plaintiffs, without any concrete link between their injuries and the defendants’ conduct, ask us to conduct a review of the years-long communications between dozens of federal officials, across different agencies, with different social-media platforms, about different topics. This Court’s standing doctrine prevents us from ‘exercis[ing such] general legal oversight’ of the other branches of Government.”

Justices Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, and Neil Gorsuch dissented from the majority opinion. Justice Alito in his dissent stated that the evidence was “more than sufficient” to establish the right to sue.

“These past and threatened future injuries were caused by and traceable to censorship that the officials coerced, and the injunctive relief [the plaintiff] sought was an available and suitable remedy,” wrote Justice Alito. “This evidence was more than sufficient to establish [the plaintiff’s] standing to sue, and consequently, we are obligated to tackle the free speech issue that the case presents. The Court, however, shirks that duty and thus permits the successful campaign of coercion in this case to stand as an attractive model for future officials who want to control what the people say, hear, and think.”

Justice Alito quoted another Supreme Court decision from earlier this month which stated that government efforts to “dictate” or “suppress” protected speech are “presumptively unconstitutional” even when it involves a “third-party intermediary.”

“As we said there, ‘a government official cannot do indirectly what she is barred from doing directly,’ and while an official may forcefully attempt to persuade, ‘[w]hat she cannot do . . . is use the power of the State to punish or suppress disfavored expression,’” wrote Justice Alito. “If the lower courts’ assessment of the voluminous record is correct, this is one of the most important free speech cases to reach this Court in years.”

Perhaps the court did leave a small crack in the door, open to a future case that would resolve its issues about the plaintiffs not having standing. But until I see another case that the Court is willing to accept, I see this as a cowardly cop out at a moment in history when we the people needed the court to make a hard stand in favor of free speech. If the Court is saying that we the people can’t sue because we lack standing under the Constitution, then who was the Constitution written for? Not we the people. Not in the eyes of the Court.

Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver said, “Censoring viewpoints is a direct affront to free speech and offensive to the First Amendment. Once standing can be established, this government censorship of social media will end.”

I hope Staver is right. But I think he’s being overly optimistic on what kind of message the High Court delivered today. The way I see it, we the people don’t count for anything, and this was one branch of government (judicial) agreeing with another branch of the government (executive) saying it’s OK for the government to collude with Big Tech elites in a way that shuts down free speech in America. Another nail in the coffin.

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Independent author, researcher, writer.

15 thoughts on “U.S. Supreme Court says it’s OK for federal government to outsource online censorship to Big Tech, curtailing free speech of all Americans”

  1. Remember, the Supine Court does not make laws. Only recommendations. If YOU believe it against free speech on this ruling, then GUESS WHAT?

    Don’t obey it. Simple no?


  2. How many more rulings that discount our freedoms will happen before our freedoms are taken? I pray this ends soon! Thanks Leo for your courage to point out where our country is and what’s wrong in this nation.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I must agree with you, Leo. This is a sad, sad day for freedom of speech. As you put it, the Supreme Court is a “captured institution”. Personally, I think the outcome was a “done deal”. Wasn’t “lack of standing” used to throw out the early attempts to question the 2020 Presidential Election results ? I thought then, as now : “Who DOES have standing ?”

    Liked by 2 people

    1. its definitely a captured and corrupted institution, regardless if the stopped clock is right occasionally.

      But the “standing” thing – operating on technicalities – is also WEAKNESS.

      we know Roberts is obsessed, and has made it his personal mission, to give the thin veneer appearance that the court is unbiased and unified. as such, he has literally been on record throwing some cases out in order to side with others so that they can say its “fair” – which to the weak minded apparently means you throw a bone to both sides, whether their beliefs bear any resemblance to reality or not.

      IMO this cop-out is a sure-fire sign that a couple more rulings are coming that the “other side” won’t like. In other words, he steered the court to rule not on the Constitution, as is his mandate, but on appearances and trying to keep the riots and civil war to a minimum.

      These are all the hallmarks of a dying empire that KNOWS it is dying and no man or woman has the stones to stand up and risk being accused of the one holding the bag when it collapses.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. About the recent disappointing USC decision. One of my favorite talk show hosts basically stated that the Supreme Court justices were saving their hides with their ruling this week. Donald Trump, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, the J6ers, and several other people in recent years are examples of the unjust legal complications that ungodly, US leftists can cause people to experience over minor, non-felonious infractions, or even when they’re innocent of every allegation levied against them. Besides themselves (US leftists). Only those under the divine protection of God are immune to the evils of these people. Another perfect reason to have one’s house in order with God. And to remain in blessed fellowship with Him. These are not the days to attempt living without the power, grace, counsel and the wisdom of God. Facing anything with God in my corner is better than enduring anything without His presence and divine protection in my

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Who cares what the so-called “supreme court” says? It’s an OPINION, and affects only the parties named in the suit. The problem is that people are so dumbed down about the Law they think somehow it becomes the “law of the land”.

    The people have been so far removed from Law that they no longer know what it is. The reason government can get away with what it does is that People have forgotten it is THEIR JOB to enforce the Law against government agents. Not the other way around.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The government cares, and the Big Tech social-media platforms care, and in a case like this that’s all that counts. The Court basically said they don’t care what we the people think about being censored and left us at the mercy of the government-Big Tech censors.


      1. Leo, I certainly agree thats what the court is saying, but fundamentally DISAGREE that its “all that counts.”

        I suppose i take the comment above differently when Conrholio says “who cares”….

        If we truly believe that our rights are derived from god or natural law on account of us being human, then no man can remove them. if you concede to a man’s diktats the terms or nature of how you may exercise your right, then you have implicitly agreed that it is NOT a right – it is a privilege that man can give or take away.

        they are only RIGHTS if we regularly, unapologetically, and vociferously exercise them as we see fit. and anyone who tries to stop us should be treated as an enemy of the state.

        I cannot tell you how much it aggravates me when i hear someone smugly declare “don’t worry, SCOTUS will fix this.” not only is that a fool’s errand CURRENTLY, we are only a justice or two (and some crazed neo-fascist rage) away from never seeing any of those rights again – if your assumption is that 9 wet overcooked noodles in robes have the right to tell you what is and isn’t a right, and then to obey them.

        what this ruling tells me is that the court is just another ILLEGITIMATE entity in the growing list of illegitimacy. I do not recognize their authority to tell me whether i have standing or for their weakness and unwillingness to tackle difficult issues – and this behavior is not all that new.

        I’ve been pretty cynical about the judicial branch for quite some time, but after what we have seen the last couple years, it is safe to assume that they are every bit as corrupted and offensive to liberty as the other two branches.


        Liked by 1 person

    2. The Law of the land is disregarded in any case.

      By law, if an illegal alien is assisted in illegal entry into the United states and the result of that action results in the death of anyone from that point into the future, then that person or persons assisting in this violation is subject to the death penalty.

      “The secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Attorney General and the Secretary of State, as appropriate, shall develop and implement an outreach program to educate the public in the United States and abroad about the penalties for bringing in and harboring aliens in violation of this section.”




  6. I hope the 6 votes, against the People, of SCOTUS get to see justice soon! Then whom will the 6 have recourse with for there Constitutional failure ?

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Leo, I so appreciate your posts. I forward the posts from WordPress to a friend,–is that right? WordPress? Because he then blasts out your posts to his entire contact list. He is unable to do that with your SubStack posts. So thank you for continuing to send these. They’re getting out to more people than you realize. I thank God for you.

    Liked by 2 people

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